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Topic: Can a woman with five kids find love?
seaturtle43's photo
Wed 06/17/09 03:50 PM
I tried dating for awhile after my divorce some years back and had no luck. It was like the word kids sent them scurrying faster than a mouse. Now that I'm older and therefore date prospects are older,(seems like the 30 something men were not wanting to get tied down with a woman with kids) I'm hoping that isn't the case.

hello everyone, I'm new here waving

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 06/17/09 04:02 PM


ThomasJB's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:35 PM
For every man out there that doesn't like previous kids there are two that do not see that as a problem and would love your children as much as he loved you.

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:14 PM
Edited by sweetsimplesassy on Wed 06/17/09 09:14 PM
I too am a single Mom of 3 ages 16, 15 and 5....my youngest ones "dad" and i were never married and he left when i was preg. ...still single and he is now 5...it takes time and being cautious,,guess thats my 5 yr old since he doesnt know what its like to have a daddy, he will most likely get attached easy...but i am okk being single and in that, i know i am ready for any possible relationship that may happen, so..here I am! flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 06/25/09 09:05 PM

godsdaughter46's photo
Thu 07/09/09 02:07 PM
i just wanna say,your children are blessings from GOD so considered yourself blessed,ask GOD to send the right man into your life keeps your eyes and heart open and you will know the real deal,a true man of GOD will love you and your children,i have 5 wonderful children,and am searching again, but most of all become friends first dont rush into anything with anyone,i promise you ive learned to sit back and analize any relationship good and bad to see if its worth continueing, watch them around your kids see there face expressions will say it all,may GOD BLESS YOU IN YOUR SEARCH FOR TRUE HAPPINESS FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN,BARB

willing2's photo
Thu 07/09/09 03:35 PM
I have been with women with kids. About 4 different times.
One child, I practically raised for five years and one day the Mom told me I was too strict and to not discipline the child any longer. The child started being very disrespectful and I wound up getting out.

Must say. 5 kids to raise, a job, a house to maimtain. I see some guy sitting on the shelf waiting for you making time for him.

Why not focus on getting your kids raised. Then, you have time and can actively participate in an adult relationship

izzie's photo
Thu 07/09/09 09:40 PM
I see a lot of people in this thread saying that they dont see you being able to make time for the other person... honestly.. if you WANT to make time for the other person, you will.. if you dont.. you wont.. i have 4 children.. ages ranging from 8 to 2.. and i find PLENTY of time for my fieance.. some of it with the kids.. and some of it without.. what is the difference in a "workaholic" or someone who is so into the computer that they cant make time for their mate.. and a parent.. no difference honestly.. if you want time with that person.. you will make it.. if you dont.. you werent ready for that relationship in the first place..

best of luck.. there are great guys out there... i found one..
there is still hope....
best wishes to all the single parents.. moms and dads alike..

Gossipmpm's photo
Fri 07/10/09 05:03 AM
I don't know

I raised 4 daughters I promised them a long time ago. No man was going to come into their lives
Or into their home! I raised them stayed home for them and it was really no big deal. I really didn't pine away looking for a man. My job was mom. I did it!

Now that they are much older. I am on the prowl......LOL. Jk

willing2's photo
Fri 07/10/09 08:59 AM

I don't know

I raised 4 daughters I promised them a long time ago. No man was going to come into their lives
Or into their home! I raised them stayed home for them and it was really no big deal. I really didn't pine away looking for a man. My job was mom. I did it!

Now that they are much older. I am on the prowl......LOL. Jk

Congratulations on setting your priorities.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 07/10/09 11:43 PM
I hear ya and I feel ya.
It's complicated.
It takes a saint of a man, it didn't happen for me. I have raised 3 boys, 2 are still at home, one is under 18 now and I just bagged it ten years ago and was just a mom. It wasn't so bad, lonely some and for along time I forgot how to spell fun.. My boys are great men, they respect me and women in general and appreciate me putting them first. My boys tell me to date, find a great guy, just don't bring any jerks around cause we'll kick his a** .
I'm with you JK... now that the all consuming single parenting is lightening up I am on the prowl in a big way....blushing
However, I do feel I have more to offer now. I have learned much about forgiveness and unconditional love from my boys. The man I end up with will benefit from that indeed!

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Tue 07/21/09 05:37 PM
Love is out there to be had it just takes a special person to understand how we as moms, especially single moms,
Try so hard to be mom and dad to our children.

I think it is hilariys when I meet a guy and we get to the part where he asks about kids. I would smile a wicked smile and say I have 8 just to get a reaction. They usually either 1) laugh and say "really". Or 2) pause and get a painful look on their face, or 3) they buy you a drink and ask "how do you do it...

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 07/21/09 08:52 PM
This might sound like a dumb question...but do you love your kids? Like your life?

My guess is you would say Y-E-S! Well if you feel that way why wouldn't a guy? Likeing kids being PART of your life isn't exclusive to Moms or even guys who have kids.

My late husband kind of shocked me. Everyone thought he was a terminal bachelor and the truth was he just wasn't all that hot for babies but he wanted to be a parent when he was ready and thought my sons were a prayer answered. No we didn't have five but one we did have was profoundly disabled and probably demanded as much as three all in himself. And we were checking into getting more when he passed.

Hang in there. Go out with your family and have a blast! Nothing makes someone want you as seeing you really loving your life; kids and all. While I wouldn't bring a new person into the "family" up front I would not be so afraid of my kids being around someone you like that you make it something fearful.

Keep your eyes open and check out the background of everyone but it isn't just boyfriends who abuse kids. Part of what they learn about relationships requires actually having them. Even the ones that fail.

no photo
Wed 07/22/09 03:29 AM

Hello! YOU don't know me but i have been on dating sites: Are you single, married or with child. Great
If you had a chance to date a wonderful amazing person would you do it? Great. and last question, Are you ready to date that amazing person know? YES>>. great what time can i pick you up for dinner so we can start a life time commitment relationship???????? CLICK....

WHAT A WHACK O... Hay honny! I just got the strangest call in my life.

NOW>>> people did you just miss this.... The first Question was! ARE YOU SINGLE....... hAAA HAA HAA..

Sorry everyone had to just break the ice and make everyone laugh for a while........ Julie blushing noway laugh rofl waving

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