Topic: George W Bush: We Will Never Forget | |
George W. Bush, on January 15, 2009, you stood before the American people and said that there is a battle being waged between "a small band of fanatics [that] demands total obedience to an oppressive ideology" and "[an]other system [that] is based on the conviction that freedom is the universal gift of Almighty God and that liberty and justice light the path to peace."
Make no mistake, Mr. Bush, you belong to that small band of fanatics. That band of fanatics has been terrorizing people since the beginning of recorded history and probably well before. You are only the latest incarnation of an evil and timeless beast that has worn the faces of Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Tojo Hideki. Let us not mince words, Mr. Bush, what you did to this country is exactly what those men did to theirs: you stole power by filthy means, you committed the nation to disastrous wars, and left your country in ruin. If this was your goal, then you can pronounce a hearty "Mission Accomplished." Mr. Bush, you have indeed left this country in ruins. In the course of our history, we have faced many determined and terrible enemies, from King George to Adolph Hitler, but none have done what you did: you have brought this country to its knees. When you think of your legacy, you can be sure of only one thing: future historians will point to your presidency as a turning point in the nation's history - the start of a long and perhaps irreversible decline in our fortunes and our prestige. You, Mr. Bush, are the result of a tragic accident: the apocalyptic convergence of absolute power with the complete absence of virtue. You are the scion of a family that has long used political power for personal gain. Your people are parasites clinging to the jugular of the nation. You used your father's connections at every step of your career: to get into school, to start businesses, to escape from service in Vietnam, to become governor of Texas, and to become a candidate for the presidency of the United States. As a child you tortured small animals, as a Yale student you engaged in sadistic initiation rites in your fraternity, as governor of Texas you executed 152 people. You had blood on your hands when you took office, Mr. Bush, and you have added oceans of blood during these eight long years. In your speech, you said, "I have been blessed to represent this nation." Mr. Bush, you never represented this nation. You represented only a small group of criminals who used the apparatus of government to channel money - our money - into their pockets. You and your henchmen looted the Treasury of the United States. You ran up debts that we, our children and our grandchildren will have to pay off. You used the entire Middle East as a money laundering operation for corporations like Halliburton, Bechtel and the Carlyle Group. You sent our tax dollars via Iraq and Afghanistan to bank accounts in Houston and Zurich. Make no mistake, you did not represent the people of the United States: you represented a group of gangsters, criminals and fascists. You robbed this country blind and called it government. In your speech the other night, Mr. Bush, you reminded us that, "I vowed to do everything in my power to keep us safe." On this score, you failed miserably and thousands of Americans are dead because of your failure. One of your first acts as president was to eliminate the cabinet-level position of Director of Counterterrorism and discontinue the Clinton administration's policy of pursuing Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. That's right: you stopped chasing the terrorists who threatened this country. And when your top aides warned you about impending terrorist attacks on American soil, you ignored them. On September 11, 2001, planes crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and into a field in Pennsylvania. Over 3,000 innocent Americans were sacrificed on that day. In a debate with Al Gore in 2000, you boasted that you would respond to any crisis this nation faces with "leadership," but on September 11, 2001, you climbed aboard Air Force One and ran like a frightened rabbit. Then, when the smoke cleared, you did everything in your power to prevent a thorough investigation into the causes of the tragedy and your complete and utter failure to prevent it. Mr. Bush, in your speech the other night, you claimed that, "As the years passed, most Americans were able to return to life much as it had been before 911." In a speech rife with shameless lies, this was perhaps the most shameless, because you used the attack on our country as a pretext to pervert our nation, trample our Constitution and murder thousands of innocents across the Middle East. First, you attacked Afghanistan, where you claimed the mastermind of the terror attacks was hiding. You failed to capture him, but he was not the real prize; the real prize was the oil hiding under the sands of Iraq. Despite massive evidence to the contrary - from our own intelligence services and those of our closest allies - you claimed that Iraq was behind 911 and that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. You knew that most Americans were too traumatized by the attacks of 911 to tell the difference between truth and lies. Mr. Bush, you ordered the invasion of Iraq and, in doing so, you killed over 100,000 innocent Iraqis. You built prisons and ordered the vilest acts of torture. You allowed the treasures of an ancient civilization to be looted and destroyed. You destabilized the entire Middle East and sowed the seeds of hatred of our country that will bear the fruit of murder and destruction for generations to come. Mr. Bush, you claimed that, "around the world, America is promoting human liberty, human rights, and human dignity." But we have the pictures from Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay. We know what you did. Those pictures will not go away. You put that man on the box and strapped the electrodes to his fingers. You let the dogs loose on those prisoners. You left those men out kneeling in the sun. You did that, Mr. Bush. Mr. Bush, over 4000 young American men and women are dead because of you. You sent them to die in Iraq. Tens of thousands more are hideously maimed. They died in the service of your lies. They died because you wanted to make a small group of obscenely wealthy individuals even more obscenely wealthy. Mr. Bush, this nation was once a model of democracy. This is the nation that defeated fascism in Europe and Asia. This nation put men on the moon. This nation was the hope of all nations aspiring to democracy, freedom and prosperity. But you have soiled the reputation of the United States of America. You have put blood on our name. Mr. Bush, the soul of our nation is the Constitution. It is a sacred document, for it enshrines the fundamental principles of democracy. It represents the right of the people to rule their own affairs, instead of being ruled by kings. You violated both the spirit and the letter of the Constitution. You made a mockery of the Bill of Rights. You invaded the privacy of citizens. You imprisoned Americans without recourse to lawyers or a fair hearing in a court of law. You declared yourself a "unitary executive," beyond the power of the Constitution, Congress, the Courts and the will of the people. You declared yourself a king like the kings of England our forefathers fought and died against to give us our precious freedom. Mr. Bush, you not only desecrated our name and our sacred documents, you tore this nation apart. You divided this nation between red and blue, Republican and Democrat, north and south, east and west. You cast those who disagreed with you as unpatriotic. You set this nation at war with itself. Under you, there was only suspicion, discord and hate. In your speech, Mr. Bush, said, "we took decisive measures to safeguard our economy." No, Mr. Bush, you took decisive measure to bring this country to the verge of a Second Great Depression. When you entered office, this nation was enjoying a $200 billion annual government surplus. But you slashed taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals, committed the military to two ruinously expensive invasions, exploded the Pentagon budget, and eliminated oversight of government spending. Now, as you leave office, the United States is facing a yearly budget deficit of $1 trillion. And this is just the yearly total; in your two terms of office, you doubled our total national debt, bringing it to $10 trillion. In your speech, Mr. Bush, you said, "For eight years, we have also strived to expand opportunity and hope here at home." No, Mr. Bush, you have presided over the worst economic disaster since the 1930s. On your watch, millions of people have lost their jobs, their homes and their retirement savings. Under you, the stock market has crashed, banks have failed, and the entire American automobile industry is on the brink of collapse. Make no mistake, Mr. Bush, because of you, Americans of all ages and economic classes are significantly poorer. Millions now face hunger, homelessness and an uncertain future. And you did this so that you could transfer the wealth of this nation into the hands of your criminal cronies. Mr. Bush, the damage you did will hurt this nation for generations to come. We may never again enjoy the prestige or power that we enjoyed in the year 2000. You trashed the NATO alliance and mocked our oldest allies as "Old Europe". You squandered our blood and treasure in the Middle East, while nations like China and Russia were building their own wealth and power. On your watch, North Korea developed nuclear weapons. On your watch, a Pakistani scientist sold nuclear technology to all of our enemies. On your watch, you increased the chance of terrorists acquiring and using a nuclear bomb. That's right, Mr. Bush, if we see the mushroom cloud that you and Condoleezza Rice spoke of, it will probably be a direct result of your actions and your negligence. Mr. Bush, you mentioned Thomas Jefferson in your speech the other night. There is one thing you can be absolutely sure of: if the Founding Fathers had met you, they would revile you as a base cur, for you represent everything they fought against. You were able to seize power only because of the weaknesses inherent in their design. In truth, you represent the repudiation of American Democracy, for America started as a revolt against taxation without representation, and under your government the masses were taxed but only the kings of arms manufacture and oil extraction were represented. Mr. Bush, you may try to convince yourself and the world otherwise, but we know who you really are: you are a door through which evil enters the world. You are a tool for forces that you don't even understand. You are the crack along which the jewel shatters. Behind you, lies a wake of death and destruction. Your natural language is the lie. You cannot but open your mouth and falsehoods fly out. You are hate made manifest. You came as a curse upon this great land. You are the revenge of the Indian, the napalm-burned children of Vietnam, the murdered nuns of Guatemala and the martyrs of El Salvador. You are the karma of these United States. Know this, George W Bush: The corporate media may try to whitewash your crimes. The next president and his allies in Congress may fail to prosecute you. Your family and friends may still treat you like a human being. Your power and wealth may insulate you from your victims. But there are hundreds of millions of people - Americans and non-Americans alike - who know who you are and what you did. We saw every one of your crimes and heard every one of your lies. We will never forgive you. And we will never forget. _______ About author Chris Rowthorn is an American journalist based in Kyoto, Japan. He has written for the Japan Times and Kansai Time Out. |
i hope after tmrw you give it a rest
i hope after tmrw you give it a rest ![]() |
i hope after tmrw you give it a rest ![]() ![]() |
i hope after tmrw you give it a rest For REAL!! ![]() |
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Mon 01/19/09 02:18 PM
i hope after tmrw you give it a rest ![]() seriously Bush's term is done...(I mean unless Mrs Bush is gonna be running next election) and hes not gonna be tried for 'war crimes' so why not focus on something else for awhile??? and see what happens next?? more than half of the crap on the news and online is just that. crap. |
i hope after tmrw you give it a rest For REAL!! ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 01/19/09 02:20 PM
i hope after tmrw you give it a rest For REAL!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 01/19/09 02:21 PM
i hope after tmrw you give it a rest For REAL!! ![]() ![]() well we arent the ones gonna bring any charges. so who you think is. do u write to them daily? your 'evidence' is subjective....and to convict you need objective truth. and ummmmmmmmmmm..........what about congress???? |
I would think a wise person would actualy read the article and then make a comment
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I would think a wise person would actualy read the article and then make a comment ![]() |
fa·nat·i·cal (f-nt-kl) KEY
ADJECTIVE: Possessed with or motivated by excessive, irrational zeal. |
Millions agree that Bush and his admin should be held accountable, and want it demonstrated clearly that no one is above the law.
Unfortunately I think there are some pretty lame excuses that will come up for not doing so... I think the Democrats would like not to have anyone focusing on the fact that they stood by and let some things happen. And the other side wants to get get the hell out of town before or incase anything should come about... I don't envy those with the guts to take this on, they will be vilified at every step by Bush supporters that think he does no wrong.. |
fa·nat·i·cal (f-nt-kl) KEY ADJECTIVE: Possessed with or motivated by excessive, irrational zeal. What's so irrational in things listed? |
must be terrible to hate someone so badly that it totally consumes your life
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Special Prosecutor for Bush War Crimes
Submitted by Bob Fertik on December 18, 2008 - 9:45pm. 19222 of 100000 people have signed this petition. BackgroundDear Attorney General-Designate Eric Holder, We the undersigned citizens of the United States hereby formally petition you to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute any and all government officials who have participated in War Crimes. (Thanks to buhdydharma and the Docudharma community for the petition, and to Edger for the logo.) Update 1: On 12/20 we received a reply from Mr. Holder: Enough folks. I hear you. So out of respect we stopped forwarding each signature individually and will instead give him the list in full before the Senate confirmation hearings. Petition Dear Attorney General-Designate Eric Holder, We the undersigned citizens of the United States hereby formally petition you to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute any and all government officials who have participated in War Crimes. These crimes are being euphemistically referred to as "abusive interrogation techniques" by such respected figures as Senator John McCain. These are euphemisms for torture. Torture is a War Crime. Waterboarding is a War Crime. The CIA has admitted waterboarding detainees. Recently, Vice President Cheney has brazenly admitted authorizing the program that led to waterboarding, other forms of torture too numerous to list, and ultimately, the deaths by homicide of detainees. As Major General Antonio Taguba, the Army general who led the investigation into prisoner abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison has stated: "After years of disclosures by government investigations, media accounts and reports from human rights organizations, there is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has committed war crimes. The only question that remains to be answered is whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account." The Washington Post recently summarized the Senate Armed Services Committee Report on detainee treatment thusly: A bipartisan panel of senators has concluded that former defense secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and other top Bush administration officials bear direct responsibility for the harsh treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, and that their decisions led to more serious abuses in Iraq and elsewhere. We the undersigned citizens demand a full and thorough investigation immediately upon your taking office. This investigation should be pursued no matter where it may lead and no matter what the political implications may be. To this end, we remind you that you work not on behalf of or for the President or the Congress, but for the People of the United States of America and for Justice itself. The United States is a representative democracy. The actions of our government officials are done in the name of its citizens. War Crimes have been committed in our name. Torture has been done in our name. The only way to clear our name of War Crimes is to repudiate them through the aggressive prosecution of each and every person involved to the full extent of the law through the appointment of a Special Prosecutor. Go sign the petition,, |
Advocates of a Special Prosecutor for Bush Seek an Answer From Obama
By Michael Falcone With few exceptions the transition period has been a model of presidential goodwill and cooperation. Apparently, the curious users who have been submitting questions on President-elect Barack Obama’s Web site,, didn’t get the memo. In fact, the number one submission on the popular “Open for Questions” portion of the site might seem more than a little impolitic to the current, and soon to be former, occupant of the White House. “Will you appoint a Special Prosecutor — ideally Patrick Fitzgerald — to independently investigate the gravest crimes of the Bush Administration, including torture and warrantless wiretapping,” wrote Bob Fertik of New York, who runs the Web site, Though the Obama team has promised to answer some of the top questions as early as this week, they have not said whether they will respond to Mr. Fertik’s, which has received more than 22,000 votes since the second round of the question-and-answer feature began on Dec. 30. The site logged more than 1.5 million votes for 20,000-plus questions as of Wednesday. The second highest-ranked submission, which is about oversight of the nation’s banking industry, is several thousand of votes behind the query about a special prosecutor. Mr. Fertik’s question has been pushed to the top, in part, by a coalition of liberal bloggers, including a writer for the Web site, Daily Kos, who have “endorsed” it and encouraged their readers to vote for it on On his own site, Mr. Fertik pointed out that during his presidential campaign Mr. Obama left the door open to a special prosecutor. “What I would want to do is to have my Justice Department and my Attorney General immediately review the information that’s already there and to find out are there inquiries that need to be pursued,” Mr. Obama told a Philadelphia journalist last April. But he went on to emphasize the difference between what he called “really dumb policies and policies that rise to the level of criminal activity.” The Obama transition team rolled out the “Open for Questions” feature in December, and it’s part of their effort to give users a chance to interact with the incoming administration. Transition officials responded to some of first-round questions last month, including on the president-elect’s position on stem cell research and legalizing marijuana. No word yet on whether they’ll have an answer for Mr. Fertik. But a clue to their potential response might come from the mouth of Vice President-elect Joe Biden who told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos recently that he would not rule in or rule out a Justice Department inquiry into the role of top Bush administration officials in cases of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and other facilities. “The questions of whether or not a criminal act has been committed or a very, very, very bad judgment has been engaged in is something the Justice Department decides,” Mr. Biden sa You are far from alone on this subject Madman!! ![]() ![]() |
Update 1: On 12/20 we received a reply from Mr. Holder:
Enough folks. I hear you. So out of respect we stopped forwarding each signature individually and will instead give him the list in full before the Senate confirmation hearings. ![]() ![]() Sign the petition!! |
You built prisons and ordered the vilest acts of torture.
You put that man on the box and strapped the electrodes to his fingers. You let the dogs loose on those prisoners. You left those men out kneeling in the sun.
Under American Law Bush cannot be charged regarding this. The Military Commissions Act specifically covers this. As for the International Court trying him for any of this, the United States is not signatory to the International Court. Specifically so that no American could be brought before it for alleged war crimes. The whole idea of Bush being charged and tried with anything may be a sentiment felt by many but one that will never happen. |
i hope and pray america give obama the chance george bush wasnt given by the far left hateful handfull.this fabricated reasoning and speach only breads hatefull desention and divides a country with its unfounded debatable retoric.although george bush has made his share of mistakes. every president in history during wartime has also.the only difference is the american people had a pride in america and wanted america to win and didnt celebrate in our defeats and this gorge bushes war ?yes it is its hillery clintons war.john kerrys war al gores ar along with the majority of the democrats who voted on it who saw the same intelligents president bush did.i for one am in a large part of the population that feels it is a rightious war.i also believe there were tactical mistakes made.the biggest in believing the ones who voted for it would stand by there vote and see the war through which was never said to be a instant success. i can debate the the casualies compared to other wars lasting far shorter than this one.i can debate that clinton did verry little to combat terrism after being hit several times on his watch.but that would go on deaf ears. for hatred never sees positive things or the trueth .so i will leave with this.i am proud we have had a president who wasnt afraid to make the hard decisions that have to be made with an enemy like radical terrerist.if you hate bush for winning a war what would you do if he had lost?time will only tell what history writes about him. but i pray they include the hatred and hope for his failure that has existed all through his presidentsy.of course you can cut my grammer and spelling to death. but write my own stuff