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Topic: Soda is bad for you.
74Drew's photo
Mon 04/27/09 07:50 AM
I know that soda is more popular than just about everything, but I found this today while looking around it the data contained within is rather disturbing.

have a look.

. . .

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 04/27/09 07:52 AM
I didn't know that anyone thought soda WAS good for you.

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 04/27/09 07:53 AM
Hey what about seltzer

Carbonated h2o

I live on it!

74Drew's photo
Mon 04/27/09 07:53 AM

I didn't know that anyone thought soda WAS good for you.

i'm thinking that people don't realize how bad it is.

. . .

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 04/27/09 07:55 AM

I didn't know that anyone thought soda WAS good for you.

i'm thinking that people don't realize how bad it is.

. . .

perhaps forgotten... when "I was young" Soda was a treat, not a main source of fluids... :P

no photo
Mon 04/27/09 07:55 AM

Hey what about seltzer

Carbonated h2o

I live on it!

Actually, there is a decent amount of calcium in drinks such as Perrier.

74Drew's photo
Mon 04/27/09 07:55 AM

Hey what about seltzer

Carbonated h2o

I live on it!

i actually just read something about that that said it's not too bad. however the article in the link says that the carbonation can affect the acidity in the body which could be linked to cancer and arthritis.

. . .

74Drew's photo
Mon 04/27/09 07:55 AM

I didn't know that anyone thought soda WAS good for you.

i'm thinking that people don't realize how bad it is.

. . .

perhaps forgotten... when "I was young" Soda was a treat, not a main source of fluids... :P

same here.

. . .

Lilypetal's photo
Mon 04/27/09 07:59 AM
It's good for stripping varnish off your furniture. happy

lilith401's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:02 AM
Sodas are usually full of caffiene and processed sugars. Even diet soads are bad for you though They contain chemicals and sodium, and usually caffiene.

If you drink one can of coke/pepsi, you would need to drink the equivalent of water, then burn off the 250 plus calories. You can jog a mile for every soda drunk....:tongue:

I might drink one or two diet, caffiene free sodas a week. I used to have more... but it's not worth it. Crystal Light is my addiction....laugh

no photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:04 AM
My mom's hip replacement doctor said her osteoporosis likely had to do with her Tab/diet coke addiction, that the phosphorous in sodas literally eats away bone. And, a friend just poured soda on my car battery to get rid of corrosion!!! Isn't there a home cleaning tip about washing the toilet with coke?
And, of course, I know a few people who ended up with Type 2 diabetes as a result of cola addictions.
I rarely drink soda, and I'm glad it's not one of my many addictions!!! I love water and tea. But, it seems there's something wrong with EVERYTHING!!!

74Drew's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:14 AM

Sodas are usually full of caffiene and processed sugars. Even diet soads are bad for you though They contain chemicals and sodium, and usually caffiene.

If you drink one can of coke/pepsi, you would need to drink the equivalent of water, then burn off the 250 plus calories. You can jog a mile for every soda drunk....:tongue:

I might drink one or two diet, caffiene free sodas a week. I used to have more... but it's not worth it. Crystal Light is my addiction....laugh

i drink crystal light also. except i drink one packet a day of the ones with caffeine. but then again, i work 11p-7a and it's unnatural to be awake all night every night.

. . .

lilith401's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:18 AM
Small amounts of caffiene are not said to be harmful.

I know people who drink diet coke from the time they get up til bed, I see Deputy CO's drink Mountain Dew all day....and loads of mentally ill people drinks pots and pots of coffee all day.

Here is a factoid: excessive caffiene actually prevents antipsychotics from working effectively. Might be a Jeopardy question someday....laugh

DeadEnd's photo
Mon 04/27/09 08:22 AM
for one... diet soda will NEVER taste like regular soda... i dont care how much they boast about it. the lack of REAL sugars is irreplaceble by imitations.

also there is a few things they missed on the website lol

coke - makes better chrome cleaner than actual chrome cleaner does
pepsi - will eat the enamel off of your teeth.. (ever wonder why your teeth feel sticky?)
mountain dew - causes mild sterility ( major in some cases)
dr. pepper - basically carbonated prune juice lol

all said and done as far as i can see... soft drinks are more harmful than weed so why the hell can i kill my self with a KNOWN addictive substance (soda) but its illegal to have/smoke/or anything/ with a substance that to this date has had 0 recorded overdoses, less harmful elements than ciggaretts, and is more often used in cancer patients....

so if i ever get cancer they will tell me to smoke pot but i cant have soda... oh god the world never ceases to amaze me with stupidity lol

SharpShooter10's photo
Mon 04/27/09 11:39 AM

I know that soda is more popular than just about everything, but I found this today while looking around it the data contained within is rather disturbing.

have a look.

. . .
liquid candy

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 04/27/09 12:19 PM
Nothing will keep me from drinking Cokedrinker

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Mon 04/27/09 09:58 PM
One thing they neglected to mention was the dangers of Aspertame (the artificial sweetener in most diet sodas). I read an article on this in the newspaper. When aspertame reaches 86 degrees farenheit, it turns to formaldehyde. You know the average body temperature, right? 97-99 degrees? That can't be good for you. Furthermore, (I can't remember if it's continued increase in temperature to reaction to enzymes) the chemical process doen't finish there. The formaldahyde turns to formic acid, the same poison found in fire ant bites.

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/28/09 01:19 AM
Edited by adj4u on Tue 04/28/09 01:24 AM

Sodas are usually full of caffiene and processed sugars. Even diet soads are bad for you though They contain chemicals and sodium, and usually caffiene.

If you drink one can of coke/pepsi, you would need to drink the equivalent of water, then burn off the 250 plus calories. You can jog a mile for every soda drunk....:tongue:

I might drink one or two diet, caffiene free sodas a week. I used to have more... but it's not worth it. Crystal Light is my addiction....laugh

there are soda drunks (really) drinker

what kind of soda makes the best drunk?drinks


were are they hiding and do we really have to run a mile for each of them noway noway

no photo
Tue 04/28/09 04:17 AM
Of course it's bad for you. Remember when there was a fear of acid rain? H2co3, hmm. And we've been drinking it for years.

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Tue 04/28/09 09:16 PM

Of course it's bad for you. Remember when there was a fear of acid rain? H2co3, hmm. And we've been drinking it for years.

Are they both Carbonic Acid (though that may be a broad term)?

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