Community > Posts By > edwinmeyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Mon 05/18/09 01:12 PM
Ok, there are those of you who arbitrarily deny the significance of the 2012 question,

excerpt from Wikapedia

The significance of this date in Mayanism stems from the ending of the current baktun cycle of the Maya calendar in 2012. Many believe that the ending of this cycle will correspond with a global "consciousness shift" and the beginning of a new age. Speculation about this date can be traced to The Maya by Michael D. Coe,[2] in which he suggested the date of December 24, 2011 (later revised to December 23, 2012) would mark the end of civilization

Sure, these theories have been scrutinized and dismissed by many of the sheep who are comforted by the denial, but FACTS are FACTS
Ed Meyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Mon 05/18/09 12:59 PM
Tried the mail cash for gold scam a few years ago, I sent in 11.7 oz of mainly 14k with some 18k....these con artists sent me a check for $36..............Wouldnt send them the sweat off my @$$!

edwinmeyer's photo
Mon 05/11/09 05:28 AM
Factually, both words mean the same thing, (look them up)
although the word "ignorant" does imply as the root suggests,
"to ignore"

Uh Duh.....

Ok Next grammar class please.
Ed Meyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Sun 05/10/09 02:01 PM
As I have stated b4, even "IF" there was a Jesus and he was in fact the "son of "god", Then considering the drivel taught by the sheeplike religeous masses, heaven is just that...."Heaven" hence infinately better than the world of man, (scuse me while I come close to dying of laughter), so if he "sacraficed" his life to leave this world and go to much of a sacrafice is it to leave a horrible place in order to go to heaven???
I can deal with stupidity....stupid ppl just dont know any better...but IGNORANCE really chafes my @$$, Ignorance means you know better and yet STILL do the stupid thing!
Ed Meyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Fri 05/01/09 03:40 PM
Abraham had no sons and his wife was too old to bear children, thoerhetically God made Abrahams wife capable of concieving a son for Abraham,.....It would seem that the son was only intended as a tool for "God" to use against Abraham.....What an @$$!

edwinmeyer's photo
Thu 04/30/09 03:07 PM
Soooooo. Ms Dragoness....what I believe you are saying(whether intentional or not) is that there is no god....???
Ed Meyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Thu 04/30/09 02:15 PM
Many more people have been killed in the name of "God" than in ALL of the wars in the history of mankind combined.
Most of this "bible" is nothing more than propaganda used centuries ago to get the christians to pay their taxes and quit revolting against the king, This is why the bible is so full of crap like "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesars" turn the other thy enemies...Does ANY of this sound like what God would do???
I'll tell you what, turn the other cheek too often and you'll get your jaw broken!
Ed Meyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Thu 04/30/09 02:07 PM
Wow, got really quiet in here...
Just a clarification, maybe some of my statements seem a bit outlandish and I do apologise for the way they might be taken, but "to thine own self be true", unfortunately I have never nor will I ever be a sheep who follows the general consensus and Will speak my mind when prompted.
I find it amazing that so many people CHOOSE to believe that "God" is anything more than a vicious spoiled child, throughout his tenure he has done nothing but kill, punish and hide the truth from his children, What kind of "just" god would kill so many in his own name
and yet expect us to "turn the other cheek"
What about an all knowing god who with full knowledge and intent
can justify even creating a soul when he KNOWS (heck, he is God isnt he......hence all knowing) that that soul is destined for hell and damnation.... Does he sit on his throne thinking to himself..."Hmmmmmm, today I am going to creat someone and (BBBZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz,spin the big wheel), he's going to HELL!
It was according to God's own claim to know ALL His choice as to whether or not a person is destined for heaven or hell.
God......the one who sent Abraham to the top of the mountain
to kill his only son ......Why???? Just to see if he would do it...
Granted, Abraham was not made to commit the sacrafice though he was willing...But why would a all knowing god need to resort to such torture(and I guarantee you that Abraham WAS indeed tortured all of the way up that mountain), when apparantly God should have already known whether or not Abraham's faith was strong enough.
Ed Meyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:47 PM
Just a comment to Mirror, Yep, life under the tutalige of the antichrist...Yeah....And this "God" of the Bible has done such a bang up job during his tenure.
Ed Meyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Thu 04/30/09 01:43 PM
The "end" that you speak of will surely come at its appointed time, though the "end" is nothing more than a new beginning. All of time exists within every single nanosecond, therefore you are born, live your life and die and live again milions of times every second.
This "time" is nothing more than a concept created by man in order to make life more understandable.
Ed Meyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Wed 04/29/09 02:07 PM
"God" has been doing that kind of crap since day one, Just another child burning ants with a magnifying glass.
Since I believe we ALL have the power of "God" I have made a vow, I WILL utterly destroy this "God" one day, maybe not this lifetime maybe not for another million or so years, but eventually an incarnation of my soul will gain control over the power stripped away from each and every one of us and I WILL keep my word.

edwinmeyer's photo
Wed 04/29/09 07:52 AM
Uh......Its fine to be creative in writing, I truely enjoy a well turned phrase, but I (and I apologise in advance),cant seem to decipher creativesoul's 4-20 post.......maybe he/she was trying to emulate biblical statements because statements made certainly resemble the rhetoric contained in the "Bible"

edwinmeyer's photo
Wed 04/29/09 07:15 AM
Here here mr monkey127z
There are those who have learned many words.......just not very good at using them, LOL

edwinmeyer's photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:04 AM
We will always be plagued by those who speak much yet say nothing.
Ed Meyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:00 AM
Its not really a "choice" per se, we in fact hed to originate somewhere, though I believe that rather than being a true "god"
we were created by a being more like an alien, not a god at all but powerfull.....unfortunately children loose interest in their new toys
, and turn to burning ants on the sidewalk with their magnifying glasses, Welcome to the ant world.
Ed Meyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Mon 04/27/09 04:40 PM
I apologise to you for multiple posting of this message, but I do believe it will fit here nicely.

Not really a "reply" but a statement I have been pondering for a long time.
I do believe in God, and I utterly despise any "God" who historically treats his "children"(us) the way he does
History bears out that this "God" is a cruel hatefull spitefull and quite honestly not a very smart individual.... And Jesus theorhetically "giving his life" for us is an insult to anyone with the brains of a Snickers Bar. Lets consider....If indeed Jesus was actually the "son of God" then it therefore was absolutely NO sacrafice for him to give his life since His real life was in heaven
and not here on our painfull planet to begin with.
As for "virgin birth" that is an easy one, even as a teen years ago
I knew how to have intercourse gently controlling myself so that I did not enter far enough to break the hymen...
When God gets mad at a person or people he dosent forgive them, he historically DESTROYS them along with anyone who happens to be in that city or place.....yet God tells us to "love your enemy", "turn the other cheek" etc. So In essacne God expects us, mere humans, to do that which He as a god is incapable of.
Ed Meyer
BTW, we were created in His image, "according to the great book of propaganda touted as the "Bible"
therefore we are ALL GOD, we may have lost the ability to do those things "God" can do, but many of us (the human race) have been able to tap into those powers, ESP, Telekenisis,etc.

edwinmeyer's photo
Mon 04/27/09 04:31 PM
Not really a "reply" but a statement I have been pondering for a long time.
I do believe in God, and I utterly despise any "God" who historically treats his "children"(us) the way he does
History bears out that this "God" is a cruel hatefull spitefull and quite honestly not a very smart individual.... And Jesus theorhetically "giving his life" for us is an insult to anyone with the brains of a Snickers Bar. Lets consider....If indeed Jesus was actually the "son of God" then it therefore was absolutely NO sacrafice for him to give his life since His real life was in heaven
and not here on our painfull planet to begin with.
As for "virgin birth" that is an easy one, even as a teen years ago
I knew how to have intercourse gently controlling myself so that I did not enter far enough to break the hymen...
When God gets mad at a person or people he dosent forgive them, he historically DESTROYS them along with anyone who happens to be in that city or place.....yet God tells us to "love your enemy", "turn the other cheek" etc. So In essacne God expects us, mere humans, to do that which He as a god is incapable of.
Ed Meyer

edwinmeyer's photo
Mon 04/27/09 04:12 PM
The prob with 2012 is the amount of documentation that has been discovered on the subject......Mayans, Aztecs etc who ALL made the same basic statements . Even ending their calandars on the same date......Coincidence??? If you Take into consideration that neither of these cultures had any contact with the must I think admit that the similarities are compelling.
Ed Meyer