Topic: Politicians think we are a bunch of idiots | |
Now, let us consider the proposition that there are aliens, and they are highly technologically advanced. This would mean that they have a better sources of energy that we do. Once you have that, then there is no problem in making gold, in whatever the quantities required, either from elements below or above gold in atom mass. This brings us to conclusion, that if the two assumptions above are having place to be, then it follows that it would reject the idea that aliens as described, would be in need of gold. Assuming that what you say is true and they have learned how to make gold at a high expense, it is obvious that it is much easier and cheaper to mine gold, buy gold and steal gold than to make it --since that is what they are doing. That is also a good reason the price of gold remains stable instead of going up sky high in value. If it goes up too high then the people who can make gold would then resort to its production. They would logically do what is most cost effective. I would not assume that they have any better sources of energy than we do. If gold costs more to create than it is worth, then creating it would be stupid. |
The galaxy aliens are highly technologically advanced. Gold and other minerals are needed not only for use in their technology but for space travel and life support systems. Gold is only more valuable that an energy you spend to make it if you use gold for money, which you haven't stated about aliens, and hydrocarbons for energy, which, I presume, is not what you'd qualify as "highly technologically advanced". |
Edited by
Sat 02/28/09 11:50 AM
The galaxy aliens are highly technologically advanced. Gold and other minerals are needed not only for use in their technology but for space travel and life support systems. Gold is only more valuable that an energy you spend to make it if you use gold for money, which you haven't stated about aliens, and hydrocarbons for energy, which, I presume, is not what you'd qualify as "highly technologically advanced". Anything can be used for 'currency' that has real value by itself. In the absence of one kind of currency there will always be another. Primitive cultures will trade cows for a wife, or just trade one kind of item for another. Real value involves what the thing traded is actually good for. Can it be used for something besides jewelry or currency? If so, it has actual value in and of itself. Gold has actual value because it is used in technology. (There is gold in your computer.) Paper money has no value except for what you can trade for it, (unless you intend to wipe your butt with it. For this world what is the real currency? Only things that have real value. That would be land, oil, minerals, (gold) drugs, weapons, and food. In looking at the entire universe, the exchanges are always exchanges of energy and information. There are a lot of different kinds of energy. -- (We eat food for energy.) Paper money represents energy, but it is not energy itself unless you burn it for warmth. It would be better to trade it for gas and oil to heat your home. Gold is used for currency because it is easier to trade for something like a cow. But even gold is very heavy to carry around, so paper money was invented that was backed by actual gold. If you wanted the gold (or silver) you could actually trade your paper money for it. Not any more. Federal reserve notes are I.O.U's. They cannot be traded in for gold or silver. (you can buy gold and silver with them but the price fluctuates according to the value of the dollar or other paper money.) They are only valuable because they have been declared "legal tender for all debts public or private." They are not real money. They represent debt. All the money in circulation was borrowed from the Fed and we pay interest on it. Gold is real currency. It is real money and has real value. |
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Sat 02/28/09 11:55 AM
In Iraq, the money was gold backed currency. The first thing that happened was the money was replaced with notes of debt. All of the gold was confiscated.
The real wealth was confiscated. All of the gold backed currency in Iraq was taken and destroyed. Ware and the remaking (rebuilding) of a war torn country always involves taking the real wealth and replacing it with debt and worthless I.O.U. notes. |
The galaxy aliens are highly technologically advanced. Gold and other minerals are needed not only for use in their technology but for space travel and life support systems. Gold is only more valuable that an energy you spend to make it if you use gold for money, which you haven't stated about aliens, and hydrocarbons for energy, which, I presume, is not what you'd qualify as "highly technologically advanced". |
I am not sure if you saw what I have asked you.
Do aliens use gold for money? |
I am not sure if you saw what I have asked you. Do aliens use gold for money? Did you read my answer? The answer would be yes they use it for real currency. It has real value. "Gold is used for currency because it is easier to trade for something like a cow. But even gold is very heavy to carry around, so paper money was invented that was backed by actual gold. If you wanted the gold (or silver) you could actually trade your paper money for it. " |
I am not sure if you saw what I have asked you. Do aliens use gold for money? Did you read my answer? The answer would be yes they use it for real currency. It has real value. "Gold is used for currency because it is easier to trade for something like a cow. But even gold is very heavy to carry around, so paper money was invented that was backed by actual gold. If you wanted the gold (or silver) you could actually trade your paper money for it. " So, aliens use gold for their currency. Aliens trade cows by use of gold currency. Aliens have paper money as well, to escape carrying their gold and silver around. Thank you. Just wanted to know more about aliens. |
I am not sure if you saw what I have asked you. Do aliens use gold for money? Did you read my answer? The answer would be yes they use it for real currency. It has real value. "Gold is used for currency because it is easier to trade for something like a cow. But even gold is very heavy to carry around, so paper money was invented that was backed by actual gold. If you wanted the gold (or silver) you could actually trade your paper money for it. " So, aliens use gold for their currency. Aliens trade cows by use of gold currency. Aliens have paper money as well, to escape carrying their gold and silver around. Thank you. Just wanted to know more about aliens. You don't even understand currency. ![]() |
You don't even understand currency. ![]() Excuse me? I let you be, leaving you lunacy only very slightly challenged, and this is what I get in return? You are telling me I don't even understand currency, after all that mind-porn about aliens needing gold? What is it? Is that you think you actually able to have an argument on the subject of money? With all your incoherent blabbering on Jewish conspiracies? |
You don't even understand currency. ![]() Excuse me? I let you be, leaving you lunacy only very slightly challenged, and this is what I get in return? You are telling me I don't even understand currency, after all that mind-porn about aliens needing gold? What is it? Is that you think you actually able to have an argument on the subject of money? With all your incoherent blabbering on Jewish conspiracies? How can I expect you to understand what you call my "incoherent blabbering" about the "Jewish" (Zionist)and royal bloodlines (which are all facts that can be verified.) and the international banking industry that has stolen our country if you don't even seem to understand what real currency is? Instead all you can manage to do be be sarcastic about aliens. Even if you forget the alien connections you should look at what is going on in the world. Real currency is supposed to have value. Gold has real value because of what it can be used for. (Real paper money is backed by gold or silver or something of value.) Federal reserve notes are promissory notes that represent debt. (I.O.U.'s) They have been loaned to us and we pay interest on them. (Debt paying interest on debt.) THERE IS NO REAL MONEY IN THAT SYSTEM, ONLY DEBT. (Try doing a little real research about who owns what in this country, who owns the FED, who owns the I.R.S. and who is related to who. Every single President we have had in this country has so called "royal bloodlines.") |
Nesta H. Webster
Nesta H. Webster was an historical writer who wrote a number of good books on the French Revolution and how things operated before, during, and after its occurrence. After World War I Webster became intrigued with the "bigger picture" in world history, including the revolt of Marxism, so wrote a book called World Revolution, examining how and why people continue to revolt. As the search went deeper, clear meanings behind our various revolutions began to surface for Webster-and they involved an "agenda" by secret societies. Many dismiss this idea because they have never done the research. They believe that anyone who accepts "conspiracy theories" are crackpots or suffering from paranoid delusions. Yet, those who believe there are no conspiracies may be the ones who are deluded - along with most of the world's population. It is something to consider. It is also a scary thought, which becomes a bit scarier when reading Nesta's books. They lay out, in historical perspective, how these secret societies and subversive movements have operated and controlled things from behind the scenes... It is true that not all secret societies are out to rule the world or manipulate politics or world currency. But there are some major ones, according to Webster, that are. They may have been started to promote high values and to seek knowledge, but became perverted by power hungry individuals who saw ways to exploit the world for their own benefit, due to their high-standing positions within these organizations. These things happen. Webster, a respected writer and world historian, provides proof in her book Secret Societies and Subversive Movements. Despite this fact, the Anti-Defamation League has declared this book to be "extremist propaganda." (But then the A.D.L. has also been classified a terrorist group who threatens people.) |