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Topic: Give up
yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:28 AM
Have you ever been so tired or feel beat down by past relationships that you are too tired to look for anyone or care if you ever found someone???

TexasScoundrel's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:31 AM
Nope. But I haven't found it difficult to find someone new. In fact I enjoy the process of looking for her. I get to meet all kinds of interesting people. But, I'm a very social person. I go out three or four nights a week.

OrangeCat's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:32 AM
this is the reason I am single

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:32 AM
I'm very socialable too. I just don't feel like doing anything but just hang out with friends. I don't know if my heart closed up on love or whatohwell

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:33 AM

this is the reason I am single

why??? because you feel the same??? so I guess it's not just me???

OrangeCat's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:35 AM

this is the reason I am single

why??? because you feel the same??? so I guess it's not just me???

yes I feel the same

I am actaully to the point where I cant even make a relationship work out,even when I get the chance.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:37 AM
OC...I haven't gotten there yet...but I am emotional, mentally and (at times) physically exhausted. if the thought of a relationship comes to my mind these days...i think "eh....maybe tomorrow"

OrangeCat's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:41 AM

I do hear you

and although I am only 25

I have had my fair share

basically any one gets to close to me,I find a reason,excuse to push them away.

no photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:41 AM
I think we all get to that point. Being a little bitter, a little jaded, a lot cynical. It just feels like "Eh, what's the point? He/she is gonna screw me over." That's when it becomes self fulfilling prophecy.
Eventually, I'll have another relationship. Hopefully it will work out. Either way, I'm going to have one hell of a good time. I honestly don't want to spend the rest of my life alone, but it's going to take someone REALLY special to get past the walls I've built around my heart, and quite frankly I've not met a guy yet who had that sort of patience.

bgeorge's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:42 AM
nope...i love longest relationship in 11 yrs lasted 3 wks...and that was 2 wks too long to suit me...i do think i'll run into mr right one day, i think of myself as a professional dater...

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:44 AM
well...I don't think that the next will screw me over. I guess I just feel burned out. more tired than leery of the idea of a relationship.

I really don't think I have walls up because of fear of things. I'm honestly just burned out on the idea. I've never experienced this before so I didn't know if anyone else has. or maybe I finally realized that I'm comfortable with myself and not afraid of being alone????

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:45 AM
lol have more energy than me (not talking about physical) loldrinker

no photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:49 AM
If you're comfortable with yourself, you ROCK chickie, not many can say that lol And not many more will say they're content without a relationship.
I've not burned out on dating yet...YET being the keyword there lol I'm burned out on comittment (see, can't even spell the word LOL) I kinda like the dating part. Of course, I hadn't dated for the past 8 years until recently, so the new hasn't quite worn off for me yet.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:53 AM
laugh are a doll.

I was just fixing my coffee and something hit me. I have always given more into a relationship than I got back. I worry about people and in my heart I want to fix every little problem even though my brain knows I can't and should just be there for people.

for the first time...I'm not worrying about a bf and can concentrate on me. and do what I want when I want.

could that be it????

bgeorge's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:54 AM

lol have more energy than me (not talking about physical) loldrinker

i may have more physical energy than you also...i have 3 kids and i'm raising my granddaughter who will be 3 next maybe stamina is a better for your original q...personally i just love the presence of men...

Cursed's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:54 AM
Oddly enough it's not the fact that I don't want to do anything. I understand what you feel though. I, personally, devoted seven loyal years to one person just to be left in torment. I believe they call it being jaded. It shall pass eventually. Just do what you have to do to cope for now until you either meet someone or feel content enough and someone will come along to sweep you off of your feet.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:55 AM
I do too...most of my friends are guys and I hang out with them and shoot pool. but I feel drained at the thought of dating or getting involved.

hereformore's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:57 AM

Have you ever been so tired or feel beat down by past relationships that you are too tired to look for anyone or care if you ever found someone???
Yea, I think I know what you mean. It isn't that I don't care if I find someone, but at times I wonder if the effort of looking is worth it. So much goes into the process for not knowing the outcome. I know that sounds lazy doesn't it? I keep telling myself that the really great guys are being well taken care of by the lucky women that have them because that is what I would be doing if I had a really great guy! Then I think, why bother looking?

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:58 AM
flowerforyou cursed...I'm sorry to hear that hun. but I don't think I am jaded. I have no "bad" feelings about men or dating. just tired. I don't know how to explain it. maybe I'm not doing a good job of trying to explain it. to this day...I don't wish anything bad on ex's. as far as the ex's go...I just wish they do their thing and I do mine. so I don't really have anything negative toward it....more that i'm just not interested right now. maybe it is a phase and will pass. but I'm actually fine being alone.

Cursed's photo
Tue 05/12/09 04:04 AM
Yeah. I hate being alone so much that I barely sleep anymore. I haven't slept in over forty eight hours so please bare with me on this. I know what you mean completely . I'm just not all here right now. drinker

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