Topic: Politicians think we are a bunch of idiots | |
Anybody who voted for Bush twice has no right to talk about anybody else's intelligence or lack thereof. lol, i don't know who you were referring to but i LOVE the statement. Nobody in particular, but if the shoe fits... ![]() I guess it applies to over half the country since he was actually elected I don't care about Bush either way but I have a problem with this constant demonization of anyone who doesn't believe what you believe we will never get anything done as a nation as long as that is the way we deal with each other |
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Fri 02/27/09 12:00 PM
I can easily accept the fact that over half of Americans are spoon fed, easily led automatons who can't think for themselves. The evidence supporting such a theory is sadly overwhelming.
And we will never get anything positive done as a nation as long as this nation is led by a bunch of crooked self fulfilling politicians who continue to put their own interests before those of the nation they're supposed to be representing. As long as the drones keep voting them in though, not much is going to change that. |
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Fri 02/27/09 12:07 PM
>>"I guess it applies to over half the country since he was actually elected.<<
I am quite sure both elections that seated George Bush as our President were fraudulent and illegal. Electronic machines were tampered with, votes disappeared. Something very rotten in Denmark. I am not so sure Al Gore would have been a better president, but John Carry never intended to win in the first place. Funny thing was, he almost did. ![]() ![]() ![]() Boy was he ever terrified! There was no way he could have honored any of his campaign promises. Note: Both John Carry and George Bush were members of the same skull and bones fraternity at Yale. They both have royal bloodlines to the crown. John Carry has more royal blood than Bush, in fact ancestors on both sides of his family were Jewish and from royal bloodlines. His grandparents converted to Christianity under threats or just to hide their bloodlines. |
I can easily accept the fact that over half of Americans are spoon fed, easily led automatons who can't think for themselves. The evidence supporting such a theory is sadly overwhelming. And we will never get anything positive done as a nation as long as this nation is led by a bunch of crooked self fulfilling politicians who continue to put their own interests before those of the nation they're supposed to be representing. As long as the drones keep voting them in though, not much is going to change that. They only shoot the good ones. |
The abstraction of freedom has enabled us to persuade the mob in all countries that their government is nothing but the steward of the people who are the owners of the country, and that the steward may be replaced like a worn-out glove.
29. It is this possibility of replacing the representatives of the people which has placed at our disposal, and, as it were, given us the power of appointment. it wouldn't have mattered who you voted for. |
Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade; thanks to the Press we have got the GOLD in our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our people. Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand GOYIM.
The GOYIM have lost the habit of thinking unless prompted by the suggestions of our specialists.
Obama is supported by Zionists. Iran is a threat to Israel simply because they have oil and are wanting to sell it for real money instead of Federal Reserve notes, which are worthless I.O.U's on the world market. The plan is to get the REAL WEALTH. Paper money and debt is not real wealth. Federal reserve notes are not real wealth. Here is the real wealth: Gold, Oil, Drugs, weapons, and Land. Mostly Gold. There is a reason Gold holds it value. (Forget diamonds, they are a farce and have no real value except what some idiot will pay for them in worthless paper money.) The reason gold and other minerals have value has to do with aliens. Sorry, but that's the truth. I find it funny, that you are mostly right on target, except for your first and last sentences. I am still on target. You just need to do a little more real investigation if you want to know the truth. It's not very pretty, so I don't blame you if you don't. Does one needs to be supported by Zionists to desire a socialism? No but one needs lots of money to run for and win the Presidency. Obama's money come from Zionists. If it is all about real wealth, which you said it is, and I agree with you on that, then why have a "higher purpose" and do it all out of Zionist Intentions? Is real wealth not good enough of a motivation? The 'higher purpose' is the sell. Most Zionist supporters believe in the 'higher purpose' of world peace, world government and world religion. But it is all about owning the whole world, don't kid yourself. Many of the people in favor of this world government don't know the true agenda. Lastly, what does Gold has to do with aliens, that makes it hold it's value? Are you implying Stichin's theory? If you don't believe in aliens, then I am not going to elaborate on why they need gold. ![]() |
Lastly, what does Gold has to do with aliens, that makes it hold it's value? Are you implying Stichin's theory? If you don't believe in aliens, then I am not going to elaborate on why they need gold.huh i believe in aliens. please elaborate on why they need gold. i want to know this badly The galaxy aliens are highly technologically advanced. Gold and other minerals are needed not only for use in their technology but for space travel and life support systems. |
The GOYIM have lost the habit of thinking unless prompted by the suggestions of our specialists. ![]() ![]() So true. ![]() |
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Fri 02/27/09 03:04 PM
On the other hand, diamonds can be replicated. (Apparently no one has learned how to turn lead into gold.) The value of gold is the one thing that is stable. If it goes up and down in cash value it is only the value of the paper money that is going up and down. |
gold is preferred....
i want a lot of it....... too bad i jsut use my durn debit card for everything anyhow...i rarely even ever have paper currency. |
gold is preferred.... i want a lot of it....... too bad i jsut use my durn debit card for everything anyhow...i rarely even ever have paper currency. That's another thing. There is not even enough paper currency to cover the digital currency out there. In other words... there is no real money. Its all just credit. Its all just numbers. |
On the other hand, diamonds can be replicated. (Apparently no one has learned how to turn lead into gold.) The value of gold is the one thing that is stable. If it goes up and down in cash value it is only the value of the paper money that is going up and down. It (Gold) has been successfully synthesized by both US and USSR. |
On the other hand, diamonds can be replicated. (Apparently no one has learned how to turn lead into gold.) The value of gold is the one thing that is stable. If it goes up and down in cash value it is only the value of the paper money that is going up and down. It (Gold) has been successfully synthesized by both US and USSR. What exactly does that mean? Fake gold? Please provide more information. I have never heard that. If that is true, how close is it to the real thing, and what is it made out of? |
Can be made of lead or of thorium. Requires a particle accelerator.
Following is straight from wikipedia: Nuclear experiments have successfully transmuted lead into gold, but the expense far exceeds any gain.[3] It would be easier to convert gold into lead via neutron capture and beta decay by leaving gold in a nuclear reactor for a long period of time. 197Au + n → 198Au (halflife 2.7 days) → 198Hg + n → 199Hg + n → 200Hg + n → 201Hg + n → 202Hg + n → 203Hg (halflife 47 days) → 203Tl + n → 204Tl (halflife 3.8 years) → 204Pb (halflife 1.4x1017 years) |
Forgot to add, for thorium, one needs to do the opposite, i.e, to remove protons, until the process transmutes it into gold.
Now, let us consider the proposition that there are aliens, and they are highly technologically advanced.
This would mean that they have a better sources of energy that we do. Once you have that, then there is no problem in making gold, in whatever the quantities required, either from elements below or above gold in atom mass. This brings us to conclusion, that if the two assumptions above are having place to be, then it follows that it would reject the idea that aliens as described, would be in need of gold. |
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Fri 02/27/09 09:52 PM
I can be as cynical as the next guy....but Osama Bin Laden and his fellow terroists did pull off 9/11. He admitted on video around a dozen times already. He also admits to planning more attacks on America and our western allies.
Now I'm a very liberal person and I definitely don't agree with most of Bush's millitary moves after 9/11......but incompetence and conspiracy are two different things. Luckily we have a President who understands where the real enemy is living and has started to divert our resources in the proper region. |
I can be as cynical as the next guy....but Osama Bin Laden and his fellow terroists did pull off 9/11. He admitted on video around a dozen times already. He also admits to planning more attacks on America and our western allies. Now I'm a very liberal person and I definitely don't agree with most of Bush's millitary moves after 9/11......but incompetence and conspiracy are two different things. Luckily we have a President who understands where the real enemy is living and has started to divert our resources in the proper region. Oh please. Can you be that naive? If the people who planned and executed the 9-11 attacks wanted to blame it on someone all they had to do is fake a video. That is so obviously fake. Have you seen that video? Studied it? Do you understand the language? It doesn't even look like Osama. It's a very bad production. There is also no evidence that he had anything to do with 9-11. There is no way that they could have picked out the culprit within an hour of the attack. If they were that good the attack would never have happen in the first place. Get your head out of the sand. I bet you believe anything you see on the news too. |