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Topic: The Green Dragon's Tavern
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Tue 06/16/09 12:51 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 06/16/09 12:55 PM
A small hobbit no taller then 3 feet enters the tavern. He is plucking with his stubby fingers a small guitar. As he gracefully bows he takes a seat next to window humming a melody.

Boromir greets the hobbit.

"If you don't mind I would like a glass of your fine wine and perhaps I will dine, but for now may I play my music while I am still in line?" he asks humming along.

"Why sure you can and your wine is coming up," Boromir replies leaving to get the finest wine the lands has known.

Then the hobbit introduces himself as Billibon before singing the tales of some interesting adventurers destined to save the Lands of Bavidirian.

Follow the link to read up on the story - The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion - http://mingle2.com/topic/show/195574

thumper95's photo
Tue 06/16/09 12:59 PM
That would be good,, Long and hard have we trained,, and no rest for us. We are preparing for trouble. I have smelled a large orc party on my way here.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 01:47 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 06/16/09 02:17 PM

That would be good,, Long and hard have we trained,, and no rest for us. We are preparing for trouble. I have smelled a large orc party on my way here.

Boromir gives a worried expression. "Well it can't be anything you can't handle Draven. I mean your name is known throughout the the lands as bards praise your name. They sing of your name highly as you are known to have stopped entire armies. By the way is this true?" Boromir asks curiously.

He puts a mug of potent dwarven meade for his friend hoping it will relax him after a long days adventure.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 04:33 PM
As the beautiful music is played by the hobbit, Boromir wanders over Criani who is enjoying a good drink at the bar.

"What do you know of golden eggs? It was a large one at that. Wouldn't it be a dragons egg perhaps. Everyone believes it to be," Boromir mentions.

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 06/16/09 11:38 PM
Criani takes a sip of her Grapan, then leans back in her seat. "Hmmm... It sure does sound like it. Where might this egg be? I would like to see it. If it's a dragon's egg and it's golden that is a good sign!"

She takes another drink as her mind wanders back to the time that she battled the Green Dragon. It was a time of daring and great adventure, an adventure where she almost lost her life had it not been for her magical shield...

'The Green Dragon lay asleep curled up as most dragons do, with every exhale came a tiny flame. She lay in wait for many hours until she knew he was comatose deep in sleep. Criani then very carefully dirk in hand and magical shield in place crept ever so slowly toward the sleeping dragon. She knew that he guarded the precious jewels that she so desperately needed to retire from this warrioress life. Jewels of all shapes and sizes. Rubies, emeralds, diamonds and pearls, not to mention many others. She had definite plans for those jewels and she had no intention of leaving until she had what she came for!'

'The closer she got to the sleeping dragon, the more rank the odor that was emitted with every breath he let out. Sulphur burning is not exactly a pleasant smell to the nose, not to mention the burning sensation with each inhale. She held her breath for as long as she could before taking another. Closer and closer she crept, ready for any sudden movement. Ah, there it is! The bag of jewels lay resting right by it's front feet, mere inches from it fire breathing nostrils...'

'At last, after what felt like an interminably long time, she was standing before the great Green dragon. She peered at him for a moment longer before reaching out slowly, fingers and arm extended as far as she could reach. The tips of her fingers brushed the bag. Almost! She leaned in abit further, battle axe raised high with her other hand and tried to gently take the bag without waking the dragon. About that time, a large owl screeched in the night to the top of it's lungs and the Green dragon's eyes opened... At first, just a tiny slit, then they opened completely. Surprise written within. He wasn't the only one surprised either. Criani quickly snatched the jewels while bringing her battle axe down hard on the green dragons' left wing, breaking it in the hopes that he could not fly after her and then she ran! There was a place outside of the woods that would be more advantageous to her in a battle with this huge, fire breathing fiend. She did not want to die in a forest fire, she'd rather die in battle.'

'The Green dragon bellowed out a gruesome roar from the pain, then reared back and let out a stream of fire that scorched the back of Criani's hair and clothes as she ran in the direction of the great rocks that she had espied earlier on her way in. The green dragon could not fly now but he had the advantage of fire power and Criani knew he would not give up his jewels easily.'

'Finally she was there! The great rocks were massive and had many tunnels within that the dragon's fire could not reach. She went deep inside and placed the jewels in the spot she had chosen during her scouting, so that if she lost the battle, the Green dragon would not have won completely, he would never reach the jewels here.

'As she went back out to face the dragon, he appeared at the edge of the forest. He had cleared a path with his gigantuous body and the timbers were smoking from the fire he breathed. He was livid! He roared to the top of his lungs and came at Criani with all the anger he had inside him! To be bested by a human was not what he was willing to ever have happen to him. Criani was on the highest point of the great rocks, and she was ready for him! As fire raced toward her, she held up her magical shield to ward it off. Blast after blast came at her, the power of it enough to knock one off their feet had they been able to live through it. Finally, the Green dragon was eye level with Criani. She looked at him and smiled in her calm way and then jumped...'

'His mouth opened as he ferociously tried to grab her in mid-air, but he hadn't the quickness of this warrioress! She landed on the back of his neck, took her dagger and stabbed his left eye. Blood squirted out as the Green dragon was partially blinded and he screamed in pain, yet again. She then took her battle axe out of it's sheath and struck it's other wing with all her might! Oh, the agonizing bellow that came forth was spine chilling. The Green Dragon shook his head desperately and angrily, trying with all his might to shake off the devil that was mounted upon him. The last fling of his head sent Criani flying into the air before she landed at his feet. He towered above her, his only good eye piercing Criani with a stare that was full with hate. Mouth opened, blood dripping onto Criani as he slowly, flames flickering from his nostrils reached for her...'

'Criani was a little slow in reacting. She had hit her head with much force when she landed from her somersault in the air. She saw two heads coming toward her...'

'It was then she came to her senses. Two heads? Dragon's don't have two heads! She raised up her magical shield once again and began chanting words intelligable to anyone except her and her shield. The rubies on the magical shield began to glow a deep, dark red and a high pitch keeling came from it. The rubies became so bright and piercing that the Dragon was blinded completely; the sound that the shield made was mind altering and the Green Dragon could not function. He froze in place for a moment and then suddenly fell over sideways out cold.'

'Criani scooted backwards quickly as she saw him heading toward the ground, then she jumped up as quick as her sore body would allow and raced into the great rocks to grab the jewels she had won and set off at a brisk pace towards Sinatorium. She had many days ahead of her before reaching her destination, plus some because she would be taking the round about way so if the Green Dragon decided to follow her later, he would lose her tracks.'

'It was as she made her way home that she found her trusty companion, Beast...'

Criani suddenly came out of her reverie. "A golden egg!! Oh, that it truly is a Golden Dragon! What a wonderful thing it would be! Golden Dragons are of good alignment and we could use such a mighty one on our side!"

thumper95's photo
Wed 06/17/09 05:20 AM
Draven ponders what the innkeep speaks, Armies? What the orcs in large numbers are not is armies. They have no real leaders,, and remind me of a gaggle of headless geese loosed upon the field of battle. Any warrior worth his salt can dispatch large numbers of them with no problem.

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 07:34 AM

Draven ponders what the innkeep speaks, Armies? What the orcs in large numbers are not is armies. They have no real leaders,, and remind me of a gaggle of headless geese loosed upon the field of battle. Any warrior worth his salt can dispatch large numbers of them with no problem.

"Forgive me my friend. I am but a humble barkeep. I know nothing of the arts of war. Let me get you another mug of meade. The finest from the dwarven empire," Boromir offers.

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 07:46 AM
Edited by smiless on Wed 06/17/09 08:00 AM

Criani takes a sip of her Grapan, then leans back in her seat. "Hmmm... It sure does sound like it. Where might this egg be? I would like to see it. If it's a dragon's egg and it's golden that is a good sign!"

She takes another drink as her mind wanders back to the time that she battled the Green Dragon. It was a time of daring and great adventure, an adventure where she almost lost her life had it not been for her magical shield...

'The Green Dragon lay asleep curled up as most dragons do, with every exhale came a tiny flame. She lay in wait for many hours until she knew he was comatose deep in sleep. Criani then very carefully dirk in hand and magical shield in place crept ever so slowly toward the sleeping dragon. She knew that he guarded the precious jewels that she so desperately needed to retire from this warrioress life. Jewels of all shapes and sizes. Rubies, emeralds, diamonds and pearls, not to mention many others. She had definite plans for those jewels and she had no intention of leaving until she had what she came for!'

'The closer she got to the sleeping dragon, the more rank the odor that was emitted with every breath he let out. Sulphur burning is not exactly a pleasant smell to the nose, not to mention the burning sensation with each inhale. She held her breath for as long as she could before taking another. Closer and closer she crept, ready for any sudden movement. Ah, there it is! The bag of jewels lay resting right by it's front feet, mere inches from it fire breathing nostrils...'

'At last, after what felt like an interminably long time, she was standing before the great Green dragon. She peered at him for a moment longer before reaching out slowly, fingers and arm extended as far as she could reach. The tips of her fingers brushed the bag. Almost! She leaned in abit further, battle axe raised high with her other hand and tried to gently take the bag without waking the dragon. About that time, a large owl screeched in the night to the top of it's lungs and the Green dragon's eyes opened... At first, just a tiny slit, then they opened completely. Surprise written within. He wasn't the only one surprised either. Criani quickly snatched the jewels while bringing her battle axe down hard on the green dragons' left wing, breaking it in the hopes that he could not fly after her and then she ran! There was a place outside of the woods that would be more advantageous to her in a battle with this huge, fire breathing fiend. She did not want to die in a forest fire, she'd rather die in battle.'

'The Green dragon bellowed out a gruesome roar from the pain, then reared back and let out a stream of fire that scorched the back of Criani's hair and clothes as she ran in the direction of the great rocks that she had espied earlier on her way in. The green dragon could not fly now but he had the advantage of fire power and Criani knew he would not give up his jewels easily.'

'Finally she was there! The great rocks were massive and had many tunnels within that the dragon's fire could not reach. She went deep inside and placed the jewels in the spot she had chosen during her scouting, so that if she lost the battle, the Green dragon would not have won completely, he would never reach the jewels here.

'As she went back out to face the dragon, he appeared at the edge of the forest. He had cleared a path with his gigantuous body and the timbers were smoking from the fire he breathed. He was livid! He roared to the top of his lungs and came at Criani with all the anger he had inside him! To be bested by a human was not what he was willing to ever have happen to him. Criani was on the highest point of the great rocks, and she was ready for him! As fire raced toward her, she held up her magical shield to ward it off. Blast after blast came at her, the power of it enough to knock one off their feet had they been able to live through it. Finally, the Green dragon was eye level with Criani. She looked at him and smiled in her calm way and then jumped...'

'His mouth opened as he ferociously tried to grab her in mid-air, but he hadn't the quickness of this warrioress! She landed on the back of his neck, took her dagger and stabbed his left eye. Blood squirted out as the Green dragon was partially blinded and he screamed in pain, yet again. She then took her battle axe out of it's sheath and struck it's other wing with all her might! Oh, the agonizing bellow that came forth was spine chilling. The Green Dragon shook his head desperately and angrily, trying with all his might to shake off the devil that was mounted upon him. The last fling of his head sent Criani flying into the air before she landed at his feet. He towered above her, his only good eye piercing Criani with a stare that was full with hate. Mouth opened, blood dripping onto Criani as he slowly, flames flickering from his nostrils reached for her...'

'Criani was a little slow in reacting. She had hit her head with much force when she landed from her somersault in the air. She saw two heads coming toward her...'

'It was then she came to her senses. Two heads? Dragon's don't have two heads! She raised up her magical shield once again and began chanting words intelligable to anyone except her and her shield. The rubies on the magical shield began to glow a deep, dark red and a high pitch keeling came from it. The rubies became so bright and piercing that the Dragon was blinded completely; the sound that the shield made was mind altering and the Green Dragon could not function. He froze in place for a moment and then suddenly fell over sideways out cold.'

'Criani scooted backwards quickly as she saw him heading toward the ground, then she jumped up as quick as her sore body would allow and raced into the great rocks to grab the jewels she had won and set off at a brisk pace towards Sinatorium. She had many days ahead of her before reaching her destination, plus some because she would be taking the round about way so if the Green Dragon decided to follow her later, he would lose her tracks.'

'It was as she made her way home that she found her trusty companion, Beast...'

Criani suddenly came out of her reverie. "A golden egg!! Oh, that it truly is a Golden Dragon! What a wonderful thing it would be! Golden Dragons are of good alignment and we could use such a mighty one on our side!"

"Dear Criani your story never seems to get old. Each time is if I have heard it the first time. These are the moments I come to work to listen to tall tales of adventures. It is nice to see you back after a whole month gone. You must have experienced some hardship perhaps. Afterall you never left longer then two weeks. I tell you what you have experienced not many dare to even do. Meeting a ferocious dragon head on is something I would never think of doing. Well it was well worth it. Look at this place! The Green Dragon's Tavern! This place is famous throughout the lands. Even little kids talk about it from distant towns. Bards sing of your tales. I am convinced you are probably one of the most famous warriors to walk this planet," Boromir mentions after filling up her glass with some sweet grapan liquor.

"Perhaps the dragonrider will enter the tavern again one day to show you of this egg. It is quite fascinating," Boromir mentions.

thumper95's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:37 AM
Boromir, neve underestimate yourself. When called upon in urgent times, you never know what you can muster and what strength you can manage. The training is important,, but the heart is the key.

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:39 AM

Boromir, neve underestimate yourself. When called upon in urgent times, you never know what you can muster and what strength you can manage. The training is important,, but the heart is the key.

"Thankyou for the wise words my minotaur friend. I am a fast runner, that I will admit!" Boromir replies laughing.

thumper95's photo
Wed 06/17/09 08:57 AM
Run fast with a sharp blade

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:06 AM

Run fast with a sharp blade

"Yes I need to one day visit the Armorsmith and see if I can buy perhaps a dagger or somekind of shortsword," Boromir mentions pouring himself a mug of Goblin's Brew.

thumper95's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:27 AM
I would give you a blade,, but i fear mine are far too large for a slight one like yourself.

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:34 AM

I would give you a blade,, but i fear mine are far too large for a slight one like yourself.

"Yes I don't think I can even pick that weapon up. It is what... 100 pounds perhaps?" Boromir says.

"I mean the heaviest I ever lift are small kegs of ale and maybe drag a dead wild boar to the kitchen occassionally," Boromir mentions.

thumper95's photo
Wed 06/17/09 09:41 AM
My axe is about 120 Lbs, with the other things i have attached to it. In a pinch i can weild it one handed,, and pick up something else with the other to fight with. But How Many weaklings of my kind have you ever met?

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 10:17 AM

My axe is about 120 Lbs, with the other things i have attached to it. In a pinch i can weild it one handed,, and pick up something else with the other to fight with. But How Many weaklings of my kind have you ever met?

"Ha weakling! I highly doubt it. I am convinced there isn't anything stronger roaming this town! I mean awhile back I did encounter a half orc who sat at that corner with a couple of humans, but he was just big. Not sure if he had the muscles you present. I hope one day the minotaurs can reclaim their land and towns. I mourn with you what you have lost, but I have a feeling the minotaurs will regroup one day and take back what belongs to them," Boromir says with confidence. Would you mind telling me again the story of the minotaurs?" Boromir asks as he pours another strong potent of dwarven meade.

thumper95's photo
Wed 06/17/09 10:38 AM
At the time that we we were forced from our lands, i was very small. The army that disposed us came in like a flash flood, and at night. Battle raged all night,, and for several days. Over half of us were killed by the raiders. We were unready. This will never happen again. This is why every so often i call upon every one of my kind i can find, and go about training them for war. I will not let The Minotaur race be taken again so easily. My axe belonged to my father, He was killed in the battle to take our homelands.

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 11:13 AM
A explosion happens just outside the tavern before a man strides in the front door. His face is covered with a gargoyle mask and he unsheathes his steel sword staring hatefully at the minotaur.

Hired Assassin

Physical 15
Mental 11
Hit Points 8/8

thumper95's photo
Wed 06/17/09 11:17 AM
With one flash of movement Draven is up with axe in hand and charging for the man with the drawn blade.

no photo
Wed 06/17/09 11:30 AM
Boromir ducks behind the bar.

Hired Assassin

Physical 15
Mental 11
Hit Points 10/10


Draven Minotaur Warrior

Physical 19
Mental 10
Hit Points 11/11

SPECIAL SKILLS: (crush bones) +2 on attack role

Please role a 6 sided die and choose either Physical or Mental attack.

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