Topic: Stop Unfair tobacco taxes.. take action now
adj4u's photo
Fri 01/16/09 06:04 PM
Edited by adj4u on Fri 01/16/09 06:05 PM

How'd we go from taxing cigarettes to drugs? What did I miss?

this is how

what this surprise you
what because it does not effect nonsmoker you should ignore the injustice
they could legalize victim less crime and tax them (drugs n prostitution for example)

I don't think you can label drugs a victimless crime...

adj4u's photo
Fri 01/16/09 06:05 PM

what this surprise you
what because it does not effect nonsmoker you should ignore the injustice
they could legalize victim less crime and tax them (drugs n prostitution for example)

I don't think you can label drugs a victimless crime...

why not explain who the victim is plz

The person mugged for cash to pay for the drugs.

The person whose place of business gets broken into.

The person whose home is broken into.

The person who loses their home to fire when the meth lab next door blows up.

Every consumer who pays more for goods because of theft to pay for drugs.


To the tax thing. I smoke and see nothing wrong with taxing it.
A: will stop people from starting if it's too expensive
B: less people smoking is less of a drain on medical services
C: those who do, such as myself, less inclined to continue.

For those living in tobacco country...sorry but there are other cash crops less detrimental to the general health of the population.

if they were legal and taxed those victims would not exist

Drago01's photo
Fri 01/16/09 06:10 PM
Legalize Marijuana and tax the Holy Bejesus outta it. They would get rich.

mnhiker's photo
Fri 01/16/09 07:18 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Fri 01/16/09 07:19 PM
Although I don't smoke, I think that anti-smoking advocates have become as vehement and mean as Nazis.

They have forced their will on restaurants, bars and other institutions here in Minnesota, who have lost money because the smokers that used to frequent their establishments are going elsewhere.

I mean, it's become the New Prohibition.

And not only can smokers not smoke indoors, they can't smoke in a lot of places outdoors, either.

I think we all agree that smoking is a bad habit, but this is a free country and you can't just force your will on everyone you disagree with.

If the anti-smoking Nazis really wanted to put their money where their mouths are, they would raise money to finance 'Quit Smoking' programs in the workplace, to make it easier for people who want to quit, instead of outlawing smoking everywhere but in a glass cage underground somewhere.

This way, the employers wouldn't have to foot the bill for it.

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 01/17/09 12:34 AM
Keep electing those left wing liberals.They know what is best for you!

Conservatives-Less government

Liberal-More government

nogames39's photo
Sat 01/17/09 12:54 AM

Stop Unfair tobacco taxes.. take action now

Taxes as they are today are illegal in this country, because, they are unfair.

Not only tobacco taxes.

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 01/17/09 12:57 AM
Apparently people want more laws and more Government intervention in their lives.Why else would you elect the most Liberal member of Congress.I won't be surprised at all if Obama bans smoking in city limits.

Lynann's photo
Sat 01/17/09 01:05 AM
Yep...I don't smoke but I's sad when you can be fired from your job for engaging in a legal activity when you are not on the clock or on company property.

Here in Michigan we can thank a republican administration for setting the laws in place to that allow that.

Funny...for the last eight years when anti-smoking measures and higher tobacco taxes were being levied you didn't post holding Bush responsible. And now a week before Obama even takes office some are blaming Obama for this?

Nice way to rewrite history...before it even happens.

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 01/17/09 01:13 AM
What does Bush have to do with this at all?Bush never passed any smoking bans.This is a local,city,and state to state issue.You can do the research.All this not smoking here and there started with Liberal Democrats.You can look at the voting records and your fellow Republicans typically voted against it.If it is a dumb,stupid,law rest assured Democrats are going to pass it.

It's liberal Democrats that want...

Cow fart tax
Soda taxed heavily or banned
Fast food taxed heavily or banned
Cigarettes taxed heavily or banned
Limit the miles you can drive in your car a year

Obama is a Liberal.There is no way we are going to have more freedoms under him and less taken away.

Winx's photo
Sat 01/17/09 01:44 AM
In Missouri 60 cents of every dollar of the state taxes for cigs goes to health insurance for poor kids in our state.

I just heard that on the news.bigsmile

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/17/09 07:58 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Sat 01/17/09 08:00 AM
this whole anti smoking attitude that really took off when Clinton came into exactly why I will not and cannot understand Liberalism...I thought it was all about choice ?...see how they's only about choice...when it comes to their agenda...whatever happened to private property rights ?...look...If I own a restaurant...and...I want to sit at the bar...sippin' a wine...and smoking a cigar...the government has no right to tell me I can't...they should of passed a law...where bars and restaurants...would have to post a sign on the front door that says " This is a smoking establishment "...and let the people decide if they want to eat or drink their...also...they sure don't mind that tax they...:smile: ...opps !...I almost forgot...the left's argument on this is " what about the employees ? "...if you don't like the think it's harming you...then quit...and find a job somewhere else...happy

Winx's photo
Sat 01/17/09 09:16 AM
Edited by Winx on Sat 01/17/09 09:28 AM

Think about it. Maybe anti-smoking happened because it's unhealthy and we found out about even more about how harmful it was. I know people that can't be around smoke due to health reasons. My father has severe COPD.

oldsage's photo
Sat 01/17/09 09:24 AM
Simple answer, don't want to pay the tax???


Or, grow your own tobacco & smoke it in a homemade pipe. Nothing Illegal about that.

Just like wine, you can make your own, as long as you don't sell it. Booze, same way.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/17/09 09:33 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Sat 01/17/09 09:35 AM


Think about it. Maybe anti-smoking happened because it's unhealthy and we found out about even more about how harmful it was. I know people that can't be around smoke due to health reasons. My father has severe COPD.

let the people decide for themselves...its about choice...right ?...or...only's about government's about private property rights...I mean we're trying to snuff out cigarettes...but...we want to legalize gay marriage ?...ohhhhhhhhhh for the 50's....tears's my whole behavior argument...on the one hand...Liberals don't like this behavior...but...on the other hand...this behavior is okay ?...who the hell are they to decide whats right in my world !!!...let the people decide...

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 09:41 AM


Think about it. Maybe anti-smoking happened because it's unhealthy and we found out about even more about how harmful it was. I know people that can't be around smoke due to health reasons. My father has severe COPD.

let the people decide for themselves...its about choice...right ?...or...only's about government's about private property rights...I mean we're trying to snuff out cigarettes...but...we want to legalize gay marriage ?...ohhhhhhhhhh for the 50's....tears's my whole behavior argument...on the one hand...Liberals don't like this behavior...but...on the other hand...this behavior is okay ?...who the hell are they to decide whats right in my world !!!...let the people decide...
Gio my friend you need to learn to live by your own words!!!!!!!!laugh

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/17/09 09:48 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Sat 01/17/09 09:55 AM


Think about it. Maybe anti-smoking happened because it's unhealthy and we found out about even more about how harmful it was. I know people that can't be around smoke due to health reasons. My father has severe COPD.

let the people decide for themselves...its about choice...right ?...or...only's about government's about private property rights...I mean we're trying to snuff out cigarettes...but...we want to legalize gay marriage ?...ohhhhhhhhhh for the 50's....tears's my whole behavior argument...on the one hand...Liberals don't like this behavior...but...on the other hand...this behavior is okay ?...who the hell are they to decide whats right in my world !!!...let the people decide...
Gio my friend you need to learn to live by your own words!!!!!!!!laugh

I may be pro life...and believe that abortion is wrong...but...I never said we should do this or that to change the never's a battle that I fight with words alone...I may think gay marriage is wrong...but...I'm not out their trying to change any laws...I'm just *****in' with words alone...I'm a grouchy prick...when it comes to what I see happening in this words are no threat to anyone...with each passing day...we slide down...bit by bit...what do I 30 years I'll be gone...then I don't give a crap !!...ohhhhhhhh for the 50's...tears ...if you look at all the wedge issues...of today...the people did NOT make those decisions...the government...or...the Supreme Court did...lets put everything to a vote...smoking ? place of business...then I should set the terms...not the my hero Archie says..."If I want to walk down the street with a cigar stuck in my face...then you've got to respect that "

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:19 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 01/17/09 10:22 AM


Think about it. Maybe anti-smoking happened because it's unhealthy and we found out about even more about how harmful it was. I know people that can't be around smoke due to health reasons. My father has severe COPD.

let the people decide for themselves...its about choice...right ?...or...only's about government's about private property rights...I mean we're trying to snuff out cigarettes...but...we want to legalize gay marriage ?...ohhhhhhhhhh for the 50's....tears's my whole behavior argument...on the one hand...Liberals don't like this behavior...but...on the other hand...this behavior is okay ?...who the hell are they to decide whats right in my world !!!...let the people decide...
Gio my friend you need to learn to live by your own words!!!!!!!!laugh

I may be pro life...and believe that abortion is wrong...but...I never said we should do this or that to change the never's a battle that I fight with words alone...I may think gay marriage is wrong...but...I'm not out their trying to change any laws...I'm just *****in' with words alone...I'm a grouchy prick...when it comes to what I see happening in this words are no threat to anyone...with each passing day...we slide down...bit by bit...what do I 30 years I'll be gone...then I don't give a crap !!...ohhhhhhhh for the 50's...tears ...if you look at all the wedge issues...of today...the people did NOT make those decisions...the government...or...the Supreme Court did...lets put everything to a vote...smoking ? place of business...then I should set the terms...not the my hero Archie says..."If I want to walk down the street with a cigar stuck in my face...then you've got to respect that "
I liked All in the family too. But i was what all of 8 years old. Archies character was a racist pig. I perfer to look towards the future. The past is the past and theres no bringing it back. All we can do is "Learn" from it and not make the same mistakes. I agree with you! Its our lives to live the way we want. If we want to allow smoking in your establishment, we should be able. If we want to marry someone of the same sex, so be it. If you feel in your "OWN" heart you need to abort a pregnacy, even though I disagree, its your choice not mine. I only have to worry about what I do when it comes to my god! Religion is a personal thing to me. I can not judge other peoples sins. Plain and simple!!!!!

tngxl65's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:30 AM
Smoking is estimated to cost over $50 billion per year in health and lost time expenses, much of which gets passed on to those that don't smoke. I just don't have a problem with it being heavily taxed.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:31 AM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Sat 01/17/09 10:35 AM

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/17/09 10:33 AM


Think about it. Maybe anti-smoking happened because it's unhealthy and we found out about even more about how harmful it was. I know people that can't be around smoke due to health reasons. My father has severe COPD.

let the people decide for themselves...its about choice...right ?...or...only's about government's about private property rights...I mean we're trying to snuff out cigarettes...but...we want to legalize gay marriage ?...ohhhhhhhhhh for the 50's....tears's my whole behavior argument...on the one hand...Liberals don't like this behavior...but...on the other hand...this behavior is okay ?...who the hell are they to decide whats right in my world !!!...let the people decide...
Gio my friend you need to learn to live by your own words!!!!!!!!laugh

I may be pro life...and believe that abortion is wrong...but...I never said we should do this or that to change the never's a battle that I fight with words alone...I may think gay marriage is wrong...but...I'm not out their trying to change any laws...I'm just *****in' with words alone...I'm a grouchy prick...when it comes to what I see happening in this words are no threat to anyone...with each passing day...we slide down...bit by bit...what do I 30 years I'll be gone...then I don't give a crap !!...ohhhhhhhh for the 50's...tears ...if you look at all the wedge issues...of today...the people did NOT make those decisions...the government...or...the Supreme Court did...lets put everything to a vote...smoking ? place of business...then I should set the terms...not the my hero Archie says..."If I want to walk down the street with a cigar stuck in my face...then you've got to respect that "
I liked All in the family too. But i was what all of 8 years old. Archies character was a racist pig. I perfer to look towards the future. The past is the past and theres no bringing it back. All we can do is "Learn" from it and not make the same mistakes. I agree with you! Its our lives to live the way we want. If we want to allow smoking in your establishment, we should be able. If we want to marry someone of the same sex, so be it. If you feel in your "OWN" heart you need to abort a pegnacy, even though I disagree, its your choice not mine. I only have to worry about what I do when it comes to my god! Religion is a personal thing to me. I can not judge other peoples sins. Plain and simple!!!!!

we kind of agree here...but...[ you knew that was coming ]...I like to think of Archie as a bigot...NOT racist...I always give this analogy..." theres an episode where Archie has always wanted to be a CannonBowler...but...there was never a spot open on the team...until Hank Phillips pressure from the league to fill that spot with a black guy...Charlie he and Archie have a one game bowl see who makes the team...Archie goes first...bowls a 167...not his best...but...pretty Charlie steps up and BAM !...BAM !...BAM!...three strikes in a row...Archie can't watch he goes home to wait for the call...while waiting the meathead and him get into this whole debate...about keeping this black guy off the team because he's Archie says...we're not keeping him off the team for what he is...we're keeping him off the team...for what he isn't...I mean...if he isn't white...Protestant and good bowler...then he ain't makin' the team !! "...that my friend is a