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Topic: racist
supermike48's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:44 AM
is there a bigger racist in in USA then rush Limbaugh.

krupa's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:08 AM

is there a bigger racist in in USA then rush Limbaugh.

Maybe Al Sharpton but, I would need to get them both on a scale to be sure.

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 10:19 AM

is there a bigger racist in in USA then rush Limbaugh.

Nah he just sounds like a racist. Doesn't he say he isn't but it accused of it? Either way I could care less what Limbaugh is..

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:03 PM
Limbaugh vs Sharpton. Looks like overtime...just me. Limbaugh speaks too much, Sharpton speaks too little.

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:27 PM
There is a reason Rush Limbaugh is the most popular talk show host in America.The reason is because he talks the truth and says it the way it is.All your left leaning liberal talk show hosts are so far down in the ratings nobody has even heard of them.Your second and third most popular talk show host like Dan Savage and Mark levin also have millions of listeners.They are only going to get more popular and I fully support them.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:30 PM

There is a reason Rush Limbaugh is the most popular talk show host in America.The reason is because he talks the truth and says it the way it is.All your left leaning liberal talk show hosts are so far down in the ratings nobody has even heard of them.Your second and third most popular talk show host like Dan Savage and Mark levin also have millions of listeners.They are only going to get more popular and I fully support them.

You can't listen to AM when you are hip hopping and clubbing. AM is for working people. They only get soundbites on their Ipods on Rush. Most of his stuff is taken out of context, I agree. He still has a show. and is getting rich off of it. Good post, new angle. The old "beat him" card. Love it.

Winx's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:32 PM

There is a reason Rush Limbaugh is the most popular talk show host in America.The reason is because he talks the truth and says it the way it is.All your left leaning liberal talk show hosts are so far down in the ratings nobody has even heard of them.Your second and third most popular talk show host like Dan Savage and Mark levin also have millions of listeners.They are only going to get more popular and I fully support them.

He doesn't talk the truth. He puts his personal spin on things and calls it the truth.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:34 PM
Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Winx's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:36 PM

Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Yep, just like Howard Stern. Pure entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:38 PM

Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Yep, just like Howard Stern. Pure entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.

I have said this EVERY TIME I have been in a Rush thread. it's like the National Inquirer....there is SOME truth...but mostly fluff to sell the paper laugh

Winx's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:39 PM

Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Yep, just like Howard Stern. Pure entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.

I have said this EVERY TIME I have been in a Rush thread. it's like the National Inquirer....there is SOME truth...but mostly fluff to sell the paper laugh

You've found truth in the National Inquirer?shocked laugh

That is a good analogy.laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:41 PM
laugh only the when they say...ummm....Angelina Jolie is an alien...ok...the truth is...there is someone named Angelina Jolie laugh

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:42 PM
Edited by cabot on Sun 07/05/09 09:50 PM

Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Yep, just like Howard Stern. Pure entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.

Wrong there Girlfriend, Howard Stern took a leap on satellite radio and came up short. Limbaugh is on free AM and rakes it in. Apples and Oranges. Does Sharpton have a radio show? Or Jesse?, Where do they fit in the rankings...just asking.

Winx's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:44 PM

Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Yep, just like Howard Stern. Pure entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.

Wrong there Girlfriend, Howard Stern too a leap on satelite radio and came up short. Limbaugh is on free AM and rakes it in. Apples and Oranges. Does Sharpton have a radio show? Or Jesse?, Where do they fit in the rankings...just asking.

I wasn't talking about their incomes. I was talking their style and that they were both shock jocks and neither should be taken seriously.

DaveyB's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:44 PM

There is a reason Rush Limbaugh is the most popular talk show host in America.The reason is because he talks the truth and says it the way it is.All your left leaning liberal talk show hosts are so far down in the ratings nobody has even heard of them.Your second and third most popular talk show host like Dan Savage and Mark levin also have millions of listeners.They are only going to get more popular and I fully support them.

Not hardly. Most of the people I know that listen to him think he's a joke. Strictly entertainment. As Rose put it, just another shock jock, nothing more.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:53 PM

Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Yep, just like Howard Stern. Pure entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.

Wrong there Girlfriend, Howard Stern too a leap on satelite radio and came up short. Limbaugh is on free AM and rakes it in. Apples and Oranges. Does Sharpton have a radio show? Or Jesse?, Where do they fit in the rankings...just asking.

I wasn't talking about their incomes. I was talking their style and that they were both shock jocks and neither should be taken seriously.

Sorry Winx, I did not mean to offend, if I did. My point is Howard Stearn crashed his fortune and Rush is making money. I'm not a fan of either of them. Just saying more people believe Rush than Howard. I listen to local talk radio, It;s all I can some of this. :smile:

DaveyB's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:58 PM

Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Yep, just like Howard Stern. Pure entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.

Wrong there Girlfriend, Howard Stern too a leap on satelite radio and came up short. Limbaugh is on free AM and rakes it in. Apples and Oranges. Does Sharpton have a radio show? Or Jesse?, Where do they fit in the rankings...just asking.

I wasn't talking about their incomes. I was talking their style and that they were both shock jocks and neither should be taken seriously.

Sorry Winx, I did not mean to offend, if I did. My point is Howard Stearn crashed his fortune and Rush is making money. I'm not a fan of either of them. Just saying more people believe Rush than Howard. I listen to local talk radio, It;s all I can some of this. :smile:

I imagine you're right there. I think that's a matter of how they present themselves. Stern has never claimed to be anything more than entertainment. Rush seems to actually take himself seriously and so people fall into the trap of believing him.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 10:48 PM

franshade's photo
Mon 07/06/09 09:04 AM

Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Yep, just like Howard Stern. Pure entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.

Wrong there Girlfriend, Howard Stern took a leap on satellite radio and came up short. Limbaugh is on free AM and rakes it in. Apples and Oranges. Does Sharpton have a radio show? Or Jesse?, Where do they fit in the rankings...just asking.

does his having a radio show confirm he speaks the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

ThomasJB's photo
Mon 07/06/09 09:11 AM

Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Yep, just like Howard Stern. Pure entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.

Wrong there Girlfriend, Howard Stern took a leap on satellite radio and came up short. Limbaugh is on free AM and rakes it in. Apples and Oranges. Does Sharpton have a radio show? Or Jesse?, Where do they fit in the rankings...just asking.

does his having a radio show confirm he speaks the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Yes. Yes it does. It's just like the internet, if you hear it on the radio and/or read it on the internet then that means it has to be true. :wink:

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