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Topic: You know your computer is old
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Thu 01/22/09 11:06 AM
Edited by smiless on Thu 01/22/09 11:06 AM
You know your computer is old when you have to wait 30 minutes to get it started uplaugh

and wait 30 minutes for it to shut downlaugh

adj4u's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:09 AM

You know your computer is old when you have to wait 30 minutes to get it started uplaugh

and wait 30 minutes for it to shut downlaugh

no that means it is infected with something

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:10 AM
poor thing needs a nap Blue Eyesflowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:11 AM

poor thing needs a nap Blue Eyesflowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

Hi beautiful. Today I feel everything is in slow motion. That is my computers faultlaugh

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:13 AM

You know your computer is old when you have to wait 30 minutes to get it started uplaugh

and wait 30 minutes for it to shut downlaugh

no that means it is infected with something

Kind of hard to believe since I never hooked it up to the internet unless it gets a virus from a software program you buy at a store?

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:15 AM

poor thing needs a nap Blue Eyesflowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

Hi beautiful. Today I feel everything is in slow motion. That is my computers faultlaugh
blushing blushing blushing smooched smooched

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:17 AM
Slow is my PRE slot 1 Laser 486DX II. That thing is a dinosaur.

aLittleBird's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:24 AM

You know your computer is old when you have to wait 30 minutes to get it started uplaugh

and wait 30 minutes for it to shut downlaugh

no that means it is infected with something

Kind of hard to believe since I never hooked it up to the internet unless it gets a virus from a software program you buy at a store?

Not enough RAM?

wiley's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:25 AM

Slow is my PRE slot 1 Laser 486DX II. That thing is a dinosaur.

I had one of those ages ago. Originally ran at 66Mhz until I got an upgrade to run at 133Mhz. W00t!

Ted14621's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:28 AM
no that means it is infected with something

Kind of hard to believe since I never hooked it up to the internet unless it gets a virus from a software program you buy at a store?

?? Isn't this the internet??

tanyaann's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:32 AM
You know your computer is old, when is askes for a viagra laugh

You know your computer is old, when is creaks more than a loose floorboard laugh

(I know totally cheesy lol)

Queene123's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:33 AM
i had one like that bef0re my very first computer was a 486 it was a peace of crap and only thing you could use it for was emaillaugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 01/22/09 11:58 AM

You know your computer is old when you have to wait 30 minutes to get it started uplaugh

and wait 30 minutes for it to shut downlaugh

:laughing: One of my computers is like that:laughing:

prisoner's photo
Thu 01/22/09 12:09 PM
:smile: i have a u see me complaining? be seeing you

XxAchillesxX's photo
Thu 01/22/09 03:32 PM

Slow is my PRE slot 1 Laser 486DX II. That thing is a dinosaur.

Hmmm...I think have one of those around ehre somewhere as a doorstop. laugh

scorpio90's photo
Thu 01/22/09 03:52 PM

You know your computer is old when you have to wait 30 minutes to get it started uplaugh

and wait 30 minutes for it to shut downlaugh that's what's wrong with my puter. I was wondering about that.

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 04:33 PM

You know your computer is old when you have to wait 30 minutes to get it started uplaugh

and wait 30 minutes for it to shut downlaugh

no that means it is infected with something

Yes, the microsoft virus.

iverson721's photo
Thu 01/22/09 04:36 PM
just reformat it...and add more ram

nogames39's photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:09 PM

You know your computer is old when you have to wait 30 minutes to get it started uplaugh

and wait 30 minutes for it to shut downlaugh

Must be windows XP..smokin

It is actually the opposite with computers, the older they are the faster they start up (older OS on a newer hardware).

Queene123's photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:26 PM

You know your computer is old when you have to wait 30 minutes to get it started uplaugh

and wait 30 minutes for it to shut downlaugh

Must be windows XP..smokin

It is actually the opposite with computers, the older they are the faster they start up (older OS on a newer hardware).

i have a xp and mine is about 3yrs old

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