Topic: it's tough having the heart & soul of an artist
907daydreamer's photo
Sun 01/25/09 12:25 AM
"Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul

Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen land

Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now

Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue

Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand

Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now

For they could not love you
But still, your love was true
And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could've told you, Vincent
This world was never meant
For one as beautiful as you

Starry, Starry night
Portraits hung in empty halls
Frameless heads on nameless walls
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget

Like the strangers that you've met
The ragged men in ragged clothes
The silver thorn, a bloody rose
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

Now I think I know
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they're not listening still
Perhaps they never will"

Winx's photo
Sun 01/25/09 01:13 AM
I love that song,

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 01:38 AM

I love unconditionally but that does not mean I will adopt a person, or live with them.

I might love a guy so much I will be purely honest with him and tell him that if he was married to me I would make his life a living hell.

It would be a living hell because I value my personal freedom above all things and marriage is not freedom, it is an institution. I would be miserable and I would probably make him miserable.

And because I feel love for people unconditionally, I do not require anything from them ~including a personal committed relationship.

Loving unconditionally does not mean that you should put up with abuse. It does not mean that you will stand by your man if he decides to rob banks or go on a killing spree.

It does not even mean you are obligated to visit him in prison.

None of the above has happened to me, I am just exploring the unconditional love idea.

You can do as you please, and I will still love you as God loves you, even if you rob banks and go on a killing spree, but I will not want to hang around with you.

But loving unconditionally means I can love you having never met you. And I do. flowerforyou

I love you and wish you the best. I wish you the ultimate joy and happiness. It does not matter what you choose to do with your life. You are totally free and that is what I want for you if that is what you want.

I want you to get what you want in life and I wish for you the greatest joy in getting it.

I want nothing in return. I don't even need to ever meet you. You don't even have to respond to this post. Nobody does. There are no conditions to the love I am sending and feeling.

Joy, Love, Life, forever.

JB drinker :banana:

Seakolony's photo
Sun 01/25/09 03:48 AM

E harmony says I am not just creative but I live thru my creativity having the heart & soul of an artist. If that's not enough try being a Capricorn born under a full moon with a definet Pices influence. This makes me a very unique very rare spirit and with my astrological numbers being exactallly the same as Jesus and the archangle michael even more so. I am sure you know that michael has never fallen and Jesus was pure unconditional love. Well I live for love and creativity and my capacity for committed to non-jugdemental communication, undestanding and forgiveness is boundless along with being able to pour out my heart and soul without question.

So why is it so hard for me believe that what my last love said? ( That 90% percent of the women out there are at heart monetary, material and out of touch with truely real unconditional love and the other 10% are true,real ladies with a loving heart,soul and spirit.) I am begining to see the truth in her words.

I would like to believe that she was wrong but we shall see.


They told me I was like no other, but I am Pisces, LOL
To have agape love much like that of a parent to a child, no matter what they you will love them. I believe it exists, but does not necessarily mean you have to agree with what the others does or even jive with some of their personality traits. I do believe that a person with agape love, loves you despite the issues even when you argue, are down, happiness, and all the other emotions and mistakes. But even those capable of this type of love, I do not believe are capable of having this type of love with just anyone.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 01/25/09 06:22 AM

E harmony says I am not just creative but I live thru my creativity having the heart & soul of an artist.

They told me I'm unmatchable -- and they may very well be right.

As for creativity, I don't know if that enters into it -- I had two books published last year, have been involved in music in the past, have even done comic strips. Creativity keeps me going. It doesn't mean a thing insofar as impacting on people who might be relationship prospects, though.

So why is it so hard for me believe that what my last love said? ( That 90% percent of the women out there are at heart monetary, material and out of touch with truely real unconditional love and the other 10% are true,real ladies with a loving heart,soul and spirit.) I am begining to see the truth in her words.

I don't have any verifiable statistics -- I suspect the 90% figure is high, but that's not based on anything but observation (limited to my own personal experience) -- my own "research" indicates that most women (disclaimer -- I am only referring to the ones I have known personally in real life) are more interested in changing and manipulating a person than they are in money and materialism, per se -- but I may have dealt with a corrupted sampling.

I would like to believe that she was wrong but we shall see.

I would like to believe that, too.


It should be interesting, at any rate, to see how many actually say something vs. how many parrot the tired old platitudes....

This guy is my match for a reason.smokin

betsybubbles's photo
Sun 01/25/09 07:57 AM

I would say the 90% figure is a bit high. But I would also say that a lot of women spout the "looking for Mr. Right, lifetime companion, best friend, love honor and cherish" line but if they were honest with themselves are really looking for someone to put food on their tables and put their kids through college.
mad rant rant rant I work 50 plus hours a week in a machine shop! I pay my $1,000 rent!I put food on my table! I put clothes on my own and my kids backs! I pay for my own life!!! I do this without child support because the father is a looser!!! NO ONE supports me or mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When I find someone to share myself with it will be for friendship, companionship and maybe love!! Not money!!!!!!!!!!rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant

betsybubbles's photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:22 AM

Not being harsh. Just calling it as I see it. A lot of people aren't honest with themselves. And I'm not looking for anything. I'm already quite happy with what I have.
If your calling it as you see it. Then open your eyes!!!!!

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:28 AM
Truth be told, the lot of people on this site have no clue what they are looking for...take for instance "Looking for honest, fun, nice person", again this reverts to a past post of mine before I took my hiatus from the site...that is half of the community. So in that we have 50% of what? Some odd hundreds of people who are honest, fun, and nice; and we have 50% of the community searching for that.

You lot have no clue what you want and when you put what you want on your profile and eventually meet that person, a; they either scare you to the point where you hide in a hole in a wall, or b; you are not physically attracted to that person...and then c; you really have no freaking clue as to what you want you just float in with the crowd and write everything that everyone else wants.

Again, JustAGuy is a perfect gentleman, funny as hell, and a very nice individual...but it is doubtful any of the females here would give him the time of the day to realize that...

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:47 AM
I am president of the Justaguy fan club!:heart:

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 08:57 AM
To the OP, Your profile shows you are a talented artist, so why are you on SSI? Seems to me you have to talent to make a living.

Your profile also says you are looking for someone who is into BDSM & you will be her servant. Hmmmmmmmmmm seems to me that you basically you want to live on the government & play suffering artist. I know I am going to be called judgemental, but, oh well. I have been told I have good judgement. I see a field of red flags fluttering in the breeze.

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:03 AM

E harmony says I am not just creative but I live thru my creativity having the heart & soul of an artist. If that's not enough try being a Capricorn born under a full moon with a definet Pices influence. This makes me a very unique very rare spirit and with my astrological numbers being exactallly the same as Jesus and the archangle michael even more so. I am sure you know that michael has never fallen and Jesus was pure unconditional love. Well I live for love and creativity and my capacity for committed to non-jugdemental communication, undestanding and forgiveness is boundless along with being able to pour out my heart and soul without question.

So why is it so hard for me believe that what my last love said? ( That 90% percent of the women out there are at heart monetary, material and out of touch with truely real unconditional love and the other 10% are true,real ladies with a loving heart,soul and spirit.) I am begining to see the truth in her words.

I would like to believe that she was wrong but we shall see.


oops Eharmony?????????? No swearing allowed on the forums dude. :laughing:

They don't know sh*t. Sorry. Worst site ever. They refuse to let you talk to anyone unless they send them your way. I don't think they even READ my information, let alone listened. I'm a corporate city woman, they put me with country bumpkins who raise cows. I date younger, they put me with men up to 20 years my senior (most of whom are dead even if breathing) ..

Talk about controlling? LMFAO

PFFFT. eharmony shmarmonie .. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:05 AM

Not being harsh. Just calling it as I see it. A lot of people aren't honest with themselves. And I'm not looking for anything. I'm already quite happy with what I have.
If your calling it as you see it. Then open your eyes!!!!!

the term "a lot" is not the same as saying everyone or all. I said a lot of people are not honest with themselves. If that statment does not include you, fine, it was not ment to. My eyes are fine, wide open, as is my mind.

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:06 AM

oh and btw.. It does appear way to often that women want the following from a guy (reading profiles in other sites)....

a great (not just good) job and make over $100,000
a harley ( bad boy issues)
a good home, toys, quad bikes etc.
a desire to do world travel.
a college education, or more
be a ( should I dare say this) a nice guy, no drama
communication, honesty etc etc

and its usually in that order go figure


Let me put it this way,

And I am REALLY serious about this!

If I managed to succeed and get ahead to the point I feel comfortable and this means I got a minimum of 1M in the bank, my own home, and an income assured without me having to "work" like I do ever again what makes any of these women think for a moment I would even BE monogamous at that point?
Women can want what you described all day long but those are the words of gold diggers and I could NEVER take a woman with that crap in her profile seriously no matter what she said to me because it will always be a suspicion that my money made me more attractive. What do some women think, they can have OUR cake and eat it too?
Welcome to equality and the new millennium!
Sorry ladies if I am coming off like a choad but the fact is I am sick and tired of all the gold digging I keep coming across.
I am so sick of "prince charming" this and 'Looking for my King' that. It implies "Hi, I'm shallow and am looking for a rich guy that has a lot of money!"
Us Heros are overlooked because we don't have shiny armor.

Are you saying that your financial condition is what decides if you are monagamous, & if you were wealthy you wouldn't be?

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:11 AM

I would say the 90% figure is a bit high. But I would also say that a lot of women spout the "looking for Mr. Right, lifetime companion, best friend, love honor and cherish" line but if they were honest with themselves are really looking for someone to put food on their tables and put their kids through college.

Oh would you please. That is sooooooooooooooo 90's maybe 50's.

Women today don't need men's $$ for their food, their kids or themselves.

There are probably more employed women (in good jobs) on this site than there are men.

I've never needed a man to support me. IF and when I WANT a man it will be for best friends and lovers. Hot sex and romantic dinners.

Depending on a man for $$ is pure history in today's society. Heck why are the percentages so high for unemployed 'dead beat' dads. It's the women who support the children in most singleparent homes too.

Unbelievable. whoa

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 01/25/09 09:18 AM
oops Sorry. Back to your regularly scheduled programming :tongue:

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:31 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 01/25/09 10:40 AM

I would say the 90% figure is a bit high. But I would also say that a lot of women spout the "looking for Mr. Right, lifetime companion, best friend, love honor and cherish" line but if they were honest with themselves are really looking for someone to put food on their tables and put their kids through college.

Oh would you please. That is sooooooooooooooo 90's maybe 50's.

Women today don't need men's $$ for their food, their kids or themselves.

There are probably more employed women (in good jobs) on this site than there are men.

I've never needed a man to support me. IF and when I WANT a man it will be for best friends and lovers. Hot sex and romantic dinners.

Depending on a man for $$ is pure history in today's society. Heck why are the percentages so high for unemployed 'dead beat' dads. It's the women who support the children in most singleparent homes too.

Unbelievable. whoa

I totally agree. After being married twice I learned that I am better off unmarried than to have to support and be a mother AND WIFE to a man who has not grown up yet.

I find that responsible and grown up men are hard to find. They are all looking for a mama who can also be a lover.

Older men are often looking for a mama and nurse maid and a cook to take care of them in their old age.

I'm not saying all men are, but if you are a man, take a look at your reasons for wanting a wife and see if you don't fit this description. I'm not saying that you won't find a woman willing to be your nurse maid, but you better not expect her to support you in addition to that.

no photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:37 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 01/25/09 10:39 AM

oh and btw.. It does appear way to often that women want the following from a guy (reading profiles in other sites)....

a great (not just good) job and make over $100,000
a harley ( bad boy issues)
a good home, toys, quad bikes etc.
a desire to do world travel.
a college education, or more
be a ( should I dare say this) a nice guy, no drama
communication, honesty etc etc

and its usually in that order go figure


Let me put it this way,

And I am REALLY serious about this!

If I managed to succeed and get ahead to the point I feel comfortable and this means I got a minimum of 1M in the bank, my own home, and an income assured without me having to "work" like I do ever again what makes any of these women think for a moment I would even BE monogamous at that point?
Women can want what you described all day long but those are the words of gold diggers and I could NEVER take a woman with that crap in her profile seriously no matter what she said to me because it will always be a suspicion that my money made me more attractive. What do some women think, they can have OUR cake and eat it too?
Welcome to equality and the new millennium!
Sorry ladies if I am coming off like a choad but the fact is I am sick and tired of all the gold digging I keep coming across.
I am so sick of "prince charming" this and 'Looking for my King' that. It implies "Hi, I'm shallow and am looking for a rich guy that has a lot of money!"
Us Heros are overlooked because we don't have shiny armor.

Are you saying that your financial condition is what decides if you are monagamous, & if you were wealthy you wouldn't be?

Yes I think that is what he is saying.

But to respond to his post as to why women look for a man with power and money is this: CHILDREN NEED SUPPORT.

Marriage usually involves CHILDREN AND FAMILY.

A woman looking for a suitable mate is not going to disregard that fact and pick some homeless guy off the street no matter how much "potential" he claims to have, if she has a brain in her head.

Now if there were no possibility that children might enter the picture, it would not matter that much about money unless the woman really is a gold digger and just wants furs and diamonds and luxury and status. If that is the case then she is no better than a hooker, and the man, having bought his arm candy (having bought the cow) has every right to be unfaithful if he wants to, in my opinion.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:40 AM
Again, JustAGuy is a perfect gentleman, funny as hell, and a very nice individual...but it is doubtful any of the females here would give him the time of the day to realize that...

Geeze man. I am just going to hire you to be my PR

Thanks for the kind words Fear. :-)

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:41 AM

I am president of the Justaguy fan club!:heart:

I have a fan club???

I wondered why people kept sending me pictures and asking for autographs.slaphead

papersmile's photo
Sun 01/25/09 10:43 AM
I'm not saying all me are this way, but if you are a man, take a look at your reasons for wanting a wife and see if you don't fit this description. I'm not saying that you won't find a woman willing to be your nurse maid, but you better not expect her to support you in addition to that.

isn't that part of the role of a wife, or even a spouse in general? to take care of each other, and help one another out, wherever and whenever possible?

and maybe if more of us were willing to give in a relationship, and do things for the other, without expecting anything in return, there'd be far less breakups.

i'm not saying that anyone should be a doormat, be abused, or be used, by any means - just that i don't mind doing those things for someone that i love (of my own will, however, and not as a demand) providing the rest of the relationship is healthy and loving.