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Topic: To all the new people who came from the other website
tantalizingtulip's photo
Wed 04/25/07 03:37 PM
you all.........................!

you lulu~!

you may be not helping anything !noway flowerforyou

Easyboy's photo
Wed 04/25/07 03:39 PM

lulu24's photo
Wed 04/25/07 03:40 PM
nah, but my nips feel better!

Easyboy's photo
Wed 04/25/07 03:43 PM
oh jeez..LOL

davinci1952's photo
Wed 04/25/07 03:48 PM
well I've been on other forums for years...and "the other one" for a
couple months..
was invited here..and first day introduced myself...usually give these
things a month
to see if it works for me....so I havent decided about JSH one way or
seems if you start a thread..then youre not ignored ...otherwise it's a
little disconcerting...
there are always clics in these things...

BUT...I do have a joke!!!

Three women are about to be executed for crimes. One's a brunette, one's
a redhead, and one's a blonde.

Two guards brings the brunette forward, and the executioner asks if she
has any last requests. She says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready .
. . Aim . . ."

Suddenly the brunette yells, "earthquake!!" Everyone is startled and
looks around. She manages to escape.

The angry guards then bring the redhead forward, and the executioner
asks if she has any last requests. She says no, and the executioner
shouts, "Ready . . . Aim . . ."

The redhead then screams, "tornado!!" Yet again, everyone is startled
and looks around. She too escapes execution.

By this point, the blonde had figured out what the others did. The
guards bring her forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last
requests. She also says no, and the executioner shouts, Ready . . . Aim
. . ."

The blonde shouts, "fire!!
bigsmile huh grumble

no photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:00 PM
(((((((((((((M))))))))))) gurly!!!!!!!!! happy

PHEW.. finally.. couldn't have said it BETTER meself.. :wink:

I too have to agree that only a small handful of newcommers have joined
the 'older' JSH gang easily enough and are taking the time to get to
know us as we them.. and they're Friggen AWEsome people!! happy but
for the most part.. I'm feelin a lil like an 'outsider' in me own comfy
space.. and although wanting to post.. I find the feeling of being
ignored somewhat rancid tasting .. we've established a 'beat' or rapport
if you will with each other and have come to enjoy a mutual respect and
affinity to one another over time.. as M so eloquently put it..

Like MOST who come to JSH, old AND newer.. we come for the 'connection'
we feel for one another.. the DRAMA FREE escape from the cruel and cold
world that is ever evolving today around us.. we come for laughter and
empathy and the warm comforting 'hug' from a friend.. and are EVER
looking to expand that circle.. we are more than sister or brother.. we
are lost souls reaching out across the miles for the thing we all desire
the most.. the feeling of being PART of something WOnderful.. and JSH IS
that wonderment.. we are


although I must admit that I HAVE sorta been hiding out in the Pub..
blushing only cuz if I truly want DRAMA OR to be igNORED.. I can turn
round in my office chair and look at my very own teenage drama queens

but that's just MY 1.91 cents worth :wink:
I'm Z.. the resident bar keep.. CHEERS y'all... drinks are ALWAYS on the
house.. and EVERYone is Welcomed with open arms.. so come on by and let
the crappy doo of the day just melt away bigsmile drinker bigsmile

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:05 PM
The only reason I didn't make an introduction thread is because there
were SO many! But I do try to say Hi to everyone I havn't met yet and
mingle around with them (i think I've scared some cause they consider it
"really stupid flirting" when I'm just really trying to say hi).

But I totally do understand where this thread is coming from...tho..I
wish people would visit me, all I have are my cats =X

no photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:21 PM
I love how Lulu speaks her mind, against the wind of others' opinions -
and does so without any negativity. Just stating her point of view.
drinker drinker drinker

lulu24's photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:31 PM
thank you. neutrality is ingrained in me, lol...my mother's a

Jess642's photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:33 PM
Thankyou Morena...for sharing your feelings, and explaining how it
looked and felt for you..

I am not one to barrel in somewhere trumpets blaring, fanfare and
ticker-tape parade...I am more the stumble in...scrape myself off the
floor, and wander to the back of the room, and take my time kind of
person....and I did actually start a thread when my profile was scooped
out of the scammer bin...laugh ( not being from the States or
Canada)..the thread is down in the Other Section...explaining although
from another country, I had been invited, and allowed the same
privileges as locals by Mike and Van...

Privileges? To post, to interact, to show myself, and to make
friends..same as every other person here has..

I dont post a thought, thread, or any post, waiting for someone to run
out and reply straight away...it is lovely when it happens, but I am
just sharing my thoughts, perspectives on things, and sometimes just
being an out and out goofball..

I have a desire to connect with others, it is why I am here..but I dont
believe in instant gratification...delayed works fine for me...


PetiteKitten's photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:34 PM
Well, I'm still considered a newbie I suppose...But I've been on here
almost a month and I love it. I introduced myself to everyone and have
made many friends so far. Morena's one of them and I have her back
whenever she needs it. We're going to find people joining all the time
and if they don't say hello, there's really nothing we can do about it.
We are not the creators of this site, but we do contribute to it. We
make it our home away from home when we're lonely, depressed, excited,
happy, and all of thee above. And we share this with everyone else. So I
agree with this post, but then again there are so many joining lately
it's hard to keep up. At least I make my rounds, LOL

no photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:35 PM

thanx for the post--------

summerlady's photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:43 PM
Very well put, Morena.

bigpappa4331's photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:46 PM
o k o k i'm not relentless with my greetings but i feel i'm pretty good

Hotchikita's photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:48 PM
papa you always make every body welcomed.
flowerforyou flowerforyou smooched flowerforyou flowerforyou

Phoenix0311's photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:48 PM
Hi Morena, thanks for the words of wisdom.

Did'n't come from another site, but I do enjoy it here and everyone on
it, hope the feelings mutual

mbcasey's photo
Wed 04/25/07 05:57 PM
:smile: I guess I am a tweener. I have been a member here longer than
some of the "oldies", but I did come from another site where most of the
"newbies" came from.

I remember joining the other site and was pretty ignored for a while.
Then I just kept posting and finally made some forum friends. I think
other posters have it right. The Newbies here are posting to the people
they know...they are comfortable with.
The oldies are posting predominantly to others they know. This is called

Just give it a few months and alot of us will be friends with each
other....the oldies and newbies will just be JSH'ers. Then clicks will
form and then a new batch will come in and shake things up again!laugh

To all my "old" friends here...hi again. To all my "newbie" friends
here...welcome to JSH and have fun!!!


WolfSpirt's photo
Wed 04/25/07 07:30 PM
I need to correct my earlier poist I made in this thread and apologise
to those people I may have offended. I had not checked the introduction
page, since the day I posted in it. This evening I did check it and
found that several original members of htis site, did greet me along
with past friends from the othger site. It is to those original members
that greeted me that I send my most heartfelt apology for what I said in
the post.embarassed blushing glasses

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/25/07 07:44 PM

I was secretly giggling when you guys were tossed to the spam

Mike n van took care of it quickly, and with grace...

I made an intro... lost ow somewhere...

Got tired of the segregation threads,though, so I don't go there.

As anywhere, I'l be either dismissed as an oddball, or too blunt...

The way it is, and I am. And, it's a cool thing to be able to be myself
without fear of the "gavel" hehehehe

And, as those close to me know, I am a gypsy, wanderer, and loner...
sorta do my own thing, and share what I can...

I will say he influx was tremendous, and not without some added bullcrap

Funny, I'm a newbie here, yet have been on singles sites for two
years..so, I've seen the ebb and flows, and wars of hears, and the
kindness of human beings...

So many differing personalities!

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 04/25/07 07:50 PM
flowerforyou Hiya EVERYBODY!!! bigsmile

I'm not going to say welcome!!

Because this is everybodies place,
It's not anybody is a Guest here.drinker

embarassed I will admit I'm guilty of not posting in most newbee's
threads. I've been that way thou. before the fact, most of the time they
don't come back & respond anyways.
At time of flooding, I would read ours & yours..
Some times I do write with Invisable Ink thou..ohwell
I did post in one after I sent a note to Mike asking what could be done
to fix the problem there.
&&& FYI I never did a newbee thread!

flowerforyou If I've Ignored anybody or been rude..
I'm Sorry!!
How do like me now? :tongue:

noway Who's wet sock is this???


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