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Topic: 2012 a myth or a deadline
AndyBgood's photo
Mon 05/18/09 10:48 PM
My issue with doomsday prophesies goes like this. I a lot of times have prophetic dreams that manifest very soon. When I have one something bad happens to someone and there is no waiting. Needless to say it makes me not want to dream at all. But with that aside where i have a dream predicting something bad Doomsday prophesies usually are far fetched ie. dead rising from the grave, rapture, etc.. Unlike my prophetic dreams many of these so called predictions made by Nostradamus, the Mayans usually never come in the lifetime of the predictor. A lot of times things like the Mayan Calender like Tarot are completely misunderstood by some Intellectual schmuck who writes a book and there is a stampede to fall in to the book.

Also is the whole concept of "Reality manifested through belief," ie., Heaven's Gate, Jamestown Gianna, Manson Family (Who believed the end was coming), Reverend Moon all acted to effect the coming of the end or raced to beat it by cheating it through death or acts of insanity.

Now lets do a little math, how many MILLIONS of people have died over the last twenty thousand years? If all the dead rose where the hell are they all going to fit? If all of the dead rose we would literally be crushed to death by sheer press of numbers.

Now if a big asteroid was seen heading our way how many a@@holes would welcome its coming vs. those of us who would toss every nuke we had at it to try to deflect it enough to not slam into the planet? Believe me, if I was facing an extinction event and someone welcomed it as an act of God we should do nothing about I got a bullet just for them and I will fast track then to heaven so I can get on with trying to do something to save the planet.

People can not believe in themselves so they look to a higher power to give them guidance. They will attempt to fulfill is higher power's will whether or not there is any rationality to their actions. They suck just like Anarchists.

My prediction is this, based on current population growth world wide we are facing a potential extinction event of our own through starvation and disease as a result of overpopulation and in fifty years we will begin to see it in full power. We already are just beginning to see the impact of overpopulation but humanity in general is too stupid and unorganized to see this. We just keep spewing out babies like there is no tomorrow.

All I can say is when the sh*t hits the fan I am going into hiding until the brown rain stops. Hopefully this is Darwin's expression of how the smart ones will outsurvive the stupid ones and we can weed out some of the excess baggage of humanity and spare the environment our destruction! in the mean time it is going to just be more of the same old confusion and panic over something that is not going to happen the way everyone wants to believe it. We could get blind sided by an asteroid we may never see coming until it is way too late. The sun could have a very bad hiccup burning away half of the planet. Some pack of religious wackos could unleash a virus on us that indiscriminately kills off all human life. Jesus making a second coming? Damn bible thumpers! And to think the guys with tinfoil hats are the crazy ones...

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 07:21 AM
I like that Andy!laugh

Good writedrinker

davidben1's photo
Tue 05/19/09 10:23 AM

What will happen in 2012 - is that we will know once and for all any truth or falseness that occurs, then we can move on to the next important date and find out the same ad nauseum :)

yea, indeed you speak truthfully, as inspired from beyond the veil.

indeed, even now, what is half truth is being uncovered, the pot of all hidden being stirred, and by the thirteenth year, all that was hidden shall be totally uncovered, as human man walk into the completed all peace millennium, all seeing the vast and huge importance of one another, and the universe herself.

heard you would be coming around, prepared for the great showdown, when perfect love walks into town, perfect power that nothing can turn down...

welcome back and peace unto peace

splendidlife's photo
Tue 05/19/09 10:28 AM

What will happen in 2012 - is that we will know once and for all any truth or falseness that occurs, then we can move on to the next important date and find out the same ad nauseum :)

Welcome back, dear boy!

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Thu 05/28/09 12:56 AM
it's the beginning of the end of this cycle.
ther's also a possibility that nothing will seem to happen for those who don't believe anything will happen.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:30 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:50 PM
Ya know sometimes that scares the hell outa me!!:heart:

tngxl65's photo
Thu 05/28/09 01:53 PM

Every Generation of Every Religion that has a "doomsday prophecy" believes the end will come during their lifetime. They have been wrong up to this point, and I see no reason why that trend won't continue.

I'm gonna be pissed if one of them finally gets it right though.

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Thu 05/28/09 10:24 PM

Every Generation of Every Religion that has a "doomsday prophecy" believes the end will come during their lifetime. They have been wrong up to this point, and I see no reason why that trend won't continue.

I'm gonna be pissed if one of them finally gets it right though.

Maybe it's like the boy who cryd wolf story. The wolf is really com'n this time and those who might have took heed before are so desencatized that this time seems like BS as well.

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