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Topic: sarah palin
Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/25/09 07:59 PM

I think Palin is the bomb.

...but so much for the bloviators who post here. Talk about no class. Maybe you should take a closer look at SARAH...you just might learn something about grace & class.

Give me a break. She is a hillbilly.:banana:

You don't like hillbillies!?

But I am one sad

Anyway, here is what i liked about Palin; She never tried to be anyone but herself during the campaign. McCain kept rolling over for whomever was talking to him, yet Palin stayed herself and if nobody liked it than screw em. I wish more people were like that drinker

There is nothing better than a hillbillie! LOL

You are correct. She is real...not like OBAMA or McCain. I still think most americans are waiting to see what OBAMA does. If he doesn't come thru they will eat him for breakfast. They will be singing "another one bites the dust." That's what half the population has become...a bunch of spolied rotten ingrates who always wants what someone else worked for.

yep screw the poor.

Not much of a thinker are you quickstep?

If by spoiled rotton ingrates you mean someone that realy cares for others and does not just pray and then forget about them, then yep I'm proud to be a spoiled rotten ingrate.

beeorganic's photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:47 PM
Edited by beeorganic on Sun 01/25/09 09:50 PM
Okay, Sarah Palin has been labeled "dumb" and a "hillbilly". I'm somewhat curious to know what's the justification/rationalizations are behind the visceral opinions. I can understand philosophical/ideological/political differences; However, are we talking about a "three letter word J-O-B-S" or "Fifty-seven states" kind of dumb or another kind? Apparently my perception of a "hillbilly" is quite different than some of yours. Her attire appears modest and professional. Appears she possess good dental hygiene. Her vernacular isn't riddled with "errrs" and "uhhhhs" when a teleprompter isn't available. Granted, she may be a puppet like most politicians but I don't perceive her as neither dumb nor a hillbilly. I believe she may not be able to answer the Final Jeopardy question all the time but do I believe her and her family would do rather well on Family Feud.

hellkitten54- This is meant as a total compliment. I believe many here will share my observation- you do kinda have that Sarah Palin look going for ya as represented by your photograph.

Tanzkity's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:08 PM
Sarah Palin is a case study of what happens when you inbreed...............happy

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:47 PM

Sarah Palin is a case study of what happens when you inbreed...............happy

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:50 PM
I thought being liberal meant open mindness...yet here i see alot of them just bashing Palin because she believes different than everyone else. sick

Tanzkity's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:56 PM
I dont have a problem of having a different belief system I have a problem with her education.............it causes me to question our educational system and wonder what the hell went wrong...............or did she have an accident which affected her intellectual ability to think...................what......what.......

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:07 PM

I thought being liberal meant open mindness...yet here i see alot of them just bashing Palin because she believes different than everyone else. sick

What does she believe cloudy?
She never really said.
She was just the sacrificial women for the republican party. (an attempt to attract all the naive Clinton supporters)
Evidently she believes in allowing herself to be used....

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:09 PM
Or she was just that stupid and greedy for power and she didnt mind being used..

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:15 PM

I dont have a problem of having a different belief system I have a problem with her education.............it causes me to question our educational system and wonder what the hell went wrong...............or did she have an accident which affected her intellectual ability to think...................what......what.......

Oh no, not the "i'm smarter than you" argument. ohwell noway

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:20 PM

You can defend her till she's 89 yrs old.
I still dont believe she's going to flash you though!!


Tanzkity's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:22 PM

I dont have a problem of having a different belief system I have a problem with her education.............it causes me to question our educational system and wonder what the hell went wrong...............or did she have an accident which affected her intellectual ability to think...................what......what.......

Oh no, not the "i'm smarter than you" argument. ohwell noway

What else could there be she was going to lead a nation and she was going to lead actually a first world nation dont you think that you should have at least graduated from a university to do that............wht so then my 3rd grader can do it now.......come on how can you stand and lead a country and meet world leaders without an education...........

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:25 PM

What else could there be she was going to lead a nation and she was going to lead actually a first world nation dont you think that you should have at least graduated from a university to do that............wht so then my 3rd grader can do it now.......come on how can you stand and lead a country and meet world leaders without an education...........

Experience is better than education drinker

Tanzkity's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:31 PM

What else could there be she was going to lead a nation and she was going to lead actually a first world nation dont you think that you should have at least graduated from a university to do that............wht so then my 3rd grader can do it now.......come on how can you stand and lead a country and meet world leaders without an education...........

Experience is better than education drinker

Well obviously that didnt help their campaign.............we already are lacking in respect with GW and now we want to just be a laughing stock and be mocked by everyone for how long..............EDUCATION is the key to progress everyone knows that our kids know that........a high school diploma doesnt do a damn thing but imply that you are going to be stuck in a factory or a fast food joint............EDUCATION is the only key to success these days........the days of experience have long gone........its who has a BA,MASTERS,or PHD.............thats how life is...........or stand next to that guy in the unemployment line........

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:35 PM

What else could there be she was going to lead a nation and she was going to lead actually a first world nation dont you think that you should have at least graduated from a university to do that............wht so then my 3rd grader can do it now.......come on how can you stand and lead a country and meet world leaders without an education...........

Experience is better than education drinker

Well obviously that didnt help their campaign.............we already are lacking in respect with GW and now we want to just be a laughing stock and be mocked by everyone for how long..............EDUCATION is the key to progress everyone knows that our kids know that........a high school diploma doesnt do a damn thing but imply that you are going to be stuck in a factory or a fast food joint............EDUCATION is the only key to success these days........the days of experience have long gone........its who has a BA,MASTERS,or PHD.............thats how life is...........or stand next to that guy in the unemployment line........

Oh you know...about that education...HOW THE HELL IS ANYONE GOING TO AFFORD IT? Don't freaking tell me i'm going to live poor, and die poor just because i never got a chance to grace the halls of any collage. You can look down on me all you want, but I swear to God I will come out better than my parents before me. rant

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:37 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 01/25/09 11:38 PM
Sarah Palin??? ROFLMAO

Its no use,,,,
She's not going to sleep with you Cloudy!!!:thumbsup:

Lynann's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:02 AM
Gosh thanks to Quickstepper we have seen a word seldom used in these forums!

Damn...a new word...using new words makes you an intellectual doesn't it ? Oh gosh sorry...reading that's what does it...

Reading is hard...


I am willing to bet the word is here 'cause someone saw it on FOX the last 48 hours is puking it here. Like every other force fed, sheeple who is incapable of independent thought up they pop...a living ilustration of why education, independece and free thought are essential...how can we ever...oh...nm...

(redirected from bloviators)
Also found in: Wikipedia 0.06 sec.
blo·vi·ate (blv-t)
intr.v. blo·vi·at·ed, blo·vi·at·ing, blo·vi·ates Slang
To discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner: "the rural Babbitt who bloviates about 'progress' and 'growth'" George Rebeck.
[Mock-Latinate formation, from blow1.]
blovi·ation n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Verb 1. bloviate - orate verbosely and windily
orate - talk pompously
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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