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Topic: Philosophically speaking...
creativesoul's photo
Sat 02/28/09 12:06 PM
JB wrote...

Your opening post was:

Freedom of speech is an integral part of a free society such as the one we live in... assuming, of course, that we do.

Are you assuming that we do?

If one reads the OP carefully, one would take notice of the fact that the term "we" was accentuated. If read accordingly, "we" would have had emphasis placed upon it, which indicates importance. The OP assumed that whomever responded in this thread lived in our society... which IS free.

Some 'societies' are more free than others. The illusion of freedom is all we currently have.

The difference between freedom and the illusion of freedom is that freedom cannot be taken away from us so easily.

The illusion of freedom can. Easily.

The laws are in place to take our illusion away at any time. New laws restricting our right to bare arms... are in the process. Once we are disarmed, we are lost. Freedom is lost.

Whether or not 'they' choose to maintain the illusion of freedom is their choice. We will have little power over that. We may well be at their mercy.

Of course... all of the laws regarding human rights, such as freedom of speech, are in place in order to be taken away. The bill of rights is in place for the sole purpose of taking it away at a later date, for questionable reasons...


JB wrote this...

"There is a 'they' and they are out to get us." (Henry Kissinger quote.)

What was Kissinger referring to? noway It was not about a secretly organized one world government.

JB failed to recognize the relevance of my earlier proposition, which I copied below...

There are some people who live in the United States but cannot perceive the opportunities that are available to them because of certain personality traits.

Your response was...

Off topic.

The statement is perfectly on topic. The topic being freedom of speech and it's features, one of which is the possibility for opportunity. If the concept is misunderstood or grossly contorted, then all of it's features are not properly framed within one's mind. I am saying that what has been written about this subject by you, JB, has followed your perceptual faculty and therefore your understanding of it(freedom of speech) is a misrepresentation of actuality.

Below is a fine example of this contortion in use when the topic of what constitutes freedom of speech has been completely confused with why we choose to go to war...

Those are two different subject matters.

Not off topic. We are convinced we fight for FREEDOM. Freedom of speech included. If there is no freedom, there would be nothing to fight for except our own survival.... which would not include invading a third world country and bombing the hell out of it.

Speak for yourself. I am not convinced that your portrayal is accurate.

I wrote...

This section of your response is at the heart of my focus. There are limitations to all freedoms. This must necessarily be the case or else freedom would become atrophy. Pure personal freedom would have no legal consequences. In order for everyone to be free in their pursuit of happiness, then public protection from dangerous individuals is a necessity. That invokes the need for laws.

And you responded...

Here you simply state the extremely obvious. So what is your point exactly?

If it is so obvious to you JB, then why do you attribute completely different sets of reasoning and purpose to the same thing?

JB wrote...

I am happy to be in America but I am not so blind that I do not see what is going on and who is in charge. I took off those rose colored glasses a few years ago. Oppressive? You have not seen anything yet...

The agenda is a One World Government, and a One World Religion. The objective is just business as usual plain and simple. Own the earth. Install a king. (Or Dictator)

They called it a government in Hitler's Germany too. Yes, I have a say... so far. I am saying it now. I am telling the truth to anyone who will listen.

The truth??? huh As if...

Quite disturbing actually.

I truly hope its all in my mind. I truly hope I am delusional. Truly I do.

No need for hope when actuality finally corresponds to personal reality.

It is and you are...

no photo
Sat 02/28/09 12:36 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 02/28/09 12:44 PM
Quite disturbing actually.

I truly hope its all in my mind. I truly hope I am delusional. Truly I do.

No need for hope when actuality finally corresponds to personal reality.

It is and you are...

Gosh or golly gee...I do so hope you are right!! biggrin

But I have my doubts. huh

I know too much to stick my head back in the sand, but I'm getting to a point where I don't really give a damn.


Hail to the King. Long live the King. drinker

creativesoul's photo
Sat 02/28/09 02:58 PM
The American public, with it's direct influence on issues of public interest, is very critical of what could be considered too much power. The entire system has checks and balances to decrease the possibility of this kind of corruption.

Ultimately, freedom of speech plays a major role in keeping the playing field level.

Regarding the possibility of a one world government...

It is a logistical impossibility.

Anyone with a reasonable understanding regarding the inherently complex system required for a government to effectively remain in power would also recognize the government's need to provide as much of the population as possible with enough individual opportunity and personal protection to establish sufficient warrant for it's own existence.


no photo
Sat 02/28/09 03:10 PM

Well if ever we needed checks and balances it is NOW. And I do hope they work. There is a lot of corruption already in place. People are bribed and threatened....and even killed, people in high office are blackmail candidates.

Do you really know how deep or how high corruption goes? The best check and balance system is the people. We must always remain alert.

Once the criminals are exposed, the jigg is up for them. But to turn a blind eye to what is going on is sticking our head in the sand.

A lot of people are smarter than they give us credit for I think.

no photo
Sat 02/28/09 03:15 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 02/28/09 03:17 PM
Ultimately, freedom of speech plays a major role in keeping the playing field level.

Did you ever go to a presidential rally wearing the wrong tee-shirt or carrying the wrong sign and get escorted to the "free speech zone" by officers? It is a few blocks away from the rally and surrounded by a chain linked fence with barbed wire atop of it. They don't bring you any water.

But you can carry your signs and say anything you want while in there. Nobody will see you or hear you, but you have free speech.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:18 PM
Did you ever go to a presidential rally wearing the wrong tee-shirt or carrying the wrong sign and get escorted to the "free speech zone" by officers? It is a few blocks away from the rally and surrounded by a chain linked fence with barbed wire atop of it. They don't bring you any water.

What exactly was "wrong" with the sign or shirt in question?

no photo
Sat 02/28/09 08:35 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 02/28/09 08:35 PM

Did you ever go to a presidential rally wearing the wrong tee-shirt or carrying the wrong sign and get escorted to the "free speech zone" by officers? It is a few blocks away from the rally and surrounded by a chain linked fence with barbed wire atop of it. They don't bring you any water.

What exactly was "wrong" with the sign or shirt in question?

Nothing was 'wrong' with it.

It was not threatening. It simply indicated that they did not support that particular political party. Also anyone with any signs like "Peace" or any other anti-war signs were escorted to a holding area which they called "a free speech zone."

creativesoul's photo
Sun 03/01/09 12:18 PM
Is there not a right to assembly?

Should this not include a right to a peaceful assembly?

When this is the case, then the assembly is for those who support the cause, no matter what the cause may be, within the limits of our legal rights.

If the focus of an assembly is being blatently interrupted by opposing viewpoint, then the peacefulness of the said assembly is removed, and the actions of the opposing side are seen as being in violation of the assembly rights of the participants. The people in question should organize their own assembly for their own reasons to support the other side, without infringing upon the inalienable rights of the other assemblers.


It is the American way.

no photo
Sun 03/01/09 01:34 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 03/01/09 01:39 PM

Is there not a right to assembly?

Should this not include a right to a peaceful assembly?

When this is the case, then the assembly is for those who support the cause, no matter what the cause may be, within the limits of our legal rights.

If the focus of an assembly is being blatently interrupted by opposing viewpoint, then the peacefulness of the said assembly is removed, and the actions of the opposing side are seen as being in violation of the assembly rights of the participants. The people in question should organize their own assembly for their own reasons to support the other side, without infringing upon the inalienable rights of the other assemblers.


It is the American way.

Okay then you are saying you support the idea that anyone who does not support the President in his campaign, should not be allowed to assemble to hear him speak.

You are saying that only his fans and supporters are allowed. No matter how quiet and peaceful they are. And if the President is in favor of the war in Iraq, anyone who wears a tee-shirt with the word "Peace" on it can be assumed to be against the war monger president and should be taken away (arrested) and put into a holding area (chain linked fence with barbed wire) until it is over.

I can see you will fit in quite nicely with the new world order dictator when it comes into power. laugh They will love you. They will probably give you a job rounding up dissenters.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:21 PM
Okay then you are saying you support the idea that anyone who does not support the President in his campaign, should not be allowed to assemble to hear him speak.

You are saying that only his fans and supporters are allowed. No matter how quiet and peaceful they are. And if the President is in favor of the war in Iraq, anyone who wears a tee-shirt with the word "Peace" on it can be assumed to be against the war monger president and should be taken away (arrested) and put into a holding area (chain linked fence with barbed wire) until it is over.

NOT what I said.

To you have a real situation to propose?

IF someone is peaceful and wears a sign or shirt with an opposing viewpoint to an assembly, then they are not violating another's rights and are completely within their own rights to be there.

The media would love to expose such an alleged set of circumstances as you are claiming.

I just, once again, do not believe your account has much accuracy when considering the totality of the elements involved regarding the situation. A person will not be escorted away from a presidential rally for just wearing a shirt that has a peace sign on it.


no photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:32 PM

Okay then you are saying you support the idea that anyone who does not support the President in his campaign, should not be allowed to assemble to hear him speak.

You are saying that only his fans and supporters are allowed. No matter how quiet and peaceful they are. And if the President is in favor of the war in Iraq, anyone who wears a tee-shirt with the word "Peace" on it can be assumed to be against the war monger president and should be taken away (arrested) and put into a holding area (chain linked fence with barbed wire) until it is over.

NOT what I said.

To you have a real situation to propose?

IF someone is peaceful and wears a sign or shirt with an opposing viewpoint to an assembly, then they are not violating another's rights and are completely within their own rights to be there.

The media would love to expose such an alleged set of circumstances as you are claiming.

I just, once again, do not believe your account has much accuracy when considering the totality of the elements involved regarding the situation. A person will not be escorted away from a presidential rally for just wearing a shirt that has a peace sign on it.


They will, they can and they do.

Do a search for "free speech zone" and see what you find. Here is one I found in just one search.


no photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:39 PM
Exerpt from: http://baltimorechronicle.com/052704FreeSpeechZones.shtml

At LSU on Friday, May 21st, "Free Speech," as designated by law, was only to be allowed for "anti-war" citizens that were willing to stand in a roped-off 35 foot square, 100 feet from the road. My sign said "Veterans For Peace, No WAR" on one side, and "The DUBYA--M-D's ARE IN THE WHITE HOUSE" on the other. Not exactly controversial. Not exactly threatening. It just said that I`m against this Iraq "war," and I don`t like this President. I have been against this war since way before it even started, and I will be that way until the last U.S. soldier is home from there.

We had a legal permit to demonstrate against this war and President Bush, a permit from the Secret Service, as enforced by the LSU police. When our group of demonstrators arrived on Dalrymple Drive that morning to protest this visit, an LSU policeman told us that we had to stand in a 35-foot fenced-in square, exactly 100` from Dalrymple Drive, for "security" reasons, under the threat of arrest if we didn't. We refused to stand in that thing, but we did not get arrested. (It would have been funny if all the protestors had stood in the little square and said "MOO" over and over, like cattle do.)

Directly across the street from the "free speech zone," about 25 "pro-Bush" citizens stood along the curb and waited for the President. I was selected as spokesman for our group, so I asked the LSU police Sarge, "Why can those people stand along the curb but we can`t?" The Sarge said, and I quote, "Because they are pro-Bush, and they don`t have signs".... damn, it was my sign's fault!

creativesoul's photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:45 PM
There are exceptions to every rule...

Rights can be, and are taken away sometimes, but it makes this country what it is...

Call, write, demonstrate...

My apologies regarding the truthfulness of your claim...


You are doing the country a huge favor, in this case, by using your freedom of speech!!!


no photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:52 PM

This was not an exception. It was the common policy of the Bush administration. Everywhere he went.

I hope Obama does not follow suit.

There are pending court cases on this kind of oppression of free speech.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 03/01/09 03:16 PM
This was not an exception. It was the common policy of the Bush administration. Everywhere he went.

I hope Obama does not follow suit.

There are pending court cases on this kind of oppression of free speech.

Well if you look for bad, then that is what you will find.

Granted, there are always legitimate issues such as the ones that the previous administration displayed with so many of it's policies after 9-11. This country and it's people will overcome adversity whether it be from within or outside. It is the strength of a free people. I hope that the cases in question re-establish the rights of those involved to be able to demonstrate without quarantine. Keep in mind that there is always pertinent information regarding cases of national security which is unknown to the general public, and must be so in order to avoid mass hysteria.

To focus upon the alleged wrongful isolation of anti-Bush demonstrators and then wrongfully infer that we are losing our freedoms as a result of some one world government is borderline insane.

The fact that there are actual court cases supports the notion of freedom much more than it supports the opposite. Those involved could have been killed in other places, or had their families kidnapped, or their daughters raped, etc. etc...

There always must be rules and regulations which restrict pure freedom in some way.

no photo
Sun 03/01/09 03:38 PM
Keep in mind that there is always pertinent information regarding cases of national security which is unknown to the general public, and must be so in order to avoid mass hysteria.

Creative, you can keep your rose colored glasses on if you want to but you and a lot of other people are ripe for a very rude awakening.

I am sick to death of information being kept from the people under the guise of 'national security."


The only thing they are protecting is their own totally corrupt asses. Geeeeze I wish people would take their heads out of the sand.

Do you know that many of the German people had no clue what Hitler was doing? You are so naive.

The information about the Rothchild's and the New World order is confirmed. It is fact. These are not conspiracy theories. These are facts.

Borderline insane? You have not heard the half of it if you think it is borderline insane with just these few tidbits.


Oh well. Have a nice life in La La land. Enjoy it while the illusion of freedom is still there.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 03/01/09 03:42 PM
Ok then...


no photo
Sun 03/01/09 05:41 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 03/01/09 05:50 PM
No Plot to take over the world? Look at the facts from the horses mouth.

From another thread: Posted by warmachine:

Theres some meat for the uniniated.

Lets see what one of their most prominent members has to say:

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

David Rockefeller

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

David Rockefeller... Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

"For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." -David Rockefeller, from his own book, Memoirs.

But sure, the CFR is just some think tank.

As far as the alien thing goes, I'm not on one side or the other as it pertains to this topic, but I'll put this out there, go look into the historical references of all the old world religions and even some of the ones operating today and you'll find repeated references to these intelligent serpent or reptile people. The Ancient Sumerians, whose cultural artifacts predate the bible by some 3000 years tells a creation story that involves Reptillian like creatures who descend from the sky to milk this planet of it's resources, rather than do the work themselves, they created the Sumer peoples (In what is today Iraq and what was Babylon).

Dragons who spoke to the emperors of Japan, China and Korea. Dragons and serpents in the Bible, The ThunderBirds of the Hopi, the Serpent road of the Maya. Is it possible that we are a species that has amnesia of their own history? Maybe not probable, but at the very least plausible?

Concerning the alien connection:

Also there are stories from the Hopi indians who say that they came up from under ground cities and that there care takers they called them the "ant people" (Grey aliens)

There is also an underground city in the Grand canyon that nobody is allow to go to that proves of this race of people who lived underground. This place is protected and hidden by the American Historical society.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 03/01/09 09:07 PM
Listen JB...

There are several major problems with the claims that you are making.

One is the fact that you are attempting to correlate two completely different subject matters which are not even related.

Two is the fact that there is not enough evidence for any of your claims.

Just because the decisions of the government concerning post 9-11 are now thought by most to have been based upon questionable grounds does not mean that this can or should be sufficient evidence for what you are claiming.

Your argument is pure unsupported conjecture.

Simply put, just because the Bush administration has allegedly illegally infringed upon the rights of some citizens during a presidential rally(s) does not mean that that is actually what happened. Should those accusations be found true, then there is still no reason to believe that, in fact, we as a people are losing our rights on a whole. That assumption is a huge leap in reasoning. Furthermore, regardless of the legal outcome, there is no reason whatsoever given which would warrant the belief that those actions are or were in any way associated with a secret plan for a one world government.

Rockefeller... So what???

What does his alleged statement prove???

His is a has-been and is a media whore.

The fact is that it(a one world government) is a logistical impossibility. It cannot happen.

No Plot to take over the world? Look at the facts from the horses mouth.

The fact is that just because someone says that there is a plan to take over the world does not make it true or possible. The only fact here is that so and so said this and that you and others have taken great liberties in excessive extrapolation.

Hooray for freedom of speech!!!


no photo
Sun 03/01/09 10:51 PM
I guess you can believe that if you want. The free speech zones are just the tiny tip of the ice berg and the only reason I even bothered to bring them up is because you were wanting to talk about "freedom of speech."

It doesn't matter. I don't have the energy or time to try to convince you of anything. Enjoy your freedom of speech while you have it. I sure intend to. :wink:

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