Topic: The Secret..and is it a secret? | |
Read the book, own the movie, been to some conferences and the book itself was a successful marketing campaign. The secret is based on the Laws of Attraction, which is more aligned with the Laws of the Universe, but Rhonda was able to get it the masses in a way not seen before.
There are many books on positive thinking and Ruth you are right there are people out there who are only happy when unhappy. Also known as life vampires ![]() It is true, what you think about, you bring about. Good or bad. Tony Robins is a success coach and wonderful mentor. He has used techniques from 'the secret' to get to where he is today. There are some wonderful people involved not only with the secret, but those who use the Laws in all areas of their lives. My therapist was a huge fan of the Celestine Prophecy(books), which I did not find out until I mentioned I saw the movie and I got into the 'newageish' positive thinking modality, which for me was a good step in the right direction.... If interested, here is the secret web addy: The mother of positive thinking would have to be Louise Hay and she has a wonderful online radio station called HayHouseRadio and many speakers are available for you free... ![]() thanks for allowing me to bend your ear.... ![]() ![]() |
Read the book, own the movie, been to some conferences and the book itself was a successful marketing campaign. The secret is based on the Laws of Attraction, which is more aligned with the Laws of the Universe, but Rhonda was able to get it the masses in a way not seen before. There are many books on positive thinking and Ruth you are right there are people out there who are only happy when unhappy. Also known as life vampires ![]() It is true, what you think about, you bring about. Good or bad. Tony Robins is a success coach and wonderful mentor. He has used techniques from 'the secret' to get to where he is today. There are some wonderful people involved not only with the secret, but those who use the Laws in all areas of their lives. My therapist was a huge fan of the Celestine Prophecy(books), which I did not find out until I mentioned I saw the movie and I got into the 'newageish' positive thinking modality, which for me was a good step in the right direction.... If interested, here is the secret web addy: The mother of positive thinking would have to be Louise Hay and she has a wonderful online radio station called HayHouseRadio and many speakers are available for you free... ![]() thanks for allowing me to bend your ear.... ![]() ![]() I have to say thankyou to everyone who posted! This was my first post, and I feel I learned alot. |
I have to say thankyou to everyone who posted! This was my first post, and I feel I learned alot. and thank you for posting something worth reading and responding to ![]() ![]() |
Positive thinking is a beautiful thing. Tony Robbins is more believable though. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The secret of the Secret has to do with the subconscious mind.
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Positive thinking is a beautiful thing. Tony Robbins is more believable though. ![]() ![]() ![]() I plan on taking a look at him, thanks. |
The secret of the Secret has to do with the subconscious mind. ![]() I agree with you. To me, its a habit learned. Once positive thinking is learned, the subconcious takes over, just like it does with other things including negativity. |
The subconscious mind has a vast amount of information that we cannot be conscious of. It simply sits there for our use when we decide what is important. We decide what is important by thinking about it. That is why it seems that we attract what we think about. Our subconscious mind's job is to alert us to the thing we are thinking about. If you buy a certain kind of car, have you noticed that suddenly you see that same kind of car all over the place? Guess what? It was always there. You just never noticed it before. But now that you have one, and it is in your thoughts and sight, the subconscious mind alerts you to other cars that look just like it. Also, the subconscious mind is like a sixth sense. It has the capacity to "know" things that none of your five senses can possibly know. |
The subconscious mind has a vast amount of information that we cannot be conscious of. It simply sits there for our use when we decide what is important. We decide what is important by thinking about it. That is why it seems that we attract what we think about. Our subconscious mind's job is to alert us to the thing we are thinking about. If you buy a certain kind of car, have you noticed that suddenly you see that same kind of car all over the place? Guess what? It was always there. You just never noticed it before. But now that you have one, and it is in your thoughts and sight, the subconscious mind alerts you to other cars that look just like it. Also, the subconscious mind is like a sixth sense. It has the capacity to "know" things that none of your five senses can possibly know. Wow! Your thoughts follow along with what I think as well, but could not articulate. Very well said. |
Edited by
Wed 02/11/09 10:03 AM
As a private Investigator, I was hired to find a certain car to be repossessed. I looked up the kind of car it was and found what it looked like. It was also red. It was a little red sports car.
![]() After I located the car, for months, I kept seeing cars like it. These were not very common cars either. My subconscious mind alerted me every time a car like that was in the vicinity and made me conscious of it. It was like a little alarm going off in my mind. I think if we can understand how this system works, we can direct our lives with our thoughts in amazing ways. Note: the picture above is a hyperlink so it may disappear as it is not on my server. ![]() |
The best books I have read on the Law of Attraction (The Secret) are the once by Esther and Jerry Hicks. "The Law of Attraction." And: "Ask and it is given." They are easy and exciting books to read, and regardless whether or not you believe in the channeled "Abraham" you will learn a lot about how to make this creative process work and how to change your beliefs and your thinking. The most fundamental book I have ever read on this creative technique is by Wallace D. Wattles called "The Science of Getting Rich." You can read that free on wikipedia. Wallace D. Wattles also wrote other books, about attracting love and other things. |
if the consicous mind does away with good and bad, negative and postive, it only accomplish such by seeing with greaterr logic that all is positive, and that there is no negative, no matter how much the consicous mind try to demand it be so???
which hath more love, one that see each act in a day as negative and positive, or one that see's all things are love??? which hath more wisdom, one that see each act all day as wisdom and not wisdom, or all things as wisdom??? if the conscious mind use it's greater awareness, often called the heart, instead of the mind, that try to govern it's own actions to purpose what it deem as the only one reality as possible, then soon in short time, the consicous mind is freed from the lack of sight of not seeing HOW all things both good and bad together make GREAT, the only negative energy created in the human body by the human brain is beleiving that a negative exist??? to break the infinite FIRST energy that created self into two, limiting greater energy just as a speed limiter on a car??? what become as more real if there is NO NEGATIVE OR ANTI ENERGY CREATED IN THE HUMAN BODY??? |
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Wed 02/11/09 10:33 AM
Whether or not we "manifest, create or attract" things in our life, or whether or not it is the subconscious, God, the thinking stuff, magick, the secret, or whatever you want to call it, I believe the techniques are the same and if you master them, you do have the secret to success.
The basic thing you need to remember is that what ever it is, (subconscious or whatever) IT just waits for YOU to tell IT what you want ... and you tell it what you want by thinking about it. That is why worrying and imagining negative things, or thinking about what you don't want, or not knowing what you want, will net you either nothing or something you don't want. There is no neutral ground here. Try not to get caught up in a whirlpool of negative thinking that will only make your situation worse. To pull out of a negative whirlpool you MUST use your WILL to direct your attention to think about what you want, and what you INTEND to have. Intention is NOT wishful thinking, or dreaming. It is INTENTION. It precedes a decision to act. |
It is true that the subconscious mind does not see anything as negative. It does not see good or bad. It does not see untruth. It only holds the information. It does not judge the information.
It is only the conscious mind that distinguishes negative and positive in the dual world of opposites. It is only the conscious mind that distinguishes truth from non-truth. This is for a very good reason. ![]() It is because we, as conscious beings, are in charge and have been given the wheel to guide our own ship. We are responsible for deciding. We decide what is good and what is not. We decide what is truth and what is not. We decide what we think is important. We decide what to create. We are not ruled by God or by the subconscious. We are the deciders. We are the creators. |
Very good Kathi like reading this thread. Who wants to go down the road of negativity. Give me the positive side :) I have lot of positive thinking books. Big at reading them in my 40's :) I have a much better outlook in my 50's :)
Very good Kathi like reading this thread. Who wants to go down the road of negativity. Give me the positive side :) I have lot of positive thinking books. Big at reading them in my 40's :) I have a much better outlook in my 50's :) We get better as we get older. Now lets find the secret to eternal health and youth. That's my quest. I want to live a long long time..!! ![]() ![]() |
IF IT "WILL ITSELF" TO ONE OR THE OTHER, as to seek either POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE, THEN HAS IT NOT IN THIS WAY DIVIDED IT'S MIND INTO A CONSCIOUS MIND AND SUBCONSCIOUS MIND??? if one look for success, or to create GOOD FOR SELF, will not the conscious mind BE PULLED TO SEEK ONLY WHAT IT "THINK" IS POSITIVE??? why it over and over again, beocome as dissatisfied with what the "conscious mind" was able to create or find for itself??? is this the same thing the ancient chineese one seen when speaking, STOP LOOKING TO FIND WHAT ONE SEEK??? for the conscious mind to "will itself" ANYTHING, KEEP IT'S OWN SELF FROM HEARING FROM IT'S OWN SUBCONSCIOUS IN ANY GREATER WAY??? is it the same thing once heard, NOT MY WILL BUT YOURS??? is it the same hindue once said, DRAW INTO THE SELF TO FIND YOUR CENTER??? center IS NOT WHAT ONE WANT FOR ITSELF EVER, even thought this does lead down the path to get there, but all of history show physical want for self destroy self unto self misery in slow time??? in these days where COLLECTIVE "THOUGHT" ENERGY IS GREATER, ANY RESISTENCE TO WHAT SELF IS OR ANY OTHER IS AS "GOOD LEADING UNTO MORE GOOD", WILL RESULT IN A MUCH QUICKER CREATION OF UNWISHED RESULTS??? the human emotions are controlled by the electomagnetic field of the iron liquid core of the earth, and all the frequencies of the air, and to not come to accept ALL HUMAN EMOTIONS AS GOOD, will make one more prone to ERATIC UNCONTROLLABLE EMOTIONS??? the human brain HAS ONLY ONE CHOICE BUT TO ACCEPT ALL EMOTIONS AS GOOD, MOST FIRST THOSE OF OTHER'S, in these days of the beginnings of the shift of the earth energies, progressing soon into a polor shift, that shall change all past perceptions that once led as the only GOOD REALITY??? |
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Wed 02/11/09 11:20 AM
I hope you did not think I said that the subconscious mind is in control of the conscious mind. I did not say that. I am saying that the conscious mind is ultimately in control once the will is realized. This means that the subconscious mind is the servant of the conscious mind. It is there to serve, not to control. |
I hope you did not think I said that the subconscious mind is in control of the conscious mind. I did not say that. I am saying that the conscious mind is ultimately in control once the will is realized. This means that the subconscious mind is the servant of the conscious mind. It is there to serve, not to control. as you see fit....... however the entire cosmos and galaxies and universe's and earht itself show this is NOT THE WHOLE STROY??? are you a "slave" to being "within your body"??? yes, after i sent the word "slave" i knew this one word you would find "issue with"??? as you your greatest fear is being controlled??? always was, as all humans fear this within, BUT INDEED, WHEN THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND IS TOTALLY OPENED, ONE WILL HAVE NO DOUBT IT HAS BEEN CONTROLLED SINCE IT'S BIRTH BY IT'S DESTINY, IR PRE-PLAN, IT'S PLAN OF GOOD AND BAD, TO MAKE FOR LATER GREAT, that fountain you speak of??? problem with your desire to live forever??? it will KEEP THE CONSCIOUS MIND FROM HEARING FROM ITSELF WHAT IT ACTUALLY NEED TO KNOW HOW TO DO THIS, as these things come from the hearing of both GOOD AND BAD THINGS, that the sub mind cannot speak until ALL THE WANTS ARE GONE, THAT MADE THE DEFINITIONS OF AL WORDS, into things it thought were true, and indeed they are true, JUST NOT THE MORE TRUTH, AS TRUTH IS "ADDING TO EACH THOUGHT", WHICH THE CONSCIOUS MIND DOES NOT "KNOW HOW TO DO"??? peace girl.... everything is going there, so no worrries either way??? it is total equality of mankind in all ways, the STRIAGHT UP OF THE PLANET, that nothing in the earth can reist......... |
It all leads to identification of the mind, which causes thought to become compulsive.
Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don't realize this because almost everybody is suffering from it, so it is considered normal. This incessant mental noise prevents you from finding that realm of inner stillness that is inseparable from Being. It also creates a false mind made self that casts a shadow of fear and suffering. Now let us go back to identification of the mind. The mind creates a opaque screen of concepts, labels, images, words, judgments, and definitions that blocks all true relationship. It comes between you and yourself, between you and your fellow man and woman, between you and nature, between you and God. It is the screen of thought that creates illusion or seperatness, the illusion that there is you and a totally separate "other." You then forget the essential fact that, underneath the level of physical appearances and separate forms, you are one with all that is. By "forget," I mean that you can no longer feel this onesess as self evident reality. You may believe it to be true, but you no longer know it to be true. A belief may be comforting. Only through you own experience, however does it become liberating? Thinking has become a disease. Yes I said it! Disease happens when things get out of balance. For example, there is nothing wrong with cells dividing and multiplying in the body, but when the process continues in disregard of the total organism, cells proliferate and we have disease. The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it can become very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly - you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease. You believe that you are your mind. This is the delusion. The instrument has taken you over. Now I know you are going to say that this is not true for no one does aimless thinking. Everyone thinks before they do something. Just because you can solve a crossword puzzle or build an atom bomb doesn't mean that you use your mind. Just as dogs love to chew bones, the mind loves to get its teeth into problems. That is why it does crossword puzzles and builds atom bombs. You have no interest in either. Let me ask you this: Can you be free of your mind whenever you want to? Have you found the "off" button? |