Topic: Call me crazy...
MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 03/10/09 08:02 PM

Opinions are like a big girl on a dating site...they never get anywhere? laugh j/k j/k

laugh ouchlaugh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/10/09 08:19 PM

Haha...How did spiritual conversations turn into a dog commanding people to break into houses?? what

you told us to call you crazy....we are just fitting in laugh

LincInLynnwood's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:20 PM
haha. I like that

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:03 PM
Edited by DeKLiNe0fMaN on Tue 03/10/09 11:05 PM
" A higher power made us(not God)" wtf does that mean? u believe in a creator just as long as it isn't god? which god ? Many people call many different things god. The latest cool thing in this country and is widely popular on this site is to hate on the God of Christians. Is that the god who couldn't have possibly made us? Or are you so wrapped up in your own rebellion that you don't even know whos ideas your trying to claim, because obviously you don't have any of your own. I love how your open to be " persuaded" into any religion, i hope a suicide bomber doesn't befriend you. And you're right it should be believable like your philosophy of a generouse beings creating us for sh!ts and giggles and giving us many lives to cross paths on.. lmao.. Dude put down the bong and step away from your mtv realty show dvd collection.

P.S your not crazy your nuckin futs

LincInLynnwood's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:44 PM

" A higher power made us(not God)" wtf does that mean? u believe in a creator just as long as it isn't god? which god ? Many people call many different things god. The latest cool thing in this country and is widely popular on this site is to hate on the God of Christians. Is that the god who couldn't have possibly made us? Or are you so wrapped up in your own rebellion that you don't even know whos ideas your trying to claim, because obviously you don't have any of your own. I love how your open to be " persuaded" into any religion, i hope a suicide bomber doesn't befriend you. And you're right it should be believable like your philosophy of a generouse beings creating us for sh!ts and giggles and giving us many lives to cross paths on.. lmao.. Dude put down the bong and step away from your mtv realty show dvd collection.

P.S your not crazy your nuckin futs

We're all entitled to our opinions...And your some what hostile behavior proves exactly why I would never WANT to be a christian. I never said belieiving in christianity was a "bad" thing. And I wasn't "hating" on christians or the christian population. I have my own ideas, my own beliefs, and that's them. Native Americans from century's ago believed in the some what of the same thing called "reincarnation". And when I refer to a "Higher power" I'm refering to something that isn't human. Some thing that is much more powerful than any human being on this earth. You can call it god...For all I care you can call it cheese and crackers...Look buddy, should I be condemned in my beliefs? What if I told you that jesus was nothing more than a magician, and successfully completed a magic trick that Harry Houdini apparently couldn't do? Coming back from the dead is nothing no mortal man could do...And I'll put my bong down when you shave your face. Clown.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:14 AM
a higher power can refer to many things besides God. some worship goddesses and the earth as a higher power. some see a highger power in themselves. someone can believe in a higher power without referring to the Christian God

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Wed 03/11/09 10:29 AM
I wasn''t condemning your beliefs because you really didn't state any belief structure. Reincarnation isn't a belief it's just another way to justify our fear of death. And thinking that you lived some past life is just as absurd as believing Jesus was raised from the dead. But that is where faith comes in. My intention wasn't to attack you but after re reading my post it may have seemed that way. So i apologize for that. My intention was to have you re evaluate what you had said because to me it was full of contradiction. There is proof that Jesus walked the earth and a written account of his miracles. Where as a written account doesn't prove Him to be a diety several people seemed to feel the need to record the history. I'm not here to say i'm right and your wrong, go with whatever floats your boat and helps you get through the day. And if you're gonna decide not to be a part of a religion based on a little opposing belief, than frankly my friend you just proved your rebellious attitude towards anything you don't agree with. So I suggest you start your own religion where you can make the rules up as you go along. Here's something believable for you. If you put water in a plastic canteen and hike into the desert, there will come a point of soul searching as you are dying. Then you can "pray" to the canteen to save you and it will. Now you will have an idol that saved your life and no one will be able to tell you different. btw "shave your facee clown"? i don't get it, is that white wanna be gangster hip hop thing?

no photo
Wed 03/11/09 12:10 PM
Edited by CircuitRider on Wed 03/11/09 12:16 PM

I believe that we're all spirits in a form. A higher power made us (not god) simply for the fact of generosity; To give us the chance of experiencing life. I can't believe in a god because if god was real, there would be no need for drama. I don't think that we're only given one life, infact I believe we all have been around and crossed paths at one time or another. Was there a jesus? Yeah, I can see jesus being a real person, but definitely not the son of christ. Maybe I'm ignorant; I've never read the bible, I've never been intrigued by it. I have a love for the life I'm given and often question why I'm here in the first place. This might make some people angry, but I believe Christianity is for people who fear death and need something to believe in. My mother is some what of a christian and my father is by far the opposite end. I'm glad that I had the freedom to believe in what I want to, and I am always open to being persuaded into conceiving any type of religion as long as it's believable.

#1) GOD is A SPIRIT....

#2) Jesus is The Christ (The Anointed One... The Son of GOD)... Born by a virgin, by The Spirit of GOD, without an 'earthly father'.

At the time of creation, our Creator (GOD) breathed HIS Spirit into mankind;

The Book of Genesis Chapter 2:7
(From The Torah in english.)

7 Then the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

That is what is supposed to seperate us from the animal kingdom. Our soul (GOD'S Spirit still in us, passed on from generation to generation) gives us our language skills, gives GOD the ability to see through our own eyes and hearts our sins against our fellow man and HIM, and gives us the ability to have dominion over all the earth;

The Book of Genesis Chapter 1:27
(From The Torah in english.)

27 And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. 28 And God blessed them; and God said unto them: 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth.'

Sadly, mankind has gone far beyond that... with the fall of mankind in the garden of eden. By his disobedience to GOD, mankind has caused the earth to be covered with violence, robbery and thievery. (And, we've got plenty of that going on!frustrated

So, how can you say "a higher power made us, but NOT GOD?"huh frustrated

Inkracer's photo
Wed 03/11/09 12:25 PM
Sadly, mankind has gone far beyond that... with the fall of mankind in the garden of eden. By his disobedience to GOD, mankind has caused the earth to be covered with violence, robbery and thievery.

If there is a god, why doesn't he just stop evil? Why play it out that he has to kill of all people first? If he truly he god, why not just put a stop to evil? if he can't stop evil, why call him god?

davidben1's photo
Wed 03/11/09 02:07 PM

I believe that we're all spirits in a form. A higher power made us (not god) simply for the fact of generosity; To give us the chance of experiencing life. I can't believe in a god because if god was real, there would be no need for drama. I don't think that we're only given one life, infact I believe we all have been around and crossed paths at one time or another. Was there a jesus? Yeah, I can see jesus being a real person, but definitely not the son of christ. Maybe I'm ignorant; I've never read the bible, I've never been intrigued by it. I have a love for the life I'm given and often question why I'm here in the first place. This might make some people angry, but I believe Christianity is for people who fear death and need something to believe in. My mother is some what of a christian and my father is by far the opposite end. I'm glad that I had the freedom to believe in what I want to, and I am always open to being persuaded into conceiving any type of religion as long as it's believable.

you are spot on there dude...

if religion is for those that fear, then this cannot be denied, as any belief, that tell self, what itself should be, show self fear what itself is, and subvert any true learning or growth, to see self only learn to be more each second, by allowing itself to see it's own effect, of itself, on all other's, and gather all feedback from environment as good feedback, which allow self to learn what all that deny other's reality, cannot, as to deny any reality, block the very portal's of the mind, from recieving all data as equal, and reduce the sight of self of it's own reality, and remove the use of common sense, to filter out what create insideous motive's of self slavery, being belief alone, that only seek most to preserve itself, thru fear, which cut off any life and love, from a thing called humanity.

no photo
Wed 03/11/09 02:59 PM
I await a positive ontology of what a spirit, or god is . . .

I have the sinking suspicion that what cannot be defined in positive terms does not exist.

davidben1's photo
Wed 03/11/09 04:54 PM

I await a positive ontology of what a spirit, or god is . . .

I have the sinking suspicion that what cannot be defined in positive terms does not exist.

indeed, indeed...

i am ignorant of what an ontology is.

what more is positive, than how each negative, build into a positive???


if all electicity, only have limited conduction, if it does not connect negative and positive together, in a row, negative connected to a positive, as a good thing, never "throwing out" the negative, basically create the spirit or energy the human self use.

as with electicity, converting all into bascially a positive, using the greater human perception, as if two things need each other to exist, then allowing the brain to first believe this, destroy that only positive is good, which such thinking cannnot create electricity into continuous energy, as "ac cuurent" would be, and this principle's be the fundemental constant called as god logic, or that lie within all living human things???

to think that there is a "negative", would first most be based on what is thought when born, as anything from this inception point, that does not "feel" a good, make itself to "mark it", in the memory, now marked in the brain as a "negative", but with the coming to maturity, the brain see that all good itself has ever found, or known, came most from seeing, or feeling, what was not good, from self actions, and the impulses are converted, into what will accept now again, hearing "perceieved negative's", which is called a "better spirit", or just the total energy put off to other's, by all self believe, or think is true, each second???

if the memory has been left, to think, that all negative is bad, it will mark itself more each day, with the same "notion", stamped upon the brain, again and again, until there is a "pattern", the snyapse within the brain now having been fired in the same repetitive way, making a logic, and just as a child, will create anything into something that hate to admit itself as totally guilty, unless there was better logic taught from childhood.

so love is called as good spirit, or god, but then such things as these, say most that love is simply the ability to admit when self is not most correct, and also, the ability to envoke the acceptence within other living thins as well, as what can be god, or love, that act as if guilt does not exsit, simply because it wish not to face it's own, some thinking and calling this as love, but indeed, this be false compasssion, that lead to all delusion, or spirit, or self collective energy, that lead to misery for anything.

these assmuption's, that are of less logic spoken of, left as true, be the only thing that cause and describe, anything as opposite of god, or a unlearning spirit, or a "spirit or energy", as this "perceievd most reality", being left as true, this being fed thru human emotion, the brain again, only naturally inclined to seeking what "feel" positive, turn many things, into "impression's" of negative, which can only be said to be not most reality, as the negative is what taught self all it know???

but despising negative, from not learning such things while little, be the only thing that lead to any description of anything called not godly, as this belief, or thinking, or logic, or perception, will not be able to use the "tell", of other's as speaking true reality, and only use selective hearing, when itself is told how itself can and is effecting other's, as it will still deny any negative, is of it's own doing, or creating???

a most difficult perception to change, as of course, each is effecting each other, so WHO is to blame???

nothing but infinite blame, can ever be created, unless one base all things coming back to self as truly created by self, and this is said to be sight of god, and why it was said, true wisdom, or god, could not be learned except for "turning the other cheek", not standing and getting being beat up, but accepting another "could not", have reacted in any way, unless self acted first???

but such as this is directly and most what create the "spirit" used, or the "total sum of what self feel and know", this creating and channeling, the TOTAL SUM OF IT'S ENERGY OF ITSELF.

yes, to break down "who" acted first, so who is to blame, for anything that exist, is unto an impossible infinity, so only what "first believe", itself, is responsible for all things happening around self, can allow any greater awareness, or greater wisdom, or if you will, "god sight", to afford the know how to create what is really wished, deeming this of course, is a desire to create goodness, for other's???

as again, if all seek to create good for itself alone, then who will or can be found as the "guilty", of not creating good first???

another infinity with no solution???

the same as to think that wisdom be as a ladder, and each rung self grab, disolves the second it is touched, as the ladder, is a moving one, that never stand still, and any "constant belief", of what is good, or bad, divided into two, into categories, as negative and positive as one better than the other, stop the ladder from moving, and the ladder only move at the speed that self climb it, all energy of the movement of the ladder, coming from self, by what it "will" itself toward, and only "neutral" energy, move the ladder at it's fastest speed possible???

believing in "only positive", as what feel good, obviously would stop the climb, and the ladder from moving, and this practice used by the brain, as a good belief, with due time, will naturally allow anything to destroy itself, not being able to accept any negative of self in time, even coming to despise, anything that speak anything even remotely "perceievd" as negative, and wah la, a world of "denying reality is created", so a world where no true sight of reality is seen.

if the brain, deny anything that another say to itself, of it's actions or words, and this is perception is perpetueted by all things from environment, then how will not all come to denying part of reality, and why earth is called the place of no true learning, and not of god, but at the same time, said to be all of god, lol???

of course, each thing within environment is "set up", to promote such thinking, but that as well, is said to become as disolved at the end of each cycle of mortal earth time.

but, back to this ontology thing, lol...

what self is, and is creating, itself creating all it's own actions, could never be "monitored" in complete totalness, or with total awareness, if it chucked out all negative of itself, only proving each thing by rationalizations, and most, the MOST FAMOUS ONE, finding some fault in another thing, that speak to it, to convince self into thinking it has escaped any negative statement as truth, but indeed, self blindness is added each time, lol...

since the brain can turn and peer into any data it want, of it's own actions, finding many good and bad one's of itself, at all different time's, to prove itself correct, this thinking obviously will lead to delusion, which is said to simply be only a "self serving energy", or spirit, that decieve self, or allow a false spirit to exist.

what of all this, as do we call this satan, the opposite of god???

what realy does the name of anything matter, but more what is happening, and the true WHY it is happening, and why terms, and definitions, were called as "knowledge", and knowledge said to be only what serve to perpetaute ignorance, or just not seeing what is actually more important???

the removing of this "in theory only, half perpception", of what is typically perceievd as total reality, be more of what any "god" is called, or more "complete logic", that blend more with the creation, and nature, seeing all things within these have good and bad as well, and maych the cycle of life, which for any human thing, is only but "constant learning"???

so the belief, that restrict or proivde wisdom from use, create the essence of how one "feel", or it's spirit, into either a spirit deeming all as reality, or all as possible, or one of basing only some things as true reality, or some things possible, and the latter, naturaly will only base all decided reality, simply on what "feel's" as positive, and again, this thinking cannot help but to create one constantly swayed, rising up and down with emotion, high and lows of immense proportions, by only accepting "positive feedback", and taking things into the mind as this for a long time, are said to cut off oneself from constant life, or constant energy, or what give life, energy, and the more done so, the more intense the negative feelings become, and back and forth the pendulum swing, from negative to positve, until too much, and wah la, a dead body, lol...

only seeing how something is true, no matter how "negative" it feel, convert this energy back to good energy, or good spirit, and create a greater knowing, or something actually learned by hearing it.

when this state is completed within any living thing, it is said to become "tied" to a energy constant, as perpetual, no up and downs, content in all things, and called as connected to the perpetual of self, or just "tied into" the aura that surround self, again, some calling this as god, or sprirt of god.

so basically, in finality, and how the anology first spoke of is as realistic, and real, within all living things, is...

avoiding self blame, be called as a devil, and finding how self is to blame, regardless of another, is called as god, and create "ac" or perpetual electricity within unleashed, available to human man, as peretual energy or spirit, lol...


yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:14 PM
if i could tell you what i heard toight (at a bar no less, and not drunk at the time) ou might think differemt

davidben1's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:56 PM

if i could tell you what i heard toight (at a bar no less, and not drunk at the time) ou might think differemt

you make me laugh, your honesty is breathtaking.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/11/09 07:59 PM

if i could tell you what i heard toight (at a bar no less, and not drunk at the time) ou might think differemt

you make me laugh, your honesty is breathtaking.

glad i amuse have NO clue of what i have gone through and continue to go through.

i have probably been through worse than you can imagine. and even though i struggle....i'll be damned if anyone takes my beliefs from me

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/11/09 08:02 PM
maybe people discredit believers....but i assure you...i top most anything there is out there

i will not make non-believers feel bad - because i have been ther done that myself

i know all sides of the question

davidben1's photo
Wed 03/11/09 08:08 PM

if i could tell you what i heard toight (at a bar no less, and not drunk at the time) ou might think differemt

you make me laugh, your honesty is breathtaking.

glad i amuse have NO clue of what i have gone through and continue to go through.

i have probably been through worse than you can imagine. and even though i struggle....i'll be damned if anyone takes my beliefs from me

i could speak for hour's, of all the pain i and all other's have passed thru, but it would make no difference???

you would not be able to believe the pain was as equal to self pain???


it is most a belief, that make self believe no other's tell the TRUTH!!!

make self deny MUCH REALITY, so then self cannot, EVER, be able to believe another's reality is JUST AS REAL AS SELF REALITY???

nothing need to EVER give up any BELEIF, but, if a belief is held, and it does not make JOY, does this not prove self is only believing SOMETHING that is not COMPLETE???

something is MISSSING in belief then???

something is MAKING and CREATING, a sight that cannot find HAPPINESS???



peace girl..

and make no mistake, i do know the pain you are in, are i would not expelled my time nor energy to write this.


yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/11/09 08:13 PM
ahhhhhhhh david...been there done that and back again and still doing it. that's why i don't preach to others because i've been there. and i tell ya, i'm going through more than you know now.

this is the first time i've been drinking in i don't know how long...but hey...i'm not perfetc

davidben1's photo
Wed 03/11/09 08:54 PM

ahhhhhhhh david...been there done that and back again and still doing it. that's why i don't preach to others because i've been there. and i tell ya, i'm going through more than you know now.

this is the first time i've been drinking in i don't know how long...but hey...i'm not perfetc

the very belief incomplete belief i am speaking of, is one that make you "believe" you are not perfect for drinking!!!

there is only one not perfect, which is not happy, which is spending each second alive, basing all things only on how self feel.

there is one thing i can assure you, you have not walked where other's have walked, as you walk in your shoe's and all in their's, and this thinking you speak of, make one deny anything but itself as having good reality???

each is totally a priceless one!!!

you are the only priceless so far.

nothing can say, been there and done that, that really HEAR WORDS OF OTHER'S, and not just bounce the words of other's off self, only telling self HOW THEY MAKE SELF FEEL, which is to numb the self to no feeling in time.

the EXPERIENCE means nothing, as these change, BUT THE EMOTION STAY THE SAME, and travel on, and to think that some action, tell self WHERE SOMETHING IS IN TIME, only decieve into not being able to live, by not allowing it to SEE AND FEEL OTHER'S???

that is what you are seeking, TO BE ABLE TO "FEEL" OTHER'S!!!

self is dismayed, until it see that ONLY FEELING THRU OTHER'S, MAKE INFINITE FEELINGS, instead of just the feeling of self alone.

if one think of the best "feeling" it ever had, AND THEN MULTIPLY THIS, TIME'S THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE ON THE EARTH, then this be the difference in looking and focusing on self alone, versus looking at other's most???

the perception is dwindled to nothing, if self stare at itself in the mirror, while driving down the road of life, but when it is seen, self is hear to learn to HEAR other's as speaking all truth, and not self most, then it is ALL DOWNHILL.


yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/11/09 08:55 PM
:thumbsup: i'll get back to you on that one....i'm going to bed...night all