Topic: George W Bush: We Will Never Forget
no photo
Mon 01/19/09 11:52 PM
Don't you see guys...This is the age of the passed buck...The age of, I was just trying tohelp.. Willful ignorance abounds..People like feline female there will never understand.. It isn't just a matter of lack of historical perspective.. It all comes down to not wanting to be wrong.. I voted for him therefore he is good.. God was on his side therefore he can do no wrong..It is insidious this attachment of self to another.. It goes even deeper than that.. But basically it is the unwillingness to admit having made a mistake..Myunlce has the same disease..The sin of pride,, and we all know what it comesbefore.. WILL

madisonman's photo
Tue 01/20/09 05:20 PM

Don't you see guys...This is the age of the passed buck...The age of, I was just trying tohelp.. Willful ignorance abounds..People like feline female there will never understand.. It isn't just a matter of lack of historical perspective.. It all comes down to not wanting to be wrong.. I voted for him therefore he is good.. God was on his side therefore he can do no wrong..It is insidious this attachment of self to another.. It goes even deeper than that.. But basically it is the unwillingness to admit having made a mistake..Myunlce has the same disease..The sin of pride,, and we all know what it comesbefore.. WILL
We will never forget.

madisonman's photo
Wed 01/21/09 05:24 PM

fa·nat·i·cal (f-nt-kl) KEY


Possessed with or motivated by excessive, irrational zeal.

22% the last I read....laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
22% it is my friend.

dicimus01's photo
Wed 01/21/09 08:09 PM
Tonight on Larry King Nancy P said an investigation has been started. Prez Obama has left it to the Legislative Branch. The work will get done.

no photo
Wed 01/21/09 08:27 PM
For Bush to be charged would mean Obama relinquishing powers he intends to use..JMO

Fanta46's photo
Wed 01/21/09 09:00 PM

For Bush to be charged would mean Obama relinquishing powers he intends to use..JMO

I must be missing something here Temp.
What exactly do you mean?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 01/21/09 09:28 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 01/21/09 09:29 PM
House Speaker Pelosi wants Congress to investigate Bush's administration conduct
Jan 18, 2009

WASHINGTON - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants an investigation into whether the Bush administration broke the law when it fired a group of federal prosecutors.

She says that what she calls the politicizing of the Justice Department cannot go unreviewed.

House Democrats last week recommended a criminal investigation to see if administration officials broke the law in the name of national security. The report cited the interrogation of foreign detainees, warrantless wiretaps, retribution against critics, manipulation of intelligence and the fired prosecutors.

Barack Obama has been more cautious. He has said he believes there is a need to look forward as opposed to looking backward.

Pelosi appeared on "Fox News Sunday."

Logan1976's photo
Wed 01/21/09 09:38 PM
Congress passed a bill lastweek allowing warrantless wire taps. Just in time for LORD Obamas 1000 year reign.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 01/21/09 09:42 PM

Congress passed a bill lastweek allowing warrantless wire taps. Just in time for LORD Obamas 1000 year reign.

Im not from Missouri, but show me!!!

Logan1976's photo
Wed 01/21/09 10:06 PM
Listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on your radio 2morrow you may learn alot of things that might shock you. Do you know who William Eyers is? Or perhaps that Obama was the Charmain of ACORN. You may have heard about them. Or maybe that Obama sat in church while Reverend Wright said "God damn America". If on September 12th 2001 I told you that in 2009 the presidents name would be Barack HUSSEIN Obama what would've been your reaction?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 01/21/09 10:11 PM

Listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on your radio 2morrow you may learn alot of things that might shock you. Do you know who William Eyers is? Or perhaps that Obama was the Charmain of ACORN. You may have heard about them. Or maybe that Obama sat in church while Reverend Wright said "God damn America". If on September 12th 2001 I told you that in 2009 the presidents name would be Barack HUSSEIN Obama what would've been your reaction?

Its Ayers...

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity??? LMAO,,,OMG,,,frustrated frustrated frustrated

no photo
Wed 01/21/09 11:14 PM

LIES! There are alot of sick and twisted people like the MADMAN on this site. I dont hate you. You have the right to spread your Liberal left wing extremist propaganda. I just have one question. Have any of yall read the Constitution of the United States of America? I suspect you were too busy reading the Communist Manifesto. Or perhaps brushing up on Marxism. Maybe you were worshiping at the alter of your LORD and Messiah Barack Hussein Obama. Possibly so involved bashing Bush you forgot to discover what Obama is all about. Is this really how LIBERTY dies with resounding applause? Congradulations Commrad. Your selling our Constitutional rights to the government one ammendment at a time. I will leave you with a quote from the Federalist. A patriot must always be prepared to defend his country from its own government.

You sure you aren't that white haired crazy old lady telling McCain Obama's an arab? LOL Some folks always see scary things all around them. Sad...

no photo
Wed 01/21/09 11:20 PM

Listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on your radio 2morrow you may learn alot of things that might shock you. Do you know who William Eyers is? Or perhaps that Obama was the Charmain of ACORN. You may have heard about them. Or maybe that Obama sat in church while Reverend Wright said "God damn America". If on September 12th 2001 I told you that in 2009 the presidents name would be Barack HUSSEIN Obama what would've been your reaction?

Oh please!! We have been over this a million times. Only Rush and Hannity could have kept a straight face on all that bs. Looks like you fell for the hype hook line and sinker.

Logan1976's photo
Thu 01/22/09 03:45 PM
Socilism has never been successful. Any encyclopedia will confirm that statment as fact. Americas economy is based on capitalism. Abandoning free market principles will never be sucessfull. Those who voted for Obama are Socialist,uninformed,or did so because of race. He has fooled many people. With the help of the drive by media who hate conservative values. Bush had trickle down economics. Obama has trickle up poverty. Please dont try to take away my freedom of speech. After 8 years of liberal Bush bashing, it is now my turn.

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 04:07 PM

Listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on your radio 2morrow you may learn alot of things that might shock you. Do you know who William Eyers is? Or perhaps that Obama was the Charmain of ACORN. You may have heard about them. Or maybe that Obama sat in church while Reverend Wright said "God damn America". If on September 12th 2001 I told you that in 2009 the presidents name would be Barack HUSSEIN Obama what would've been your reaction?

You actually take Rush Limbaugh seriously? scared

madisonman's photo
Thu 01/22/09 04:53 PM

Listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on your radio 2morrow you may learn alot of things that might shock you. Do you know who William Eyers is? Or perhaps that Obama was the Charmain of ACORN. You may have heard about them. Or maybe that Obama sat in church while Reverend Wright said "God damn America". If on September 12th 2001 I told you that in 2009 the presidents name would be Barack HUSSEIN Obama what would've been your reaction?

You actually take Rush Limbaugh seriously? scared
Some do we have a guy at work like that. We super glue his dial lock on his locker whenever we get bored laugh

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:42 PM

Socilism has never been successful. Any encyclopedia will confirm that statment as fact. Americas economy is based on capitalism. Abandoning free market principles will never be sucessfull. Those who voted for Obama are Socialist,uninformed,or did so because of race. He has fooled many people. With the help of the drive by media who hate conservative values. Bush had trickle down economics. Obama has trickle up poverty. Please dont try to take away my freedom of speech. After 8 years of liberal Bush bashing, it is now my turn.

What is it that makes Socialism so bad? What system has been shown to be successful? As long as people are deceived and as long as greed exists corruption will also exist.

madisonman's photo
Thu 01/22/09 06:36 PM

Socilism has never been successful. Any encyclopedia will confirm that statment as fact. Americas economy is based on capitalism. Abandoning free market principles will never be sucessfull. Those who voted for Obama are Socialist,uninformed,or did so because of race. He has fooled many people. With the help of the drive by media who hate conservative values. Bush had trickle down economics. Obama has trickle up poverty. Please dont try to take away my freedom of speech. After 8 years of liberal Bush bashing, it is now my turn.

What is it that makes Socialism so bad? What system has been shown to be successful? As long as people are deceived and as long as greed exists corruption will also exist.
We have a mixed economy in america. A pure capitalistic society would be over thrown by the folks on the bottem. Think social security, welfare, medicaid and medicair. etc etc.

nogames39's photo
Thu 01/22/09 10:35 PM

What is it that makes Socialism so bad? What system has been shown to be successful? As long as people are deceived and as long as greed exists corruption will also exist.

Socialism is BAD, because it presumes no freedom. Unless this is not a big deal for you, let me show why socialism presumes no freedom.

In capitalism (we are not in capitalism), you and your friend can freely choose to exercise socialism between two of you. In fact, it is very widely supported arrangement, called marriage.

Other groups are trying to establish an automatic recognition of such, for instance, gays.

But, you do need to be married to exercise socialism. Simply share all you make and all you spend with someone else.

Now socialism, can not allow any two to exercise capitalism between themselves. It necessarily demands EVERYONE to participate in common economy, without any regard to merit.

This is the easiest approximation of why socialism is bad, but there are others, which are pointless to discuss, because this simplest one already makes socialism repulsive to an American.

no photo
Fri 01/23/09 10:37 AM
Socialism seems bad to those who don't really understand it. Most people only have a distorted view of it, that has been told to them by the capitalists. The only true form of socialism is libertarian socialism. We have only ever seen versions that still had an authoritarian elite system. Those versions are not socialism they are capitalism. I know it's doubtful that true socialism would ever work here, but the idea of it doesn't look so bad on paper to me anyway...