Topic: Putin Warns Obama 'Socialism Doesn't Work'
yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:06 PM
i would be hollering then. as far as the census...i don't know. alot of business (medical, etc) are chaging with the times

raiderfan_32's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:07 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Sun 03/08/09 02:09 PM

so forget that one parent is white as well? that term is still used even by mixed heritages.

talk about centuries old colloquialisms... one drop rule? wow!! talk about racist!!

let me clue you into something.. the VAST mjority of "white" people haven't had any idea what the "one-drop-rule" in 2 or three generations..

most people are too busy trying to make something of themselves to worry about crud like that! while, it seems to me, those that can't end up falling back on long forgotten racial paradigms to push their agenda..

nogames39's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:07 PM
by Fanta46:

You dont really understand why the USSR failed do you?

We are all ears, Fanta!

think2deep's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:08 PM

think2deep's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:09 PM

by Fanta46:

You dont really understand why the USSR failed do you?

We are all ears, Fanta!

yes fanta, we are all ears, explain yourself sir.

nogames39's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:09 PM
Edited by nogames39 on Sun 03/08/09 02:10 PM
by Fanta46:
Putin is a friggin Commie!!!

laugh frustrated

Is he? I thought he was from KGB, which has no ideology?

think2deep's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:09 PM
you've managed to derail our attention for long enough.

no photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:10 PM

Actually none of you have proved anything and especially that Putin's trustworthy. But we are all supposed to believe your take on things as some sort of gospel.

you don't have to believe one thing anyone says. information is put out there for whomever wants to research it boo.

I am at least smart enough to be aware of my options, t2d. There is a difference between putting information out there and putting it out there and suggesting it's absolutely happening.

I try to meet you guys half way by reading this stuff, but if I don't accept something as fact that is not good enough for some of you...

Our own history books are full of half truths, the Internet can be manipulated and the politicians can't even get elected with out having to lie about who they are in one way or the other. We have religious nut cases that want power and expect you to believe the fantastic tales told umpteen centuries ago by a few self righteous old men hundreds of years after the fact, and people blindly following them this many centuries later. How is anyone to know the absolute truth about anything anymore.

I am becoming more convinced that none of us know much about anything other than our own experiences that can't even be proved.

And we humans created this insanity by trusting in invisible gods over trust in each other, now we trust no one. So all we have is hope that someone will do the right thing by pure accident, for the most people.

None of us know whether Russia started something with Georgia or the other way around but you guys do right?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:11 PM
i forgot the topic now....thanks guys lol

all i was saying...if putin (love that name lol) did warn obama about's pretty meaningful coming from a communist or socialist country

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:12 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sun 03/08/09 02:25 PM

:smile: If one of your parents is black then you are black.:smile: We dont use 200 year old slurs to refer to people anymore.:smile:

That's true. I have a half-black cousin that has to check "black" as her race for school. It's that way on the census report too.

The half black cousin would have been correct to choose White as her race, if she chose.
I don't see yet where the term ***** has been censored or banned by the Gov. and it's a biological fact, not a slur.

laugh That term fell out of use about a hundred years ago.laugh It is considered a slur now:smile:

:smile: And no the cousin would not be correct to choose "white" as their race.:smile: You have to put what is on your birth certificate.:smile:

willing2's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:13 PM
I am well aware this site is privately owned.
If management deems the biological term, Mulatto can't be used here, I will oblige and obey their decision to censor the term.
I would request, they, the management list words or terms that are censored from this site so, I and others don't trip.

nogames39's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:14 PM
Unless you suggest that no one in the world knows, including Georgia and Russia, then we could simply compare their own admissions.

Georgia has admitted of attacking Russia. They were proud of it. They were thinking that the bear is old and slow and weak.

Now they are squealing in the corner like puppies and are very sorry.

think2deep's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:19 PM

Actually none of you have proved anything and especially that Putin's trustworthy. But we are all supposed to believe your take on things as some sort of gospel.

you don't have to believe one thing anyone says. information is put out there for whomever wants to research it boo.

I am at least smart enough to be aware of my options, t2d. There is a difference between putting information out there and putting it out there and suggesting it's absolutely happening.

I try to meet you guys half way by reading this stuff, but if I don't accept something as fact that is not good enough for some of you...

Our own history books are full of half truths, the Internet can be manipulated and the politicians can't even get elected with out having to lie about who they are in one way or the other. We have religious nut cases that want power and expect you to believe the fantastic tales told umpteen centuries ago by a few self righteous old men hundreds of years after the fact, and people blindly following them this many centuries later. How is anyone to know the absolute truth about anything anymore.

I am becoming more convinced that none of us know much about anything other than our own experiences that can't even be proved.

And we humans created this insanity by trusting in invisible gods over trust in each other, now we trust no one. So all we have is hope that someone will do the right thing by pure accident, for the most people.

None of us know whether Russia started something with Georgia or the other way around but you guys do right?

boo, no one is trying to make you believe on thing or the other, if we all thought the way you are thinking right now, then there would be no discussion about anything. i really don't care if you believe it or not. if you choose to research it then that's your perogative, no one is holding a gun to your head sweety.

no photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:20 PM

Is he? I thought he was from KGB, which has no ideology?

Do they not share the communist ideology? Suprised that came from you nogames...

Winx's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:20 PM

so forget that one parent is white as well? that term is still used even by mixed heritages.

talk about centuries old colloquialisms... one drop rule? wow!! talk about racist!!

let me clue you into something.. the VAST mjority of "white" people haven't had any idea what the "one-drop-rule" in 2 or three generations..

most people are too busy trying to make something of themselves to worry about crud like that! while, it seems to me, those that can't end up falling back on long forgotten racial paradigms to push their agenda..

Many white people know about the one drop rule. It's in the history books. Black people sure have heard about it.

I don't agree with it myself.

nogames39's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:21 PM

i forgot the topic now....thanks guys lol

all i was saying...if putin (love that name lol) did warn obama about's pretty meaningful coming from a communist or socialist country

Yes, but apparently, Fanta thinks that Putin advises against socialism, because Putin doesn't want America to become as strong and powerful as Russia.


Putin sounds good. The reason it sound bad to you, is because before our media can pronounce anyone's name, they are given the directive on how to do it.

The directive might be to smirk the person down, or to elevate.

For instance, Putin is not at all pronounced as "to puke". It is pronounced as "to put", i.e. "pootin".

This isn't a rocket science to media. You have to ask yourself why is it they have chosen to say his name as puke and also make it so strongly every time they say it.

think2deep's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:21 PM

i forgot the topic now....thanks guys lol

all i was saying...if putin (love that name lol) did warn obama about's pretty meaningful coming from a communist or socialist country

exactly rose you are on the right track, the word IF is a powerful word that can mean i may not accept it now but i'm willing to believe it's possibe until proven wrong. that's the way people SHOULD think.

nogames39's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:23 PM

Is he? I thought he was from KGB, which has no ideology?

Do they not share the communist ideology? Suprised that came from you nogames...

KGB has no ideology. Why are you surprised?

You think CIA has an ideology? NSA? FBI? DEA?

Those agencies are no more than mercenaries. They kill all day long. If they had an ideology, they would become completely useless.

They are the enforcers.

think2deep's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:24 PM

Is he? I thought he was from KGB, which has no ideology?

Do they not share the communist ideology? Suprised that came from you nogames...

KGB has no ideology. Why are you surprised?

You think CIA has an ideology? NSA? FBI? DEA?

Those agencies are no more than mercenaries. They kill all day long. If they had an ideology, they would become completely useless.

They are the enforcers.

this is true, they aren't a part of any party. the same way the military isn't part of any party.

Winx's photo
Sun 03/08/09 02:24 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 03/08/09 02:26 PM

:smile: If one of your parents is black then you are black.:smile: We dont use 200 year old slurs to refer to people anymore.:smile:

That's true. I have a half-black cousin that has to check "black" as her race for school. It's that way on the census report too.

The half black cousin would have been correct to choose White as her race, if she chose.
I don't see yet where the term ***** has been censored or banned by the Gov. and it's a biological fact, not a slur.

laugh That term fell out of use about a hundred years ago.laugh It is considered a slur now:smile:

"Mulatto" is no longer commonly used in the United States. Some who prefer terms such as biracial may consider it offensive. It existed as an official census category until 1930[citation needed]. In the Southern United States, mulattos inherited slave status if their mothers were slaves. As for free mulattos, in Spanish and French-influenced areas of the South prior to the Civil War (particularly New Orleans, Louisiana), a number of mulattos were free and slave-owning.[23] Although it is commonly used to describe individuals of mixed European and African descent, it originally referred to anyone with mixed ethnicities; in fact, in the United States, "mulatto" was also used as a term for those of mixed white and Native American ancestry during the early census years.[22][24][25][26] Mulatto was also used interchangeably with terms like "turk", leading to further ambiguity when referring to many North Africans and Middle Easterners.

In addition, the term "mulatto" was also used to refer to the offspring of whites who intermarried with South Asian indentured servants brought over as to the British American colonies by the East India Company. For example, a Eurasian daughter born to an Asian Indian father and Irish mother in Maryland in 1680 was classified as a "mulatto" and sold into slavery.