Topic: The Secret..and is it a secret? | |
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Wed 02/11/09 12:20 PM
as you see fit.......
however the entire cosmos and galaxies and universe's and earht itself show this is NOT THE WHOLE STROY??? are you a "slave" to being "within your body"??? yes, after i sent the word "slave" i knew this one word you would find "issue with"??? as you your greatest fear is being controlled??? I did not say it was the "WHOLE STORY." I state what I know from experience. The subconscious or collective mind is an automatic program that keeps everything running as it should. It does not interfere with The Conscious Will. It does run everything that is not "The Conscious will" according to its program. It is programed by conscious will, or by sentient beings who are using their conscious Will. We sentient creatures are the event horizon. We who utilize our Conscious Will can, if we choose to, command the subconscious machine to bring to our attention those things we think about, (be them things we want or things we do not want.) As we are manifested sentient beings, in this physical universe, we are becoming more conscious. It is consciousness that directs the subconscious machine. The subconscious machine is the universal mind of consciousness. If you want, think of consciousness as permeating throughout all things. I think of it as "God" and I think of the subconscious as the mind of "God." I think of sentient beings and all creatures as the "body of God." Conclusion: Consciousness = "GOD Collective Subconscious mind = "Mind of God" Creation and creatures = "Body of God." Thought = "Spirit or Word of God." |
something's been talkin to you man, and it's not the 'conscious mind'....... each path of each mortal in a day and time of collective peace and unity come to this place, a sacred place, where one of the first things the conscious mind come to see, is to see past IT'S OWN GREED, it's own wants of self, and there is NO GREATER TRUTH CAN BE BOUGHT OR SOLD, so seeking what can be bought or sold, which is anything that is 'touted as good things for self', and that seeing this first, MOST MARK THE WAY TO WHAT IS MORE??? there are certian CONSTANT PRINCIPLES OF THE UNIVERSE THAT GO BEYOND SUCCESS OR MONEY OR SELF WISHES FRO SELF, and self only FALL en TO THESE, until the day selected OF ITSELF BEFORE IT WAS BORN, has been reached BY ONLY SURRENDER TO IT'S OWN HEART, not the mind that seek for relief for itself in all things, and this mark the DAY OF GREATER DESTINY ARRIVED, and self see that IT ONLY EVER HURT ITSELF BY TRYING TO "GET FOR SELF"??? greater self CAN THEN SPEAK AND BE HEARD, that hath all answers that come from the esoteric wisdom carried within each BEING, AS IT IS ALLOWED TO NOW COME FORTH, AND THE FIRST EXPERIENCE OF BEING "LIFTED UP" into a place of "total fear", of all one once feared is passed thru, and this SEAR the conscious mind as an old youthful one decieved easily, and the time has come to trust it's own GREATER voice of infinite logic, and this allow one to GO IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION THAT SELF PRESERVATION "THE CONSCIOUS MIND" WOULD SAY TO GO??? it is a parodox of the mind, THE SAME AS IF SELF LIKE HOT WATER, it will try to travel or will itself toward it, and in doing so, does not see it is running from COLD WATER??? but GREATER AWARENESS IS TOTALLY CONTENT WITH EITHER COLD OR HOT WATER FOR A TIME, THEN ALL BECOME AS "WARM WATER TO SELF"??? anything can indeed embrace such thigns as these, when the day has arrived for each, each time for each as unique, which confound the 'conscious mind' that always try to control "others actions to make them like self"??? it is then able to be seen that one OPPOSITE OF THE ONE THAT LIKED HOT WATER, the other that LOVED COLD WATER BETTER, ALSO EXPERIENCE THE SAME LEARNING OF PRINCIPLES OF SELF, either thru loving hot or cold water, as BOTH LOVES PROVIDE THE SAME ESSENCE OF LEARNING??? then, as each forsake the "will" to either hot or cold for self, ALL SPIECES COME TO MEETING IN THE MIDDLE, IN WARM??? can "warm water", be created without COLD AND HOT??? the same as THE SIGHT OF NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE WERE ONCE NEEDED TO BE HAD, BUT, there is a time that POWER TAKE HOLD AND BOTH ARE EMBRACED, AND THIS IS GOOD POWER UNTO ALL POWER OF GREAT GOOD??? yes, each mortal only "picked for a time", to learn of what it LIKED, by selecting MANY THINGS IT DID NOT LIKE, as a picky eater only take some food it like, BUT THE GREAT CHEF, MUST KNOW HOW TO USE "ALL" AS GOOD??? SO THE "DISLIKE or NEGATIVE of SELF, HOLD THE "ESSENCE OF THE OPPOSITE" OF SELF, THAT COMPLETE SELF??? the RELGIOUS MAN COMING TO EMBRACE IT'S OWN DEFINITION OF THE "OPPOSITE OF ITSELF", BEING THE SECULAR ONE, IT CALL "EVIL"??? this then COMPLETE THE KNOWING, COMPLETING THE LOGIC, WHICH COMPLETE THE WISDOM, WHICH COMPLETE THE "WARM SELF", THAT FEAR OR SEE NOTHING AS EVIL, JUST SEE ALL AS OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN MORE AND GROW IN ALL THINGS THAT COME TO SELF??? so if it "strike oneself as NEGATIVE", IS HOLD ONE'S "GREATER TRUTH" IN A "DISGUISE OF NEGATIVE"??? grab THE NEGATIVE, and it GOES AWAY!!! all then becomes as POSITIVE!!! NOT ONE NEGATIVE PULSE WIHTIN THE BODY ALL DAY LONG!!! EVEN WHEN THE GREATEST THING THAT "ONCE" WOULD HAVE BEEN "NEGATIVE" COME??? how does one CONQUER A RABID NEGATIVE ANIMAL CHASING SELF WITH THOUGHTS OF "NEGATIVE"??? face it AS GOOD, just as facing INTO THE WIND OF A STORM, THE SAME AS NOT RUNNING FROM A LION, OR ONE WILL BE EATEN??? the brain operate JUST AS ALL OF NATURE??? the 'conscious mind' does not have the data to see how at first, but, fake it till you make it??? the same as to say, OF COURSE ONE WILL BE AFRID OF A STARVED ANIMAL COME TO ATTACK OR EAT ONE, BUT SAYING COME ON BIG BOY, EAT ME, WHAT DO I CARE, AND THE ANIMAL THE "ROARING LION" SOON RUN WHIMPERING FROM MEETING ONE SO INSANE AS TO NOT CARE WHETHER IT LIVE OR DIE, AND THE SPIRIT OF SELF THE HEART IS FREED AS AN EAGLE, that after just a few weeks, need not nest within the same SELF ANY LONGER, and can soar ABOVE THE CONSCIOUS MIND??? peace |
Well one thing I know for sure is that "The Secret" isn't much of a secret anymore
![]() If anything it has been used to death from various authors, spiritual teachers, sages, monks, and wizards ![]() Peace and have a wonderful day ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 02/11/09 01:21 PM
as you see fit.......
however the entire cosmos and galaxies and universe's and earht itself show this is NOT THE WHOLE STROY??? are you a "slave" to being "within your body"??? yes, after i sent the word "slave" i knew this one word you would find "issue with"??? as you your greatest fear is being controlled??? I did not say it was the "WHOLE STORY." I state what I know from experience. The subconscious or collective mind is an automatic program that keeps everything running as it should. It does not interfere with The Conscious Will. It does run everything that is not "The Conscious will" according to its program. It is programed by conscious will, or by sentient beings who are using their conscious Will. We sentient creatures are the event horizon. We who utilize our Conscious Will can, if we choose to, command the subconscious machine to bring to our attention those things we think about, (be them things we want or things we do not want.) As we are manifested sentient beings, in this physical universe, we are becoming more conscious. It is consciousness that directs the subconscious machine. The subconscious machine is the universal mind of consciousness. If you want, think of consciousness as permeating throughout all things. I think of it as "God" and I think of the subconscious as the mind of "God." I think of sentient beings and all creatures as the "body of God." Conclusion: Consciousness = "GOD Collective Subconscious mind = "Mind of God" Creation and creatures = "Body of God." Thought = "Spirit or Word of God." JB...... hey, as i said, think of it as you wish, i am only speaking my one cent as you are??? this is no "fight of right or wrong to me"??? there is no greater or less greater to me, so be as great as you wish for yourself??? I KNOW FOR MYSELF, THAT THE CONSCIOUS MIND CANNOT ASSUME OR THINK ANYTHING WITHOU "HIDDEN" FORETHOUGHT "MAKING IT CHOOSE IT'S DEFINITION", BY "HOW MUCH DATA IT GIVE SELF"??? sub mind is GOD??? SO SUB MIND IS ALL KNOWING??? is conscious mind ALL KNOWING??? it then IS SUBJECT to SUB MIND??? BUT THIS IS NOT A "BAD THING"??? the same as to say, SELF IS "RESTRICTED FROM BEING ABLE TO CREATE "TOO MUCH" UNITL THE TIME IT CAN HANDLE THE "POWER OF UNLIMITED" WHICH BE SUB MIND??? can or should anything HUMAN have access to this, IF IT CAN STILL BE CORRUPTED WITH "WANTS FOR SELF"??? the "TOWER" THAT CONTROL AS THE INVISIBLE HAND, CONTROL FOR "GREATEST GOOD"??? does the "child" the conscious mind HAVE THE WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OTHER'S FATE'S??? but the conscious mind THINK IT WISH FOR POWER, THINK IT WISH FOR LIFE ETERNAL, THINK IT WISH FOR MANY THINGS, UNTIL IT SEE IT KNOWS NOT WHAT IT SHOULD 'WANT', AND ALLOW GREATER THE SUB MIND TO MOVE IN, AND "EXPLAIN" THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND ALL HUMANITY??? conscious mind is SEE, TASTE, HEAR, SMELL, TOUCH??? this part of the mind seek for self always, WHEN THE SUB MIND, SEE IT WILL NEVER BE HAPPY UNLESS IT SEE THE ONE'S IT LOVE'S ARE HAPPY FIRST??? UNTIL IT LOVE ALL OTHERS MORE THAN ITSELF??? as without them, WHAT POINT IS LIFE??? if one has not reached this place, WHERE SELF STILL HAS MANY "DEFINITIONS" OF WHAT "WILL MAKE IT HAPPY", THEN THIS IS PERFECT AS WELL, AS IT IS A JOURNEY OF EACH AS UNIQUE??? this is NOT THE WAY ONE COMES INTO THE WORLD AS, as when one first pop out, the RACE IS ON TO "ATTAIN FOR SELF"??? sure, it is nice to see others happy, and self like the FEELING "it get" at times by making others happy, BUT UNTIL SELF DOES NOT GIVE A CRAP ABOUT ITSELF BEING HAPPY, then happiness cannot be happy??? why not??? only because WHILE IT LOOK FOR WHAT IT "THINK" WILL MAKE ITSELF HAPPY, OR SUCCESSFUL, IT MISS HOW THIS IS IN FRONT OF IT ALREADY??? the conscious mind cannot SEE THESE THINGS, AND WHY IT WAS LIKENED NOT UNTO "GOD" BUT THE OPPOSITE OF "GOD", AS IT WILL CARRY SELF TO THE FURTHEST POINT AWAY FROM "WHAT IT REALLY SEEK"??? i understand what you are saying, and I DO NOT DISAGREE IN ESSENCE, BUT THE WAY ONE THINK OF "IT" IS HOW ONE "GET TO IT"??? how can one "GET TO IT", IF SELF "WILL", WHICH BE THE "CONSCIOUS OR CARNEL MIND", WHICH MAKE ONE TRAVEL AWAY FROM "IT"??? peace dear girl..... |
Edited by
Wed 02/11/09 01:32 PM
Self will is not the conscious mind or the carnal mind. Self will is God in flesh, and God conscious. It's not all that complex. Peace to you too. |
Very good Kathi like reading this thread. Who wants to go down the road of negativity. Give me the positive side :) I have lot of positive thinking books. Big at reading them in my 40's :) I have a much better outlook in my 50's :) Thanks Carol, but I just incubated it, look at all the great discussion!! |
The best books I have read on the Law of Attraction (The Secret) are the once by Esther and Jerry Hicks. "The Law of Attraction." And: "Ask and it is given." They are easy and exciting books to read, and regardless whether or not you believe in the channeled "Abraham" you will learn a lot about how to make this creative process work and how to change your beliefs and your thinking. The most fundamental book I have ever read on this creative technique is by Wallace D. Wattles called "The Science of Getting Rich." You can read that free on wikipedia. Wallace D. Wattles also wrote other books, about attracting love and other things. When I was in my twenties..(a few yrs ago) I read a book, and I wish I could remember the author. It was fantastic, and discussed how if you see it as so, then it is so. At the time, I had no job or income (fresh from school) but I went and picked out a car that I wanted and I ordered it. 2 weeks before that car came in, I found a job so was ready for it. My first brand new car! |
Self will is not the conscious mind or the carnal mind. Self will is God in flesh, and God conscious. It's not all that complex. Peace to you too. why do you send vinegar with your peace??? lol..... "willed effort" of "GOOD FOR SELF", will not get one far in these days and hour, as this will only bring one to finding but misery very quickly, as the energies heat up more each day, for the great dividing of the two energies the exist, just as heating metal until molten hot, seperate all things into it's proper place??? tha "alchemy" of ALL HUMAN THINGS??? only self as "not existing", WITH NO WANTS FOR SELF, allow all the unlimited energy of cosmos power and love and wisdom to FLOW THRU ONESELF??? |
if the consicous mind does away with good and bad, negative and postive, it only accomplish such by seeing with greaterr logic that all is positive, and that there is no negative, no matter how much the consicous mind try to demand it be so??? which hath more love, one that see each act in a day as negative and positive, or one that see's all things are love??? which hath more wisdom, one that see each act all day as wisdom and not wisdom, or all things as wisdom??? if the conscious mind use it's greater awareness, often called the heart, instead of the mind, that try to govern it's own actions to purpose what it deem as the only one reality as possible, then soon in short time, the consicous mind is freed from the lack of sight of not seeing HOW all things both good and bad together make GREAT, the only negative energy created in the human body by the human brain is beleiving that a negative exist??? to break the infinite FIRST energy that created self into two, limiting greater energy just as a speed limiter on a car??? what become as more real if there is NO NEGATIVE OR ANTI ENERGY CREATED IN THE HUMAN BODY??? I fully believe we do create our own negatives in life. Things do happen, but it is how we see it and react to it which is the indicator. The more positive we are, the less 'negative' happens in our lives. I have known a few people who have had cancer, and the ones who were negative were the ones who succumbed to it easily. 2 very positive people I know are in remission, and have been so for years. Something to think about! |
Very good Kathi like reading this thread. Who wants to go down the road of negativity. Give me the positive side :) I have lot of positive thinking books. Big at reading them in my 40's :) I have a much better outlook in my 50's :) We get better as we get older. Now lets find the secret to eternal health and youth. That's my quest. I want to live a long long time..!! ![]() ![]() hahaha..I only want to live as long as I am healthy and still have zeal for life. OK, OK, I wanna live long n prosper.. ![]() |
Just because you can solve a crossword puzzle or build an atom bomb doesn't mean that you use your mind. Just as dogs love to chew bones, the mind loves to get its teeth into problems. That is why it does crossword puzzles and builds atom bombs. You have no interest in either. Let me ask you this: Can you be free of your mind whenever you want to? Have you found the "off" button? I will just reply to this little bit here. Very very intelligent people still cannot step outside themselves, or figure out how to do every day things, or have social skills. They can solve complex issues but cannot decide what to eat, or what to wear, or even which bill should be paid first (if they remember to pay the bills). Smart and common sense are two very different entities. If you have both, then you can decide what should be answered on here, and what should be stepped around. <<tongue in cheek. |
if the consicous mind does away with good and bad, negative and postive, it only accomplish such by seeing with greaterr logic that all is positive, and that there is no negative, no matter how much the consicous mind try to demand it be so??? which hath more love, one that see each act in a day as negative and positive, or one that see's all things are love??? which hath more wisdom, one that see each act all day as wisdom and not wisdom, or all things as wisdom??? if the conscious mind use it's greater awareness, often called the heart, instead of the mind, that try to govern it's own actions to purpose what it deem as the only one reality as possible, then soon in short time, the consicous mind is freed from the lack of sight of not seeing HOW all things both good and bad together make GREAT, the only negative energy created in the human body by the human brain is beleiving that a negative exist??? to break the infinite FIRST energy that created self into two, limiting greater energy just as a speed limiter on a car??? what become as more real if there is NO NEGATIVE OR ANTI ENERGY CREATED IN THE HUMAN BODY??? I fully believe we do create our own negatives in life. Things do happen, but it is how we see it and react to it which is the indicator. The more positive we are, the less 'negative' happens in our lives. I have known a few people who have had cancer, and the ones who were negative were the ones who succumbed to it easily. 2 very positive people I know are in remission, and have been so for years. Something to think about! indeed, indeed, indeed....... the "difference" is so "miniscul" it is as a speck, but a speck that can create all good??? as the one that HATH NO NEGATIVE, NEVER FOUGHT AGAINST "NEGATIVE"??? JUST ACCPETED IT AS A TRUE "NEGATIVE", AS THE MIND PERCEIVE CORRECTLY ALL THINGS, but the HEART answer the mind that say "what is negative", by accepting it without care??? this then why one as this hath more power??? so any "self will" to "ideas of good for self", WILL NOT ALLOW ONE TO EMBRACE WHAT MIGHT OR COULD BE AS CERTAIN DEATH??? but if it is embraced as NO PROBLEM, WHAT IS TO BE WILL BE, self will unleash much more power, which will guide it to see more solution without fear??? cold and hot are the same as good and bad FOR SELF, and to NOT LIKE EITHER ONE, keep the "brain" seeing all things as good and bad, WHICH IN ITSELF KEEP IMPRISONED TO IDEAS??? it is not as NO BAD EXIST, AS OF COURSE, MANY THIGNS ARE LESS THAN DESIRABLE, but self is freed from all it does not like, when it no longer 'will one or the other'??? |
if the consicous mind does away with good and bad, negative and postive, it only accomplish such by seeing with greaterr logic that all is positive, and that there is no negative, no matter how much the consicous mind try to demand it be so??? which hath more love, one that see each act in a day as negative and positive, or one that see's all things are love??? which hath more wisdom, one that see each act all day as wisdom and not wisdom, or all things as wisdom??? if the conscious mind use it's greater awareness, often called the heart, instead of the mind, that try to govern it's own actions to purpose what it deem as the only one reality as possible, then soon in short time, the consicous mind is freed from the lack of sight of not seeing HOW all things both good and bad together make GREAT, the only negative energy created in the human body by the human brain is beleiving that a negative exist??? to break the infinite FIRST energy that created self into two, limiting greater energy just as a speed limiter on a car??? what become as more real if there is NO NEGATIVE OR ANTI ENERGY CREATED IN THE HUMAN BODY??? I fully believe we do create our own negatives in life. Things do happen, but it is how we see it and react to it which is the indicator. The more positive we are, the less 'negative' happens in our lives. I have known a few people who have had cancer, and the ones who were negative were the ones who succumbed to it easily. 2 very positive people I know are in remission, and have been so for years. Something to think about! indeed, indeed, indeed....... the "difference" is so "miniscul" it is as a speck, but a speck that can create all good??? as the one that HATH NO NEGATIVE, NEVER FOUGHT AGAINST "NEGATIVE"??? JUST ACCPETED IT AS A TRUE "NEGATIVE", AS THE MIND PERCEIVE CORRECTLY ALL THINGS, but the HEART answer the mind that say "what is negative", by accepting it without care??? this then why one as this hath more power??? so any "self will" to "ideas of good for self", WILL NOT ALLOW ONE TO EMBRACE WHAT MIGHT OR COULD BE AS CERTAIN DEATH??? but if it is embraced as NO PROBLEM, WHAT IS TO BE WILL BE, self will unleash much more power, which will guide it to see more solution without fear??? cold and hot are the same as good and bad FOR SELF, and to NOT LIKE EITHER ONE, keep the "brain" seeing all things as good and bad, WHICH IN ITSELF KEEP IMPRISONED TO IDEAS??? it is not as NO BAD EXIST, AS OF COURSE, MANY THIGNS ARE LESS THAN DESIRABLE, but self is freed from all it does not like, when it no longer 'will one or the other'??? In Math..subtraction of a negative gives you a positive..just a thought. You said this:this then why one as this hath more power??? Power doesn't come into it. Or, you may call it power, but I call it perception. What you perceive to be true will be, whether you are negative or positive. That is why negative people tend to pull negative to them, because they perceive negativity to be the truth of life. If you wish to quote the bible..then what you reap you shall sow. The more positve and open minded you are,the more that you are able to learn. Life is all about learning and growing if you are positive. None of us stand still until our last breath. |
Self will is not the conscious mind or the carnal mind. Self will is God in flesh, and God conscious. It's not all that complex. Peace to you too. why do you send vinegar with your peace??? lol..... "willed effort" of "GOOD FOR SELF", will not get one far in these days and hour, as this will only bring one to finding but misery very quickly, as the energies heat up more each day, for the great dividing of the two energies the exist, just as heating metal until molten hot, seperate all things into it's proper place??? tha "alchemy" of ALL HUMAN THINGS??? only self as "not existing", WITH NO WANTS FOR SELF, allow all the unlimited energy of cosmos power and love and wisdom to FLOW THRU ONESELF??? I don't send any vinegar. I only send my truth. Perhaps my truth is vinegar to you. LOL. But... There is only ONE. One self, and That self is LOVE. There is only one light. and That light is LOVE. ![]() ![]() |
The best books I have read on the Law of Attraction (The Secret) are the once by Esther and Jerry Hicks. "The Law of Attraction." And: "Ask and it is given." They are easy and exciting books to read, and regardless whether or not you believe in the channeled "Abraham" you will learn a lot about how to make this creative process work and how to change your beliefs and your thinking. The most fundamental book I have ever read on this creative technique is by Wallace D. Wattles called "The Science of Getting Rich." You can read that free on wikipedia. Wallace D. Wattles also wrote other books, about attracting love and other things. When I was in my twenties..(a few yrs ago) I read a book, and I wish I could remember the author. It was fantastic, and discussed how if you see it as so, then it is so. At the time, I had no job or income (fresh from school) but I went and picked out a car that I wanted and I ordered it. 2 weeks before that car came in, I found a job so was ready for it. My first brand new car! Kewl!! That is what the saying: "So be it, so it is!" means. They also say that you should dress for the job you want, instead of the job you have. I wonder what I would look like dressed like a rich business owner, while I was delivering pizzas? LOL Or if you had a job at Mc Donalds... dress like the owner. LOL. |
Okay here is the plan. It will freak your boss out. Get a job at the bank as a bank teller, and then dress like the man or woman who is your boss or superior. I mean, find out where he or she gets clothing and get exactly the same thing. LOL That will freak them out probably and get you fired.. I wonder.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Okay here is the plan. It will freak your boss out. Get a job at the bank as a bank teller, and then dress like the man or woman who is your boss or superior. I mean, find out where he or she gets clothing and get exactly the same thing. LOL That will freak them out probably and get you fired.. I wonder.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hahahahaha. I think thats not quite what they mean by dressing for sucess. |
if the consicous mind does away with good and bad, negative and postive, it only accomplish such by seeing with greaterr logic that all is positive, and that there is no negative, no matter how much the consicous mind try to demand it be so??? which hath more love, one that see each act in a day as negative and positive, or one that see's all things are love??? which hath more wisdom, one that see each act all day as wisdom and not wisdom, or all things as wisdom??? if the conscious mind use it's greater awareness, often called the heart, instead of the mind, that try to govern it's own actions to purpose what it deem as the only one reality as possible, then soon in short time, the consicous mind is freed from the lack of sight of not seeing HOW all things both good and bad together make GREAT, the only negative energy created in the human body by the human brain is beleiving that a negative exist??? to break the infinite FIRST energy that created self into two, limiting greater energy just as a speed limiter on a car??? what become as more real if there is NO NEGATIVE OR ANTI ENERGY CREATED IN THE HUMAN BODY??? I fully believe we do create our own negatives in life. Things do happen, but it is how we see it and react to it which is the indicator. The more positive we are, the less 'negative' happens in our lives. I have known a few people who have had cancer, and the ones who were negative were the ones who succumbed to it easily. 2 very positive people I know are in remission, and have been so for years. Something to think about! indeed, indeed, indeed....... the "difference" is so "miniscul" it is as a speck, but a speck that can create all good??? as the one that HATH NO NEGATIVE, NEVER FOUGHT AGAINST "NEGATIVE"??? JUST ACCPETED IT AS A TRUE "NEGATIVE", AS THE MIND PERCEIVE CORRECTLY ALL THINGS, but the HEART answer the mind that say "what is negative", by accepting it without care??? this then why one as this hath more power??? so any "self will" to "ideas of good for self", WILL NOT ALLOW ONE TO EMBRACE WHAT MIGHT OR COULD BE AS CERTAIN DEATH??? but if it is embraced as NO PROBLEM, WHAT IS TO BE WILL BE, self will unleash much more power, which will guide it to see more solution without fear??? cold and hot are the same as good and bad FOR SELF, and to NOT LIKE EITHER ONE, keep the "brain" seeing all things as good and bad, WHICH IN ITSELF KEEP IMPRISONED TO IDEAS??? it is not as NO BAD EXIST, AS OF COURSE, MANY THIGNS ARE LESS THAN DESIRABLE, but self is freed from all it does not like, when it no longer 'will one or the other'??? In Math..subtraction of a negative gives you a positive..just a thought. You said this:this then why one as this hath more power??? Power doesn't come into it. Or, you may call it power, but I call it perception. What you perceive to be true will be, whether you are negative or positive. That is why negative people tend to pull negative to them, because they perceive negativity to be the truth of life. If you wish to quote the bible..then what you reap you shall sow. The more positve and open minded you are,the more that you are able to learn. Life is all about learning and growing if you are positive. None of us stand still until our last breath. indeed, who are the NEGATIVE PEOPLE??? to even think this, IS THE NEGATIVE??? to try to "NOT SOW BAD SO AS TO NOT "REAP BAD TO SELF", is the grand deception that does not allow the brain to see, THINKING OF OTHERS AS "NEGATIVE" PEOPLE, IS THE NEGATIVE??? THERE IS NO NEGATIVE FOR YOU, OR YOU SEE IT IN OTHER'S, SO THEN DO JUST AS YOU SAY, CREATE IT BY "REACTING TO IT AS SUCH", BECAUSE IT WAS BELIEVED??? there is NO "SOWING BAD", BUT TO THE ONE THAT SEEK TO NOT SOW BAD, as this one has ATTRACTED TO ITSELF A VERSE NOT TELLING OF OTHER'S, BUT BECAUSE IT IS WHAT SELF IS??? SELF CANNOT BE ATTRACTED TO IT, LESS IT IS 'WHAT SELF IS'??? lol.....peace |
JB......i love vinegar and wine???
This idea is only true with external verification, you have an idea that is pleasing but constantly is in contradiction with your experience, shouldnt you reevaluate your idea/beliefs?