Topic: School can expel lesbian students, court rules.
notquite00's photo
Mon 02/02/09 08:45 AM

Religous schools are extentions of the church..and protected by the constitution, this is plainly stated, you may not like it, but you have the freedom to either except it or stay away from it, that is the choice that everyone has. Laws that discriminate?? you've got to be kidding, most anti-discrimination laws are by nature discrimitory to someone. When a white male applies for entrance into a public school, anti-discrimination laws prevent him from attending even if he is the most qualified person to apply. Intead he will be turned away and someone of another ethnic group will take the place that he should rightly get..isn't that discrimination?? I think so. You cannot right the wrongs of the past by continuing or refocusing the discrimination to another group..

For one, even if religious schools are extensions of the church, I do not believe that they should be considered strictly religious institutions. In that vein, I think anti-discrimination laws should apply.

Two, if a man is known to be gay and he walks into a church, I do not think the church should be allowed to ask him to leave. To allow this sort of discrimination is to restrict one's right to religious freedom, of course, so the government should protect this freedom by law. The same logic applies to schools.

Such a stipulation is hardly a violation on one's right to religious freedom because a gay person sitting in a church does not physically prevent someone from attending mass or what have you. I do not see how anyone could poke a hole in this logic.

As for anti-discrimination laws being discriminatory, I would say that you are correct, though only superficially. It is arguable that the reason why a Black individual is not as qualified is because they came from a poorer background. These sorts of anti-discrimination laws have helped many ethnic families move up the socioeconomic ladder when their poverty would have made this much more difficult. Yes, these anti-discrimination laws discriminate against Whites and Asians, but they are fair in a deeper way. Sure, there are loop-holes, where a Hispanic kid from a rich family may get a scholarship when a more qualified White kid may not, but the system ain't perfect. If it were, well, we wouldn't be discussing this issue!

I had a situation where I was hiring for some positions I had open..a man came in and before I even introduced myself, he stated that he was gay and wanted to know if I had a problem with which I said that it didn't have anything to do with the job..he turned around and yelled that I was a gay basher and would sue me for I know that it was not a common practice, but these kind of things make it hard for me to see LGBT point of view with that kind of thing going on..

I've heard of that sort of thing happening, but this is the first time it has happened to someone I've talked with. Although I get that you're trying to make a point, I really find it odd that it colors in any significant way how you feel about the LGBT community, though. When has one individual ever represented an entire demographic?! For you to allow one stupid man to "make it hard" for you to see the LGBT side of things really surprises me. He may not even have been gay, but just have been out to sue people. Again, I get that you're trying to make a point, but still...

..if you throw out all faith based beliefs and laws that are perceived as faith based, then there are no common moral standards by which to make laws based on...

I honestly don't get this argument. I have no religion, so are you saying I have no moral standards? Or rather, that I have no moral standards in common with most people?

"Thou shalt not kill...Thou shalt not steal." - I think there is plenty of common ground for any logical group of people to find a moral basis for laws. What's more, I think taking religion as a source for our laws is an extremely bad idea. There are a plethora of examples, ranging from anti-gay laws to anti-contraceptive laws to anti-stem cell laws, and these are only the religious morals that have made it to law books. What about the morals taught in the Bible and the Old Testament that have not made it to US law? I won't list them here because some of the examples are controversial and I don't want to distract people from my above arguments.

jdcolvin's photo
Mon 02/02/09 08:48 AM
The key word is PRIVATE...In my private life I wouldnt marry a lesbian or a gay man thats my choice because its my private life..Private schools have private rules and until we become a dictatorship the government should respect these rules...Everyone has their own rights but no one has the right to tell someone else they have to change their rules to accomodate them..Leave the private schools alone and either follow their rules or dont go to school there....IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY EXCEPT A HETHROSEXUALE WHITE MALE WHO LIVES A LIFE ONCE CONSIDERED NORMAL BY OUR FOUNDING FATHERS AND THE BIBLE.

no photo
Mon 02/02/09 08:59 AM

The key word is PRIVATE...In my private life I wouldnt marry a lesbian or a gay man thats my choice because its my private life..Private schools have private rules and until we become a dictatorship the government should respect these rules...Everyone has their own rights but no one has the right to tell someone else they have to change their rules to accomodate them..Leave the private schools alone and either follow their rules or dont go to school there....IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY EXCEPT A HETHROSEXUALE WHITE MALE WHO LIVES A LIFE ONCE CONSIDERED NORMAL BY OUR FOUNDING FATHERS AND THE BIBLE.

As a heterosexual, white male, what rights don't you have?

Winx's photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:00 AM

The key word is PRIVATE...In my private life I wouldnt marry a lesbian or a gay man thats my choice because its my private life..Private schools have private rules and until we become a dictatorship the government should respect these rules...Everyone has their own rights but no one has the right to tell someone else they have to change their rules to accomodate them..Leave the private schools alone and either follow their rules or dont go to school there....IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY EXCEPT A HETHROSEXUALE WHITE MALE WHO LIVES A LIFE ONCE CONSIDERED NORMAL BY OUR FOUNDING FATHERS AND THE BIBLE.

As a heterosexual, white male, what rights don't you have?

I was wondering the same thing.laugh

no photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:01 AM

The key word is PRIVATE...In my private life I wouldnt marry a lesbian or a gay man thats my choice because its my private life..Private schools have private rules and until we become a dictatorship the government should respect these rules...Everyone has their own rights but no one has the right to tell someone else they have to change their rules to accomodate them..Leave the private schools alone and either follow their rules or dont go to school there....IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY EXCEPT A HETHROSEXUALE WHITE MALE WHO LIVES A LIFE ONCE CONSIDERED NORMAL BY OUR FOUNDING FATHERS AND THE BIBLE.

As a heterosexual, white male, what rights don't you have?

I was wondering the same thing.laugh

I can't wait to hear the response.

notquite00's photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:03 AM

Considering you started with that particular hypocritical example, just shows that you don't understand the question here. I thought it was about being fair to everyone, and there is nothing fair about the way blacks discriminate against whites, and anyone else when convenient, with their black colleges, BET, Chocolate News... As long as blacks discriminate the way they do, I will call BS on their racism just like that of any other group. And these types are REALLY crawling out of the wood work these days. The election was a perfect example of just how much racism and discrimination blacks are more than willing to dish out, and then lie claiming they are the ones being discriminated against.

Sorry, what's hypocritical about my example? Or did you mean hypothetical? And I don't see how I'm missing the point: the thread is about kicking a supposedly Lesbian pair from a Christian school. I used an example about not allowing a Black kid to join a private school to high light a problem I saw with someone's argument. How did I miss the point?

The key word is PRIVATE...In my private life I wouldnt marry a lesbian or a gay man thats my choice because its my private life..Private schools have private rules and until we become a dictatorship the government should respect these rules...Everyone has their own rights but no one has the right to tell someone else they have to change their rules to accomodate them..Leave the private schools alone and either follow their rules or dont go to school there....IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY EXCEPT A HETHROSEXUALE WHITE MALE WHO LIVES A LIFE ONCE CONSIDERED NORMAL BY OUR FOUNDING FATHERS AND THE BIBLE.

So, if in my private boarding school, I decide to teach four-year old children Nazi, anti-semitic ideologies, you have no problem with that if the parents know about it?

I hold that the government is here to protect the people *as well as* the people's rights, even when someone is in a public institution.

Lastly, in response to your all-caps statement, I understand you may have faced difficulties being a Heterosexual White male. I do not know your situation, but it's best to overcome adversity through hard-study, work, and active protest on the streets. If you have exhausted these options completely, perhaps coming onto Mingle2 to voice your grievances is justified, however...perhaps *you* can do more than you think to overcome the difficulties you face! Believe in yourself and do not underestimate yourself. If you think you have done all you can, I bet you are capable of trying even harder than you thought possible!

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:21 AM

As a heterosexual, white male, what rights don't you have?

The right to run around outside naked with a pair of women's panties on my head singing "Joy To The World" laugh

Winx's photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:22 AM

As a heterosexual, white male, what rights don't you have?

The right to run around outside naked with a pair of women's panties on my head singing "Joy To The World" laugh

Oh, sure, you can do that. Then the neighbors call 911 about the crazy man. can do it.:wink: laugh

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:24 AM

As a heterosexual, white male, what rights don't you have?

The right to run around outside naked with a pair of women's panties on my head singing "Joy To The World" laugh

Oh, sure, you can do that. Then the neighbors call 911 about the crazy man. can do it.:wink: laugh

Or the right to scream everytime you see an underage girl in the mall. (I think i would be screaming every second then actually O_O )

Winx's photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:08 AM

As a heterosexual, white male, what rights don't you have?

The right to run around outside naked with a pair of women's panties on my head singing "Joy To The World" laugh

Oh, sure, you can do that. Then the neighbors call 911 about the crazy man. can do it.:wink: laugh

Or the right to scream everytime you see an underage girl in the mall. (I think i would be screaming every second then actually O_O )


no photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:25 PM

The key word is PRIVATE...In my private life I wouldnt marry a lesbian or a gay man thats my choice because its my private life..Private schools have private rules and until we become a dictatorship the government should respect these rules...Everyone has their own rights but no one has the right to tell someone else they have to change their rules to accomodate them..Leave the private schools alone and either follow their rules or dont go to school there....IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY EXCEPT A HETHROSEXUALE WHITE MALE WHO LIVES A LIFE ONCE CONSIDERED NORMAL BY OUR FOUNDING FATHERS AND THE BIBLE.

The poor white male thing again? I hear that a lot on-line but have heard very few men actually whine about it in public, I wonder why? I have news for you, it was a Christian heterosexual white male with so called normal moral values that made it easy for me to chose to be gay. So please lets not pretend that the heterosexual white male population is all wonderful and well adjusted. Men that are secure in themselves are not paranoid about gays.

You still have plenty of control believe me...

That said, I agree with you, the school is private and should be allowed to be as cranky and stuffy and discriminatory as they wanna be. Problem as I see is that the kids that go there do so at the order of their parents. They don't have a say in it, and it's unlikely that parents that send their kids to private school are the type of parents that would take well to their kid telling them they are gay. I have seen it over and over..

How the school handles it is the key to preventing more harm than good, but again we are talking about the typical private school that is private to keep out such realities.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:32 PM

From the Los Angeles Times

School can expel lesbian students, court rules

An appeals panel finds California Lutheran High School in Riverside County is not a business and therefore doesn't have to comply with a state law barring discrimination based on sexual orientation.

By Maura Dolan
January 28, 2009,0,97482.story

When and where will we draw the line??? yikes

Of course, it is sad when religion does it's dirty work and discriminates against people.

franshade's photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:08 AM

From the Los Angeles Times

School can expel lesbian students, court rules

An appeals panel finds California Lutheran High School in Riverside County is not a business and therefore doesn't have to comply with a state law barring discrimination based on sexual orientation.

By Maura Dolan
January 28, 2009,0,97482.story

When and where will we draw the line??? yikes

Of course, it is sad when religion does it's dirty work and discriminates against people.

not only religion but people as a whole - understandably this private school has rules and regulations.

What bothered me the most was what they found as proof - their myspace page slaphead they conducted themselves in a lesbian like manner slaphead they said they loved each other slaphead

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:45 AM

The key word is PRIVATE...In my private life I wouldnt marry a lesbian or a gay man thats my choice because its my private life..Private schools have private rules and until we become a dictatorship the government should respect these rules...Everyone has their own rights but no one has the right to tell someone else they have to change their rules to accomodate them..Leave the private schools alone and either follow their rules or dont go to school there....IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY EXCEPT A HETHROSEXUALE WHITE MALE WHO LIVES A LIFE ONCE CONSIDERED NORMAL BY OUR FOUNDING FATHERS AND THE BIBLE.

What about the girls' private life? I guess that doesn't matter.

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:10 AM
why is this such a big deal
it's called a Private school for a reason
standards and morals should be applied somewhere

Winx's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:03 AM

From the Los Angeles Times

School can expel lesbian students, court rules

An appeals panel finds California Lutheran High School in Riverside County is not a business and therefore doesn't have to comply with a state law barring discrimination based on sexual orientation.

By Maura Dolan
January 28, 2009,0,97482.story

When and where will we draw the line??? yikes

Of course, it is sad when religion does it's dirty work and discriminates against people.

not only religion but people as a whole - understandably this private school has rules and regulations.

What bothered me the most was what they found as proof - their myspace page slaphead they conducted themselves in a lesbian like manner slaphead they said they loved each other slaphead

Ohhhh, Fran,

I just now read the article. It all started with MySpace. That's scary!!!!

franshade's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:27 AM

why is this such a big deal
it's called a Private school for a reason
standards and morals should be applied somewhere

myspace rules!


read posts entirely, agreed private school entitled to rules and regulations - up to parents whether to enroll or not to enroll their children there.

but to use Myspace as a source for expelling students is ridiculous!!

what's on your myspace laugh

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:35 AM

why is this such a big deal
it's called a Private school for a reason
standards and morals should be applied somewhere

myspace rules!


read posts entirely, agreed private school entitled to rules and regulations - up to parents whether to enroll or not to enroll their children there.

but to use Myspace as a source for expelling students is ridiculous!!

what's on your myspace laugh

It's completely ridiculous.

deke's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:36 AM

why is this such a big deal
it's called a Private school for a reason
standards and morals should be applied somewhere

myspace rules!


read posts entirely, agreed private school entitled to rules and regulations - up to parents whether to enroll or not to enroll their children there.

but to use Myspace as a source for expelling students is ridiculous!!

what's on your myspace laugh
i think it's stupid to have an myspace account.surprised
i have read the posts apparently you haven't read what i already wrote. i just don't see the big deal

franshade's photo
Tue 02/03/09 08:40 AM

why is this such a big deal
it's called a Private school for a reason
standards and morals should be applied somewhere

myspace rules!


read posts entirely, agreed private school entitled to rules and regulations - up to parents whether to enroll or not to enroll their children there.

but to use Myspace as a source for expelling students is ridiculous!!

what's on your myspace laugh
i think it's stupid to have an myspace account.surprised
i have read the posts apparently you haven't read what i already wrote. i just don't see the big deal

regardless of whether you think myspace is brilliant or stupid is not my point deke.

they were expelled because they were assumed lesbians... no proof other than the girls, myspace accounts, and what some considered to be lesbian like mannerism...

wth is lesbian like mannerisms?

taking off rose colored glasses now waving