Topic: Exercising demons | |
Try burning any CDs,movies,or other items you feel may have a bad influence on your life.It will feel like you have a weight lifted off your back. I like horror movies, satanic music (among other genres), and I like pornography, but I have never seen or had any kind demonic experience. I felt like the weight was lifted from my back when I gave up on christianity. I finally got around to reading The Satanic Bible, by LaVey. Found it to be very good, no-BS, and simply written. Makes a whole heck of a lot more sense then the Bible or Koran ever did, and there's no patsy like God that allows you to get away with things. I'll have to add it to my book collection. I'm against burning books, whether I agree with them or not. We'd be a lot farther along then we are now if there hadn't been book burning. I'm certainly not going to allow anyone to take away my right to use my brain, especially someone claiming it as Yahweh/God/Allah's will in things. Daimons were originally spiritual helpers, that became "evil" as the 3 main monotheistic groups blitzed the people. |
But these were primitive people. No education. Nearly all were illiterate. Generational inbreeding. They lived very unhealthy lifestyles. Making it to 40 was old. No communications from area to area. Very violent and brutal. Im not sure their observations can be called reliable Its no wonder they would do these sorts of things. The majority of them suffered from physical and mental illnesses
What Does the Bible say about Demons? At least some of the angels that sinned long ago have been bound and put away: For if God did not spare angels when they sinned , but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment; (2 Pet 2:4) And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home -- these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. (Jude 1:6) It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." (Rev 9:14) Pagan religions "sacrifice to demons": They sacrificed to demons, which are not God -- gods they had not known, gods that recently appeared, gods your fathers did not fear. (Deut. 32:17) They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons. (Psa. 106:37) Thousands of demons grouped together inside one person begged Jesus: The demons begged Jesus, "If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs." (Mat 8:31) A Christian has spiritual authority to drive out demons: He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. (Mat 10:1) Some people know this as "exorcism." Note: a wooden cross and/or holy water is NEVER used, in the Bible, to drive a demon out of a person. Some spirits (demons) are more wicked than other ones: Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation. (Mat 12:45) Jesus cast out demons or evil spirits: The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, "What is this? A new teaching -- and with authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him." (Mark 1:27) For Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places. (Luke 8:29) Jesus drove out demons by the Spirit of God: But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God , then the kingdom of God has come upon you. (Mat 12:28) Demons know Jesus is the Son of God, unlike some people: Whenever the evil spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, "You are the Son of God." (Mark 3:11) Evil spirits can speak through a person! In our dark day, some might call this by the New Age term "channeling" and the person with the [evil] spirit a "channeler." Devotees of "spirit guides" need to ponder what Scripture says about a spirit being speaking through a person. A fortune teller might be possessed by a demon spirit: Once when we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, "These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved." She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so troubled that he turned around and said to the spirit, "In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!" At that moment the spirit left her. When the owners of the slave girl realized that their hope of making money was gone ... (Acts 16:16-19) When the demon spirit was cast our of that girl, her special powers to predict the future were totally gone. This was also apparent to the owners of that slave. Unlike some people, demons believe there is a God and "shudder": You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that -- and shudder. (James 2:19) Mary Magdalene had seven demons in her before she became a Christian: When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons. (Mark 16:9) And also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out (Luke 8:2) Evil spirits can torment people: Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by evil spirits, and all of them were healed. (Acts 5:16) Worshiping demons will be a characteristic of the end of this age: The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons , and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood -- idols that cannot see or hear or walk. (Rev 9:20) Evil spirits in John's vision looked like frogs: Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. (Rev 16:13) This does not mean that a frog is a demon! Demons can perform miracles: They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty. (Rev 16:14) NOTE: Demons can produce miracles! See our other article entitled, Miracles -- Two Sources. Not all spirits are from God. Some spirits are deceitful and are trying to mislead us: The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. (1 Tim 4:1) There are many ways in which demons can deceive people, but the more common ones are through occult involvement, Ouija boards and seances. Dear reader, don't ever dabble with such, even out of curiosity or amusement. If you have already, ask God to forgive you and renounce all such behavior. |
I feel like I am aware of it for the first time in my life ... do we not all have demons? Are we not all doing something that "we are not supposed to be" doing? Exercising demons .... risky business. I do what i shouldn't do because I want to examine the demon that wants me to do it .... in action. And the payoff is the wisdom, and the true humility that trial and error provides as their gift, to those who walk that path ... for how can someone who has never exercised a demon know what it is like? So begs the question - what is it to exercise a demon? And with this experience, what is there to share? There is no doubt demons exist.Evil is all around us and is always tempting us in every way.Yes I have had my fill of demons and have learned many things. What feeds demons?Evil,hate,and bad thoughts.If you think you have demons you should take a look at your life and see how you are feeding them.I have learned that music especially dark metal,black metal,heavy metal,aggressive,and depressing music opens a door wide open to demonic possion.The bible said Satan was a musican and there is no doubt he speaks to us through music.Music can make us aggressive,hateful,spiteful,and give us a bad outlook on life.Bands like slipknot,disturbed,venom,marylin manson,cradle of filth,and others carry a powerful message of hate,anger,and depression which affects not only your mind but your life. What kind of movies do you have in your collection?Do you have alot of horror movies?Movies like wrong turn,gangs of new york,texas chainsaw massacre,and others that show disturbing scenes of death and mutilation also will invite evil all kinds of demons into your life.Watching scenes of real death situations like those in the traces of death series or banned from television movies will not only warp your mind but will feed your demons like 5 star dinner. What kind of people do you have as friends?People who are always pissed off,depressed,or losers only feed the fire. Pornography and drugs.By far the two most toxic things you bring into your life.Both lead to a downward spiral of self destruction. If you are wondering if I speak from experience,that I do.I had demons like you wouldn't believe.I saw everything from a black mist hovering over my ceiling,to transparent people sitting on the edge of my bed looking at me.I have had what felt like someone poking me with a stick in my back to turn around and see that nobody was there.I have had times where it felt like a giant rock was on my chest and was going to crush the bed into a bunch of splinters.My mother once said she was woken up and saw a image of me standing by her bed.She said I had a small black dagger stuck in my heart with all this black smoke coming out of it.She said she pulled it out and the colors changed from black to all sorts of colors.I can go on all night with stories but this is about you and not me. There is only one thing that no demon can stand and that is the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.If you want to get rid of a demon you need to start hanging around good people and watch and listen to movies and music that has a good influence on your life.Demons will not stay in a holy and good man.When I read the bible I feel like I have a suit of armor on me.I sleep well.I do not fear.Even Satan himself is powerless over me when I have the power of God on my side.Demons are always there waiting for me to slip back into my old ways but they are going to be waiting a long time because I know the truth and that set me free. Try burning any CDs,movies,or other items you feel may have a bad influence on your life.It will feel like you have a weight lifted off your back. I like horror movies, satanic music (among other genres), and I like pornography, but I have never seen or had any kind demonic experience. I felt like the weight was lifted from my back when I gave up on christianity. That is not surprising at all.Why would a demon want to posses someone who is Godless?What is there to gain?Nothing.You are no enemy to Satan and therfore he would care less about wasting time with you.A back sliding Christian is who they are after. |
Give me a proper ontology for a demon then we can talk about it. Is a demon just metaphor for your personality traits YOU consider undesirable? Is it metaphor for your actions you cannot control? Or do you really think some kind of mythical evil entity is trying to mess with you? I was kind of wondering about that also and that is why I didnt respond right away. When people use the expression, "wrestling with demons" it generally means they have some kind of a character flaw or addiction or undesirable character trait they need to keep under control. But on the other hand, some cultures genuinely believe in demonic possession. In fact the Catholics still sort of keep exorcism at the ready but its more of a parlor trick now that can be pulled out every so often. The movie, "The Exorcist", was about an exorcism that took place in St. Louis. Linda Blair was born in St. Louis too. |
Physical illnesses are caused by germs/infection and mental illnesses are caused by emotional problems/trauma.All of it is scientifically explainable. I don't see any evidence of these magical demons. I agree. |
I feel like I am aware of it for the first time in my life ... do we not all have demons? Are we not all doing something that "we are not supposed to be" doing? Exercising demons .... risky business. I do what i shouldn't do because I want to examine the demon that wants me to do it .... in action. And the payoff is the wisdom, and the true humility that trial and error provides as their gift, to those who walk that path ... for how can someone who has never exercised a demon know what it is like? So begs the question - what is it to exercise a demon? And with this experience, what is there to share? There is no doubt demons exist.Evil is all around us and is always tempting us in every way.Yes I have had my fill of demons and have learned many things. What feeds demons?Evil,hate,and bad thoughts.If you think you have demons you should take a look at your life and see how you are feeding them.I have learned that music especially dark metal,black metal,heavy metal,aggressive,and depressing music opens a door wide open to demonic possion.The bible said Satan was a musican and there is no doubt he speaks to us through music.Music can make us aggressive,hateful,spiteful,and give us a bad outlook on life.Bands like slipknot,disturbed,venom,marylin manson,cradle of filth,and others carry a powerful message of hate,anger,and depression which affects not only your mind but your life. What kind of movies do you have in your collection?Do you have alot of horror movies?Movies like wrong turn,gangs of new york,texas chainsaw massacre,and others that show disturbing scenes of death and mutilation also will invite evil all kinds of demons into your life.Watching scenes of real death situations like those in the traces of death series or banned from television movies will not only warp your mind but will feed your demons like 5 star dinner. What kind of people do you have as friends?People who are always pissed off,depressed,or losers only feed the fire. Pornography and drugs.By far the two most toxic things you bring into your life.Both lead to a downward spiral of self destruction. If you are wondering if I speak from experience,that I do.I had demons like you wouldn't believe.I saw everything from a black mist hovering over my ceiling,to transparent people sitting on the edge of my bed looking at me.I have had what felt like someone poking me with a stick in my back to turn around and see that nobody was there.I have had times where it felt like a giant rock was on my chest and was going to crush the bed into a bunch of splinters.My mother once said she was woken up and saw a image of me standing by her bed.She said I had a small black dagger stuck in my heart with all this black smoke coming out of it.She said she pulled it out and the colors changed from black to all sorts of colors.I can go on all night with stories but this is about you and not me. There is only one thing that no demon can stand and that is the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.If you want to get rid of a demon you need to start hanging around good people and watch and listen to movies and music that has a good influence on your life.Demons will not stay in a holy and good man.When I read the bible I feel like I have a suit of armor on me.I sleep well.I do not fear.Even Satan himself is powerless over me when I have the power of God on my side.Demons are always there waiting for me to slip back into my old ways but they are going to be waiting a long time because I know the truth and that set me free. Try burning any CDs,movies,or other items you feel may have a bad influence on your life.It will feel like you have a weight lifted off your back. Thomas3474...according to what you shared were just OPPRESSED...and NOT POSSESSED with spirits!!! BIG DIFFERENCE!! IF you TRULY had been POSSESSED by demons.... you SURELY would NOT just have accepted Christ like that..... you would have SCREAMED and CURSED God.....and would have had to go thru DELIVERANCE first!!! Not true.Morning song.I didn't think it would be possible for a Christian to have a demon but after talking to my pastor he said it was possible.The bible also talks many times about God tempting people through death of loved ones,loss of wealth,blindness,sickness and many others(read the book of Job).Have you ever seen a exorcism?The majority of the time it happends to good,moral,Christians or Catholics.Even pastors have had to have exorcisms.Maybe it was a test from God.Although many times I wondered what was going on I never turned my back on God even though it went on for many years.Many times I felt like I was going to go to sleep and never wake up again. But I overcame Satan once and for all and now know he is nothing but a liar and deciever.Although there was many times I felt like Satan was standing behind my back with a knife ready to stick it in I never lost my faith.Jesus set me free!I hope all people realize that every good thing comes from God and every bad thing from the devil.Although I am not perfect by any means I know my door is always open for the good lord. |
Can anyone provide me with some evidence of these "demons"? You want demons?Play the ouija board and ask it who is answering the questions? |
I don't believe in the Ouija board.
Edited by
Sun 05/03/09 12:30 AM
Thomas, God doesn't tempt us thru death , and the other things you mentioned in your post above.
And once again, The Holy Spirit and a demonic spirt , cannot both dwell in the human temple at the same time. Sorry. Light overcomes darkness .... Light does NOT share its light with the darkness. In the presence of God's Holy Spirit , demonic spirits flee. IF a "christian" claims to have demons , that person simply is not yet a christian . Perhaps that person has head knowledge of christ only, but not heart knowledge(being born again) yet. However,as mentioned before, a christian can be oppressed by demonic spirits.....But not possessed. And if a christian is oppressed by evil spirits, he has been given authority as a born again believer in Jesus Name, to command the oppressing spirits to Go!!! And at the Name of Jesus, dark oppressing spirits WILL flee. Why must they flee? BeCause they recognize JESUS in the born again christian. See....Demonic spirits know Who Jesus is ...too. And tremble. |
Edited by
Sun 05/03/09 12:31 PM
I feel like I am aware of it for the first time in my life ... do we not all have demons? Are we not all doing something that "we are not supposed to be" doing? Exercising demons .... risky business. I do what i shouldn't do because I want to examine the demon that wants me to do it .... in action. And the payoff is the wisdom, and the true humility that trial and error provides as their gift, to those who walk that path ... for how can someone who has never exercised a demon know what it is like? So begs the question - what is it to exercise a demon? And with this experience, what is there to share? There is no doubt demons exist.Evil is all around us and is always tempting us in every way.Yes I have had my fill of demons and have learned many things. What feeds demons?Evil,hate,and bad thoughts.If you think you have demons you should take a look at your life and see how you are feeding them.I have learned that music especially dark metal,black metal,heavy metal,aggressive,and depressing music opens a door wide open to demonic possion.The bible said Satan was a musican and there is no doubt he speaks to us through music.Music can make us aggressive,hateful,spiteful,and give us a bad outlook on life.Bands like slipknot,disturbed,venom,marylin manson,cradle of filth,and others carry a powerful message of hate,anger,and depression which affects not only your mind but your life. What kind of movies do you have in your collection?Do you have alot of horror movies?Movies like wrong turn,gangs of new york,texas chainsaw massacre,and others that show disturbing scenes of death and mutilation also will invite evil all kinds of demons into your life.Watching scenes of real death situations like those in the traces of death series or banned from television movies will not only warp your mind but will feed your demons like 5 star dinner. What kind of people do you have as friends?People who are always pissed off,depressed,or losers only feed the fire. Pornography and drugs.By far the two most toxic things you bring into your life.Both lead to a downward spiral of self destruction. If you are wondering if I speak from experience,that I do.I had demons like you wouldn't believe.I saw everything from a black mist hovering over my ceiling,to transparent people sitting on the edge of my bed looking at me.I have had what felt like someone poking me with a stick in my back to turn around and see that nobody was there.I have had times where it felt like a giant rock was on my chest and was going to crush the bed into a bunch of splinters.My mother once said she was woken up and saw a image of me standing by her bed.She said I had a small black dagger stuck in my heart with all this black smoke coming out of it.She said she pulled it out and the colors changed from black to all sorts of colors.I can go on all night with stories but this is about you and not me. There is only one thing that no demon can stand and that is the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.If you want to get rid of a demon you need to start hanging around good people and watch and listen to movies and music that has a good influence on your life.Demons will not stay in a holy and good man.When I read the bible I feel like I have a suit of armor on me.I sleep well.I do not fear.Even Satan himself is powerless over me when I have the power of God on my side.Demons are always there waiting for me to slip back into my old ways but they are going to be waiting a long time because I know the truth and that set me free. Try burning any CDs,movies,or other items you feel may have a bad influence on your life.It will feel like you have a weight lifted off your back. Thomas3474...according to what you shared were just OPPRESSED...and NOT POSSESSED with spirits!!! BIG DIFFERENCE!! IF you TRULY had been POSSESSED by demons.... you SURELY would NOT just have accepted Christ like that..... you would have SCREAMED and CURSED God.....and would have had to go thru DELIVERANCE first!!! Not true.Morning song.I didn't think it would be possible for a Christian to have a demon but after talking to my pastor he said it was possible.The bible also talks many times about God tempting people through death of loved ones,loss of wealth,blindness,sickness and many others(read the book of Job).Have you ever seen a exorcism?The majority of the time it happends to good,moral,Christians or Catholics.Even pastors have had to have exorcisms.Maybe it was a test from God.Although many times I wondered what was going on I never turned my back on God even though it went on for many years.Many times I felt like I was going to go to sleep and never wake up again. But I overcame Satan once and for all and now know he is nothing but a liar and deciever.Although there was many times I felt like Satan was standing behind my back with a knife ready to stick it in I never lost my faith.Jesus set me free!I hope all people realize that every good thing comes from God and every bad thing from the devil.Although I am not perfect by any means I know my door is always open for the good lord. Your pastor told you it was possible? You should have visited a qualified shrink, not a pastor. To me those that want to believe in Satan believe evil is some outside thing. Evil is possible in all of us, we create it or destroy it. Don't need a devil for that. But once you are as far into religion as you are, I doubt anyone could convince you otherwise. |
I don't believe in the Ouija board. I personally thought the Ouija board was fun, but I never thought it brought out anymore than what was already there in your own mind. Remember when those troll dolls we thrown out because it was thought they were of the devil as well.. ugh |
Evil unclean demonic spirits can oppress, suppress, depress and posess anyone. Born again, or not. of any faith or denomination and they can have Holy Spirit at the same time. The evil spirit will eventually flee after someone with authority cast it out, be it yourself or someone else but in the True Name of Yahushua Ha Moschiach HaNotzrei WeMelech HaYahudim. If you use jesus name the demon spirit will leave temporarily only to return later with seven more vile spirits. Because jesus is not the true name of Messiah.It is counterfeit. You will have a false healing and may even get sicker or die.
Edited by
Sun 05/03/09 05:41 PM
I don't believe in the Ouija board. I personally thought the Ouija board was fun, but I never thought it brought out anymore than what was already there in your own mind. Remember when those troll dolls we thrown out because it was thought they were of the devil as well.. ugh When I was a child the Ouija board was found near other board games. That's how we looked at it - a game for fun. I don't know anything about the troll dolls being thrown out. I think that they're so ugly that they're cute. lol |
I don't believe in the Ouija board. I personally thought the Ouija board was fun, but I never thought it brought out anymore than what was already there in your own mind. Remember when those troll dolls we thrown out because it was thought they were of the devil as well.. ugh When I was a child the Ouija board was found near other board games. That's how we looked at it - a game for fun. I don't know anything about the troll dolls being thrown out. I think that they're so ugly that they're cute. lol Ya well religions believe some strange things, so anything can become the object of evil I guess... I just thought they were a waste of money myself. lol |
Yeah, my Aunt and I got bored with it. |