Topic: Kid Pics on profiles?
FedMan's photo
Sun 04/29/07 11:48 AM
most sites don't aloow posting pics with kids even when an adult is in
the pic? I have yet to see one and I have posted mine on several in the

megforhire's photo
Sun 04/29/07 04:14 PM
I have been on sites that do not allow children in profile pics . Some
sites actually have to approve pics before there even posted .

Everyone is entitled to there opinion but I for one think it is
dangerous . Dont you people watch TV . A predator can pick up on
anything and find you or your child .

lulu24's photo
Sun 04/29/07 04:16 PM
you have to give them a trail to follow...they can't just twinkle their
nose and know where you are.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/29/07 07:37 PM
that is so untrue.......noway noway noway noway noway noway
noway noway noway noway

Pucks's photo
Tue 05/01/07 05:33 PM
Twinkle doubt Lulu....i mean come on...Good luck trying to
find me. I give out no info and if you want to play games with me, i
will play them back. Common sense is what it is all about.
I guess some people just dont have that. Dohnoway

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:18 AM
The internet, like anywhere else in life is full of sick people. We as
parents and cargivers take as much danger away as possible. Does adding
a picture that you are so proud of on the internet really a bad
parenting choice. Umm If it is from here on in when I am out with my 2
little girls I better cover there face so no one reconizes them... Duh
is this a no brainer or what...

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:54 AM
Anyone thinking they're safe on here are badly mistaken,an ip can be
traced just as easy as looking up a phone number in your local
directory, proxys only serve to keep away the novice surfer from your
id, pedophiles will use any means at their disposal to get at these kids
and the internet is an excellent tool just for that. As far as pictures
go on here it depends on how determined the pedophile is. Keep in mind
it isn't just pedophiles, theres all sorts of wierdos on here. I'd
rather be safe than sorry, but each to their own.

lulu24's photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:00 AM
wouldn't a pedophile be more likely to search for someone a bit closer?

search my ip, and it'll come up with my they know i live
in this town. they'll still have to search through 60,000 people to
find us.

oh, and i'm not covering their faces when i go to the mall, either.

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:14 AM
With the knowledge and equipment your ip can be traced right to your
very residence, every ip has an ending destination, that's what hackers
do best. It can also be used to break into your pc and gather personal
information. But LuLu you are correct..we cannot walk around like
frightened rabbits, just be cautious and know at all times where our
children are.

Staynalone's photo
Mon 05/14/07 12:41 PM
Heya All
**** MY TWO CENTS ****
I am a single mom, two at home. 14 yr old girl, 9 year old boy. I live
in Greece N.Y a burb of Rochester.
A father goes in and out of a day care five days a week in Rochester to
pick up his daughter he manages to sexully abuse two ( not 1 but 2) of
the other children right there in the day care several times in 6
months. Charged, convicted and sentenced.
ALSO I sold and moved from a house that I loved back in August of 06 in
another neighborhood in greece cuz there were 6 level three sex
offenders living all around me. I don't worry about my kids pics being
anywhere. I worry about where they let those losers live. And if
anything were to happen to any child that I know whether it be mine or
another you can bet that when me and my two friends get done with them
they will wish they were never born cuz the cops wouldn't even know til
it was tooo late.

Pucks's photo
Mon 05/14/07 12:46 PM
Stayalone, Wow, thanks for sharing...Its interesting that your stories
are all about abusers who live around you and in daily
daycare or residing in your neighbourhood.
Those environments are a greater concern to me than the internet is.

rivergirl301's photo
Mon 05/14/07 12:49 PM
The pic I put up of my kids gives a general notion of what they sort of
look like. I don't give ages, when the photo was taken, you cannot see
how tall they are or how much they weigh. Any guy I date will not meet
my kids until we are certain we are pretty serious. Any guy who asks me
questions right off the bat about my kids, he will be out the door. It
is just common sense.

Staynalone's photo
Mon 05/14/07 12:53 PM
Just thought I would remind people that it's not the pics that get
abused it's the children so we should be watching our own backyards.

Staynalone's photo
Mon 05/14/07 01:03 PM
Thanks Pucks
There was no daily contacts. In N.Y they send out fliers within a
certain radius of the offenders new address and yes the address is on it
so we would hang cardboard signs to let them know that we know they are
there. The police would take them down and we would put up more. When it
comes to kids I'll take ha on no matter what.

Staynalone's photo
Mon 05/14/07 01:04 PM
You can also look them up on the public sights to see where they all

lulu24's photo
Mon 05/14/07 01:42 PM
yep...i took my daughters on one and showed them all of the pictures of
the men, as well as explained how close they all live to us.

frightened them, just a bit...but i want them to understand that there
ARE bad men out there.

Staynalone's photo
Mon 05/14/07 01:49 PM
Hey LuLu do you know state that was that the mother was dieing of cancer
and the mothers live in boyfriend and his father were sexually abusing
all three children, 2 girls and a boy. I don't think that pics on the
web could be worse than that.

lulu24's photo
Mon 05/14/07 02:00 PM
no clue which state, sorry.

my family is a little TOO aware of abuse, i mother is a
psychologist who originally specialized in best friend and
godmother to my eldest was taken at twelve by a friend's uncle, raped,
mutilated...he cut her breasts off, literally...

he took her into two local bars, where she protested vehemently that he
had taken her...he just said she was grounded and misbehaving, and not
to listen.

Staynalone's photo
Mon 05/14/07 02:16 PM
That's O.K thanks

But as for the rest of your writing (Sorry to hear that)I'd still be in
prison for everything that I did to the b-----d cuz I would have done
things that even he couldn't have imagined and then I would have told
that I knew everything I did was of concious mind and I did it for all
the parents that couldn't. And I'd do it again.

Staynalone's photo
Mon 05/14/07 02:17 PM
And the people in the bar SICK F---S.