Topic: For everyone who thinks the war in iraq is Illegal.....
kariZman's photo
Sat 04/28/07 03:59 PM
the sooner the dirty stinking oil runs out the better off we will all be
nothin to fight about then ay.there is no need to keep using the filthy
**** if we dont stop using it this planet will be no fit place for
anyone or any thing to live.ALL declared war is illegal and no amount of
bull**** fact and figures will ever change my mind.meglomaniacks with no
interlect are running the show at the moment and it seems the majority
of humanity are happy to consume be silent and die.ohwell box on

davinci1952's photo
Sat 04/28/07 04:05 PM
Karizman...I agree...I say it is madness

grumble noway

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 04/28/07 04:11 PM
i dont think anyone really wants to have war.

i dont like it.

i dont agree with the killing of innocent people.

i dont think that our government wants to continue to war.

and sorry that advancement of the race or whatever you want to call us
is so displeasing to so many people, whatcha gonna do about it tho? put
your head in the sand and pretend like it is 1845 again? we adapt to our
world like we adapt to our surroundings, eventually you end up with a
car, computer, house, telephone, refridgerator, runnig water and indoor
plumbing...cant turn back the hands of time, if you know how to could
you please send me back to 1980 please..

kariZman- i still agree with you, role me one to next time.


kariZman's photo
Sat 04/28/07 04:35 PM
there is no need to give any of our technologies up.just clean up the
way we source the energy to run everything.alternatives are abundant we
are just to slow at embraceing start with we could be using
hydrogen produced using solar power,this planet has an abundance of
polluted water to clean up .

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 04/28/07 05:16 PM
i do agree with you on using renewable fuels, they are being develped
and refined as we speak, but they are still not at a stage to be used
with any significant means of stopping the pollutants from getting into
the air.

hydrogen- wasnt that what they used to put in blimps like the
hindenburg. until it can be controlled and stablized i dont tink i would
want to be around such a volatile element, but like i said they are
working on them right now, maybe we wont benefit but our children will
and theres too.

kariZman's photo
Sat 04/28/07 06:25 PM
hydrogen is not as dangerous as it is made out to be bmw have already
embraced the production of hydrogen powered cars all space exploration
is only possible due to hydrogen use for rocket fuel.its clean to burn
and simple to produce using solar power and ya cant charge people for
the suns energy and the filthy rich barstards hate that.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:01 AM

I feel that the views myself and a few others have stated aren't just
opinions, they are unwritten facts. The government doesn't write down
the crap they pull that is immoral. I personally feel that there is a
conspiricy goin on in D.C., and even though we can't see it in writing
like the 'facts' you stated, doesn't make the truth behind what I stated
any less.

FedMan's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:35 AM
JaymeStephens it's not about the oil. I am so sick of everyone singing
this song. Perhaps if we invade a country in Africa I guess everyone
will start singing It's all about the diamonds song. Give it up.

FedMan's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:37 AM
I agree we need to use alternative sources of energy but the fact is
right now the stage is not set to use them in a widespread array. It
still costs too much to produce many of the types of energy under

daniel48706's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:41 AM
Jamie, all I ask is that you show something to back up your thoughts.
Anyone can say,"well this is a fact" and have nothing to back it up with
claiming they cant cause the government is hiding it. Until you have
something to back up your thoughs with, it is just an opinion. Please
respect this, and provide something (other than verbal opinions of your
friends or peers) to back up why you feel this way.
And as far as saying 'well its about oil cause look at the way oil
prices rose after we went to war'. That is basic economics of war.
EVERYTHING went up in price. Part of this is due to economics, part of
it is due greed on the vendor. But none of it is a cause of the war

FedMan's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:46 AM
Many things caused the prices of oil to rise. Have you forgotten about
Katrina? Yes war also plays a significant role. War machines including
aircraft use lots and lots of fuel, so you can safely say that the
demand for fuel rose sharply, therefore demand increases. Supply lines
get interupted by insurgents to disrupt supply. Supply and demand. Take
an economics course and maybe you will understand the point a little bit
more. There were and are several factors involved.

daniel48706's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:48 AM
Thank you fed, I could not think of a way to suggest taking an economics
course without being rude happy And I definitely did not want to be
rude to Jaime or anyone else.

FedMan's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:55 AM
:) yeah daniel some people forget things easily but it's hard for me to
forget katrina I have some family ties to some of the victims and it
played a big role in oil prices for a time

daniel48706's photo
Sun 04/29/07 11:09 AM
oh definitely, and it still isplayinga role due to reconstruction and

But another example for uprising cost in war... Look back to world war
II... Basic food stuff had to be rationed, cause everythign was going
to feed our soldiers and provide basic needs for them.

As you said, basic cost automatically go up in any time of strife,
wehter it is war or not.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sun 04/29/07 06:45 PM
Did I say I forgot any of that? Can I guess that you're both Republican?
*gags* I'm Liberal.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:20 PM
If we can't fight over one thing well fight over another.

Water perhaps?

Jess642's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:32 PM
Water wars....:cry:

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 04/29/07 08:37 PM
Like food water is a necessity. Those that run low or don't have it
will get it by whatever means they can.

Force if necessary.

Those that have it will keep it by whatever means they can...

daniel48706's photo
Mon 04/30/07 01:04 PM
"Did I say I forgot any of that? Can I guess that you're both
*gags* I'm Liberal"

I am so sorry for your limited thinking capacity there jaime... I for
one do no tlimit myself to any ONE particular thought process. In other
words I do not claim allegiance with ANY party. All of them have good
points and bad points. I for one am interetsed in getting all the goo
dpoints from each of them seperated, andthen get them ALL (the good
points) worked on for an over all better community.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 04/30/07 05:11 PM
I have a picture in my profile pics that you can kiss. Limited thinking?
Who has limited thinking? I just know what I feel to be true. Excuse me
if I'm used to most ppl who think like you being backward a$$
republicans. I don't believe a single word that the government says,
whether its in writing or not. I know they are corrupt and evil. If
thats NOT true, then why do so many people in the richest country in the
world go hungry and/or scrape to pay bills? If the government was there
to help anyone we'd all be okay.