Topic: School can expel lesbian students, court rules.
no photo
Sat 01/31/09 12:42 PM

I also stated that I did not support the homosexual agenda, but belive that in this country, a person can believe or do whatever they want.If law makers passed laws making homosexual contracts legal, then that is up to them, I do not pass laws and only have my one vote. But if they pass laws allowing two men or two women to join in a union, why can't 3 people or more join in a union or contract also?? Or as disgusting as it is to think, why not between humans and animals? In california they want animals to be treated as humans, with the same rights as people..Now I wouldn't support that for obvious reasons, and it disgusts me to even think about it, but my feelings about it shouldn't make it wrong right?? But what grounds do you have to object to multiple people getting married and animals being people getting married?

Oh boy, here we go. So, it's ok for a man and woman to be joined in a union. But not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. If either of those were to happen, why does that have anything to do with more than to people? Or people and animals? I never, ever understood that argument. It just doesn't make sense at all.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 12:51 PM

I also stated that I did not support the homosexual agenda, but belive that in this country, a person can believe or do whatever they want.If law makers passed laws making homosexual contracts legal, then that is up to them, I do not pass laws and only have my one vote. But if they pass laws allowing two men or two women to join in a union, why can't 3 people or more join in a union or contract also?? Or as disgusting as it is to think, why not between humans and animals? In california they want animals to be treated as humans, with the same rights as people..Now I wouldn't support that for obvious reasons, and it disgusts me to even think about it, but my feelings about it shouldn't make it wrong right?? But what grounds do you have to object to multiple people getting married and animals being people getting married?

Oh boy, here we go. So, it's ok for a man and woman to be joined in a union. But not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. If either of those were to happen, why does that have anything to do with more than to people? Or people and animals? I never, ever understood that argument. It just doesn't make sense at all.

But you didn't answer the question, on what grounds would you oppose it?? I am not allowed to oppose homosexual unions, I am called bigoted and homophobic, so I was wondering on what grounds you would oppose other unions..since my moral standards don't believe in homosexual unions, I oppose them, but belive that they have the right to have laws passed giving them the right to do so. If my moral standards are not to be considered and many others standards are not to be considered,by what standard prevents you from excepting or allowing those other unions??

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 12:59 PM

But if they pass laws allowing two men or two women to join in a union, why can't 3 people or more join in a union or contract also?? Or as disgusting as it is to think, why not between humans and animals? In california they want animals to be treated as humans, with the same rights as people..Now I wouldn't support that for obvious reasons, and it disgusts me to even think about it, but my feelings about it shouldn't make it wrong right?? But what grounds do you have to object to multiple people getting married and animals being people getting married?

Now that is exactly the kind of disgusting ignorance I would have expected .. Thanks for reaffirming that for me... frustrated

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 01:02 PM

But if they pass laws allowing two men or two women to join in a union, why can't 3 people or more join in a union or contract also?? Or as disgusting as it is to think, why not between humans and animals? In california they want animals to be treated as humans, with the same rights as people..Now I wouldn't support that for obvious reasons, and it disgusts me to even think about it, but my feelings about it shouldn't make it wrong right?? But what grounds do you have to object to multiple people getting married and animals being people getting married?

Now that is exactly the kind of disgusting ignorance I would have expected .. Thanks for reaffirming that for me... frustrated

So you oppose multiple people getting married?? Why??

notquite00's photo
Sat 01/31/09 01:04 PM
Edited by notquite00 on Sat 01/31/09 01:07 PM

In the end, however, if this is a private religious school that receives no public money and uses no public facilities then I think it's their right to admit or dismiss whom ever they'd like.

I might take issue with the idea that they are not a business. Do they have employees? Pay taxes?

So, hypothetically, if I'm the headmaster of a private school, is it my right to decide that no black students are allowed in join?

I think this sort of discrimination should be illegal whether a school is public or private. Anyhow, in general, US schools suck and skipping a year or two and going directly to college is not always such a bad thing. Hopefully, these two girls will have a good time at college.

If you read my previous statements, I said that marriage is a church function, not to be mistaken for the state requirements of a legal document they sign to signify their union. If two people want to go before a judge and join in a legal union or contract with each other, that has nothing to do with a church wedding. After all, you can be married in a church, but not recognized by the state as being married, or united by a judge, and not be married as far as the church is concerned.. people want to blurr the lines between the church and the government santioned ceremonies. If the state wants to pass laws for people to join in a legal binding agreement, just as they do now, then so be it, I did not comment on that activity.
About being natural, procreation is only possible in humans between a man and a woman, not being able to do that is un-natural, is it not? I didn't say one way or the other whether it was right or wrong, just that it was un-natural. Two people that chose not to have children is not natural, because unless barren, they have to take un-natural steps to prevent it. I have noticed that since people have changed the meaning of words to no longer mean what they were designed to say, there is alot of confusion, and I believe that this is the case here.

I also stated that I did not support the homosexual agenda, but belive that in this country, a person can believe or do whatever they want.If law makers passed laws making homosexual contracts legal, then that is up to them, I do not pass laws and only have my one vote. But if they pass laws allowing two men or two women to join in a union, why can't 3 people or more join in a union or contract also?? Or as disgusting as it is to think, why not between humans and animals? In california they want animals to be treated as humans, with the same rights as people..Now I wouldn't support that for obvious reasons, and it disgusts me to even think about it, but my feelings about it shouldn't make it wrong right?? But what grounds do you have to object to multiple people getting married and animals being people getting married?

1) In many traditions, marriage has not been a union by a church. What's more, there are plenty of people these days (and before) who choose to marry without involving a church or religion. There is nothing about the agreement or contract of marriage that says it HAS to be done under God, or that it has to be religious.

Examples: China, Slavic countries, and many European countries have high numbers of atheists or agnostics who marry everyday without involving religion.

Thus, even with legal documents aside, marriage is not defined to be a holy union of two individuals. This means that all the fuss about changing the definition of marriage has little grounding, because for *some* people, marriage was *never* defined as being a holy union.

2) Homosexuality *is* natural. It occurs in nature among several species: cats, dogs, dolphins to name but a few.
Secondly, how can you say that the sole purpose of sex is procreation? If that was the only purpose, then why all the endorphins? Why all the relief of Why is sex and sexual desire such a complicated emotion? Obviously, there is more to sex than simple procreation. What's more, humanity does not need to procreate like it did before. The majority of our children survive and the human population continues to escalate to the point where an entire planet of resources may not be enough in 50-100 years at this rate. We are not rabbits designed for sex (although even rabbits are not designed explicitly for sex) - there is more to Mankind than that!
One more reason why homosexuality is natural: humans are homosexual. I mean, you wouldn't call being left-handed unnatural just because less of us are left-handed, would you? So, why wouldn't the same apply? And, for example, what about being good at golf? Isn't that unnatural because it doesn't help us reproduce? Honestly, not many girls are turned on by golf...

In conclusion: 1) marriage has been and can be a secular union of two individuals. 2) Homosexuality is a naturally occurring phenomenon.

As for multiple people getting married, historically, such arrangements end up with one gender being treated poorly or unfairly. I would say that is the main reason why it isn't legal. If I was assured that such gender inequality could be 100% eliminated, then why would polygamy be bad?

Now, when it comes to bestiality, I do feel we must draw a line. In terms of intellect and understanding, I feel animals are more like children or babies like adults. With that in mind, marriage to or sex with an animal would be like statutory rape. If a viewpoint such as mine is taken, the animal issue is, well, not an issue.

As for giving animals the same rights as man, I would have to agree, especially when it comes to freedom of speech. I've always wondered what my cat thought about the way we painted the house a few years back, but he never felt that he could express himself without persecution...


no photo
Sat 01/31/09 01:20 PM

But if they pass laws allowing two men or two women to join in a union, why can't 3 people or more join in a union or contract also?? Or as disgusting as it is to think, why not between humans and animals? In california they want animals to be treated as humans, with the same rights as people..Now I wouldn't support that for obvious reasons, and it disgusts me to even think about it, but my feelings about it shouldn't make it wrong right?? But what grounds do you have to object to multiple people getting married and animals being people getting married?

Now that is exactly the kind of disgusting ignorance I would have expected .. Thanks for reaffirming that for me... frustrated

So you oppose multiple people getting married?? Why??

I was referring more to the disgusting animal thing.. I haven't seen multiple marriages as a percentage, all that healthy for relationships but I don't' know enough about it to condemn it.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 01:40 PM

In the end, however, if this is a private religious school that receives no public money and uses no public facilities then I think it's their right to admit or dismiss whom ever they'd like.

I might take issue with the idea that they are not a business. Do they have employees? Pay taxes?

So, hypothetically, if I'm the headmaster of a private school, is it my right to decide that no black students are allowed in join?

I think this sort of discrimination should be illegal whether a school is public or private. Anyhow, in general, US schools suck and skipping a year or two and going directly to college is not always such a bad thing. Hopefully, these two girls will have a good time at college.

If you read my previous statements, I said that marriage is a church function, not to be mistaken for the state requirements of a legal document they sign to signify their union. If two people want to go before a judge and join in a legal union or contract with each other, that has nothing to do with a church wedding. After all, you can be married in a church, but not recognized by the state as being married, or united by a judge, and not be married as far as the church is concerned.. people want to blurr the lines between the church and the government santioned ceremonies. If the state wants to pass laws for people to join in a legal binding agreement, just as they do now, then so be it, I did not comment on that activity.
About being natural, procreation is only possible in humans between a man and a woman, not being able to do that is un-natural, is it not? I didn't say one way or the other whether it was right or wrong, just that it was un-natural. Two people that chose not to have children is not natural, because unless barren, they have to take un-natural steps to prevent it. I have noticed that since people have changed the meaning of words to no longer mean what they were designed to say, there is alot of confusion, and I believe that this is the case here.

I also stated that I did not support the homosexual agenda, but belive that in this country, a person can believe or do whatever they want.If law makers passed laws making homosexual contracts legal, then that is up to them, I do not pass laws and only have my one vote. But if they pass laws allowing two men or two women to join in a union, why can't 3 people or more join in a union or contract also?? Or as disgusting as it is to think, why not between humans and animals? In california they want animals to be treated as humans, with the same rights as people..Now I wouldn't support that for obvious reasons, and it disgusts me to even think about it, but my feelings about it shouldn't make it wrong right?? But what grounds do you have to object to multiple people getting married and animals being people getting married?

1) In many traditions, marriage has not been a union by a church. What's more, there are plenty of people these days (and before) who choose to marry without involving a church or religion. There is nothing about the agreement or contract of marriage that says it HAS to be done under God, or that it has to be religious.

Examples: China, Slavic countries, and many European countries have high numbers of atheists or agnostics who marry everyday without involving religion.

Thus, even with legal documents aside, marriage is not defined to be a holy union of two individuals. This means that all the fuss about changing the definition of marriage has little grounding, because for *some* people, marriage was *never* defined as being a holy union.

2) Homosexuality *is* natural. It occurs in nature among several species: cats, dogs, dolphins to name but a few.
Secondly, how can you say that the sole purpose of sex is procreation? If that was the only purpose, then why all the endorphins? Why all the relief of Why is sex and sexual desire such a complicated emotion? Obviously, there is more to sex than simple procreation. What's more, humanity does not need to procreate like it did before. The majority of our children survive and the human population continues to escalate to the point where an entire planet of resources may not be enough in 50-100 years at this rate. We are not rabbits designed for sex (although even rabbits are not designed explicitly for sex) - there is more to Mankind than that!
One more reason why homosexuality is natural: humans are homosexual. I mean, you wouldn't call being left-handed unnatural just because less of us are left-handed, would you? So, why wouldn't the same apply? And, for example, what about being good at golf? Isn't that unnatural because it doesn't help us reproduce? Honestly, not many girls are turned on by golf...

In conclusion: 1) marriage has been and can be a secular union of two individuals. 2) Homosexuality is a naturally occurring phenomenon.

As for multiple people getting married, historically, such arrangements end up with one gender being treated poorly or unfairly. I would say that is the main reason why it isn't legal. If I was assured that such gender inequality could be 100% eliminated, then why would polygamy be bad?

Now, when it comes to bestiality, I do feel we must draw a line. In terms of intellect and understanding, I feel animals are more like children or babies like adults. With that in mind, marriage to or sex with an animal would be like statutory rape. If a viewpoint such as mine is taken, the animal issue is, well, not an issue.

As for giving animals the same rights as man, I would have to agree, especially when it comes to freedom of speech. I've always wondered what my cat thought about the way we painted the house a few years back, but he never felt that he could express himself without persecution...


I find noting about your statement about unions to be at fault, I have said the same thing. If there are laws that provide for that, then it is legal and acceptble for society.

Homosexuality is not natural in nature, since if dogs and cats and others species were homosexual, there would be no procreation, that species would no longer be passed on. Is it an infrequent phenomenon, I don't know of any studies that show that animals bind together in homosexual relationships..doen't mean they don't exsist, so if you know of any, send them my is is true that animals exhibit some tendancies that can be preceived as homosexual, but companionship is not the same as homosexual relationships..

Your not liking that private schools and their ability to choose who and what standards is not the point, the supreme court has ruled that private religious schools cannot be made to follow laws concerning discrimination. Remember the part about making no law hindering or restricting the free exercise.. We may not always like it, and agree with some aspects of it, but it is protected under the constitution.

I made a clear and distinct difference between church and government practices of marriage or whatever word you want to use for it, but churches should not be forced to marry people they chose not to for whatever reason.

It does not matter what the history of multiple people marriages are, should history be a determinate factor in making this law??. I asked what grounds she uses to justify her disagreement with it, and since those that oppose homosexual marriages because if religious faith are bigots and we can't use their faith values to make laws against it, buy what standards should they be opposed?

And I agree with your conclusion about bestiality, and take your stance also, but was wondering by what standards these decisions are made, since religious moral standards are oppressive and repressive, and cannot be considered.

I ask these questions for discussion and debate and sharing of ideas, but seldom find anyone that will, so I do enjoy when someone or more do. :)

notquite00's photo
Sat 01/31/09 02:10 PM
Edited by notquite00 on Sat 01/31/09 02:10 PM

Homosexuality is not natural in nature, since if dogs and cats and others species were homosexual, there would be no procreation, that species would no longer be passed on. Is it an infrequent phenomenon, I don't know of any studies that show that animals bind together in homosexual relationships..doen't mean they don't exsist, so if you know of any, send them my is is true that animals exhibit some tendancies that can be preceived as homosexual, but companionship is not the same as homosexual relationships..

It is understandable if you do not trust Wikipedia as a source. However, if you scroll all the way down, you'll find ample reliable news sources, books, etc. Note that when they say homosexuality in animals, they mean the full gamut: from affection to parenting to male on male anal sex.

Your not liking that private schools and their ability to choose who and what standards is not the point, the supreme court has ruled that private religious schools cannot be made to follow laws concerning discrimination. Remember the part about making no law hindering or restricting the free exercise.. We may not always like it, and agree with some aspects of it, but it is protected under the constitution.

I made a clear and distinct difference between church and government practices of marriage or whatever word you want to use for it, but churches should not be forced to marry people they chose not to for whatever reason.

I must disagree: Not liking this private school's judgment as well as the Supreme Court's judgment is the point. We make no law about hindering the free exercise, but we also have laws protecting the free exercise of this and that. I contend that freedom of sexual preference should be protected as well, and that discrimination against LBGT individuals should be illegal in all institutions.

As for churches marrying LGBTs, I agree with you. Oddly enough - that is, in light of the above paragraph - I do not think the government should force unwilling churches to marry LGBT individuals. Either way you slice that issue, though, you're going to be discriminating against either a couple or a religious sect. *shrug*

It does not matter what the history of multiple people marriages are, should history be a determinate factor in making this law??. I asked what grounds she uses to justify her disagreement with it, and since those that oppose homosexual marriages because if religious faith are bigots and we can't use their faith values to make laws against it, buy what standards should they be opposed?

Why wouldn't the history matter? When making any decision, it is generally good to consider precedents as well as theory of practice. Therefore, I think history should always be *among the factors* that decide how a law is written.

And, I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you wrote, beginning with "since" and ending with "opposed?"

And I agree with your conclusion about bestiality, and take your stance also, but was wondering by what standards these decisions are made, since religious moral standards are oppressive and repressive, and cannot be considered.

I do not understand your question: Are you asking, "By what standards should these decisions be made?"

I would say the moral standard by which we make such decisions is a humane moral stance, as well as a stance that is nurturing towards nature and nature's creatures. Such a moral standard, at least for me, leads me to the above views on bestiality and polygamy.

I ask these questions for discussion and debate and sharing of ideas, but seldom find anyone that will, so I do enjoy when someone or more do. :)

Yes, it's nice to discuss and debate ideas. ^_^

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 03:03 PM

Homosexuality is not natural in nature, since if dogs and cats and others species were homosexual, there would be no procreation, that species would no longer be passed on. Is it an infrequent phenomenon, I don't know of any studies that show that animals bind together in homosexual relationships..doen't mean they don't exsist, so if you know of any, send them my is is true that animals exhibit some tendancies that can be preceived as homosexual, but companionship is not the same as homosexual relationships..

It is understandable if you do not trust Wikipedia as a source. However, if you scroll all the way down, you'll find ample reliable news sources, books, etc. Note that when they say homosexuality in animals, they mean the full gamut: from affection to parenting to male on male anal sex.

Your not liking that private schools and their ability to choose who and what standards is not the point, the supreme court has ruled that private religious schools cannot be made to follow laws concerning discrimination. Remember the part about making no law hindering or restricting the free exercise.. We may not always like it, and agree with some aspects of it, but it is protected under the constitution.

I made a clear and distinct difference between church and government practices of marriage or whatever word you want to use for it, but churches should not be forced to marry people they chose not to for whatever reason.

I must disagree: Not liking this private school's judgment as well as the Supreme Court's judgment is the point. We make no law about hindering the free exercise, but we also have laws protecting the free exercise of this and that. I contend that freedom of sexual preference should be protected as well, and that discrimination against LBGT individuals should be illegal in all institutions.

As for churches marrying LGBTs, I agree with you. Oddly enough - that is, in light of the above paragraph - I do not think the government should force unwilling churches to marry LGBT individuals. Either way you slice that issue, though, you're going to be discriminating against either a couple or a religious sect. *shrug*

It does not matter what the history of multiple people marriages are, should history be a determinate factor in making this law??. I asked what grounds she uses to justify her disagreement with it, and since those that oppose homosexual marriages because if religious faith are bigots and we can't use their faith values to make laws against it, buy what standards should they be opposed?

Why wouldn't the history matter? When making any decision, it is generally good to consider precedents as well as theory of practice. Therefore, I think history should always be *among the factors* that decide how a law is written.

And, I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you wrote, beginning with "since" and ending with "opposed?"

And I agree with your conclusion about bestiality, and take your stance also, but was wondering by what standards these decisions are made, since religious moral standards are oppressive and repressive, and cannot be considered.

I do not understand your question: Are you asking, "By what standards should these decisions be made?"

I would say the moral standard by which we make such decisions is a humane moral stance, as well as a stance that is nurturing towards nature and nature's creatures. Such a moral standard, at least for me, leads me to the above views on bestiality and polygamy.

I ask these questions for discussion and debate and sharing of ideas, but seldom find anyone that will, so I do enjoy when someone or more do. :)

Yes, it's nice to discuss and debate ideas. ^_^

Religous schools are extentions of the church..and protected by the constitution, this is plainly stated, you may not like it, but you have the freedom to either except it or stay away from it, that is the choice that everyone has. Laws that discriminate?? you've got to be kidding, most anti-discrimination laws are by nature discrimitory to someone. When a white male applies for entrance into a public school, anti-discrimination laws prevent him from attending even if he is the most qualified person to apply. Intead he will be turned away and someone of another ethnic group will take the place that he should rightly get..isn't that discrimination?? I think so. You cannot right the wrongs of the past by continuing or refocusing the discrimination to another group..

I had a situation where I was hiring for some positions I had open..a man came in and before I even introduced myself, he stated that he was gay and wanted to know if I had a problem with which I said that it didn't have anything to do with the job..he turned around and yelled that I was a gay basher and would sue me for I know that it was not a common practice, but these kind of things make it hard for me to see LGBT point of view with that kind of thing going on..

When the movement for equality for gay people was starting, people were saying that I could not use my moral standards to discriminate against them, and so I wanted to know by what standard should laws be made..if you throw out all faith based beliefs and laws that are perceived as faith based, then there are no common moral standards by which to make laws based say humane moral standards...wouldn't that arguement be a bad one because...who is to establish humane moral standards...since all standards are perceived to be different by many different people?? I know it can be confusing and maybe I am not making clear, but if people say we cannot use past moral standards to pass laws to prevent discrimination..there has to be a standard that is common and stable enough to base our decisions on, otherwise there would be chaos..What is ok for me is not ok for you, and what is ok for you may not be ok for someone can you make laws that have no baseline standard?

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 03:47 PM

I had a situation where I was hiring for some positions I had open..a man came in and before I even introduced myself, he stated that he was gay and wanted to know if I had a problem with which I said that it didn't have anything to do with the job..he turned around and yelled that I was a gay basher and would sue me for I know that it was not a common practice, but these kind of things make it hard for me to see LGBT point of view with that kind of thing going on..

Doesn't seem to take much for you to have a problem with that point of view, period. And if you admit it's uncommon, then why would you then say it's hard for you to see that point of view with that sort of thing going on, unless you assume it goes one more often. Let's not pretend you are open to a change in point of view when you clearly are unlikely to.

Delsoldamien's photo
Sat 01/31/09 03:57 PM

I had a situation where I was hiring for some positions I had open..a man came in and before I even introduced myself, he stated that he was gay and wanted to know if I had a problem with which I said that it didn't have anything to do with the job..he turned around and yelled that I was a gay basher and would sue me for I know that it was not a common practice, but these kind of things make it hard for me to see LGBT point of view with that kind of thing going on..

Doesn't seem to take much for you to have a problem with that point of view, period. And if you admit it's uncommon, then why would you then say it's hard for you to see that point of view with that sort of thing going on, unless you assume it goes one more often. Let's not pretend you are open to a change in point of view when you clearly are unlikely to.

It is difficult to bridge the gap of misunderstanding with common sense if you do not try...that is what discussion is all about, not to change one's perspective..

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 04:20 PM

It is difficult to bridge the gap of misunderstanding with common sense if you do not try..

That's right, so when are you going to try? Ok that's my last smart ass remark, I am bored with this line of discussion it's been discussed to 'death' in Mingle. And the outcome is always the same.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 05:09 PM

I also stated that I did not support the homosexual agenda, but belive that in this country, a person can believe or do whatever they want.If law makers passed laws making homosexual contracts legal, then that is up to them, I do not pass laws and only have my one vote. But if they pass laws allowing two men or two women to join in a union, why can't 3 people or more join in a union or contract also?? Or as disgusting as it is to think, why not between humans and animals? In california they want animals to be treated as humans, with the same rights as people..Now I wouldn't support that for obvious reasons, and it disgusts me to even think about it, but my feelings about it shouldn't make it wrong right?? But what grounds do you have to object to multiple people getting married and animals being people getting married?

Oh boy, here we go. So, it's ok for a man and woman to be joined in a union. But not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. If either of those were to happen, why does that have anything to do with more than to people? Or people and animals? I never, ever understood that argument. It just doesn't make sense at all.

But you didn't answer the question, on what grounds would you oppose it?? I am not allowed to oppose homosexual unions, I am called bigoted and homophobic, so I was wondering on what grounds you would oppose other unions..since my moral standards don't believe in homosexual unions, I oppose them, but belive that they have the right to have laws passed giving them the right to do so. If my moral standards are not to be considered and many others standards are not to be considered,by what standard prevents you from excepting or allowing those other unions??

A union between two homosexuals is still between two people. Just like a marriage between a man and woman. Where do the extra people come from? Or the animals? I'm not even sure how they came into the discussion. The point is a union between two people (man/woman, man/man, woman/woman) should be allowed.

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:51 AM

It is sad that this private school chose to take their homophobia out on children that are there to learn. While I do understand that people have the choice whether or not to go to private schools such as this one, I can't understand how people would think it's ok to expel a student based on their sexual orientation. It's definitely sending the wrong message to children and teaching them to be close minded. Is that what we really need? More people growing up to be close minded and homophobic?

My question in all of this is how did they even know the kid was gay? Overly promiscuous in school? THAT should get kids booted from any school. As a parent of a teenager (second time LOL the other is a LOT older) I am sick to death of what goes on in schools, and how the rules of decent conduct seem to have all but evaporated. I say, there should have been no reason to even mention or disclose the sexuality of any kid, because there is no place for that in any school. Only sexual anything that should be going on is the lessons in health class.

Ok, yeah, and I am sick of those perv boys coming after my kids just because she bloomed into a little hottie LOL So I have a short fuse on this one maybe LOL

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:55 AM

It's definitely sending the wrong message to children and teaching them to be close minded. Is that what we really need? More people growing up to be close minded and homophobic?

That is exactly the point to turn out close minded religiously brain washed phobics of one kind or another, and the legal right to do it. I am sure there is a more pc way of putting it.

Phobias indicate fear..I don't think most christian people fear Homosexuals, I know I don't...I find it un-natural, since nature is driven by the need to reproduce itself...and they cannot do that...But you are more interested in calling people names and demeaning them for their beleifs while patting yourself on the back for your unbrainwashed mind and openmindedness. At least be fair and consistant in your belief, hipocracy is ugly.

Do you also find couples who don't have kids to be unnatural? Since they're not reproducing?

I'm not demeaning anyone. I'm saying I think it's sad to be so close minded and to be able to teach kids that by expelling some because of sexual preference. If you think that's perfectly fine and normal.. then it's your right. Just as it's my right to be amazed that people still think that way.

And here I am amazed that anyone still uses that crap about accusing anyone of not believing people are born gay, and that it is basically a birth defect (has to be, if gay were in any way normal or natural it would end the species, no brainer people) as being homophobic. I COMPLETELY disagree with a lot of things, especially your attitude, but sure as hell not afraid of you, or any of them. That is just the way dems/liberals operate. Only liberties allowed, especially freedom of opinion, are for their ideas. Pretty much the opposite of liberal. And all this tolerance gays try to demand, where is their tolerance for anyone not like them?

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 08:02 AM

So, hypothetically, if I'm the headmaster of a private school, is it my right to decide that no black students are allowed in join?

I think this sort of discrimination should be illegal whether a school is public or private. ...

Considering you started with that particular hypocritical example, just shows that you don't understand the question here. I thought it was about being fair to everyone, and there is nothing fair about the way blacks discriminate against whites, and anyone else when convenient, with their black colleges, BET, Chocolate News... As long as blacks discriminate the way they do, I will call BS on their racism just like that of any other group. And these types are REALLY crawling out of the wood work these days. The election was a perfect example of just how much racism and discrimination blacks are more than willing to dish out, and then lie claiming they are the ones being discriminated against.

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 05:49 PM

And here I am amazed that anyone still uses that crap about accusing anyone of not believing people are born gay, and that it is basically a birth defect (has to be, if gay were in any way normal or natural it would end the species, no brainer people) as being homophobic. I COMPLETELY disagree with a lot of things, especially your attitude, but sure as hell not afraid of you, or any of them. That is just the way dems/liberals operate. Only liberties allowed, especially freedom of opinion, are for their ideas. Pretty much the opposite of liberal. And all this tolerance gays try to demand, where is their tolerance for anyone not like them?

If I didn't tolerate anyone that isn't like me I certainly wouldn't have joined mingle. And all my friends wouldn't be straight they would be gay and they aren't. Gays tolerate a lot more than you think. But if you aren't aware of that then this will be wasted on you.

I don't care what people assume or think gay people are, whether born that way or otherwise. It's my life, not theirs.

I didn't mean afraid as in fearful. I meant that people are often afraid others might think they are gay by association, or that their children might become gay if they are around gays. It doesn't work that way but you can't explain to people who know very little if anything about it.

I am not asking you or anyone for tolerance. Maybe some gays are or some straights that don't have a problem with it are asking for tolerance. I am not. You really have no choice but to tolerate it, just as I must tolerate people that don't like it.

People can hate my guts but I got over caring about acceptance 40 years ago. You either do or you don't, and that's that. Considering I have been around a lot in life I rarely run into people with a problem with gays, thankfully.

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 08:53 PM

It's definitely sending the wrong message to children and teaching them to be close minded. Is that what we really need? More people growing up to be close minded and homophobic?

That is exactly the point to turn out close minded religiously brain washed phobics of one kind or another, and the legal right to do it. I am sure there is a more pc way of putting it.

Phobias indicate fear..I don't think most christian people fear Homosexuals, I know I don't...I find it un-natural, since nature is driven by the need to reproduce itself...and they cannot do that...But you are more interested in calling people names and demeaning them for their beleifs while patting yourself on the back for your unbrainwashed mind and openmindedness. At least be fair and consistant in your belief, hipocracy is ugly.

Do you also find couples who don't have kids to be unnatural? Since they're not reproducing?

I'm not demeaning anyone. I'm saying I think it's sad to be so close minded and to be able to teach kids that by expelling some because of sexual preference. If you think that's perfectly fine and normal.. then it's your right. Just as it's my right to be amazed that people still think that way.

And here I am amazed that anyone still uses that crap about accusing anyone of not believing people are born gay, and that it is basically a birth defect (has to be, if gay were in any way normal or natural it would end the species, no brainer people) as being homophobic. I COMPLETELY disagree with a lot of things, especially your attitude, but sure as hell not afraid of you, or any of them. That is just the way dems/liberals operate. Only liberties allowed, especially freedom of opinion, are for their ideas. Pretty much the opposite of liberal. And all this tolerance gays try to demand, where is their tolerance for anyone not like them?

Wow. That's all I have to say.

Winx's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:53 AM

one more thing you said what happened to freedom of choice (your absolutly right)
what happened to the PRIVATE schools choice

it works both ways

Some people just don't like it when others are allowed their rights. And keep in mind people, California already shot down the gay "marriage" BS, so what would you expect?

Yes, the private schools should have the right to allow or disallow anyone, and they do, keep in mind that we already have "black" colleges and clubs. Are you trying to imply that they should be forced to open their enrollment along with these other private schools?

This is pretty much the same issue as when they passed the non smoking laws and stole the rights of small business owners to decide who could do what in their establishments. That was wrong. If these schools can afford or don't care about the loss of tuition from gays, that is their perogative.

My child has attended two Christian elementary schools. They do have more of an open enrollment then people realize. They don't discriminate and children of all colors can attend the schools and are welcomed. There is a lesbian couple that have two daughters attending the school. The couple have had no problems with the school.

Winx's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:59 AM
Edited by Winx on Mon 02/02/09 08:21 AM

So, hypothetically, if I'm the headmaster of a private school, is it my right to decide that no black students are allowed in join?

I think this sort of discrimination should be illegal whether a school is public or private. ...

Considering you started with that particular hypocritical example, just shows that you don't understand the question here. I thought it was about being fair to everyone, and there is nothing fair about the way blacks discriminate against whites, and anyone else when convenient, with their black colleges, BET, Chocolate News... As long as blacks discriminate the way they do, I will call BS on their racism just like that of any other group. And these types are REALLY crawling out of the wood work these days. The election was a perfect example of just how much racism and discrimination blacks are more than willing to dish out, and then lie claiming they are the ones being discriminated against.

Black colleges are not discrimination. They are a minority and they're helping their own with college. White people are allowed to attend if they desire to do so. There are all women colleges too. There are Lutheran, Baptist, Jewish, and Catholic colleges too. Are they discriminating?

Why can't they have a TV station that caters to them when it's always been about white people on all of the other stations since TV first started? They wouldn't have to do it if they had fair representation on TV. I don't see discrimination there either.

This election? How is that showing discrimination by black people?