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Topic: The Green Dragon's Tavern
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Thu 05/07/09 02:35 PM

Dragoness enters the tavern after having left predawn leaving gold on the counter for the food and room.

"Boromir do you know a merchant who can sell some supplies for a journey? As the time is coming for me to go to the training ground with my cargo? Time is soon for him to come into this world."

The egg rumbling as if it had heard.

Sitting down, nodding at the Minotaur.

Well hello there. I trust your stay was satisfactory. He then sets a glass of elvin wine for the lady and looks at the egg smiling.

At the town's market there are many merchants trying to make ends meet. Occassionally we have a merchant come here to buy a drink. If anything if Criani Peracien the tavern's owner has always a few supplies she is willing to part with," Boromir says pouring another dwarven meade for the minotaur.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 05/07/09 03:04 PM
Sipping the wine "Thanks" "Is Criani available?" " I just need a new sleep pack and some hardware for cooking."

thumper95's photo
Thu 05/07/09 04:15 PM
Hardware for cooking should be easy to find. if you had been around when i slaughtered the orc gang then you would have your choice, it is more than likely gone now. Scavengers will have picked the site clean. I didnt leave the first one of the alive.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 05/07/09 04:25 PM
Chuckling at minotaur, envisioning the massacre of orcs. Salutes him wiht wine glass.

thumper95's photo
Thu 05/07/09 04:30 PM
they decided it was a good idea to attack me. I proved to them that it wasnt. It was about an half hours journey from here

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:10 PM
Edited by smiless on Thu 05/07/09 05:56 PM

"Actually give me a moment I might be able to find some of the things you are asking for in the basement. I will be right back," offers Boromir as he scurries down the stairs to look for some goods for the fellow adventurer.

A moment later a older man with long white beard and pointy blue hat enters the establishment. He puts his wooden staff at the corner of the room and sits on a bench near the window. He then takes his hat off and dozes off to sleep.

krupa's photo
Fri 05/08/09 07:41 PM
The door does not quite close behind the mage...almost.....but, it remains slightly ajar....a shadow beyond displays presence....

Dragoness's photo
Fri 05/08/09 09:53 PM
Dragoness glances at the bearded man napping and slides narrowed eyes at the door where there seems to be..................

no photo
Sat 05/09/09 03:04 PM
Boromir comes back up the stairs to hand over the goods the fellow adventure needed.

"Here these where hanging around the basement. I am sure they will be of use to you," Boromir offers.

He then looks at the newcomers and offers salutations to both of them. He sees the old man in the corner is heavily asleep.

no photo
Sat 05/09/09 08:52 PM
Edited by smiless on Sat 05/09/09 08:53 PM
Storyteller Note: The following nations are seeking a leader. Please choose one to set you up on an entertaining rpg card game here on mingle2!




1. ((TAKEN)) "The High Elvin Empire" - The High Elves of Silvernarion are allies with powerful magician pixies. Silvernarion is the Queen of pixies who guards an ancient tree that holds the balance of power. If this tree is harmed the balance of good and evil will be tipped providing great harm throughout the lands and beyond. Therefore the Kingdom of High Elves joins Queen Silvernarion in efforts to protect this invaluable ancient tree. Lord Serendar is a powerful high Elvin wizard who is wise and cunning and knows the significance of his responsibility to protect both his people and the tree of magic. The lands will never be the same if high elves and pixies are harmed by an opposing force. Their symbol is that of a blue star. Summer is their season

2. ((STILL FREE))"The Alliance" - The alliance is led by Lord Denonimas a noble war hero paladin who rides a majestic Pegasus. As the king of the kingdom is absent attending diplomatic missions to preserve peace for the empire, Lord Denonimas is left to ensure that the kingdom remains safe. Their symbol is a sword in a heart. Summer is their Season

3. ((STILL FREE))""The Bandits of the Green Snake" - In order to be a bandit king one must win a arena competition challenging 12 of the most powerful, feared, and most recognized outlaws the lands know. Ald'Seran one of the last dark elves to have escaped the war of the demons took that challenge and won undisputed in the challenge. He is the holder of the last ancient order of dark elf warriors! He now leads an army of powerful outlaws, thugs that even Kings shiver when they hear his name. Their symbol is that of a snake. Spring is their season

4. ((STILL FREE))""The Pirate's of Doom" - This rowdy group of pirates is led by the daring and feared pirate Captain Toraldar whose black sailed flying battleship "Doomsday" is feared and recognized by any throughout the lands. His reputation for plundering harbors gives him the highest bounty the land has ever known. The problem is bounty hunters do not dare to seek out the black sailed battleship "Doomsday"! Their symbol is that of a skull. Spring is their Season

5. ((STILL FREE))""The Undeads" - Not much has been recorded in history about the Undeads. We know that they are not lightly spoken off. It is foretold that all who once lived are now part of the undead who roam the undergrounds wishing to torment more souls. Many fear including living dragons of an ancient semi god death dragon to appear in the lands! If this is to be true then what can stop something that is so powerful and already dead. Their symbol is of a dragon. Fall is their season

6. ((STILL FREE))""The Demon Hordes" - Only one can rule the world and he doesn't share power! The Demon Hordes supreme conqueror of the lands has driven out (with exception of the undead) everything that once lived in the underground. The many cyclones of wars led by a ferocious demon lord named Mora'shi'tar allowed his domain to expand. Now he wishes to scorch the surface world and he will not allow any to get in his way! There symbol is the bleeding hand of fire. Winter is their Season

7. ((STILL FREE))""The Dwarven Nation" - The hardy and strong dwarves were once proud of their halls inside the mountains until they lost a terrible war from Mora'shi'tar's Demon Hordes. Forced to live on the surface they build their towns on top of the grandest mountains the Lands of Bavidirian has to offer. Jarrid Stonecrusher leader and dragon slayer of the mountain dwarves carries one of the most powerful and magical axes ever crafted. Legend says he has slain an ancient red dragon with a single blow. With the dragon's riches he built one of the best defended towns ever to exist in the lands. Their symbol is a glowing axe. Fall is their season

8. ((STILL FREE))""The Vampire Nation" - Vampires are reserved and venture alone at the night, yet one particular and strong vampire has emerged into the lands. Count Vesperika Tarisar is feared not only by his own kin but any in the lands. His hypnotizing stare and his shape shifting abilities allows him to easily bring victory without any resistance. It is rumored that he is over a 1000 cyclones old. His intelligence and wit has formed an alliance with other vampires allowing him to create an army of power. The Count continues to prey on the innocent to enlarge his army to conquer the lands forever. Their symbol is of a bat. Fall is their season.

9. ((STILL FREE))""The Dark Elf Nation" - Dark Elves have been fighting a war in the deepest depths of the mountains for thousands of cyclones against the ravishing Demon Hordes. The war has been at a stalemate until one day a ferocious demon lord emerged to the scene. As the dark elves were forced from their homes the last black wizard named Torak the Black defended his people in every effort. This over 1000 cyclone old wizard has many wins under his belt and has defeated some of the vilest demons that have ever existed. As he tries violently to teach the dark arts of magic, his people continue to dwindle. The last war has proven vital as eventually Torak and his men were forced to live on the surface amongst surface dwellers. Disgusted at the thought he summoned griffons to fly him to the highest mountain peek the land has to offer to construct with powerful magic a tower. There he resides patiently thinking of an ultimate plan to reclaim his domain. The symbol is a dagger with red snake. Winter is their season.

10. ((STILL FREE))""Orc Nation" - The mighty 8 feet tall green skinned orcs favor to battle with brute strength equal to a giant. There numbers are big and their threat is real when towns hear of them. Although orcs originally come from the deepest caverns of the mountains they now live in packs on the surface. They hold extreme prejudice and find all races a threat to their kind. Cain Bonecrusher a 10 foot orc champion has gathered his forces to attack everything that isn't orc. Do not underestimate his will for he fears no one. There can only be one who rules the land and the orcs are determined to conquer it. Their symbol is the light green banner with the orc's fist.

11. ((STILL FREE))"“The Gnome Nation” – Dafoodle Dabiddle smallest yet heaviest of gnomes lead his people out of a civil war to find peace in the Lands of Bavidirian. There he had established some successful towns by creating inventive gadgets that other civilizations found useful. Although gnomes are great engineers and inventors they lack in physical and magical abilities. Nevertheless with Dafoodle’s mechanical miracles his nation isn’t taken so lightly anymore. Their symbol is of a mushroom.

krupa's photo
Sun 05/10/09 08:40 AM
Quietly the tavern door opens....a tall thin man in a rain soaked oil skin enters as a light rain shower sets in over the town...

It quickly becomes apparent that the stranger shows traits of high elven and Drow bloodlines as his skin flows pale to dark in the flickering firelight....

As He crosses the room to the bar..he is followed by a dimunitive woman of unknown origins...strangly alien eyes stare through the clientele of the tavern as she follows silently behind her mutt elf companion....

"Inn keeper....I require lodging and food for a week"...sayin this the stranger places a handful of stamped gold ingots on the weathered and stained bar...imperial treasury gold...spattered with caked and dried blood...."Fae Wine good sir"...his voice is quiet yet deep and dangerous...

he turns to an empty table...sloughs his damp coat..and sits to dry himself by the fire...his silent companion standing attentively behind him as he waits for his drink....

krupa's photo
Sun 05/10/09 03:27 PM
After waiting for too long...the man glances at his tiny alien woman companion....

A slow and deep pulse passes throughout the tavern..through the earth and into the sky...and all time warps still at the edges...

The woman strolls slowly behind the bar....sniffs through the assemblage of decanters and flasks until she finds her master's draught of choice.....The assemblage within the room scarcely moves....

The slave love steps beyond the door to the Green dragon....and with no sense of time...returns...bearing what is obviously a bloodied section of an upper arm....White Elf flesh from the look of it....

time resumes it's tempo as the mongrel drow feeds and drinks....

The cannibalistic taste of coppery blood is casually washed away by the wild mushroom wine....

thumper95's photo
Mon 05/11/09 01:06 PM
The ground starts to shake as a cloud of dust is visable rising from the road outside of town. Loud roars and snorts are heard very plainly. Draven the minotaur is in the front of this gang of fully armed and armoured warriors. They are prepped and ready for war it seems.

dreamboat1974's photo
Wed 05/13/09 10:40 AM
am ready to join. i need that brew, where is it.sounds like fun

no photo
Thu 06/04/09 09:24 AM
Much has happened in the last days as Boromir was fighting a flu. He has recovered now as he looks at the massive storm outside the tavern. Closing the shutters and starting a fire he goes back to polish some mugs and get the tavern ready for another day of business.

He offers the newcomer the meal of the day and some drink. He is glad he isn't alone on such a dark day.

criani_peracien's photo
Mon 06/15/09 11:09 PM
Craini sweeps in the door from the midst of the midnight storm, hair soaked and blowing around her as a gust of wind blasted through the door along with her; her trusty companion right behind her ever alert for any danger. Her hound scoped out the area, seeing that nothing was amiss, he rambled over to his favorite spot , shook off the rain then ever so loudly, plopped all of his hefty weight in front of the hearth at the largest fireplace in the tavern with a long, deep sigh. He was as glad to be home from the hunt as his owner. He keeps a watchful eye on her even as he dozes…

As for Criani, she is ever so happy to be back after have been so far afield in her quest for adventure. She has been gone for many months and couldn‘t wait to see him! Criani’s mouth waters as she breathed in deep, the smell of fresh, roasted Boar’s feet and bannocks that wafted out of the scullery, as she took off her baldric and hung her magical shield on the wall in it’s honored place. The ruby circlet on her head, she left on; she only rarely takes it off as it is a reminder of the battle fought with the Green Dragon, where she barely escaped with her life aforetime. She looks about the dimly lit Inn that she and Boromir had built with the jewels she had stolen from the Green Dragon. It was so inviting. The floors were burnished, the bar waxed and the flagons that quenched the thirst of many with Goblins‘ Brew and cold Dwarven Mead drew her closer. That one sure did earn his keep...

“Boromir, are you near?” Criani’s voice echoed through the tavern this dark night. She had to speak quite loudly because the rain and wind were fierce outside.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:22 AM
Edited by Dragoness on Tue 06/16/09 10:23 AM
Having left the tavern days before in search of the encampment ideal for the birth of the dragon of legend in her golden egg, Dragoness weathers the storm in a cave close to the encampment, where she keeps the egg warm by the fire. Missing the comfortable bed of the tavern but excited to have her new companion soon.

Dragons of this calabre grow quickly and she will have a short time to accustom the dragon to her. He will soon be large enough to ride through the skies and her next quest will begin soon after. Teaching the dragon battle will be a bit of work and teaching the dragon to quell it's natural urges that all beings are the enemy will be a bit tough but she is sure her ability with these creatures will surmount all upcoming challenges.

It will be great to have the companionship, life has been a lonely road since leaving home at such a young age for her quest to the great dragon. Many battles and too much death to want to remember. Her mind slips to happier memories of her beloved family and all the creatures of her life that made life so full. Having been born with the birth mark and abilities of the dragon rider had been a blessing and a curse. She loved being able to relate with the animals and feel at one with nature but leaving her home and realizing the terrible evils of the world was quite a shock.

As she watched the fire flicker and reflect in the shell of the egg, which she has to secure well these days because of the activity inside, she lets her mind roll back to a town celbration and dancing with the other villagers in such abandon, life and joy coursing through her. And she sleeps.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 11:05 AM
Boromir is excited to see Criani return safely from such a long voyage. He gives her a hug before going outside to unload the wagon full of barrels of drinks. After the hard labor he comes back in to see that the magical shield is in its place adorned over the fireplace. Its faint glow astonishes newcomers each time as he polishes a few mugs preparing for another busy day at the tavern.

The dragonrider was the most exciting event the last few days. Her golden egg was truly a rare event. He knows he must ask Criani Peracien about the egg as she has encountered many dragons in her days.

thumper95's photo
Tue 06/16/09 12:23 PM
Fresh from battle training with his clan, Draven walks in with Fire in his eyes.

no photo
Tue 06/16/09 12:48 PM

Fresh from battle training with his clan, Draven walks in with Fire in his eyes.

"Well hail thee great warrior! I hope all is good with you. Should I pour the usual for you?" Boromir asks smiling happily to see his friend.

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