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Topic: please help worried first time mom
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Wed 01/07/09 07:54 PM
my 8mo old daughter is sick for the first time ever shes teething and has a fever of 100.2 and has has some diarrhea along with a runny nose i cant get in touch with her doctor and im not sure what to do i gave her some Tylenol and she seems happy and has been playing like normal anybody know what to do

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Wed 01/07/09 07:55 PM
She sounds fine to me.....yawn

Etrain's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:56 PM
motrin will get the fever down

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Wed 01/07/09 07:56 PM
Edited by cutiecami on Wed 01/07/09 07:57 PM
should i do something for her fever i already gave Tylenol any home remedy's

FallinAngel82's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:57 PM
keep check on her fever, give her plenty of fluids, and baby orajel for her teeth and gums,

as for the runny nose wait till u get ahold of her doc and find out what he sugest for her to take could just be allergies

hope she gets to feeling better

danlouisiana's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:57 PM
NOT MEDICAL ADVICE, but advice for a dad who has been through teething 4 times. The temp that she's running at 100.2 is not high at all. Kids that age routinely run 101-102 when they are teething. It goes up quickly and comes down just as quickly. If she seems to feel okay and has no other symptoms of distress, relax in the knowledge that it will get worse! <Grin> Just keep a check on it every few hours. Welcome to the joys of teething!

ladypegasus's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:58 PM
Give her pedialyte or gatorade to keep her from getting dehydrated and tylonol for the temp. If she doesn't seem better by morning then check with her doctor.

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:59 PM

my 8mo old daughter is sick for the first time ever shes teething and has a fever of 100.2 and has has some diarrhea along with a runny nose i cant get in touch with her doctor and im not sure what to do i gave her some Tylenol and she seems happy and has been playing like normal anybody know what to do

Motrin better

izzie's photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:59 PM
you can alternate tylenol and motrin in 2 hour cycles. if the fever doesnt break in a few cycles then in the morning i would contact her dr again..
but as it is.. she sounds fine.. just normal baby stuff..
the fever is common with teething.
also a cool washcloth on her forehead will help with the fever as well.. but only cool.. NOT ice cold!

best of luck.

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 07:59 PM
100.2 isn't severe for her age. If it gets to high and out of control then try something w/ ibuprophen in it. If she is happy and playing, she is most likely fine. It all sounds like very typical teething symptoms.

Etrain's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:00 PM
get the teething ring and put it in the freezer for a bit...then let her munch on it...that'll cool her down

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:00 PM
she should be just fine. Watch the fever, keep the tylenol going ever 4 hours (if she continues to run a temp) or switch her to advil when she is due for her next dose.

Nothing to run to the ER about, not at this point, with what you are sharing. Keep her hydrated...pedialyte. Extra snuggle time from Mom is definately in order.

no photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:01 PM
thx u guys as for fluids i breast feed thats good enough right

angiebales's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:02 PM
That sounds normal for a baby teething..they will get a runny nose, diarhrea and a low grade fever when teething. Keep giving her the right amount of tylenol for her fever and she should be fine. If the fever goes any higher I would get it checked, but if not, it sounds very normal. You need the book..."What to Expect the First Year" it was what got me through my first was my baby If I hadn't had that book, I would have had him at the doc every day.

gurlgmr's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:02 PM
i have three children. yes, all of them had fevers while teething. It's NORMAL.
What you do is give them one dose of tylenol and then one dose of motrin. That should bring it down, but if not, one more dose tylenol one more motrin. You don't want to overdo the medication.
But keep an eye on her fever. IF it reaches 102, take her to the emergency room. OR IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU SHOULD, GO AHEAD AND TAKE HER. It is better to be safe. ;)

I'm not a doctor or anything, but that's what the doctors told me to do when all three of mine were babies.
Hope that helps.

sensualsweet's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:04 PM
For the fever, gently wipe her face, neck and body with a cool damp cloth... then cover her so she doesn't get a chill.

Keep checking the fever, but it is usally normal to have runny nose, slight fever, etc. while teething.

Give her a popsicle or frozen teether to nibble on to help ease the pain of teething. I've even used a clean, soft washcloth, with ice in it for them to nibble on for teething when all else was unavailable.

Check with doctor in the morning if possible, especially if fever persists or worsens.

Winx's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:04 PM

thx u guys as for fluids i breast feed thats good enough right

That's all the fluids that she needs at that age.

It could be just a symptom of teething but it's definitely something to keep an eye on. Tylenol or Motrin and make baby comfortable.

gurlgmr's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:04 PM
On second thought, maybe you should just go ahead and take her to the E.R. You can always get a hold of your doctor tomorrow, but for now, maybe you should go ahead and have her checked out. Just to be safe.

plk1966's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:04 PM
If she doesn't want the breat then got to the Pedialyte, it is designed for these siutuations

Winx's photo
Wed 01/07/09 08:05 PM

That sounds normal for a baby teething..they will get a runny nose, diarhrea and a low grade fever when teething. Keep giving her the right amount of tylenol for her fever and she should be fine. If the fever goes any higher I would get it checked, but if not, it sounds very normal. You need the book..."What to Expect the First Year" it was what got me through my first was my baby If I hadn't had that book, I would have had him at the doc every day.

I loved that book!!!

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