Topic: Bin Laden
Lynann's photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:38 PM
Remember this guy? Bush has been looking for him for how long?

Well he's just released a new rant.

Cheney hinted that the current administration had a few more days to get Bin Laden...I hope they's the latest.

In a message entitled "A Call for Jihad to Stop the Aggression against Gaza", he urged a jihad against the Israeli offensive targeting Hamas and criticised Arab regimes for preventing those who want to "liberate Palestine".

The 22-minute message said al-Qaeda would open new fronts in its struggle and US President-Elect Barack Obama now had a choice between withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan, and drowning in economic crisis.

It was not immediately clear when the message, dated in the current Islamic month and posted on Islamist websites, was recorded.

However, the US State Department said it had no reason to doubt the recording's authenticity and the White House said it showed Bin Laden was isolated and trying to raise money.

Played over a still image of Bin Laden, it said: "God has bestowed us with the patience to continue the path of jihad for another seven years, and seven and seven years.

"The question is, can America continue its war with us for several more decades to come? Reports and evidence would suggest otherwise."

The fugitive Saudi militant, who has a $25 million (£17m) bounty on his head and has been in hiding since the September 11 attacks in 2001, also said that the global financial crisis had exposed the waning influence of the United States and would in turn weaken its ally Israel.

He urged Muslims to "join hands with the mujahideen", and continue bleeding the enemy "on these two fronts and on the others that are open to you".

He said George W Bush had left his successor "with a heavy inheritance," of choosing between withdrawing from the wars and continuing.

"If he withdraws from the war, it is a military defeat. If he continues, he drowns in economic crisis," bin Laden said.

A White House spokesman said the message showed Bin Laden attempting to "remain relevant" when his network's ideas and agenda were under attack.

Bin Laden last spoke publicly in May with a recording coinciding with Israel's 60th anniversary.

He has not appeared in video footage since late 2004 when he emerged days before the US election to address the American public.

His failure to record a further video message has fuelled speculation about his health, though a counter terrorism official told the Daily Telegraph the working assumption was that he was alive.

If alive, he is likely to be hiding with other members of "core" al-Qaeda in Pakistan in the lawless territory bordering Afghanistan.

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:16 PM
If he was so important to Bush he would have stayed on course in Afghanistan instead of the mess he caused in Iraq. If both wars were so important they dam sure were run backwards!!!! Costing american lives on both fronts because so.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 01/14/09 03:07 PM

If he was so important to Bush he would have stayed on course in Afghanistan instead of the mess he caused in Iraq. If both wars were so important they dam sure were run backwards!!!! Costing american lives on both fronts because so.

Obama Announces his commitment to finally capturing or killing Bin Laden!!

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:01 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 01/14/09 04:08 PM

If he was so important to Bush he would have stayed on course in Afghanistan instead of the mess he caused in Iraq. If both wars were so important they dam sure were run backwards!!!! Costing american lives on both fronts because so.

Obama Announces his commitment to finally capturing or killing Bin Laden!!
I dont do youtube except for a laugh. We should have used our resources to get him instead of pulling out resources to go into Iraq. Iraq didn't have any military power! We took care of that in out the first Gulf war. All we did was walk into Baghdad and left all those military arms to be picked up by everyone. Same arms that came back to bite us in the azz. Now we cant leave without Iraq becoming the place that we were told to fear it was!!!!! Again Iraq could only fight Iran to a stalemate fully armed and with our support. Just what do you think will happen when we leave???????????? Hmmm someone said 100yrs! Was that the plan?

warmachine's photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:29 PM
Bin Laden is a boogeyman... a dead one at that.

Benazir Bhutto goes on the BBC, talks about Bin Laden being dead and BOOM, she's dead too.

I'm sick and tired of Bin Laden magically showing up when Americans finally start getting pissed off. We got us a Government full of Bin Ladens, lets focus on them first.

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:32 PM

Bin Laden is a boogeyman... a dead one at that.

Benazir Bhutto goes on the BBC, talks about Bin Laden being dead and BOOM, she's dead too.

I'm sick and tired of Bin Laden magically showing up when Americans finally start getting pissed off. We got us a Government full of Bin Ladens, lets focus on them first.

I couldn't agree more..

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:33 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 01/14/09 04:33 PM

Bin Laden is a boogeyman... a dead one at that.

Benazir Bhutto goes on the BBC, talks about Bin Laden being dead and BOOM, she's dead too.

I'm sick and tired of Bin Laden magically showing up when Americans finally start getting pissed off. We got us a Government full of Bin Ladens, lets focus on them first.
drinker drinker drinker I have been saying my whole life we should worry about OUR OWN and OUR OWN HOME!!!!

warmachine's photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:43 PM
If you've got a broken body (This Country) then how can you expect to help anyone else around you?

Us giving aid in any form to other countries, occupying the land overseas regardless of whether they want us on those 130+ bases or not and bailing out business no matter which ones they are is alot like the homeless guy loaning you 10 bucks. Seems stupid, looks stupid and in the end is actually very stupid.

unless you have a vested interest in seeing America the Republic die.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:04 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 01/14/09 09:05 PM
Israel's current handling of Gaza, and our past handling of every government and disagreement in the ME with violence and bullying is exactly why they all hate us.
It is exactly why Iran wants Nukes, and it is exactly why we need to use different tactics of diplomacy.
Even if we kill Bin Laden, which we should have already accomplished, the foreign policy of the Bush Administration and every Administration since WWI has not worked.
The Bush Administrations policies of aggression and isolation has created a whole new generation of America haters.
As soon as we kill Bin Laden he will be replaced by another. Probably more dangerous and more sophisticated with his terror.
We have to change tactics and we have to begin treating these people, cultures, and governments with understanding, equality, and cultural live and let live diplomacy.
If we cant learn by our past mistakes then we may as well get used to the terror.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:10 PM
We can start by treating the Palestinians and Israelis with equality.
Force Israel to back off the territory they have captured since at least 1967 and help the Palestinians create and equal State of their own. Equal military and economic aid to both.
Cut Israel off until they agree to give back the land.

Thomas3474's photo
Wed 01/14/09 11:51 PM
Al-Qaeda is finished.Bin laden has about as much power now as security guard in a mall.I enjoyed reading this post as it only backs up Bush's successful war on terrorism.We won they lost.Mission accomplished Mr Bush! drinker

no photo
Thu 01/15/09 07:53 AM

Al-Qaeda is finished.Bin laden has about as much power now as security guard in a mall.I enjoyed reading this post as it only backs up Bush's successful war on terrorism.We won they lost.Mission accomplished Mr Bush! drinker
laugh Two badly run wars that arnt over. Please explain how we can leave Iraq. Oh your going to blame that mess on OBAMAlaugh How is Afghanistan "Mission Accomplished"? Explain that to the family of the soldiers still being killed there!!! I thought we wanted OBL dead?????? He is just leaving a BIG MESS... "Mission Accomplished"rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

warmachine's photo
Thu 01/15/09 08:49 AM

Al-Qaeda is finished.Bin laden has about as much power now as security guard in a mall.I enjoyed reading this post as it only backs up Bush's successful war on terrorism.We won they lost.Mission accomplished Mr Bush! drinker

We won, they lost? We gave "them" exactly what they wanted: An expensive and unwinnable guerilla war, where the enemy is undefinable, which causes soldiers to kill and maim civilians. This in turn causes the radicalization of thousands of more people. Before this happened "AL Qaeda" (Al CIAda) was nothing more than a regional waste of oxygen, now they have tentacles in dozens of nations ranging from Morrocco to Iraq.

Who won again? Give you a hint, they're always calling for a New World Order.

beeorganic's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:08 AM
I make no pretenses of being a geopolitical/military expert; However, I can't think of any "war" involving the US military that wasn't run backwards/poorly in some capacity. As per Bin Laden being dead, do some of you have access to top secret information the rest of us aren't privileged to? Is he buried somewhere around Area 51? It appears to me that some are allowing their obvious hatred of Bush/republicans/conservatives cloud judgement. I believe an ounce of pragmatism is better than a pound of visceral speculation.

"I have been saying my whole life we should worry about OUR OWN and OUR OWN HOME!!!!". The same thought/beliefs I speculate Neville Chamberlain had in appeasment of the Hitler. Has another 9/11 like event taken place since? No. It is my belief (and fair assessment) that perhaps if the Clinton administration had taken decisive action after the first World Trade Center attack, the second one may never have taken place. Who knows?

"Please explain how we can leave Iraq". The best way I can answer that is when the President determines we should or congress cuts funding (which they could do/have done at any time). Do we still not have troops stationed in or a military presence in areas of previous conflicts (going back to world war two)? Uh huh.

I agree with Fanta, that even if we kill Bin Laden(assuming he's not already dead), there will be someone like him or a group to replace him. Radicals like nature abhors a void. I completely disagree with his appeasment solutions though.

"We have to change tactics and we have to begin treating these people, cultures, and governments with understanding, equality, and cultural live and let live diplomacy". Would you please cite me just one source (no matter how obscure), anytime in history, anywhere on this planet that tactic has ever worked? I can cite several where it has failed. In reading some of your previous posts in other threads...too bad you don't practice what you preach here in regards to other posters (good natured ribbing, nothing personal).

I believe unless one is willing to abandon all individual and personal beliefs, ideals, and convictions- terrorism/war will always be a fact of life. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. It's a matter of perspective and relativity.

nogames39's photo
Thu 01/15/09 11:29 AM

Bin Laden is a boogeyman... a dead one at that.

Benazir Bhutto goes on the BBC, talks about Bin Laden being dead and BOOM, she's dead too.

I'm sick and tired of Bin Laden magically showing up when Americans finally start getting pissed off. We got us a Government full of Bin Ladens, lets focus on them first.

Don't know about him being dead, but certainly, the role he fits the most to a sober thought, is nothing but a bogeyman.

"We haven't had another 911 since!", - yeah, and what does that prove? Stop supporting the radicals, and there will be one again, and as funny as this is, it doesn't even matter, whether there is Osama or not.

You'd think that if Osama really existed, he'd attempt to train us in exactly the opposite way... creating 911, whenever there is another military expansion.

Great post, warmachine.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 01/15/09 10:51 PM

Al-Qaeda is finished.Bin laden has about as much power now as security guard in a mall.I enjoyed reading this post as it only backs up Bush's successful war on terrorism.We won they lost.Mission accomplished Mr Bush! drinker

noway noway noway drinks
Tell the boys in Afghanistan that!