Topic: all that effort
Etrain's photo
Mon 01/26/09 07:35 PM
Damn...smack downslaphead slaphead slaphead rofl rofl rofl

scoundrel's photo
Mon 01/26/09 07:35 PM
Massive Failure.

***the crowd gasps as the stunt pilot goes down in flames***shocked surprised

no photo
Mon 01/26/09 07:37 PM

Is there a particular reason you directed me to this thread Mr flyace?
It wouldn't be the 1.25 sentence email you sent that I checked from my blackberry
on my three second break from work this afternoon would it?
My inbox says you sent that email 4 hours ago,
and you started this thread at 2:54 pm
which is three and a half hours ago for me.
Do you think from where I sit now
I'm over all happy or unhappy that I didn't respond to you?

laugh laugh laugh He made all that fuss over 1.25 sentences? laugh laugh laugh

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

907daydreamer's photo
Mon 01/26/09 07:56 PM
he complimented my profile in 15 words at best.
I imagine "all that effort" went into reading it
which I appreciate
and would have at least thanked him for
but when I got home there was another email
the headline was "forums"
and the body contained nothing more than a link to this thread

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 01/26/09 07:58 PM
wOtS gUd shAWTylaugh laugh laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 01/26/09 07:59 PM

wOtS gUd shAWTylaugh laugh laugh

rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:03 PM

he complimented my profile in 15 words at best.
I imagine "all that effort" went into reading it
which I appreciate
and would have at least thanked him for
but when I got home there was another email
the headline was "forums"
and the body contained nothing more than a link to this thread

laugh Bet you're dying to get to know him now. laugh

I tried to help him. I'm going to stick to being my sarcastic asshole self from now on.

907daydreamer's photo
Mon 01/26/09 08:03 PM

wOtS gUd shAWTylaugh laugh laugh

rofl rofl rofl

don't laugh...some guys really think that should work
(and I think sometimes it actually does)

tngxl65's photo
Mon 01/26/09 09:06 PM

It's part of the dance. If she was interested she would have responded. She's not.

I do remember one, though, where I sent an incredibly funny and charming email (hush, it was independently verified 'funny') and I got 'crickets'. Nothing. And I was just disappointed because it really was funny and felt it would at least get me a "You're a moron. I've already filed for a restraining order" response.

You do kinda look like Jim Carey and its making me laugh....

Well... ALLLL RIGHTY Then! (Just about the only Jim Carey quote I can come up with off the top of my head).

no photo
Mon 01/26/09 09:11 PM

wOtS gUd shAWTylaugh laugh laugh

rofl rofl rofl

don't laugh...some guys really think that should work
(and I think sometimes it actually does)

<insert picture of monkey here>

Ugh. Nice hair.

Did that work? laugh laugh laugh laugh

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:09 PM
Edited by flyace on Mon 01/26/09 10:22 PM

he complimented my profile in 15 words at best.
I imagine "all that effort" went into reading it
which I appreciate
and would have at least thanked him for
but when I got home there was another email
the headline was "forums"
and the body contained nothing more than a link to this thread

actually I commented on your profile about an hour after I posted the thread. so no I wasn't talking about you. sorry about the confusion. the message I sent you was part of the new plan to simplify. besides I just liked your profile, I was just paying you a compliment. I invited you to the thread to get your input. but a smack down will work thanks.

907daydreamer's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:27 PM
the time line doesn't add up for me ace
in either case, I find it rude that you would direct me here to suggest that I should respond to you
that is up to me.
do you want me to respond because I want to or because you think I should?

no photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:42 PM

person on the internet... I'm upset about the unappreciated effort.

Um.. You haven't married them yet and you don't know them? Are you blindly repeating a pattern of behavior with women that you're not aware of? A hunch is that this is nothing new for you.

no photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:57 PM

The thing I hate most about dating online is: I put some effort into my initial contact emails and get nothing. I mean you sit hear and go though all these profiles and read all of her interests put some thought into it. trying to sound confident but not cocky... unless she happens to like cocky. funny but not retarded. intelligent about issues but not politically opinionated. she reads it and nothing... not deleted no reply just read...ummm ok. I'm not trying to be someone else only accentuate the qualities I believe she will find most endearing. one could write about themselves but isn't that what you profile is for. I guess what I'm trying to say is if a guy goes through the effort to write you just give him a little effort back.

I didn't get mine. smokin

Oh yeh, I guess I'm old enough to be your mother, and I am not looking... but...

I still didn't get mine. hmmmmmm.

Seriously, I think its so great you put a little effort into making contact.

Consider the averages. In sales, you might get a nibble after 10 great sales presentations, and out of 20 nibbles, you might get a bite.

I still haven't got mine.... LOL huh

ChefBadger's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:26 AM
Aaaaand the crowd goes wild!

::Standing Ovation for Kim::

pitchfork drinker :banana: drinker :banana: drinker :banana: drinker pitchfork

Ahem...can someone get some Aloe Vera for flyace?
Maybe a Burn Unit or Intensive care? I hear Johns Hopkins has a good burn unit...

flyace's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:17 AM

the time line doesn't add up for me ace
in either case, I find it rude that you would direct me here to suggest that I should respond to you
that is up to me.
do you want me to respond because I want to or because you think I should?

Original post 1454
Current time 0715
Difference of 16 hours
Message sent to you 15 hours ago

that's why is didn't add up you were supposed to subtractslaphead

I'm not some hypocrite.

prisoner's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:23 AM
:smile: i always like cheese with my seeing you

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:26 AM

Yes. Don't ever expect to make friends or socialize here, because that's not what this site is for. It's strictly for dating, nothing else. It's a regular Dating Store.

Apparently, I've been on the wrong floor all this time.

lilith401's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:26 AM
OFTLOG, are you kidding me?

Listen, don't post about mails if you are posting about mailing other posters.
We all send and receive mails that are ignored. We all get cut off in traffic and hae our parking spaces taken, the light goes out in the checkout line as soon as we get in it, etc.


flyace's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:34 AM

OFTLOG, are you kidding me?

Listen, don't post about mails if you are posting about mailing other posters.
We all send and receive mails that are ignored. We all get cut off in traffic and hae our parking spaces taken, the light goes out in the checkout line as soon as we get in it, etc.


once again not mad about being ignored by random internet person. mad about the effort that we as men are expected to put into it for nothing.