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Topic: question
RKISIT's photo
Fri 02/06/09 05:46 PM
drinker drinks

I'm suffering from FWGS maybe I should go on welfare!!

Fat white guy syndromelaugh laugh
when you get your check fly me up there and lets get f*cked updrinker drinker drinker

drinks It's a plandrinks

Winx's photo
Fri 02/06/09 05:53 PM

I'm suffering from FWGS maybe I should go on welfare!!

Fat white guy syndromelaugh laugh
when you get your check fly me up there and lets get f*cked updrinker drinker drinker

The check won't be large enough to cover the airfare.

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 02/06/09 05:54 PM

I'm suffering from FWGS maybe I should go on welfare!!

Fat white guy syndromelaugh laugh
when you get your check fly me up there and lets get f*cked updrinker drinker drinker

The check won't be large enough to cover the airfare.

Stage 5 FWGS pays the max:wink:

RKISIT's photo
Fri 02/06/09 05:55 PM

I'm suffering from FWGS maybe I should go on welfare!!

Fat white guy syndromelaugh laugh
when you get your check fly me up there and lets get f*cked updrinker drinker drinker

The check won't be large enough to cover the airfare.
gee your so optimistic:smile:

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 06:55 PM
2 many different scenerios, to be a "flat" plan.

Suv's could have been bought earlier, and put in childs name...known that to happen..

Some people, do live like that..they know the system..

If you get a "min. wage job", you lose benefits..
Money, stamps, housing, utilities, ins..schooling.
(Very backward there)

It needs to be, that if you will help yourself, we will help you...JMO..I know, I raised 2 children, on that mim. wage income..no CS..and only foodstamps (thats all the help I got)..At that time, I did work full time, and had ins....those jobs, didn't last long...every went to pt-time hiring...no benefits..If I worked ot, to pay ins..they cut my FS...???

My brother has 1 leg..for a couple of years..He has worked, wk-ends, as security guard, (min. wage) and because, he has worked over 2 yrs...They took his benefits..(check-medicaid)..If he can't get his meds..it will kill him..he also has had a lot of heart problems.

And the RICH keep getting RICHER...


Justme122's photo
Fri 02/06/09 07:14 PM
Edited by Justme122 on Fri 02/06/09 07:21 PM
What is the problem with the rich?
They pay the majority of the taxes that make these programs available.

Unless you are a high ranking goverment offical

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 02/06/09 07:42 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Fri 02/06/09 08:08 PM

Some of those disabled are not disabled at all. And some disabled are working. Whats with that.
exactly i work in construction and everything has to be handicap accessible so then where the hell are they,one guy here locally went around finding violations and sued so far he is 5 out of 150 lawsuits...gotta luv'em

The American With Disabilities Act is a building code that is over 27 years on the books.

The law was written that reasonable accomodations had to be made on all existing public buildings, sidewalks, and mass transportation. That process has taken years and the Disabled have been exceedingly patient. THe ADA was based on three basic premises.

One the Constitution right that guarantees ALL people freedom from taxation with out representation. You can't tax people for services they can not independently use.

Two that if disabled people could access the world independently that they would not be dependent on others, most often public funds or insurance costs that were passed on to all and that MANY would (and HAVE) be able to return to the work force paying substanial taxes. Many physically disabled people pursue higher education that results in substanial employment; if they can get to the workplace and it is accessible since they can not do physical jobs.

And three that it was NOT Equal Liberty and Access to Justice and other public services by the buildings being inaccessible. That is was discrimination; something that was tested all the way to the supream court.

What consistently never makes it to the six o'clock news is ONLY NEW construction had to be built fully accessible.

The fact that contractors have IGNORED building codes and continued to remodel with out prioritizeing access or Building, even changeing blueprints at site for such unimportant reasons as cosmetic appeal or failing to order the needed materials seems to be excused. Unless someone files a court injunction and with holds payment until it is built to code.

Yes there are some People even disbled that have educated themselves about the LAWS and taken the time and often their own personal funds to file the lawsuits and show up for the sometimes seemingly endless procedurals since no public funds were allotted for enforcement. Some are parents and grandparents that refuse to let their family members made second class citizens because of a birth defect, illness, injury, military service, or being the innocent victim of a crime (example DUI). That they are ONLY enforceing LAWS on the books many times after waiting YEARS for these building code violations to be corrected.

If anyone should be mad as hell it is the taxpayers that are paying for the buildings to be built twice and retro-fitted which is hugely more expensive (and often done by the same contractors) when those contractors certified that they have met building codes and defrauded the taxpayers. So if you are worried abot someone exploiting you put the blame where it belongs.

Winx's photo
Fri 02/06/09 07:46 PM
Thank you, PacificStar.

7z3r05's photo
Fri 02/06/09 07:47 PM
its gonna be fun to see what happens with the new politicans. something is gonna happen in the us relatively soon. people have a boiling point and even though most of the citizens of this country are pushovers you can only push people so far. keep ur eyes peeled.

Winx's photo
Fri 02/06/09 07:51 PM

its gonna be fun to see what happens with the new politicans. something is gonna happen in the us relatively soon. people have a boiling point and even though most of the citizens of this country are pushovers you can only push people so far. keep ur eyes peeled.

I'm looking forward to the changes.bigsmile

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 07:56 PM

What is the problem with the rich?
They pay the majority of the taxes that make these programs available.

Unless you are a high ranking goverment offical

Thats what i'm talking about.....
They, (politicians) are taken care of, for the rest of their life....We are losing everything..and we will be paying back for years, to bail out these companies, and banks, while "Corporate America"...well...we've seen what they do..

All of "US" that work, pay taxes..I pay a "hefty" amount also, for what I make...more you make, the more you pay, unless you have "loop-holes"...

I will quit now....lol...laugh

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 02/06/09 08:19 PM

'correct' answer? does that mean they agreed with you? :tongue:
well pats is sayin the middle class pay for the poor and the rich.and samurai jack is right cause it does go to the wrong people in line at a grocery store where you are standing in line waitng for a abuser to pay with food stamps or that card and talking on their cell phone,then get in their $40,000 suv and go.i look at that and say...WTF

They could have bought that SUV when they were working and they are now unemployed. Cell phones can be the cheap ones - pay as you go or a family plan. Just something to think about.

Or they do not own a SUV at all and are being driven or loaned it's use by a family member or a church member seeing it is more reasonable for them to buy one monthly shopping than paying double at Gas stop grocery stores that are walking distance from their residence.

Winx's photo
Fri 02/06/09 08:30 PM

'correct' answer? does that mean they agreed with you? :tongue:
well pats is sayin the middle class pay for the poor and the rich.and samurai jack is right cause it does go to the wrong people in line at a grocery store where you are standing in line waitng for a abuser to pay with food stamps or that card and talking on their cell phone,then get in their $40,000 suv and go.i look at that and say...WTF

They could have bought that SUV when they were working and they are now unemployed. Cell phones can be the cheap ones - pay as you go or a family plan. Just something to think about.

Or they do not own a SUV at all and are being driven or loaned it's use by a family member or a church member seeing it is more reasonable for them to buy one monthly shopping than paying double at Gas stop grocery stores that are walking distance from their residence.

Good point.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 02/06/09 08:57 PM

Some of those disabled are not disabled at all. And some disabled are working. Whats with that.

Many times you cannot see a person's disability. There are people with heart problems and kidney problems and more. My father looks normal but he has severe COPD and can't walk far. He doesn't receive disability though because he's retired.

People on disability are severely looked over before they can receive it. You have to see the Soc. Sec. docs. and give them all of your medical records. At the end, they may even go in front of the judge.
then explain to me how my ex's uncle is on disability He hada nervous breakdown due to a divore.. He re married a few years later and subsequently divorced again.. and now runs a small strawberry field and stand during the summer.. yet he is and has been since around 1970 on ssi.. sure the system works real well... NOT and yet my sister who has polio in her arm and leg ( 62 yo) couldn't use her arm and walks with a limp couldn't get ssi at all? She still works till this day Fair system? yeah don't make meill

What people do not understand is that Social Security Disability is only paid to those people who are totally disabled to do any work that they are trained to do.

If your sister has the cognitive skills to do a job; even if it is difficult then social security says she has to work. If her work made her disability worse as Post Polio would your sister would qualify for disability. A post Polio Syndrom Society chapter which are all over the country could help her find a neurologist that could document that.

People who are disabled by Mental illness may not have the consistent cognitive skills to do any work they are trained to do full time. They might with medication to do short burst of work and earn part time income which they can keep a percentage but they have to redocument their disabiity at any time fraud is suspected or just on a routine basis usually every three years by having their own doctors submit reports that are reviewed by social security administration medical professionals.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 02/06/09 09:26 PM

What is the problem with the rich?
They pay the majority of the taxes that make these programs available.

Unless you are a high ranking goverment offical

Actually that is not true. The working poor pay a larger percentage personally and overall. The rich tie their wealth in deferred or tax free loopholes that they pay the minimal amount of taxes that they can. Since they can lobby and get loop holes voted in it is amazing what they get free and still get to write off.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 02/07/09 06:12 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 02/07/09 06:13 AM

what about the people that have no choice but to be on assistance? Example: Single mother of three. The mom and two of the children are disabled according the federal government.
this thread was more on the billion dollar corps that are asking for money,its like why didn't the ceo's take a paycut and fight the union to reduce wages...anyway i never said it was wrong to receive governmental aid,its wrong when someone abuses it.also people with disabilities deserve help to if they cannot work...look my point being i can't stand people who manipulate the system thats all...those who do are hurting the ones who could use more money.i'm not against anything to help someone in need but just don't take advantage of it:smile:

FreeToB's photo
Sat 02/07/09 06:28 AM
I don't see what one has to do with the other except that all programs are going to be short after these bailouts.

FreeToB's photo
Sat 02/07/09 06:34 AM

What is the problem with the rich?
They pay the majority of the taxes that make these programs available.

Unless you are a high ranking goverment offical

This is absolutely NOT TRUE. The richest 5% of people pay NO taxes. Taxes are paid by the middle class, not the very poor and not the very rich.

I personally believe that we should go to a flat tax that EVERYONE pays and greatly reduce the corporate tax (highest in the world here in the US) so companies can afford to do business here.
30 years ago the US exported the largest amount of finished (manufactured) goods and imported the largest amount of raw materials. Its just the opposite now. We need our manufacturing jobs back.

no photo
Sat 02/07/09 08:43 AM

No, because it's still the regular working stiff that gets the shaft either way!!

100% every time. I work hard to help support all those welfare families. Nothing against helping someone out, but if you won't help yerself, I got nothing for ya

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 02/07/09 06:03 PM
This is absolutely NOT TRUE. The richest 5% of people pay NO taxes. Taxes are paid by the middle class, not the very poor and not the very rich.

I so agree with this, I know I am constantly watching my taxes raise with less and less deductions.

Don't get me wrong I would love to see all the special projects have money yet there comes a time when we have to say I am sorry we just can't afford it. I find I am saying that more and more since the crash began. Why shouldn't the rich also say this.

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