Topic: 2012 a myth or a deadline
edwinmeyer's photo
Thu 04/30/09 02:15 PM
Many more people have been killed in the name of "God" than in ALL of the wars in the history of mankind combined.
Most of this "bible" is nothing more than propaganda used centuries ago to get the christians to pay their taxes and quit revolting against the king, This is why the bible is so full of crap like "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesars" turn the other thy enemies...Does ANY of this sound like what God would do???
I'll tell you what, turn the other cheek too often and you'll get your jaw broken!
Ed Meyer

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 05/03/09 03:22 PM
It's a bunch of BS

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:03 PM
I would like to go on record that Global warming is a crock o' bull,
the rapture likewise, and so is doomsday they way the bible portrays it and the whole concept of the Mayan calendar is not fully understood either.

Take Taro Cards for instance. People assume the Death card is just that but to those who know Taro the Death card represents change, not death necessarily.

I think our over population is what is going to do us in soon!

creativesoul's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:07 PM
A deadline for the myth!!!


Is it over yet???


Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:28 PM

Some kind of phenomena will happen. We will still be here i believe. The 26000 year life span that this happens i just saw on the history channel that scientists are saying apperently from what they are finding Global warming was happening at the same time and it rapidly increased continually untill this cycle happened. They said they hope they are wrong because they believe florida will be under water when and as the date draws near. Shalom..MIles

I used to live in florida and I always had this feeling of inpending dread followed by horrible nightmares of tsunamis. The hurricanes are getting worse every year and people are already starting to forget how to vote. What's next?

oh yeah, and the suns' 7 year cycle of intense solar flares starts in 2012. One solar flare could wipe out a large portion of our grid.Goodbye our way of life and hellow stone age. Remember what it says in the bible, "The meek shall inherit the earth." I think liveing without running water and electricity is pretty darn meek to me.

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:37 PM

the christians "good" book mentions the dead shall rise,

Well if they do, I'm glad I've got my copy of 'The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From The Living Dead'.

YOu know what? I have'nt ruled out the zombie theory although it sounds far fetched. What if nano-tech goes wrong and it takes over the body. Being tiny robots the only logical function of the body would be to feed and breed. To someone seeing that in a vision you might describe people like that as "liveing dead".Whatever is going to happen I still feel an earge to get as far away from large populations as possible, grow my own food, live near a fresh water source and never ever ever take the chip wich is my friend the mark of the beast.Thank you and that's all for now.

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:47 PM

No One Knows


I do, but you gotta hurry

time is limited

send $19.95, plus the new postage rates (yep,grumble )

"The End: Shooter Shoots Straight"



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drinker laugh drinker laugh drinker laugh drinker

And if you act now

for and additional $9.95

your soul can be SAVED!

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:50 PM

The prob with 2012 is the amount of documentation that has been discovered on the subject......Mayans, Aztecs etc who ALL made the same basic statements . Even ending their calandars on the same date......Coincidence??? If you Take into consideration that neither of these cultures had any contact with the must I think admit that the similarities are compelling.
Ed Meyer

What he said! plus lets not leave out what Nostadamus and Edgar Casey said.

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Sun 05/03/09 11:58 PM

He He He...

Twas but a few years ago that we were told 2000 would end the world...


Twill be but a few years from now that it will be said that 2030 or some such is the end...

Yet still it alludes those that would speed it to us.

the end will come when it arrives.

and not a moment before.

When a pregnant woman goes though a false labor it does'nt mean the baby will never be born.

justinc1431's photo
Mon 05/04/09 12:25 AM
So the Myans were supose to make a calandar that extened until when? Did they expect to live past 2012? I'm personally suprised they went that far ahead in time. I would have stopped years before that. It's all a giant crock of sh*t. Some day this world may come to an end, but not as predicted by some mysterious calandar or book.

Quantumthoughtbubble's photo
Mon 05/04/09 03:39 AM
How do you think they even came up with the calander? Two words...ancient astronaute! Btw I don't think it's the end but a new beginning. It's got to get worse before it gets better because catastrophy always brings people together.
You know what would be cool? If I could see a montage of a bunch of peoples reactions when there house of cards fall down in a giant crock of $hi+. Oh yee of little faith, look outside youself and ask, "what is the truth?" Keep asking questions......keep listening for answers. One of the worse words ever invented was coinsedence. This word doesn't exist when we're talking about a dirrect communication with an invisible yet loveing entity that can bend all forms of media to talk to you. You just have to listen.Go ahead guys ask a silent question open a book and there's your answer...turn on the radio and there's you a stranger on the bus and THERE MY FRIENDS IS YOUR ANSWER.!

OK i GOT A LITTLE offtopic oops deal with it.
Because everyone is subject to my opinion!

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 05/04/09 08:54 AM
First of all for all of those who love wacky theories let us put the whole 'visitation' thing into perspective. For as old as the universe is there had to be other intelligent technological life forms to have developed besides us in a universe SO FREAKN' big that if you add all the stars, and all of the planets we are now discovering to say we are the only life and the only INTELLIGENT life is absolute HUBRIS and ARROGANCE! There are accounts in the and cave art as well as the famous formations in south America and even locally to the united states, the bible, as well as from other civilizations as depicted in art of "gods" and visitors from the sky. Those visitors, had they been malevolent we would not be here now having this conversation over the internet.

Man kind did not get where we are alone technologically. A lot of phenomenon we take for granted (including pocket lighters and flashlights) a few hundred years ago would have been considered witchcraft or magic. It only has been the last two hundred or so years where we have been making quantum leaps in science. We are also beginning to understand more about the nature of our world. Unfortunately humans are too short sighted to see past our own existence to understand the greater impacts we have and those things we cannot affect like vulcanism. Like the seasons out planet under our very feet has volcanic cycles as well. We are coming into one of those very active cycles. I can very much argue that the earth unto itself is alive in its own way. Unlike many bodies in the heavens earth is 'plastic' and changes over time unlike something like the moon which the only changes it sees are meteor impacts. Granted the earth itself does not "reproduce" or live as we would understand it but it can and does support life and that cannot happen just anywhere. If it did we would see things flying around in space that would defy anything we understood about life.

The extinction event that wiped all of the Mega Fauna out in north America happened when Humans were present. Part of the wipe out was attributed to was attributed to disease and over hunting. The last time we had a period of incredible vulcanism was just before our written history. Granted Yellowstone was long dormant then but Snake River Supervolcano in Idaho was not. The effects of this would have been felt in south America and even witnessed to some degree. When the earth moves bad sh*t happens, period!

Keep in mind also that the location of Atlantis may very well have been found in a sight in Chile that is 1500 feet above sea level but the site meets every single criteria as described by Homer of ancient Greece, and I mean EVERY way! For a city dependent on the sea to be geologically forced out of the water like that would have been utterly devastating. The evidence of the are shows that it once was a very fertile place with a lot of irrigation and farm land but now it is just desert. The cave paintings found 150 feet below water near France was because the Mediterranean at one tile was a huge valley that again flooded because something geological happened allowing it to become flooded. Land and water levels rise and fall. Yellowstone's earth movement is now being measured in inches per year. Geologically speaking that is insanely fast considering many faults in California only move millimeters a year.

If all the ice melted and you forced all of the water out of the atmosphere the sea levels will not rise significantly. A rise of 150 feet globally would take a hell of a lot more water than the ice this planet holds. My grasp of math is not that bad. Over 80% of the melting ice is already IN the water and since ice expands has displaced ocean BEING ice! Now if we were talking about the ice age where entire continents were submerged under hundreds of feet of ice we would have a conversation about sea levels changing but these days? If you are a 'global warmer' get over yourself.

Chances are that we are going to kill ourselves off the way we manage ourselves and consume this world we live on like parasites. Humans only live in symbiosis with things we dominate and use for our own pleasures. Until we learn as a species to live in symbiosis we will be subject to the wrath of nature. It is only a matter of time when mother nature gets out the flea shampoo and does us real good.

Face it folks, we collectively are not as smart as we would like to think we are. If we were we would not have war, and we would not have the pollution, and we would not have the numbers of monkeys with rifles and nukes running around that we do.

Blind faith in God? Why not a little faith in our own? I digress, too much self interest, too much superiority complex, too little open mindedness and tolerance, too many stupid people on this planet. I hope if Mother Nature decides to wipe humanity out that it is a cull that wipes out the weak and stupid. That would cut down on 80% of humanity easily. Then the meek really shall inherit the earth. Hopefully we can keep it out of Jesus's hands this time!

no photo
Mon 05/04/09 10:58 AM
its real. it may not be the end as we know it, but it most surely is the begining of the end. but then again so is birth.

ThomasJB's photo
Mon 05/04/09 11:42 AM
This is all bs. The Mayan calendar didn't end 2012, that is misunderstanding that was started by one man. They didn't predict the end of the world, a galactic or planetary alignment in 2012. Their culture was technologically advanced that even then they believed in such advanced notions as a flat earth and appeasing gods through human sacrifice.
Edgar Casey was a charlatan and a fraud. And Nostadamus never predicted anything, he only spoke in vague nonsensical metaphors which others "interpreted" to mean whatever they wanted.

no photo
Mon 05/04/09 01:16 PM
The End is near!!!!




and there goes my brownie exploding in the microwavelaugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/04/09 01:20 PM

This is all bs. The Mayan calendar didn't end 2012, that is misunderstanding that was started by one man. They didn't predict the end of the world, a galactic or planetary alignment in 2012. Their culture was technologically advanced that even then they believed in such advanced notions as a flat earth and appeasing gods through human sacrifice.
Edgar Casey was a charlatan and a fraud. And Nostadamus never predicted anything, he only spoke in vague nonsensical metaphors which others "interpreted" to mean whatever they wanted.
:thumbsup: You are absolutely right:thumbsup:

drinks BRAVOdrinks

no photo
Mon 05/04/09 05:02 PM
why argue the facts. to each his or her own. believe as you will.It still does not change the fact that the aliens are coming back to control everyone living on the planet after the galactic cataclysm.scared

ThomasJB's photo
Mon 05/04/09 05:21 PM

why argue the facts. to each his or her own. believe as you will.It still does not change the fact that the aliens are coming back to control everyone living on the planet after the galactic cataclysm.scared

As long as they are sexy female aliens, they can control me. bigsmile

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 05/07/09 07:51 AM
2012... or whatever!

At some point in time the earth will be consumed by the expansion of our star. So what.

If we continue to advance our civilization we will be beyond this small (in galactic terms) inconveinance.

Or we can just continue to kill each other, steel each others resources and generally add to the problem.

would be up to us then as to which ending we prefere.

The end of all or simply a change to what comes next.

If we ever reach the point where we are ready for what comes next.

no photo
Thu 05/07/09 08:01 AM
2012 if it is true can't do much about it and it will happendrinker

if it's not true then we will wake up like any other day, nothing we can do about

either way what the f#%* can we do?