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Topic: Venting....
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Tue 01/27/09 06:50 PM

if you live east of Canton.. why not try Malone college out that way? I hear they have a very good nursing program ..Or you could go to Kent State which I know has a great nursing program and you can apply for student loans through them.. I speak from experience on this I went to Kent State and a few friends went there for the nursing programs.. There is a campus in Canto right off 77... It sounmds like your whiningg now and not wanting to make somethin happen for your self.. don't expect life just to be roses all the time or someone else to provide for you.. cut the excuses.... and if you need help with it.. I will help you go through the process.
I don't wanna do nursing.. wanna get into Pharmacy.. any school doing pharmacy tech? I really need to get into that first. will help in the long run.

Pharmacy Tech is a long way from being a pharmacist, but it is at least a step. I would caution you on student loans. They have to be paid back regardless of whether you complete the training. I see all too often the garnishments on employees wages because they couldn't/wouldn't/didn't pay back the student loans. Check into grants before you put yourself in debt right off the bat.
I have to question if you even tried to get any information at all from the local universities.. Kent State especially.. I will ask my friends ( nurses all) about it seeing as you won't.. as for the student loans yes you have to pay them back... and yes be very careful with that.. But did you also know you can defer paying back the loans up to 6 years? hmmmmm But she/ redhead will be in school at least 3 just to get an associated degree.

redhead44613's photo
Tue 01/27/09 06:51 PM

I said I couldnt use the car for the rest of the week...was gonna go look for a job.

But Im done with this post, maybe I am wrong, I dont know anymore. I give up. no point in trying to explaining myself to anyone! but thanks for who did try to help.

I went to jobcorp to get a trade..but after threats I left, plus the class couldnt get anything done because other students would act up an we couldnt get anything done, also the teacher was leaving an I was not about to sit around in that hell whole waiting for a new teacher.

more excuses
whatever! leave me alone! your cold!

My intent is not to be cold. My intent is to try for you to see where you make excuses and it is everyone's fault but your own that you have yet to be successful.
ok yes I did make mistakes in the past but I am trying to better myself.. just no one sees it! If your life was threaded would you stay there? I went to someone about it an all they told me was they would keep on eye on me. People were getting beat in their own rooms.

yes i would, my step-brother went to job-corps...but he finished and stuck by it. Now has a job and a trade. I lived in the country as well where there wasn't anywork,besides splitting firewood, which i did until got enough money to pay for a uhaul on the day i graduated, moved closer to the city, walked to 2 jobs(block buster and target) and used pell grants to go to school lived in a tent. Saved up, bought a car, and got on my own insurance, got a roomate and then got a place...point being where there is a will there is a way...depends on how bad you want it.

I just couldnt handle the stress there. but it just was not for me.. I know more excuses. But way to go dude! yay you!! woot! that had to be hard.

redhead44613's photo
Tue 01/27/09 06:53 PM

if you live east of Canton.. why not try Malone college out that way? I hear they have a very good nursing program ..Or you could go to Kent State which I know has a great nursing program and you can apply for student loans through them.. I speak from experience on this I went to Kent State and a few friends went there for the nursing programs.. There is a campus in Canto right off 77... It sounmds like your whiningg now and not wanting to make somethin happen for your self.. don't expect life just to be roses all the time or someone else to provide for you.. cut the excuses.... and if you need help with it.. I will help you go through the process.
I don't wanna do nursing.. wanna get into Pharmacy.. any school doing pharmacy tech? I really need to get into that first. will help in the long run.

Pharmacy Tech is a long way from being a pharmacist, but it is at least a step. I would caution you on student loans. They have to be paid back regardless of whether you complete the training. I see all too often the garnishments on employees wages because they couldn't/wouldn't/didn't pay back the student loans. Check into grants before you put yourself in debt right off the bat.
I have to question if you even tried to get any information at all from the local universities.. Kent State especially.. I will ask my friends ( nurses all) about it seeing as you won't.. as for the student loans yes you have to pay them back... and yes be very careful with that.. But did you also know you can defer paying back the loans up to 6 years? hmmmmm But she/ redhead will be in school at least 3 just to get an associated degree.
umm... I did look. I didnt see anything. I was just asking if you knew of any. gosh bite my head off.

isaac_dede's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:02 PM
Edited by isaac_dede on Tue 01/27/09 07:03 PM

umm... I did look. I didnt see anything. I was just asking if you knew of any. gosh bite my head off.

Wow, you ask for help, then when people give it you 'assume' they are biting your head off..So here's a suggestion. Get off this site, and start learning how to land a job..here is a few resources for you.


(offers free resume examples, from executive positions to entry level)


(offers tips on the interview process so you have a better chance of getting hired..instead of just another person looking for a job)

My suggesstion? type up a few resumes tonight, then go to the job-fair they are holding in Canton tomorrow. here is the information

Wednesday, January 28th
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Arthur Middleton Capital Holdings Inc.
3939 Everhard Rd. NW
Canton, Ohio 44709

This can also be found at www.cantonjobs.com

You friend was willing to take you to a concert she if she is willing to take you to get a job.

But this is only advice....and advice is only as good as the receiver.....

Also if you want to make an impression, dress for the job you want...not the one you have/don't have. Dress to impress as they say

AllSmilesInTulsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:08 PM

umm... I did look. I didnt see anything. I was just asking if you knew of any. gosh bite my head off.

Wow, you ask for help, then when people give it you 'assume' they are biting your head off..So here's a suggestion. Get off this site, and start learning how to land a job..here is a few resources for you.


(offers free resume examples, from executive positions to entry level)


(offers tips on the interview process so you have a better chance of getting hired..instead of just another person looking for a job)

My suggesstion? type up a few resumes tonight, then go to the job-fair they are holding in Canton tomorrow. here is the information

Wednesday, January 28th
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Arthur Middleton Capital Holdings Inc.
3939 Everhard Rd. NW
Canton, Ohio 44709

This can also be found at www.cantonjobs.com

You friend was willing to take you to a concert she if she is willing to take you to get a job.

But this is only advice....and advice is only as good as the receiver.....

Also if you want to make an impression, dress for the job you want...not the one you have/don't have. Dress to impress as they say

Cover all visible tatoos and remove facial piercings.

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:20 PM
Helpful post Issac.

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:20 PM

I think the people who are attempting to give you advice to are doing great. You are not doing so great listening though.

You say you are 21 but you act more like you are 12. Its tough being a kid. Emotions run rampant, hormones go wild. Its hard.

But right now you have free room and board and caring parents. Yet you complain. You are impatient. You make excuses. You whine. You want to run off and see your boyfriend when your focus should be on how you can help your parents.

I see you flopped on a couch with your arms folded pouting because you can't get what you want and do what you want.

You won't get any sympathy from me. My only advice would be to grow up a little and be grateful you have a home and someone who cares.

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:21 PM

umm... I did look. I didnt see anything. I was just asking if you knew of any. gosh bite my head off.

Wow, you ask for help, then when people give it you 'assume' they are biting your head off..So here's a suggestion. Get off this site, and start learning how to land a job..here is a few resources for you.


(offers free resume examples, from executive positions to entry level)


(offers tips on the interview process so you have a better chance of getting hired..instead of just another person looking for a job)

My suggesstion? type up a few resumes tonight, then go to the job-fair they are holding in Canton tomorrow. here is the information

Wednesday, January 28th
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Arthur Middleton Capital Holdings Inc.
3939 Everhard Rd. NW
Canton, Ohio 44709

This can also be found at www.cantonjobs.com

You friend was willing to take you to a concert she if she is willing to take you to get a job.

But this is only advice....and advice is only as good as the receiver.....

Also if you want to make an impression, dress for the job you want...not the one you have/don't have. Dress to impress as they say

Cover all visible tatoos and remove facial piercings.
hmmm I have to woonder how he came up with all this information and she didn't? seems to me her time would be better spent looking on web site for work then in here , this thread boo hooing..... wash my hands of this thread, you can only do so much can't you? consider on line universities too. bye but this is way to much a pity party now.

redhead44613's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:34 PM
wow thanks! that helps alot. I will deff get over there. I didnt know they were holding a job fair. I spent most my time on snagajob.com lots of jobs on there. but thank you so much! it helps. But you didnt have to. I can an will do this! Thanks to everyone who has helped. I know I am still young an all that but you guys don't know the half of what happens in my life. Yes I am thankful for what my parents have done for me..I never said I wasnt, just wish I could hear them tell me they are proud of me.

Durtydduck- I was looking into an online school but I dont think I can study on my own. I know I need someone to show me how to do the math atlest. hmm.. I could take a math class at Stark State...that might help.

Thanks everyone...Im sorry I acted the way I did. I just wanted to see him soo bad an wanted a little road trip before I went back to the work world. Just a little fun.flowerforyou

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:59 PM
Venting is cool to some extent but you have to be able to check yourself and realize when your friends are trying to stop you from making a mistake.

It probably sucks seeing the Job Corp thing blow up but I don't know how anyone who gets off tract would expect a program like that to be a slumber party.

Mom & Dad can't be at fault for everything stupid their kid does but if you constantly tell them what a screw up they are and that they can't do anything right it really gives them a self pitying stifled attitude.

I don't know why parents can't know what we know about her if she is so willing to articulate what she wants too us. Why didn't they get off their keister and go find out what the whole "threat" situation was about and help her work it out instead of taking her back home. It is like not letting a toddler tumble down a few times learning to walk. She is hell bent on getting out in the real world why not tell her to tough it out in least a structured program with qualified professionals than backtracking over something that already failed.

I also don't know why a parent would tell a child that something is their's then play a fast shuffle signing the title back. Unless that was a habit of "I give you something then take it back when you don't do what I like." How does a child ever feel love, that they are to be responsible for anything if it is chroniclly being taken away from them, that they have accomplished anything if they live with no property, no sense of future. Did they give her the car and then tell her she had to earn it? And if she didn't then why was she driving it? Children, even adults need attainable goals. A parent's job is teaching them when they are young that their are steps in acquireing goals and helping them celebrate each step with praise not a constant feeling that they never quite get there and they are dissappointed.

I hope this family sees what is going on here and actually pulls it together. I think all love each other and just don't know how to trust each other enough to fix it. With such a bright, beautiful, aspireing, young woman a lot is at stake.

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:14 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 01/27/09 09:15 PM

I said I couldnt use the car for the rest of the week...was gonna go look for a job.

But Im done with this post, maybe I am wrong, I dont know anymore. I give up. no point in trying to explaining myself to anyone! but thanks for who did try to help.

If I told you what you wanted to hear, it wouldn't be helpful.

I went to jobcorp to get a trade..but after threats I left, plus the class couldnt get anything done because other students would act up an we couldnt get anything done, also the teacher was leaving an I was not about to sit around in that hell whole waiting for a new teacher.

Again with excuses. When I was your age, I went through a trade school. While I will admit that it was difficult because I was still dealing with my own mental disorder, I was determined to succeed, and ended up completing the 7 month full time course 2 1/2 months early. You know what else? Like now, I still don't fit into mainstream society, only now, I really don't care that I don't.

Being an adult sometimes means pushing that extra mile when you don't feel like you have it in you, and not looking back. Sometimes it takes guts, courage, and usually, we find it when there are no other options. Consider yourself grateful that you have a family to fall back onto and push ahead, in spite of every obsticle. What you've been saying all along in this thread, my brain parses out, "I am a helpless wimpy woman." I don't believe you, and do believe you could be a success if you wanted it bad enough.

izzie's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:36 PM

He is nothing like that,I know him pretty well. I know he is the one for me.
ok a couple things about this post....

first.. i dont know who the guy is, so this is in NO way against him.. just some food for thought..

i thought my childrens father was a good guy. i ran to him to get away from my parents. i was young and rebelious, and ready to be on my own!

and 7 abusive years later i FINALY got strong enough to go back to my parents house.
my ex was wonderful at first.. but then i started to see little things he was doing that seemed odd.. and then i confronted him about that. and he got pissed.. and it graduly escelated from there.. till one day he put a loaded gun to my head and pulled the trigger.. by the grace of god the gun misfired..
i "knew" him too..

and just a bit more of food for thought.. i have seen you say this EXACT phrase about no less than 4 guys since you joined.. just a thought sweetie.. but try finding you.. before you look for them.. you seem like that rebelious kid that i used to be.. you need to find you first..
best of luck

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