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Topic: please help worried first time mom
rlynne's photo
Fri 01/09/09 07:28 PM
k all good advice but a fever is not e.r. worthy until temp reaches 104 degrees F
then its serious
since it went down you are good, all the symptoms you mentioned are common for teething she may also need the motrin or Tylenol (watch dosage) to relieve pain of pressure on her ear drums..usually due to too much salivation..other than that..as long as she is acting and eating normally you have nothing to worry about...best of luck and you will do just fine..

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 07:40 PM

k all good advice but a fever is not e.r. worthy until temp reaches 104 degrees F
then its serious
since it went down you are good, all the symptoms you mentioned are common for teething she may also need the motrin or Tylenol (watch dosage) to relieve pain of pressure on her ear drums..usually due to too much salivation..other than that..as long as she is acting and eating normally you have nothing to worry about...best of luck and you will do just fine..

I agree!:thumbsup:

no photo
Sun 01/11/09 05:22 PM
shes doing good no more fever just runny nose and congestion now

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 01/11/09 06:47 PM
If she is stuffy take her in the bathroom and turn on the shower hot and let the steam make it a little easier for her to breath.

Letting them chew on a fresh chilled carrot with ridges carved in it. It will help cut the teeth through the gums.

I would strongly recommend adding filtered water since mouth breathing tends to dehydrate the baby. I would not use cold water as it may cause stomach cramps.

SIS85's photo
Mon 01/12/09 02:28 AM
wal mart has homeopathic teething tablets they work wonders u then only have to deal with the diaherria

mOnsTeRbAbE's photo
Sat 01/17/09 12:13 AM

my 8mo old daughter is sick for the first time ever shes teething and has a fever of 100.2 and has has some diarrhea along with a runny nose i cant get in touch with her doctor and im not sure what to do i gave her some Tylenol and she seems happy and has been playing like normal anybody know what to do

My doctor always says not to worry til the fever is 103 or higher. And I have had tons & tons of 104&higher. If it isn't higher then 101 you're fine!! Make sure to alternate mortron&tylenol so she doesn't get immuned to one of them :) good luck!

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 04:29 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 01/17/09 04:31 PM
Just watch over doing the Tylenol...Use only a directed and only when it is needed. It is very hard on the liver and kidneys. I used it only as a last resort...What I have red the symtoms are just a part of teething.

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:50 AM
thx so much for all ur help my baby is better now thx u so much guys

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:08 AM

should i do something for her fever i already gave Tylenol any home remedy's
One thing that my kids loved...put a wet wash cloth in the freezer and get it really cold, let her chew on it...it will soothe the gums....also....might put a bit of jello (poder) in a bottle of warm water for her...helps the teeth come through

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 01:21 PM
Edited by Dancere on Sun 01/18/09 01:24 PM

thx so much for all ur help my baby is better now thx u so much guys

A GREAT thing to use is the homeopathic teething remedy. It is made from chamomile and is a miracle!!! It will be in your local health store, some pharmacies. ALWAYS keep it around. Harmless, nontoxic, w/ INSTANT reponse results! Helps them to sleep like a "baby" asleep :wink: too!

It calms down the nervous system, pain, tummy response and the stomach, central nervous system meridians. Oh, on and on...

It is also great when a child is irritable about anything! Clinically, NOT usually a homeopathy fan, as it is not the most efficacious and impacting for adults. That said, it is SO powerful w/ babies. I think that is because they are SO pure and clean, they respond best to the least.

Also, get gripe water (dill or fennel) and Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy (I prefer the spray). Both also available at the aforementioned. You will not believe the immediacy of result!

W/ this arsenal??? You'll be SET for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!!! GL, and get some rest.flowers

PS- Get several teething rings that freeze, they love those! Keep rotating when one thaws out. They are at Target, Walmart, Grocery stores, Pharmacy, EVERYWHERE... cuz they work!!!

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