Topic: School can expel lesbian students, court rules.
no photo
Wed 02/04/09 12:44 PM

The key word is PRIVATE...In my private life I wouldnt marry a lesbian or a gay man thats my choice because its my private life..Private schools have private rules and until we become a dictatorship the government should respect these rules...Everyone has their own rights but no one has the right to tell someone else they have to change their rules to accomodate them..Leave the private schools alone and either follow their rules or dont go to school there....IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY EXCEPT A HETHROSEXUALE WHITE MALE WHO LIVES A LIFE ONCE CONSIDERED NORMAL BY OUR FOUNDING FATHERS AND THE BIBLE.

As a heterosexual, white male, what rights don't you have?

Mind if I ask what rights he has that you don't?

I was still waiting for a response to the question.

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 01:39 PM

If I didn't tolerate anyone that isn't like me I certainly wouldn't have joined mingle. And all my friends wouldn't be straight they would be gay and they aren't. Gays tolerate a lot more than you think. But if you aren't aware of that then this will be wasted on you.

Pathetic attempt at a shot. I have gay friends, and they are accepting of my idea, or they wouldn't be my friends. The gays that go off like hysterical drama queens I avoid as much as those that sit in front of the TV watching their soap operas LOL You make a lousy case for someone who claims to be non judgmental LOL

I didn't mean afraid as in fearful. I meant that people are often afraid others might think they are gay by association, or that their children might become gay if they are around gays. It doesn't work that way but you can't explain to people who know very little if anything about it.

LOL These days, it is "fashionable" to the point where kids do it just to have something to talk about, or appear "cool" to some of the others. Just ANOTHER reason why I don't buy into people being born gay, these types give me all the proof I need to know it is just a trend with them.

I am not asking you or anyone for tolerance.

So, you haven't heard all the DEMANDS for that BS "gay marriage" crap?

People can hate my guts but I got over caring about acceptance 40 years ago. You either do or you don't, and that's that. Considering I have been around a lot in life I rarely run into people with a problem with gays, thankfully.

The "hate my guts" is an example of one of the hysterical rants, as in blowing things so totally out of proportion that I get so sick of. Just because I don't believe you, doesn't mean I hate you. Same as calling a black racist out for what they are, does not make you a racist. Do you get it?

Actually it was not meant to be a shot, but take as you please. If there are young people who find being gay fashionable, I find that rather odd. Just as I would if kids where doing the straight thing to be fashionable? Makes little sense to me.

Drama queens? Your choice of words suggests you are not quite as gay friendly as you might have one believe. The fact that you use the word hysterical is telling as well. Theres nothing hysterical about stating: People can hate my guts but I got over caring about acceptance 40 years ago. It's simply a fact.

I don't know what tolerance has to do with Demands, but yes I am very aware of the gay marriage crap as you call it. To us it's not crap, it's asking for the same rights you take for granted every day of your life.

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 03:00 PM
Edited by boo2u on Wed 02/04/09 03:02 PM

The poor white male thing again? I hear that a lot on-line but have heard very few men actually whine about it in public, I wonder why? I have news for you, it was a Christian heterosexual white male with so called normal moral values that made it easy for me to chose to be gay.

Was that an admission to the effect that you were not just plain born gay, that someone or something "turned" you LOL Or is it simply childish rebellion that made you choose that lifestyle. Seriously, the way you worded that made it sound like you are playing gay to get back at someone or something.

You are either extremely young or completely uneducated on this subject....

I do believe most gays are born gay, yes. In my case sexual abuse had a great deal to do with my logical decision. But you are new here or you would have known my story. Your amusement is born of ignorance. You don't seem to be able to put 2 and 2 together. Childish rebellion does not make some one gay for a life time, please educate yourself. I am 59 years old, I hardly think I am playing at being gay, no one could play at being something they are not for so many years. The more you post the more you show what little you actually know about gays.

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 03:13 PM

I believe most of my comments that you are using are in response to someone who was using the example, and you are now taking it a bit too far out of the context it was intended.

YES, I think that black racism is just as ugly as any other.

NO, I do not even believe people are born gay.

Does that about cover my overall attitude on this one once and for all, because I am getting tired of this topic LOL Actually, when it comes to the rants and demands of gays, after all the INTOLERANCE they show over the marriage mess, I would sooner walk away than even listen to their gripes.

I would say it absolutely covers your overall 'attitude' once and for all, so why are you still here? Sorry couldn't resist...

It seems walking away would be an excellent choice for you in light of that obvious attitude.

deke's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:09 PM
born gay?noway

there is no such thing,IT'S A CHOICE and choice only!!!!

just because a homo see's someone and it makes them horny doesn't mean they were born gay!!!!

we are born with the instict to breed and multiply. you cann't do that an have sex with the same sex as you.

all homo's are doing are indulging in their own lusts

Winx's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:10 PM

Giocamo's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:12 PM

born gay?noway

there is no such thing,IT'S A CHOICE and choice only!!!!

just because a homo see's someone and it makes them horny doesn't mean they were born gay!!!!

we are born with the instict to breed and multiply. you cann't do that an have sex with the same sex as you.

all homo's are doing are indulging in their own lusts

gulp !...ohhhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's...:cry:

deke's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:27 PM

born gay?noway

there is no such thing,IT'S A CHOICE and choice only!!!!

just because a homo see's someone and it makes them horny doesn't mean they were born gay!!!!

we are born with the instict to breed and multiply. you cann't do that an have sex with the same sex as you.

all homo's are doing are indulging in their own lusts

gulp !...ohhhhhhhhhhhh...for the 50's...:cry:
what's sad is people have to make up excuses to satisfy and justify their own lusts.
not from the 50's,from having morals

Winx's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:29 PM
Edited by Winx on Wed 02/04/09 07:30 PM
What? People didn't have sex in the 50's?laugh Back alley abortions?

Separate drinking fountains.

Gio, I told you that I could write pages about the negative
things during the 50's.:wink:

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:36 PM

born gay?noway

there is no such thing,IT'S A CHOICE and choice only!!!!

just because a homo see's someone and it makes them horny doesn't mean they were born gay!!!!

we are born with the instict to breed and multiply. you cann't do that an have sex with the same sex as you.

all homo's are doing are indulging in their own lusts

You have personal knowledge of gays, Deke?

Homo's? And what part of the back woods are you living in? Not everyone gets sexually aroused just by 'seeing someone', Deke, maybe you do, but I don't.

I am celibate by the way, not all gays are even interested in 'breeding as you put it' though they can. There are plenty of women up in the hills having babies for all of us. I wouldn't worry about the population.

Oh by the way you may need to look up celibate.

Winx's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:38 PM
Hmmm..this makes me think of the married people that I know that chose to not have children. Then there's the ones that can't have children.

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:48 PM
Edited by boo2u on Wed 02/04/09 08:09 PM
what's sad is people have to make up excuses to satisfy and justify their own lusts.
not from the 50's,from having morals

Interesting observation.. Satisfy and justify their own lusts, Deke? Excuses? So then that would include you as well. So what's your excuse, what's your justification to satisfy your lusts?

I don't have to justify jack sh$t to you, nor do you have to justtify yours to me. Get over it, Deke, we aren't going anywhere. Guys like you make me absolutely sure I made the right choice.

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:50 PM

Hmmm..this makes me think of the married people that I know that chose to not have children. Then there's the ones that can't have children.

Oh well you didn't expect him to be able to stretch his imagination that far, did you?

Giocamo's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:51 PM

What? People didn't have sex in the 50's?laugh Back alley abortions?

Separate drinking fountains.

Gio, I told you that I could write pages about the negative
things during the 50's.:wink:

actually...I was gulping over !!...damn !!...

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:57 PM

born gay?noway

there is no such thing,IT'S A CHOICE and choice only!!!!

just because a homo see's someone and it makes them horny doesn't mean they were born gay!!!!

we are born with the instict to breed and multiply. you cann't do that an have sex with the same sex as you.

all homo's are doing are indulging in their own lusts

huh noway

Winx's photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:57 PM

Hmmm..this makes me think of the married people that I know that chose to not have children. Then there's the ones that can't have children.

Oh well you didn't expect him to be able to stretch his imagination that far, did you?

It's all about all of those heteros indulging in their own lusts. laugh

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 07:58 PM

Hmmm..this makes me think of the married people that I know that chose to not have children. Then there's the ones that can't have children.

Oh well you didn't expect him to be able to stretch his imagination that far, did you?

It's all about all of those heteros indulging in their own lusts. laugh

It's ok then, right? laugh

deke's photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:20 PM
now now ladies no crying in the breast milk!!tears

if someone crawls into bed with the same sex it's more than apparent they very very low morals and standards.

what does seperate drinking fountains have to do with anything i have said i wasn't alive in the 50's.

having sexual relations with the same sex is the very definition of being a homo.if your not having sex with them then your not gay.let me guess some might say i have a life partner,that's like a man calling a woman a friend,i love her but we are not screwing yet we live together and have no plans of being with anyone else.what would that make them? let's see friends that live together

i love alot of men and woman in my life,does that make me gay? NO BBECAUSE I'M NOT SLEEPING WITH THEM

Winx's photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:24 PM
Are you serious? Low morals?

They fall in love with their partners and live with them for 20 years and they have low morals?frustrated

deke's photo
Wed 02/04/09 08:43 PM

Are you serious? Low morals?

They fall in love with their partners and live with them for 20 years and they have low morals?frustrated
if they are of the same sex yes very very low morals,hope their aren't any kids involved look at the damage that's done already in our society.where do you think the people in the world get their morals from?