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Topic: Permanent disclaimer
no photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:55 AM
This is my permanent disclaimer.

***Every post I make is my opinion and thoughts.***

Now I fully expect to be treated with respect by everyone else who posts
here, because I have made it clear that no matter how matter-of-fact my
post is, it is always just my opinions and thoughts. Nothing I say can
or should be criticized. I am innoculated from discord.

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 10:59 AM
Does that mean you stop criticizing others as well. Will you stop to
call them liars, trolls, sad Pandas? Will you stop to tell them they are
not able to drink milk, so how could they possibly be able to eat meat?
If that's the case, I'm fine with it.

wonderman37's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:03 AM
the poems that I write are just have to do with my relationship with
christ, I am not trying to push it off on anyone else.
I just post them and maybe I will reach the person that Jesus wants me
to but they are not being push thank you

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:03 AM
Could I have your definition of criticism, please.

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:10 AM

Your buddy AB just wrote this:

The word of Christ came from god.

Jesus was a man.

He was born of woman.

He just called EVERY Christian alive wrong. Could you take the blinders
off and see that it's not just Christians that make statements of faith?
Can you see that AB just insulted the beliefs of 2.1 BILLION people?

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:13 AM
No, he just stated his own opinion about it,

it's his right as well as yours.

He didn't call you a name, he didn't call you a liar, he just

stated his own belief. If you can do that, so can he.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:15 AM
Oh can it be an insult.

Those that beleive what they beleive will gloss it over as the rantings
of a mad man.

Those that see the truth will recognize the truth. He was born from the
womb of a human female. That makes him a human male.

I have stated a fact. I did not state that fact to insult.

On the contrary that to me makes his accomplishment his very
manifestation even greater to me. As he obtained such a lofty station so
to can I strive to become better than I have been.

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:15 AM

I started a thread to offer a commentary for "Turn the other cheek..."
Here is one of the replys to that thread.

So are we to understand that all of this Christian "forgiveness" is what
has led to so many people being killed/murdered because they refused to
follow the "righteous"? So many find the Bible to be a "holy" book. I
think it's pages are soaked in blood, the blood of the innocent who did
nothing other than follow their own heart & beliefs for which they were
put to death. But yet it states clearly "Thou shall not
kill"!!!Not..."Thou shall not kill {unless it is for religious reasons}.

**again, just my opinion, don't get your knickers in a twist**

It's a ranting attack against Christianity, which nobody who claims to
be all about "Peace and tolerance" had any problems with. My only guess
at a reason is that it's because of the clever disclaimer at the bottom.
I am posting in a forum filled with hypocrites who ignore BLATANT
attacks against Christianity, but then attack any Christian who states
their beliefs with conviction.

Who here has the honesty to finally stand up and say that they want ONE
standard, not a sliding bar based on who your friends are?

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:20 AM

I have a bad temper, it's something that Jesus is helping me with. If
you go back to the earlier thread, when I first got here...You will see
that I didn't call anybody names, I was called names. I was told that I
didn't think. I was told I was indoctrinated. I was told that
Christianity is a violent religion. I was told that the Bible was a
box. I was told many things that insulted my character and my religion.
I admit that I have been rude to people, but if you go back, you will
see that I didn't do so until they attacked me or my beliefs first.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:24 AM
Kinda hard to find one standard.

'thou shalt not kill...'

'Take thy men and thy horses and thy chariots and go down amoungts them
and put them to death with by the edge of the sword and burn their
houses down about them that there be no man nor boy left among them and
take you the woman and children that they may serve thee...'

Which standard shall it be?

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:24 AM
Well, wouldn't it have made more sense to attack the people that
attacked you? Or on second thought, what about the other cheek?
I have never personally attacked you, and yet you called me names, how
is that for a game of cards? You called people liar after twisting their
words to suit you, is that not an attack?
Think before you post, try to keep you statements neutral, don't call
people names, or liars that have only done what you do yourself, stating
their opinions.

wonderman37's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:25 AM
I remenber that on spider the disclaimer got made at me yesterday

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:27 AM
My opinion is this: How posts are worded is what is causing the big
friction in this site. I think religion is a very personal issue. It
is very easy to read and jump to "WTF". As I may have mentioned, the
way I read your posts - my perception is that of an underlying current
of my way or the highway. Do you realize, I don't even know what "way"
you follow. Also, I would refer to my own posts as overzealous,
especially where your opinion and belief is concerned because of your
zeal for your topic and my zeal that there are more ways to follow than
the one of your chosing.

wonderman37's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:31 AM
mad sorry another typo

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:33 AM

What Adventure posted is aboslutely correct...even christians agree

Christ was born of a woman

therefore he was a man... flesh and blood just like you and I.

Did he not bleed on the cross? He died so that we could be saved.

When he died he took his place beside his father but while on earth he
walked as a man.

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:35 AM

Another thing that drove the non-Christians here crazy is if I said
their interpretation of Christian scriptures was wrong. What's
interesting is that Abra and AdventureBegins freely admit that they
don't read the Bible, so why would anyone believe that they could offer
accurate commentary on the Bible?

Jews view the Torah to be one work written by many different people over
a long period of time.

Christians view the Bible to be one work written by many different
people over a long period of time.

In both cases, scriptures are often taken from many different books to
make a single message. Look at my commentary on "Turn the other cheek".
I had to pull scripture from a couple different places to explain what
just one verse actually means. If you don't have a good knowledge of
the Bible (which can only be aquired from reading the Bible), then you
shouldn't be offering commentary. It's just simple logic. If someone
offers a flawed commentary, it's a misrepresentation of the truth.
Similar to a man making a statement of what it's like to be a woman.
Unless the guy has lived as a woman, he has no idea. Or a white man
saying how easy a life black men have. If you aren't familiar with the
whole Bible, your understanding of a single scripture can be horribly

For instance, most Christians and non-Christians believe that "turn the
other cheek" means forgiveness, but it's actually about vigilantism and
that position is supported by theologians around the world. I have
offered a commentary that shows just that using the scriptures, you can
read it for yourself.

I am wrong about a lot of things. I just recently admitted to being
wrong in a thread AdventureBegins started in another forum. Being wrong
isn't the worst thing in the world, it just means you didn't know or
didn't understand. It isn't an insult to be wrong about a subject that
you aren't familiar with.

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:38 AM

Jesus was fully God and fully man. Jesus survived for fourty days in
the desert without food or water, a man couldn't do that. The point is
that teaching "Jesus was a man. He was born of woman" is leaving out
the divine aspect of Christ, which is vitally important to the message.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:38 AM
In all honesty Spider I don’t care what you post. I don’t even care if
you claim to be god.

That would actually fit right in with my belief anyway. I actually do
indeed believe that you are god, you just don’t know it yet.

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:42 AM
I do read parts of the bible sometimes, but isn't the interpretation
left to me, the person who reads it?
If I do interpret in a way you don't agree with, it's MY interpretation,
isn't it? It's the way I perceive the words, so
which ever way MY interpretation goes, it can't be wrong, only different
to yours.

no photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:43 AM

Do you really have to ask that?

First, it's "You shall not commit murder". KJV used the word "kill",
but the word should have been "murder". I think every translation
except KJV reads "murder". No translation is perfect.

Second, those were exceptions. If you read the scriptures, you would
know that. Those people were warned by the Holy Spirit to leave. We
are told by Rahab that a terrible fear fell on the people of Canaan and
that they knew God had given their lands to the Israelites. They could
have left. Or they could have joined the Israelites. But they choose
to disobey God and brought death onto their own heads.

This is another example (and I'm not picking on you) of why a firm
knowledge of the Bible is needed before you should write commentary of
interpretations of scripture and why only Christians who are versed in
the Bible should answer questions about the scriptures.

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