vivian2981's photo
Sat 07/18/09 03:37 PM

Ahh That is what Xian is? I thought it was some New Age Religion I had not heard of! LOL! That's like being a "an" or "oman". just doesn't make sense without the first letter!

I know...the first time someone wrote me asking about my beliefs..using the "x" word...I had to ask what he was talking don't know if they are just too lazy to write out the whole name or what!

Rasmus916's photo
Sat 07/18/09 11:48 PM
It's auctually kind of interesting. I have been going to the same church for about 18 years, and ever since I realized my previous relationship was going nowhere, I prayed to god to show me the woman I will be spending the rest of my life with almost daily. Each day I strive to be the god fearing man I want to be, but I will be honest, it doesn't.... it rarely turns out the way I want it to.

I figure I will keep doing my thing and try to be faithful to gods word and one day he will bring that someone to me. (it can't hurt to put myself out there though can it? :wink:)

Sunflower78's photo
Sun 07/19/09 06:06 AM

there really is a shortage of christian singles groups.

some churches seem to have them for 20 somethings (young adult

groups, actually) but few have anything for those 30 and up,

divorced-widowed-never married.

That's true- and that's one of my biggest issues. I've always gone to churches with groups aimed at wives, husbands, parents, seniors, divorced 30-somethings, teens and kids. It was as if they skipped over my category (single, unmarried 20's at the time- I'm 31 now). It's so ridiculous because that's the group with the biggest decline in church membership. You think they'd try to do something to retain them! I pretty much gave up on joining any groups and that's fine with me but it would be nice to be able to attend something other than a family speghetti dinner as a single person/no children.

lovesUSA's photo
Sun 07/19/09 07:01 AM
happy There is always hope through The Word of God, man pleasers have another agenda, God has nothing but our best for us,if we just Trust and obey.Unfortunately God repented that He put us in flesh, make it difficult for us to understand ourselves much less anyone else. I find through daily reading and study of The Word (kjv), it give me a insight that becomes clearer with each day In The Word.It has so much to offer if we just take the time and not be lazy in seeking God.

lovesUSA's photo
Sun 07/19/09 07:09 AM
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”- Isaiah 41:10

no photo
Sun 07/19/09 07:47 PM
That is the truth!!! I can say that after almost 15 yrs of being single again. In Traverse City, Mi. The 1 church singles adult group meets once a month on a Monday?? I went once and everyone was well over 60!! I took one look and left. I'm in my 40's. I tried L&S christian site. had to pay a fee to talk to anyone and everyone was out of this state--mostly. As with most computer date sites christian or otherwise, everyone want to "type" not meet and talk. After years of church, when you are over 27 you really don't meet people to date. Sadly after a lifetime of christian school, college and churches this has been my experience. I sure hope SOMEONE out there has had better luck than I've had. Think God is meaning for me to go it alone. I'll have to ask Him that question when I see him!

ClayFace2009's photo
Mon 07/20/09 09:45 PM
I've been concerned with this, too. I agree with the verse posted about us knowing who is true by the fruit they produce. Talk the talk, and walk the walk in other words. I'm not being judgmental here, but I've talked to quite a few women who said they are Christian who became uncomfortable talking about the Lord and the Bible. But why? It's the very foundation of their faith. Maybe it's because they felt like they'd be judged, or they are just a Christian by name only. It seems whenever I talk about the Lord with a woman, she seems open at first then appears to be drawn away for some odd reason that I can't figure out.

I guess it comes down to what some others have some before...I may not have met the RIGHT one for me yet. Here I go to play the waiting game again.

Much grace, saints.


Ephiany's photo
Mon 07/20/09 11:00 PM
lookin for a good christian man is so hard!! pray for me!!

Rasmus916's photo
Tue 07/21/09 02:22 AM
Well, I was hanging out with a buddy of mine, and we auctually got into a really nice conversation about general faith and the bible. Some ladies overheard us and got interested too since they were women of faith and as I quietly sat back and listened to the conversation and spoke my two cents, this forum auctually came to mind and then something dawned on me.

My buddy was in fact SO well versed in the bible that the two women seemed very intimidated by my buddy. Now I am not saying that I am well versed in the bible, I try to learn God's word to the best of my ability, but me reading something and memorizing it has always been a major issue for me to work on.

I was doing some thinking and for me at least, it seems better to get into the good deep conversations about our faith as we get to know the person and get to know them before we scare the other person away ya know?

no photo
Wed 07/22/09 05:50 AM
ive dated a few christian men,, even married 2 lollllseems they use this as a hook and arent what they say they are,, im not looking now,, i guess im trying to be content in all things,,,,,its very hard,, but its too much to invest in ,,,then to be disappointed...christ is and always will be the first man in my life,,,,maybe thats the way it should be for me,,god bless all of those who are looking for their mate,,,,sherry.

metalwing's photo
Wed 07/22/09 06:13 AM
Back to the OP.

Because almost everyone has a different idea of what a "faithful Christian" is. Some of the best and some of the worst people I have known were "faithful" Christians. Many believe the belief in Christ is a ticket to getting away with almost anything. And, of course, some don't believe at all. They just say so to achieve whatever ends suit them at the moment.

azsweetie's photo
Wed 07/22/09 08:46 AM
Well i live in a very small town(one stop light) and the singles in general in my age area i'm 32 is slim pickins let alone the Christian men!!!In my church i'm the youngest member by like 20 years at least no joke But i like it that way because it keeps me focused on the Word and why i'm there...

anyways sorry kind of segweyed...i guess i just keep praying and i know God will show me who i'm suppose to be with.God has already shown me examples through my friends husbands who have helped me out around the house or taken my kids fishing when i have needed it and have shown their strength and love in God

WisdomsChild's photo
Thu 07/23/09 05:23 AM
I believe it's so hard because there really are few "faithful" Christians in the first place. We're all burdened by this sin nature but it takes the diligent to not fall into the diverse temptations that misdirect us in our daily life.

blueeiis13's photo
Fri 07/31/09 09:22 PM
AMEN to being in this world not of it! All things are in God's timing, we need to just do what we can, and let God do the rest. Lady's & Gentelmen I do beleive that there are good Christian men & women out there for each and everyone of us. In the mean time we must think about this quote: Never make someone a priority who only makes you an option. Don't worry about people in your past, there's a reason they didn't make it to your future! So when you met someone and it doesn't work out like you want, just remember this quote! God Bless us all!

rgrcabbage's photo
Sun 08/16/09 10:32 AM
In my experiences, it's been a matter of the heart. It's one thing to say you're Christian, have Christian beliefs, go to Church on Sunday, and so on and quite another thing to walk daily with the Lord and have your heart right with God. I find that often, people are lost or confused along their walk and that seems to be where the problems start.

imrare's photo
Tue 09/08/09 11:24 AM
Job 22:28 says that you can decree a thing and it will be established for you.

imrare i am considered as a breath of fresh air!

i saw what you said here would luv to fellowship more on this subject.


4974's photo
Tue 09/08/09 03:43 PM
i think it all boils down to the society we live in...pressure, temptation, and above all our imperfection..and the flesh is weak, and satan counts on that

cancle's photo
Tue 09/08/09 05:05 PM
your not the only one.

tribefan73's photo
Wed 09/09/09 09:00 PM

It's auctually kind of interesting. I have been going to the same church for about 18 years, and ever since I realized my previous relationship was going nowhere, I prayed to god to show me the woman I will be spending the rest of my life with almost daily. Each day I strive to be the god fearing man I want to be, but I will be honest, it doesn't.... it rarely turns out the way I want it to.

I figure I will keep doing my thing and try to be faithful to gods word and one day he will bring that someone to me. (it can't hurt to put myself out there though can it? :wink:)

1st of all I think TBRich is trying to spell "Zionist". Not ever hearing the term before he was trying to phonetically spell what she called him.

Now on to the early church lesson. Being that most of the New Testament was written in Greek, it was not uncommon for the scribes transcribing the letters of the Apostles to use the Greek letter "X" to represent Yeshua (Joshua or Jesus) because Yeshua in Greek begins with "X". So Xmas really isn't out of line, despite the retailers & the anti-Christians' efforts to disparage Him, they are still honoring Him. Shhhh, don't tell them.


tribefan73's photo
Wed 09/09/09 09:04 PM

Back to the OP.

Because almost everyone has a different idea of what a "faithful Christian" is. Some of the best and some of the worst people I have known were "faithful" Christians. Many believe the belief in Christ is a ticket to getting away with almost anything. And, of course, some don't believe at all. They just say so to achieve whatever ends suit them at the moment.

I agree with bad Christian examples. 2 of the worst employers I had were 1 who claimed to call Christ as their Savior. He was anything but that & it showed in their day-to-day dealings with their employees.

Lesson here? Don't be that guy, be the person that does the right thing even if it costs you everything.
