Topic: it's tough having the heart & soul of an artist
Mr_Music's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:52 AM
I still want to know if Lisa papersmile has a sister.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:53 AM

I still want to know if Lisa papersmile has a sister. a lot of cases, the siblings are NOTHING like each

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:54 AM
Fine, in that case, I'll settle for a clone.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:56 AM

Again, JustAGuy is a perfect gentleman, funny as hell, and a very nice individual...but it is doubtful any of the females here would give him the time of the day to realize that...

Geeze man. I am just going to hire you to be my PR

Thanks for the kind words Fear. :-)

Will work for cookies.smokin

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:56 AM

Fine, in that case, I'll settle for a clone.

That would work.

I'll take a clone of rlynne. drinker

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:56 AM

E harmony says I am not just creative but I live thru my creativity having the heart & soul of an artist. If that's not enough try being a Capricorn born under a full moon with a definet Pices influence. This makes me a very unique very rare spirit and with my astrological numbers being exactallly the same as Jesus and the archangle michael even more so. I am sure you know that michael has never fallen and Jesus was pure unconditional love. Well I live for love and creativity and my capacity for committed to non-jugdemental communication, undestanding and forgiveness is boundless along with being able to pour out my heart and soul without question.

So why is it so hard for me believe that what my last love said? ( That 90% percent of the women out there are at heart monetary, material and out of touch with truely real unconditional love and the other 10% are true,real ladies with a loving heart,soul and spirit.) I am begining to see the truth in her words.

I would like to believe that she was wrong but we shall see.


Oh puh leze. Do you REALLY think that the vast majority of the women who are material oriented are actually going to ADMIT to it on a dating site???

You have got to be kidding.
No I am not kidding read them for yourself just how many ask for certain incomes or the travel ( those 2 are the biggest) or to be able to go out to dinner and movies every week should I continue Its in what they say they like and most times they sayb how ofteten they like to do things.. Its ridulus . After they get divorced they gave up their lives for a man to be his wife and raise their kids . Now the kids are grown and gone they want all they gave up.. Gee maybe they should of thought about that before having kids?
yes... its that way often.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:57 AM

Again, JustAGuy is a perfect gentleman, funny as hell, and a very nice individual...but it is doubtful any of the females here would give him the time of the day to realize that...

Geeze man. I am just going to hire you to be my PR

Thanks for the kind words Fear. :-)

Will work for cookies.smokin


JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:00 AM

E harmony says I am not just creative but I live thru my creativity having the heart & soul of an artist. If that's not enough try being a Capricorn born under a full moon with a definet Pices influence. This makes me a very unique very rare spirit and with my astrological numbers being exactallly the same as Jesus and the archangle michael even more so. I am sure you know that michael has never fallen and Jesus was pure unconditional love. Well I live for love and creativity and my capacity for committed to non-jugdemental communication, undestanding and forgiveness is boundless along with being able to pour out my heart and soul without question.

So why is it so hard for me believe that what my last love said? ( That 90% percent of the women out there are at heart monetary, material and out of touch with truely real unconditional love and the other 10% are true,real ladies with a loving heart,soul and spirit.) I am begining to see the truth in her words.

I would like to believe that she was wrong but we shall see.


Oh puh leze. Do you REALLY think that the vast majority of the women who are material oriented are actually going to ADMIT to it on a dating site???

You have got to be kidding.
No I am not kidding read them for yourself just how many ask for certain incomes or the travel ( those 2 are the biggest) or to be able to go out to dinner and movies every week should I continue Its in what they say they like and most times they sayb how ofteten they like to do things.. Its ridulus . After they get divorced they gave up their lives for a man to be his wife and raise their kids . Now the kids are grown and gone they want all they gave up.. Gee maybe they should of thought about that before having kids?
yes... its that way often.

Uh huh. Thing is, for every one that puts stuff like that in their profile, there are 20 more who have learned how to play the game and will say exactly what they think a dude wants to hear.

The vast majority of those who are like that, will not admit it straight out. Instead they will say all the right things, then start to " nudge " the guy about certain things.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:05 AM
To be completely honest. I don't care if the one i find and love, lives in a cardboard box on the side of the road. As long as we have love, honest, commucation, it doesn't matter if he has money, a car, house, anything. As long as we have each other.

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:06 AM

E harmony says I am not just creative but I live thru my creativity having the heart & soul of an artist. If that's not enough try being a Capricorn born under a full moon with a definet Pices influence. This makes me a very unique very rare spirit and with my astrological numbers being exactallly the same as Jesus and the archangle michael even more so. I am sure you know that michael has never fallen and Jesus was pure unconditional love. Well I live for love and creativity and my capacity for committed to non-jugdemental communication, undestanding and forgiveness is boundless along with being able to pour out my heart and soul without question.

So why is it so hard for me believe that what my last love said? ( That 90% percent of the women out there are at heart monetary, material and out of touch with truely real unconditional love and the other 10% are true,real ladies with a loving heart,soul and spirit.) I am begining to see the truth in her words.

I would like to believe that she was wrong but we shall see.


Oh puh leze. Do you REALLY think that the vast majority of the women who are material oriented are actually going to ADMIT to it on a dating site???

You have got to be kidding.
No I am not kidding read them for yourself just how many ask for certain incomes or the travel ( those 2 are the biggest) or to be able to go out to dinner and movies every week should I continue Its in what they say they like and most times they sayb how ofteten they like to do things.. Its ridulus . After they get divorced they gave up their lives for a man to be his wife and raise their kids . Now the kids are grown and gone they want all they gave up.. Gee maybe they should of thought about that before having kids?
yes... its that way often.

Uh huh. Thing is, for every one that puts stuff like that in their profile, there are 20 more who have learned how to play the game and will say exactly what they think a dude wants to hear.

The vast majority of those who are like that, will not admit it straight out. Instead they will say all the right things, then start to " nudge " the guy about certain things.
I have to agree with that... but after seeing all this on dating sites you get to be very very careful in who you make contact with. even here. I already came across 2 that did the nudge thing after exchanging emails for a while.. ouch hot potato... dropped it ...

Seakolony's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:06 AM
I do agree that if you put too much of your self out there are way too many people who are willing to take advantage of you.... You should never be way too out there with the I have this and I'm a push over come take advantage of me thing because people do want people they can manipulate!!!

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:07 AM

To be completely honest. I don't care if the one i find and love, lives in a cardboard box on the side of the road. As long as we have love, honest, commucation, it doesn't matter if he has money, a car, house, anything. As long as we have each other.

I call bs...

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:09 AM

To be completely honest. I don't care if the one i find and love, lives in a cardboard box on the side of the road. As long as we have love, honest, commucation, it doesn't matter if he has money, a car, house, anything. As long as we have each other.

I call bs...

So do I.

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:12 AM

To be completely honest. I don't care if the one i find and love, lives in a cardboard box on the side of the road. As long as we have love, honest, commucation, it doesn't matter if he has money, a car, house, anything. As long as we have each other.

I call bs...

So do I.

So be it. You believe what you want to. And it's fine that you don't. But just because i'm young, doesn't mean jack. It's who I am and how i am. I was raised to be thankful and grateful for what you have.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:14 AM

To be completely honest. I don't care if the one i find and love, lives in a cardboard box on the side of the road. As long as we have love, honest, commucation, it doesn't matter if he has money, a car, house, anything. As long as we have each other.

I call bs...

So do I.

So be it. You believe what you want to. And it's fine that you don't. But just because i'm young, doesn't mean jack. It's who I am and how i am. I was raised to be thankful and grateful for what you have.

All good, and hopefully when you meet that person this thought stays the same...however in experience when someone meets someone that they would "love" to meet, it inevitably ends up not being the same thing they invisioned and ultimately ends back to the beginning again. Like I said, hopefully you do hold those same thoughts when you come across that person...just saying, it isn't the same meeting the dream as it is dreaming the dream.

allnamestaken's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:14 AM
Honestly, I can't remember the last time I dated a man who made as much or more money than me. The last guy I dated seriously made a little over half what I make but he was my best friend. That's what really matters. I don't want to date someone who lives in a cardboard box but I believe there are many things much more important in a relationship than money. I've actually had a few men that didn't want to date me anymore after they found out about my income because they couldn't date a woman who made more money than them. Go figure....

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:17 AM

I'm not saying all me are this way, but if you are a man, take a look at your reasons for wanting a wife and see if you don't fit this description. I'm not saying that you won't find a woman willing to be your nurse maid, but you better not expect her to support you in addition to that.

isn't that part of the role of a wife, or even a spouse in general? to take care of each other, and help one another out, wherever and whenever possible?

and maybe if more of us were willing to give in a relationship, and do things for the other, without expecting anything in return, there'd be far less breakups.

i'm not saying that anyone should be a doormat, be abused, or be used, by any means - just that i don't mind doing those things for someone that i love (of my own will, however, and not as a demand) providing the rest of the relationship is healthy and loving.

I totally agree with this. If each gave 100% there would be no room for attitudes. :wink:

Ky_Racer_111's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:18 AM

To be completely honest. I don't care if the one i find and love, lives in a cardboard box on the side of the road. As long as we have love, honest, commucation, it doesn't matter if he has money, a car, house, anything. As long as we have each other.

I call bs...

So do I.

So be it. You believe what you want to. And it's fine that you don't. But just because i'm young, doesn't mean jack. It's who I am and how i am. I was raised to be thankful and grateful for what you have.

All good, and hopefully when you meet that person this thought stays the same...however in experience when someone meets someone that they would "love" to meet, it inevitably ends up not being the same thing they invisioned and ultimately ends back to the beginning again. Like I said, hopefully you do hold those same thoughts when you come across that person...just saying, it isn't the same meeting the dream as it is dreaming the dream.

I get what your saying. I know not everyone thinks that way and coming across the person, they probably wouldn't think that way about me. But in the land of this topic, it's how i felt. I dont need money or material things. I dont have the best of stuff but what i have i'm very grateful for.

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:20 AM

To be completely honest. I don't care if the one i find and love, lives in a cardboard box on the side of the road. As long as we have love, honest, commucation, it doesn't matter if he has money, a car, house, anything. As long as we have each other.

I call bs...

So do I.

So be it. You believe what you want to. And it's fine that you don't. But just because i'm young, doesn't mean jack. It's who I am and how i am. I was raised to be thankful and grateful for what you have.

Great! You can remember that when the bills start coming in, or when you get hungry, or when winter arrives.

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 11:23 AM

I'm not saying all me are this way, but if you are a man, take a look at your reasons for wanting a wife and see if you don't fit this description. I'm not saying that you won't find a woman willing to be your nurse maid, but you better not expect her to support you in addition to that.

isn't that part of the role of a wife, or even a spouse in general? to take care of each other, and help one another out, wherever and whenever possible?

and maybe if more of us were willing to give in a relationship, and do things for the other, without expecting anything in return, there'd be far less breakups.

i'm not saying that anyone should be a doormat, be abused, or be used, by any means - just that i don't mind doing those things for someone that i love (of my own will, however, and not as a demand) providing the rest of the relationship is healthy and loving.

Yes as long as the care giving and love go both ways. What I am referring to are men who's motives are primarily looking for a woman to serve and take care of him. If he has something of equal value, it could be a good arrangement.