Topic: Legalize it! | |
What's funny is the fact that people call it a "gateway drug" when nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs out there. The side affects are really no greater than alcohol. AND it costs us BILLIONS of tax payer dollars a year to fund police efforts to surpress it. Remember Prohibition? Made the Capones filthy rich. Pot does the same for many other gangs and cartels. I'm for legalizing it and taxing it. I think you would find crime go down as a result and we'd be saving incredible amounts of tax money. I would like to add, although i am no medical doctor yet, my best friend is a pharmacist and according to him marijuana does not reduce nausea. It can be used to treat pain though. Just a side thought. Yes, there WAS a time that alcohol was not even legal. Then they decided to make is easily available. They did not even have a proper test to detect if somebody had been drink until a few years ago. Before the breathalyzer came out a few years ago you had to touch your finger to your nose. I say treat it the same way as the cigarettes and alcohol. 19 years to buy, and tax it. With the economy the way it is, it would not only save them money with the courts, but it will also help put money into the government pockets. And your friend may say that it does not reduse nausea, but I find that it helps. Thanks for your post. |
Although pot is a relatively harmless drug it is a drug none the less and goes hand in hand with other harder drugs.People seem to forget that a great deal of marijuana comes from Mexico and Canada.The people smuggling these drugs into the country always have long criminal records and it is very common for these same people to dabble in illegal gun sales,death and murder,counterfeiting,underage prostitution and many more.Read the story on any drug busts and you will always find marijuana along with cocaine,crack,and amphetimine.Mexicos drug war has already claimed thousands of victims many with their heads cut off.What is these drug lords main money maker?Marijuana and alot of it. Marijuana is a gateway drug.Although a great deal of people only smoke Marijuana nearly everyone will experiment at some time or another with some other illegal drug such as acid,cocaine,and herion.Talk to anyone who has been a drug addict and their addiction usually started with smoking pot and turned to harder drugs.Even if one person just tries a one time hit of acid or a line of cocaine,you take a million people a year doing that and you have a major drug problem. Americans love to take things to excess.Legalizing marijuana would create a huge drug market.You would have a all time high of new drug users and those new drug users get addicted to various drugs.This would lead to a spike in robberies,murders,drug gang wars,and many others. It doesn't work in Canada.Canada has a major drug problem growing every day.As someone who was a regular visitor to one of Canada major cities I can tell you that after the lights when down downtown looked like night of the living dead.Hundreds of people strung out,smoking,drinking,pissing,shooting up and doing God only knows what.Prostitution is legal and not unusual to see 10 or 15 hookers on a street corner in the bad parts of town. It is estimated that 80% of the people in prison are there for drug problems. I would like to know what city you are talking about here. Cause Canada does not allow prostitution ![]() Also would you please tell me how much more a drug marijuana is compared to Salvia, nicotine, alcohol, which are all readily available. And I have been smoking marijuana now since I was 14 and not once have I EVER wanted to try anything harder. Not once has any non prescription chemical drug ever enter this body. Nor will it ever. I can go months without smoking a joint, but yet can't go that long without smoking a cigarette. It is just like people enjoy a cold glass of beer or a even a glass of wine at the end of the day I prefure to smoke one. Thank you for your opinions. Please do get back to me with that Canadian city would ya. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() They will go to any length ![]() to getting people hooked ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and they will stop at Nothing ![]() ![]() and usage of gentler herbal ways ![]() ![]() Good morning Nessa. I hear yea hun. My doctor prescribed me anti depressants and I refused to take them once I read the side effects. Did you know that one of the side effects of many ant depressants is Suicidal thoughts! ![]() |
There are a few significant differences here, comparing pot to cigs and booze.
Second-hand smoke is going to get everyone high. Just imagine the lawsuits. Imagine the burden upon the Children's Services Division. Imagine what will happen to the kids, once (or more) exposed, and as they head off to cross the streets, to school. Imagine the job performance of the non-smokers, who live with those puffing the pipes and bongs. Late to work? Not paying attention to the deep fryer? The drive-thru patrons said what? Repeat that? How much change, for what currency? It's legal, here, in Alaska, which is an education to see. You want a job, a car, a family, and to pay bills and build a stable future? Forget it, if you're a user, or live/hang with users. Drug testing is big, and common, and precludes employment and gets people fired, so think of what size of an unemployed (and highly unemployable) population you want to burden society with--added to the already high unemployment rate. Try collecting child support and other debts from the "high" class people who weren't responsible enough to take seriously what they did to their own lives and the lives of others around them. BTW...I used to be an extreme pot head, and a home grower, among other things. It took years to earn a better reputation, and I'm still working on it. There isn't any room for messing up, like that, after the "experimental years" are outgrown. |
if they legalize pot....the same rules would need to apply as alcohol. age restrictions and no driving.
the problem with drunk driving and alcohol is the amount consumed and the kind consumed. a glass of beer has a different effect than the same glass of 151. it would be the same if pot came in all sorts of proofs like alcohol and the amount smoked in a given time. |
drunks run through stop signs..weed smokers stop and wait for the sign to turn green
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Although pot is a relatively harmless drug it is a drug none the less and goes hand in hand with other harder drugs.People seem to forget that a great deal of marijuana comes from Mexico and Canada.The people smuggling these drugs into the country always have long criminal records and it is very common for these same people to dabble in illegal gun sales,death and murder,counterfeiting,underage prostitution and many more.Read the story on any drug busts and you will always find marijuana along with cocaine,crack,and amphetimine.Mexicos drug war has already claimed thousands of victims many with their heads cut off.What is these drug lords main money maker?Marijuana and alot of it. Marijuana is a gateway drug.Although a great deal of people only smoke Marijuana nearly everyone will experiment at some time or another with some other illegal drug such as acid,cocaine,and herion.Talk to anyone who has been a drug addict and their addiction usually started with smoking pot and turned to harder drugs.Even if one person just tries a one time hit of acid or a line of cocaine,you take a million people a year doing that and you have a major drug problem. Americans love to take things to excess.Legalizing marijuana would create a huge drug market.You would have a all time high of new drug users and those new drug users get addicted to various drugs.This would lead to a spike in robberies,murders,drug gang wars,and many others. It doesn't work in Canada.Canada has a major drug problem growing every day.As someone who was a regular visitor to one of Canada major cities I can tell you that after the lights when down downtown looked like night of the living dead.Hundreds of people strung out,smoking,drinking,pissing,shooting up and doing God only knows what.Prostitution is legal and not unusual to see 10 or 15 hookers on a street corner in the bad parts of town. It is estimated that 80% of the people in prison are there for drug problems. If we look at the unsuccessful war on drugs here in the U.S. we will find hundreds of billions of dollars and wasted man-power going after people that commit "victimless crimes". The very argument that marijuana is a gateway drug is a little silly. As i have mentioned earlier nicotine, even from second hand smoking is more addictive. And if you look at statistics you would most likely find those addicted to nicotine are several times more likely to occasionally smoke pot. So you could argue that cigaretts are a gateway drug and should also be illegal... But aside from that fact. I understand people wanting the best for citizens of this country. Unfortunately forcing these "morals" on to the population brings about what is called a "nanny state". The federal government is not, and should not be used, as a parent to the populace. I say make them all legal. But "educate and inform the masses" instead of just taking away freedoms. People will learn if you give them responsibility. Without responsibility society cannot mature... |
Edited by
Mon 03/23/09 09:13 AM
As someone who was a regular visitor to one of Canada major cities I can tell you that after the lights when down downtown looked like night of the living dead.Hundreds of people strung out,smoking,drinking,pissing,shooting up and doing God only knows what.Prostitution is legal and not unusual to see 10 or 15 hookers on a street corner in the bad parts of town.
What part of Canada did YOU visit? ![]() I used to go to Winnipeg quite regularly, and as we'd be dashing from pub to pub, I can't say I noticed any of the above. I always found the people to be as normal as any of us are, and very friendly. That being said, I have mixed feelings about legalizing. My oldest son started with pot years ago, and has run the gambit of other drugs since then, currently meth addict. Heartbreaking. Would he have "graduated" to the other drugs had he never started smoking pot? I guess I'll never know. Seems to me that people are able to obtain it whether it's legal or not, and I'm not sure that it's any more harmful in moderation than pounding down a 12-pack, and I do think that for some medical problems it does offer relief to some. Everybody so far has made pretty good observations, whether pros or cons. |
We'll never know unless we try it. ...but it's legal in other countries so you can get a sense of what it would be like. I spent seven days in Amsterdam, and all of the citizens there seemed like mature, responsible, level headed people. Most of them even more so than Americans. It just goes to show that if it was legalized here in America I think us adults would be mature and responsible about it just like the people in Amsterdam. And not EVERYBODY would want to smoke it just because it's legal. I talked to quite a few people there that didn't smoke. When I acted surprised that they didn't smoke marijuana they laughed at me and said "What....just because it's LEGAL doesn't mean we ALL have to smoke it." ![]() I find it very hypocritical of the government to have alcohol (which kills more people than pot, heroin, crack, and coke COMBINED each year) legal. And to have marijuana (which has NEVER had a reported cause of death) illegal. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() They will go to any length ![]() to getting people hooked ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and they will stop at Nothing ![]() ![]() and usage of gentler herbal ways ![]() ![]() Good morning Nessa. I hear yea hun. My doctor prescribed me anti depressants and I refused to take them once I read the side effects. Did you know that one of the side effects of many ant depressants is Suicidal thoughts! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am thankful ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I just finished a book titled "Comfortably Numb", written by a Dr. and talking about how anti-depressants are so overly prescribed, and he's right. Easier to medicate people than to talk to them and try to figure out what's depressing them, eh?
Edited by
Mon 03/23/09 10:33 AM
I just finished a book titled "Comfortably Numb", written by a Dr. and talking about how anti-depressants are so overly prescribed, and he's right. Easier to medicate people than to talk to them and try to figure out what's depressing them, eh? many people are circumstantially depressed ![]() ![]() there is a big difference there . ![]() or at least start understanding it better ![]() and begin dealing with it in different ways ![]() ![]() ![]() the depression starts going away ![]() so much better than covering it up ![]() but so many people want an instant fix... ![]() no pill is going to take away years of negative circumstances ![]() and it isn't going to go away in one second, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What's funny is the fact that people call it a "gateway drug" when nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs out there. The side affects are really no greater than alcohol. AND it costs us BILLIONS of tax payer dollars a year to fund police efforts to surpress it. Remember Prohibition? Made the Capones filthy rich. Pot does the same for many other gangs and cartels. I'm for legalizing it and taxing it. I think you would find crime go down as a result and we'd be saving incredible amounts of tax money. I would like to add, although i am no medical doctor yet, my best friend is a pharmacist and according to him marijuana does not reduce nausea. It can be used to treat pain though. Just a side thought. Yes, there WAS a time that alcohol was not even legal. Then they decided to make is easily available. They did not even have a proper test to detect if somebody had been drink until a few years ago. Before the breathalyzer came out a few years ago you had to touch your finger to your nose. I say treat it the same way as the cigarettes and alcohol. 19 years to buy, and tax it. With the economy the way it is, it would not only save them money with the courts, but it will also help put money into the government pockets. And your friend may say that it does not reduse nausea, but I find that it helps. Thanks for your post. ![]() ![]() This is one thing i am learning. No two people are the same. |
I don't personally see much overuse with antidepressants in my area.
Mostly the side affects of SSRI's (Selective Seretonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are diarrea, upset stomach, and nausea. Short term they are harmless. This is why a physician should require you regularly check with a psychiatrist to see how you are feeling. Eventually the psychiatrist SHOULD lessen your dosage gradually and see if you are still need it. Lessening the dosage should be VERY gradual as your body can become dependent on the drug (just like antihistamines). According to my friend the antidepressants with the fewest accounts of side affects are Lexapro (Escitalopram), and Prozac (fluoxetine). More and more doctors are becoming away of natural alternatives to medications. I've been reading up on Orthomolecular Medicine as a guide to preventive medicine. Maybe most people that suffer from anxiety or depression, or physical sympoms like aching joints, are just nutriant deficiant... So eat your vegitables and take your vitamins darn it!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 03/23/09 12:45 PM
Gateway drug myth:
Cost of prohibition of marijuana a year, roughly $42 billion a year. Money made back by legalization, roughly $2.4 million in tax dollars minus with the addition of the 42 billion used to illegalize it brings total money made in a fiscal year to $42.0024 billion dollars. Current debt, roughly 10.9 trillion. Cause and effect of THC on the brain, none. Cause and effect of THC on the body, increased susception to pulmonary cancer and other breathing difficulties (in lesser degree to that of a cigarette). Cause and effect of THC on the body as a whole, increased susception to pulmonary cancer and other breathing difficulties and slower reaction time (comparable to alcohol, although arguably less severe). I am the gateway drug. ![]() EDIT: Math was off, must be the weed. ![]() |
Although pot is a relatively harmless drug it is a drug none the less and goes hand in hand with other harder drugs.People seem to forget that a great deal of marijuana comes from Mexico and Canada.The people smuggling these drugs into the country always have long criminal records and it is very common for these same people to dabble in illegal gun sales,death and murder,counterfeiting,underage prostitution and many more.Read the story on any drug busts and you will always find marijuana along with cocaine,crack,and amphetimine.Mexicos drug war has already claimed thousands of victims many with their heads cut off.What is these drug lords main money maker?Marijuana and alot of it. Marijuana is a gateway drug.Although a great deal of people only smoke Marijuana nearly everyone will experiment at some time or another with some other illegal drug such as acid,cocaine,and herion.Talk to anyone who has been a drug addict and their addiction usually started with smoking pot and turned to harder drugs.Even if one person just tries a one time hit of acid or a line of cocaine,you take a million people a year doing that and you have a major drug problem. Americans love to take things to excess.Legalizing marijuana would create a huge drug market.You would have a all time high of new drug users and those new drug users get addicted to various drugs.This would lead to a spike in robberies,murders,drug gang wars,and many others. It doesn't work in Canada.Canada has a major drug problem growing every day.As someone who was a regular visitor to one of Canada major cities I can tell you that after the lights when down downtown looked like night of the living dead.Hundreds of people strung out,smoking,drinking,pissing,shooting up and doing God only knows what.Prostitution is legal and not unusual to see 10 or 15 hookers on a street corner in the bad parts of town. It is estimated that 80% of the people in prison are there for drug problems. I would like to know what city you are talking about here. Cause Canada does not allow prostitution ![]() Also would you please tell me how much more a drug marijuana is compared to Salvia, nicotine, alcohol, which are all readily available. And I have been smoking marijuana now since I was 14 and not once have I EVER wanted to try anything harder. Not once has any non prescription chemical drug ever enter this body. Nor will it ever. I can go months without smoking a joint, but yet can't go that long without smoking a cigarette. It is just like people enjoy a cold glass of beer or a even a glass of wine at the end of the day I prefure to smoke one. Thank you for your opinions. Please do get back to me with that Canadian city would ya. The city I am talking about is Vancouver,BC.Living in Seattle I used to go up to Vancouver about every other week.I'm not sure where you think that prostituion is illegal in BC but you don't have to drive to far downtown at night to see prostitues standing around.I remember one summer I counted no less that 15 prostitues standing next to the hotel Patricia.And yes it's very obvious they are prostitutes by the way they dress and if you still don't believe me ask them their rate and they will tell you.I have spent alot of time in Winnipeg,and Edmonton but they are nothing like Vancouver. Comparing alcohol,caffine and nicotine to drugs like Marijuana and herion is nothing but a waste of time.People are not going to shoot,kill,behead,and murder people over a cup of coffee,pack of cigeretts or a bottle of beer.The people who make and distrubute these products are not drug lords or drug dealers who will kill to get their product across.Even if alcohol or nicotine was illegal I still don't think you would have the same violence trying to get it sold as you do with the other drugs.People who smuggle Marijuana into the country will go to any extreme not to get caught even if it means killing someone. VANCOUVER, B.C. - A laid-back attitude towards drug use, easy access over a largely unsecured U.S. border and a vast backcountry with a climate ripe for growing the potent marijuana known around the world as B.C. bud. It's little wonder British Columbia has become the centre of Canada's illicit drug trade and, along with it, a focal point for the multiplicity of gangs that are currently fighting a bloody war on Vancouver-area streets to control the lucrative enterprise. There have been three dozen shootings since late January, leaving 16 people dead. Police have linked the majority to gangs, drugs and people "known to police." |
I don't personally see much overuse with antidepressants in my area. Mostly the side affects of SSRI's (Selective Seretonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are diarrea, upset stomach, and nausea. Short term they are harmless. This is why a physician should require you regularly check with a psychiatrist to see how you are feeling. Eventually the psychiatrist SHOULD lessen your dosage gradually and see if you are still need it. Lessening the dosage should be VERY gradual as your body can become dependent on the drug (just like antihistamines). According to my friend the antidepressants with the fewest accounts of side affects are Lexapro (Escitalopram), and Prozac (fluoxetine). More and more doctors are becoming away of natural alternatives to medications. I've been reading up on Orthomolecular Medicine as a guide to preventive medicine. Maybe most people that suffer from anxiety or depression, or physical sympoms like aching joints, are just nutriant deficiant... So eat your vegitables and take your vitamins darn it!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I say legalize it. If alcohol and nicotine can be legal, why not the "herb"? IMO, a drunk person is more dangerous than a pothead. How many people are killed by potheads every year?? Is there a "Mothers Against Potheads"? I personally don't smoke it, but if some people want it to mellow out, how is it really worse than a beer?
I also think that much of its appeal to the younger crowd is that it's forbidden. People get high just from the thrill of sneaking around the law. Some of its appeal would be lost if it were legal. Most of the pot users I know or knew were never interested in doing harder drugs. They just like to chill with a joint now and then, just as many of the beer consumers I know just like to have a beer or two after work. The simple truth is some folks are going to abuse everything they touch while others have self-control. Legalize and tax it and quit raising my taxes. |
I say legalize it. If alcohol and nicotine can be legal, why not the "herb"? IMO, a drunk person is more dangerous than a pothead. How many people are killed by potheads every year?? Is there a "Mothers Against Potheads"? I personally don't smoke it, but if some people want it to mellow out, how is it really worse than a beer? I also think that much of its appeal to the younger crowd is that it's forbidden. People get high just from the thrill of sneaking around the law. Some of its appeal would be lost if it were legal. Most of the pot users I know or knew were never interested in doing harder drugs. They just like to chill with a joint now and then, just as many of the beer consumers I know just like to have a beer or two after work. The simple truth is some folks are going to abuse everything they touch while others have self-control. Legalize and tax it and quit raising my taxes. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There are a few significant differences here, comparing pot to cigs and booze. Second-hand smoke is going to get everyone high. Just imagine the lawsuits. Imagine the burden upon the Children's Services Division. Imagine what will happen to the kids, once (or more) exposed, and as they head off to cross the streets, to school. Imagine the job performance of the non-smokers, who live with those puffing the pipes and bongs. Late to work? Not paying attention to the deep fryer? The drive-thru patrons said what? Repeat that? How much change, for what currency? It's legal, here, in Alaska, which is an education to see. You want a job, a car, a family, and to pay bills and build a stable future? Forget it, if you're a user, or live/hang with users. Drug testing is big, and common, and precludes employment and gets people fired, so think of what size of an unemployed (and highly unemployable) population you want to burden society with--added to the already high unemployment rate. Try collecting child support and other debts from the "high" class people who weren't responsible enough to take seriously what they did to their own lives and the lives of others around them. BTW...I used to be an extreme pot head, and a home grower, among other things. It took years to earn a better reputation, and I'm still working on it. There isn't any room for messing up, like that, after the "experimental years" are outgrown. |