Topic: mcdonalds
whispertoascream's photo
Sat 04/18/09 06:55 AM
I have actually stood up to a parent before after I saw them yelling and then spanking their child in public. It got kinda heated, but hey a child cannot stick up for themselves.

I do not agree with forcing a child to eat. Especially in a junk place like McDonalds.

LordCole's photo
Sat 04/18/09 07:30 AM
Edited by LordCole on Sat 04/18/09 07:32 AM
I have broken kids... Their Mother and I taught them early in life about veggies over junk food like Micky D's.

A prime example, every year since they were old enough, I will take the kids out on their birthday. At one place my Daughter orders a chopped steak burger and substitutes fries w/ steamed broccoli. Since she started sports she has taken to being a full vegan, while my Son will eat anything, he too prefers a veggie over something fried.

To punish your child for NOT wanting crap from a fast food place is ludicrous in my opinion.

bigbayhrsrider's photo
Sat 04/18/09 02:25 PM
I for one dont force a child to eat if they are NOT hungry...
but dont go for junk food either...
i raised my girls both are beautiful n when we would go to a resturant to eat my oldest would only order cottage cheese.. embarrassed me .. but hey .. least wasnt order of french fries.. she turned out to be MISS TEEN USA runner up..
my other daughter was MILITARY BRAT of the yr.. so didnt do bad with what my kids didnt eat.. just because we wanted to go to a resturant and eat.. and this is for the reply to my post bout me getting food poisioning frm MCDONALDS>. n YES it was PROVEN I GOT IT AT MCDONALDS. ate there 3 times in my life.. last one was almost a fatal one.. so no .. I STILL VOTE For the KID!drinks drinks

Winx's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:00 AM

i actually like somewhat chubby guys

This whole thing, start to finish...

You judged the mom in McD's, for what she had on, what she weighed, what and how she said anything to her kid..... you do not know them or their situation.

She did not abuse the child.

You have no problems or issues of your own, you got to pick on this situation and judge her?

But we now know you like chubby guys.


I don't feel that it's right to yell at one's child in a public place. It's verbally abusive to me to humiliate a child like that.

lilith401's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:17 AM
We did not see what happened, Winx. We don't know.

Foliel's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:31 AM
IMO i don't care what happened, she should not have yelled at him in public. Maybe that's just the way i was raised, but yelling at a child in public with everyone in the place staring is mean. I watched as the poor kid started to cry and kept asking why he was in trouble. I was sitting 2 tables away and heard the whole thing.

There may have been something going on before and if so thats something else entirely, but I was there and heard the whole thing in the place. Even the other 3 kids that were with them were confused about the whole thing.

If he was being bad in some way she should have taken him off to the side and spoken to him quietly, if that did not work then take him the car. Shouldn't stand there for 15 minutes just yelling at him with the whole place looking on.

I would have said the same thing lilith said if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes and ears. All else aside whe should have removed him from the place and spoken to him in private.

lilith401's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:35 AM
Yep. Okay.

She yelled at her kid.

Is it okay to yell at your kids in public? Nope. She feel bad about it afterwards? Maybe. Maybe not.

If you feel so strongly about it you should have taken her license plate number down and called Children's Services.

Foliel's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:43 AM
let people do what they want to their kids i dont care anymore. i stated something that i thought was incorrect and get attacked for it.

I never claimed to be perfect but then again being in dss for 5 years tends to make one bitter.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:45 AM
offtopic Please remain on topic and do not attack other members or belittle others for their looks ect...

Site Mod

Winx's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:45 AM
Edited by Winx on Mon 04/20/09 11:57 AM

lilith401's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:47 AM
Edited by lilith401 on Mon 04/20/09 11:48 AM

Foliel's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:48 AM
because i was curious about how other people would feel about this, and if people don't want to be judged on their actions don't do it in public.

I'm fine with people thinking that nothing was wrong with this picture and thats their right, it is also my right to think it was a little rude to yell at him in public.

That's all i was upset about. the comment about the miniskirt wasn't meant to be taken seriously, I could care less about it since i myself am chubby, then again i also dress accordingly. I don't wear clothing that shows more than it should.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:50 AM

I saw/heard something in mcdonalds today that upset me.

A family came in and one of the boys did not want to order anything, so the mother started yelling at him and told him that he would be given a time out when they got home. Before anyone says i may not know the whole story, I witnessed the whole thing, starting from when they walked into the place and started asking the kids what they wanted.

To me this is abusing the time out system, but also i have to wonder what kind of people punish a child because he didn't want to order anything from the place.

Maybe i'm just nuts lol I would have thought they'd be thrilled that he didnt want mcdonalds food lol

the child could have been acting difficult all day and the mom was at her wits end by that beating the child i would have a probelm with. but i'm playing devil's advocate here. i like to know the whole story of things before i make up my mind

Foliel's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:52 AM

Anyways, I apologize if me being upset about someone yelling at her child in public upset me and will not mention it ever again.

Not to say i won't be upset my it again but now that i know my feeling don't matter, i can move on and post on more important topics.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:56 AM
foliel....i guess i missed alot here but even parents (may need time outs themselves at times) are human. depending on things going on etc...a parent can get onto the child. so without knowing what happened before the resturant I can't say one way or another. and sometimes getting onto the child in public is needed (like when they are throwing a tantrum and won;t stop) if the child doesn't want to go somewhere to calm down....the parent could drag them by their hand kicking an screaming and then the parent looks bad then too. and sometimes a child throwing a tantrum doesn't listen to someone being reasonable so voices get raised

Winx's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:57 AM

Anyways, I apologize if me being upset about someone yelling at her child in public upset me and will not mention it ever again.

Not to say i won't be upset my it again but now that i know my feeling don't matter, i can move on and post on more important topics.


I don't like to see parents hollering at their children in public either. It humiliates the child. It also means that the mother lost control.

Foliel's photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:58 AM
The only thing i was upset about at all was that she yelled at him in public, I did not mean for it to turn into a huge thing. Again I am sorry I ever said anything. It won't happen again.

Winx's photo
Mon 04/20/09 12:05 PM

The only thing i was upset about at all was that she yelled at him in public, I did not mean for it to turn into a huge thing. Again I am sorry I ever said anything. It won't happen again.

You didn't do anything wrong, IMO.flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 04/20/09 12:20 PM
Edited by boo2u on Mon 04/20/09 12:34 PM
If the mother was doing the yelling maybe she needed the time out.. I don't like seeing parents loosing their cool. It just teachs the kids how to manipulate them in the long run ill

Foliel's photo
Mon 04/20/09 12:24 PM
I'm very touchy on child abuse, a good portion of my family has lost their kids to dss for child abuse. So when I see things like this it upsets me.