Topic: Did you know this or ever thought about it?
Winx's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:25 AM

because only two people in the class would understand and only one of them would care

If that were true, that bothers me.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:26 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 02/03/09 08:27 AM

That's what they are doing!
if you don't except it then you are closed minded and a bigot?
guess what, all the text books have went from BC TO BCE CHRIST IS GONE FROM THE SCHOOLS
why don't christians get the same treatment as homo's and baby killers? because we have morals and standards

"Christ" or Jesus does NOT belong in our schools. That is a religion. Religion belongs in Church, not our schools.

Why? Because this country is not all Christian. There are many different faiths.

Who do Christians think they are anyway? They are NOT the only people in the world.

Also, Christians are NOT the only people who have Morals and standards. That is sooo arrogant of you to think that only Christians have morals and standards.

Geeeeze, no wonder you don't get the respect you think you deserve.

this country was founded on CHRISTIANS BELIEFS!!!
it's only from ignorant people that believe in if it feels good do it belief that argue with me.
btw:if you believe in killing babies and homosexuality you don't have any morals

No it was not. People who think that and think that Christianity should be forced on our children in our schools are wrong. You are wrong.

What is the point of freedom of religion if you are going to pick one and force it on everyone else???

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:29 AM
Edited by DeKLiNe0fMaN on Tue 02/03/09 08:29 AM

The reason they don't teach this in schools is because they have more pressing doctrines to push, such as accepting homosexuality and hating Jesus.


How about instead of claiming that they are pushing us to accept homosexuality, say that they are trying to get us to accept people for who they are without hate and prejudice.

And instead of claiming that they are pushing us to "hate Jesus" (which they are not doing!) why don't you realize that they are attempting to keep this a free country where the government does not sponsor or push one specific religion down the throats of our children?

Huh? huh

You're correct this is a free country to choose. That is unless of course you choose to acknowledge Jesus in school where you might get expelled. And as far as homosexuality.. thank you for proving my point. I don't hate anyone, but even from a scientific p.o.v homosexuality has no use for furthering the human race and while i have no evidence to prove it, i would safely guess that a high 90% of homosexuals were abused as children, or suffered some traumatic relationship crisis. Nobody is born gay. to assume that is to A. Call God a liar (which is easy for the non believer) or B. Claim evolution is flawed in humans. Just because i don't agree with homosexual BEHAVIOR, doesn't mean i'm hating or prejudiced. But if a way of existence/survival has absolutely no positive use in the human race other than not wanting to hurt someones feelings or call them on inappropriate behavior then rock on politically correctness. But this is a direct result of a fatherless generation. This country is lacking men and filling up with boys who are taught to blame everyone else for their actions.:angel:

To make the unscientific ascertain that homosexuals are not born gay is ridiculous and irresponsible. If you did a study, I think you would find that all homosexuals were NOT ABUSED AS CHILDREN.

Serial stone cold killers, might be found to have been abused or neglected more than gays.

Also, there are many children being born that are physically both male and female. You can't deny that does not happen because it is a FACT. Many of these children are physically altered AT BIRTH. Therefore the doctor or parents are making the choice at to whether that child will be male or female. WHAT IF THEY ARE WRONG? What if they make a child female that turns out to be more male?

I think you are hobbled by your religious upbringing and you are not using your logic and you are not being fair or understanding.

A child born both male and female? yes there are oddities of nature but whatever is dominant is going to be the path they take and if it's chosen for them at birth and they grow up and decide the other that makes it a choice and again proves my point of traumatic experience.
And i didn't say ALL homosexuals, and since were on the "if" subject, i better not move next to an airport, what if an airplane falls on my house. And i don't consider my religious beliefs to be hobbling although i can understand why they hobble you.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:29 AM

Anyway, this is getting off topic.


deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:30 AM

That's what they are doing!
if you don't except it then you are closed minded and a bigot?
guess what, all the text books have went from BC TO BCE CHRIST IS GONE FROM THE SCHOOLS
why don't christians get the same treatment as homo's and baby killers? because we have morals and standards

"Christ" or Jesus does NOT belong in our schools. That is a religion. Religion belongs in Church, not our schools.

Why? Because this country is not all Christian. There are many different faiths.

Who do Christians think they are anyway? They are NOT the only people in the world.

Also, Christians are NOT the only people who have Morals and standards. That is sooo arrogant of you to think that only Christians have morals and standards.

Geeeeze, no wonder you don't get the respect you think you deserve.

Jesus doesn't belong in schools? I thought you said this was a free country ? lets move this thread to religion...

DUH!!! Well it is supposed to be a free country. But if you start teaching religion in school then it is not.

Then it becomes state sponsored religion taught in schools.

That means if our leadership decides to change its religion, then your children will be taught something else and might be force to worship Allah.

Wake up!

a religion is taught everyday in schools it's called EVOLUTION!!!
there is not a shread of SCIENTIFIC proof that a big bang happened what so ever.

Winx's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:31 AM
Edited by Winx on Tue 02/03/09 08:32 AM
Evolution a religion?rofl

Big Bang is a theory.

My child goes to a Christian school and I teach them the theories.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:31 AM
And i don't consider my religious beliefs to be hobbling although i can understand why they hobble you.

How on earth do you think that your beliefs could possibly hobble me? You are too funny. Now I am just not going to take you seriously anymore. You have messed up logic. laugh

Have a nice day. bye waving

DeKLiNe0fMaN's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:32 AM
Edited by DeKLiNe0fMaN on Tue 02/03/09 08:34 AM
Jean you responses have no facts, Who said anything about teaching religion ? Why is it acceptable to be gay in school but frowned upon if you claim you love Christ?. Yet widely accepted to proclaim any other religious belief. Read carefully b4 you respond.:angel: This thread has been officially hijacked and i'm done with it in here. start a new thread in religion and we can go on. but as far as im concerned this conversation is going nowhere.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:33 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 02/03/09 08:34 AM

That's what they are doing!
if you don't except it then you are closed minded and a bigot?
guess what, all the text books have went from BC TO BCE CHRIST IS GONE FROM THE SCHOOLS
why don't christians get the same treatment as homo's and baby killers? because we have morals and standards

"Christ" or Jesus does NOT belong in our schools. That is a religion. Religion belongs in Church, not our schools.

Why? Because this country is not all Christian. There are many different faiths.

Who do Christians think they are anyway? They are NOT the only people in the world.

Also, Christians are NOT the only people who have Morals and standards. That is sooo arrogant of you to think that only Christians have morals and standards.

Geeeeze, no wonder you don't get the respect you think you deserve.

Jesus doesn't belong in schools? I thought you said this was a free country ? lets move this thread to religion...

DUH!!! Well it is supposed to be a free country. But if you start teaching religion in school then it is not.

Then it becomes state sponsored religion taught in schools.

That means if our leadership decides to change its religion, then your children will be taught something else and might be force to worship Allah.

Wake up!

a religion is taught everyday in schools it's called EVOLUTION!!!
there is not a shread of SCIENTIFIC proof that a big bang happened what so ever.

Evolution is NOT a religion and it is not taught as fact, it is taught as scientific theory.

Get used to it, get over it, and get on with your religion in your CHURCHES because it will NOT BE ALLOWED IN OUR SCHOOLS.

That is the fact, get used to it.

And quit whining. It's unbecoming.

Winx's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:37 AM

Jean you responses have no facts, Who said anything about teaching religion ? Why is it acceptable to be gay in school but frowned upon if you claim you love Christ?. Yet widely accepted to proclaim any other religious belief. Read carefully b4 you respond.:angel: This thread has been officially hijacked and i'm done with it in here. start a new thread in religion and we can go on. but as far as im concerned this conversation is going nowhere.

PDA - Public Display of any kind is accepted in the schools.

It's not frowned upon to be a Christian at school. It's difficult to give all of the religions equal time at school.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:42 AM

Jean you responses have no facts, Who said anything about teaching religion ? Why is it acceptable to be gay in school but frowned upon if you claim you love Christ?. Yet widely accepted to proclaim any other religious belief. Read carefully b4 you respond.:angel: This thread has been officially hijacked and i'm done with it in here. start a new thread in religion and we can go on. but as far as im concerned this conversation is going nowhere.

TheRebelSun's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:54 AM

That's what they are doing!
if you don't except it then you are closed minded and a bigot?
guess what, all the text books have went from BC TO BCE CHRIST IS GONE FROM THE SCHOOLS
why don't christians get the same treatment as homo's and baby killers? because we have morals and standards

"Christ" or Jesus does NOT belong in our schools. That is a religion. Religion belongs in Church, not our schools.

Why? Because this country is not all Christian. There are many different faiths.

Who do Christians think they are anyway? They are NOT the only people in the world.

Also, Christians are NOT the only people who have Morals and standards. That is sooo arrogant of you to think that only Christians have morals and standards.

Geeeeze, no wonder you don't get the respect you think you deserve.

this country was founded on CHRISTIANS BELIEFS!!!
it's only from ignorant people that believe in if it feels good do it belief that argue with me.
btw:if you believe in killing babies and homosexuality you don't have any morals

This country was founded by people who were wanting to ESCAPE religious persecution. They wanted to worship in their own way. That's why FREEDOM OF RELIGION is a part of the Bill of Rights. That's why there is a SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. So that people aren't persecuted for being Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic, Presbyterian, and whatever else they have a RIGHT to be.

Coexistence/tolerance was a philosophy of Jesus. Why is that so hard for Christians to understand?

Winx's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:56 AM

That's what they are doing!
if you don't except it then you are closed minded and a bigot?
guess what, all the text books have went from BC TO BCE CHRIST IS GONE FROM THE SCHOOLS
why don't christians get the same treatment as homo's and baby killers? because we have morals and standards

"Christ" or Jesus does NOT belong in our schools. That is a religion. Religion belongs in Church, not our schools.

Why? Because this country is not all Christian. There are many different faiths.

Who do Christians think they are anyway? They are NOT the only people in the world.

Also, Christians are NOT the only people who have Morals and standards. That is sooo arrogant of you to think that only Christians have morals and standards.

Geeeeze, no wonder you don't get the respect you think you deserve.

this country was founded on CHRISTIANS BELIEFS!!!
it's only from ignorant people that believe in if it feels good do it belief that argue with me.
btw:if you believe in killing babies and homosexuality you don't have any morals

This country was founded by people who were wanting to ESCAPE religious persecution. They wanted to worship in their own way. That's why FREEDOM OF RELIGION is a part of the Bill of Rights. That's why there is a SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. So that people aren't persecuted for being Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic, Presbyterian, and whatever else they have a RIGHT to be.

Coexistence/tolerance was a philosophy of Jesus. Why is that so hard for Christians to understand?

Christians understand it. The extremists don't.

TheRebelSun's photo
Tue 02/03/09 09:08 AM

That's what they are doing!
if you don't except it then you are closed minded and a bigot?
guess what, all the text books have went from BC TO BCE CHRIST IS GONE FROM THE SCHOOLS
why don't christians get the same treatment as homo's and baby killers? because we have morals and standards

"Christ" or Jesus does NOT belong in our schools. That is a religion. Religion belongs in Church, not our schools.

Why? Because this country is not all Christian. There are many different faiths.

Who do Christians think they are anyway? They are NOT the only people in the world.

Also, Christians are NOT the only people who have Morals and standards. That is sooo arrogant of you to think that only Christians have morals and standards.

Geeeeze, no wonder you don't get the respect you think you deserve.

this country was founded on CHRISTIANS BELIEFS!!!
it's only from ignorant people that believe in if it feels good do it belief that argue with me.
btw:if you believe in killing babies and homosexuality you don't have any morals

This country was founded by people who were wanting to ESCAPE religious persecution. They wanted to worship in their own way. That's why FREEDOM OF RELIGION is a part of the Bill of Rights. That's why there is a SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. So that people aren't persecuted for being Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic, Presbyterian, and whatever else they have a RIGHT to be.

Coexistence/tolerance was a philosophy of Jesus. Why is that so hard for Christians to understand?

Christians understand it. The extremists don't.

Sorry, I didn't mean to generalize. I know some of you get it.

Citizen_Joe's photo
Tue 02/03/09 09:40 AM

Why don't they teach this in school?

They did. Were you stoned? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Atlantis75's photo
Tue 02/03/09 01:05 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Tue 02/03/09 01:06 PM

Why don't they teach this in school?

They did. Were you stoned? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No, not stoned...but if you go around and ask anyone 99% of the people gonna show you the planetary system with the orbiting planets around the Sun and believe the entire system is just kinda sitting here.

By the way, if I go out to space, outside of the Earth's gravitational field, am I still under any other gravitation or "pulling power"?

Because I was just thinking, that if I leave the Earth or the Moon (or whatever) gravitational field and come to a stand still in space, it's like jumping off a bus, which is moving 160miles/second.

Or no?

Winx's photo
Tue 02/03/09 01:09 PM

That's what they are doing!
if you don't except it then you are closed minded and a bigot?
guess what, all the text books have went from BC TO BCE CHRIST IS GONE FROM THE SCHOOLS
why don't christians get the same treatment as homo's and baby killers? because we have morals and standards

"Christ" or Jesus does NOT belong in our schools. That is a religion. Religion belongs in Church, not our schools.

Why? Because this country is not all Christian. There are many different faiths.

Who do Christians think they are anyway? They are NOT the only people in the world.

Also, Christians are NOT the only people who have Morals and standards. That is sooo arrogant of you to think that only Christians have morals and standards.

Geeeeze, no wonder you don't get the respect you think you deserve.

this country was founded on CHRISTIANS BELIEFS!!!
it's only from ignorant people that believe in if it feels good do it belief that argue with me.
btw:if you believe in killing babies and homosexuality you don't have any morals

This country was founded by people who were wanting to ESCAPE religious persecution. They wanted to worship in their own way. That's why FREEDOM OF RELIGION is a part of the Bill of Rights. That's why there is a SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. So that people aren't persecuted for being Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic, Presbyterian, and whatever else they have a RIGHT to be.

Coexistence/tolerance was a philosophy of Jesus. Why is that so hard for Christians to understand?

Christians understand it. The extremists don't.

Sorry, I didn't mean to generalize. I know some of you get it.


no photo
Tue 02/03/09 03:05 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 02/03/09 03:17 PM

The Earth's orbit is a spiral, not an oval shape.

Our Sun is spinning within the galaxy just like all the stars spin within the galaxy around the galactic core. The Sun is traveling through space with a crazy number (240km/s ~ 150miles/second) so does all the planets keeping up with it.

Wouldn't that be a spiral shape across the universe, compared to an absolute still point outside the galaxy? Hmm? We never return to the same position the Earth has already been before, until we make a full circle galactic core and even then, it would be a very small percentage chance to ever be at the same orbital position then a galactic year ago (250million Earth-years).

Why don't they teach this in school?
Correct and due to the expansion of the universe, instead of improbably, its impossible for us to pass through the same space even after a full galactic rotation. Not that we could have a sign posts or other such "landmark" for which to know if we had. Relativity got to love it.

Good observation.

Why don't they teach this in school?

They did. Were you stoned? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No, not stoned...but if you go around and ask anyone 99% of the people gonna show you the planetary system with the orbiting planets around the Sun and believe the entire system is just kinda sitting here.

By the way, if I go out to space, outside of the Earth's gravitational field, am I still under any other gravitation or "pulling power"?

Because I was just thinking, that if I leave the Earth or the Moon (or whatever) gravitational field and come to a stand still in space, it's like jumping off a bus, which is moving 160miles/second.

Or no?
There is no absolute frame of reference. So determining if you are not moving really depends on what you are, or are not moving in reference to.

Gravity is suspected to be universe wide like other such fields. Field theory states that this field would permeate all space. So you are feeling the gravity from a spec of dust on the other side of the universe at all times. It is just that gravity is an inverse square. Thus its strength diminishes rapidly with distance until it is imperceptible.

(I must state on each of these types of posts, that my physics knowledge is not professional grade when it comes to cosmology just a well read amateur, so please correct me if I am wrong)

Citizen_Joe's photo
Tue 02/03/09 03:10 PM

Why don't they teach this in school?

They did. Were you stoned? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No, not stoned...but if you go around and ask anyone 99% of the people gonna show you the planetary system with the orbiting planets around the Sun and believe the entire system is just kinda sitting here.

The earth is moving much like a spirograph would, but by human standards, they're right, for all practical purposes.

By the way, if I go out to space, outside of the Earth's gravitational field, am I still under any other gravitation or "pulling power"?

Gravity and magnetism are entirely different beasts. No matter where you go, one object has an effect on another. However, momentum and the objects moving along one path likely has a stronger effect than the ones that are further away. Because of this, I would guess that faster than light travel in increasingly more difficult the closer one gets from one star system to the next.

Because I was just thinking, that if I leave the Earth or the Moon (or whatever) gravitational field and come to a stand still in space, it's like jumping off a bus, which is moving 160miles/second.

Or no?

There is no such thing as stand still in space, so no.

nogames39's photo
Tue 02/03/09 06:46 PM

By the way, if I go out to space, outside of the Earth's gravitational field, am I still under any other gravitation or "pulling power"?

There is not such a thing as "outside of the X gravitational field". These fields go on forever, inverse-squarely diminishing in power. Theoretically.

But you could find a point where the superposition of gravitational pulls of all bodies surrounding you yields zero, for some time.