Topic: One-ness.....
Jess642's photo
Fri 01/09/09 01:16 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Fri 01/09/09 01:16 PM
A group of us were dagging around the front deck the other evening...talking, as we are want to do... sharing ideas... concepts... debating, etc...

And this came up...

(a little elastic thought helps...:wink:)

Approx 6.6 billion people call this space home....

Step back a little and halve the population... using the same kind of logic, halve again, and again, and again, and so on and so forth.... until you are left with that which does not halve......


Even in an over simplified way of thinking.... we all come from One....

...and then we asked... where did the One come from?

Was that one drempt, by a dreamer, who was one of 6.6 billion dreaming?

( And no illicit drug or other mind altering substances were used in this infomercial...:wink: laugh )

Any thoughts to the concept?

(preferably minus the madness train of thought, we already accept our human madness)

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 01/09/09 01:20 PM

A group of us were dagging around the front deck the other evening...talking, as we are want to do... sharing ideas... concepts... debating, etc...

And this came up...

(a little elastic thought helps...:wink:)

Approx 6.6 billion people call this space home....

Step back a little and halve the population... using the same kind of logic, halve again, and again, and again, and so on and so forth.... until you are left with that which does not halve......


Even in an over simplified way of thinking.... we all come from One....

...and then we asked... where did the One come from?

Was that one drempt, by a dreamer, who was one of 6.6 billion dreaming?

( And no illicit drug or other mind altering substances were used in this infomercial...:wink: laugh )

Any thoughts to the concept?

(preferably minus the madness train of thought, we already accept our human madness)

:tongue: It would take some window pane for me to answer this one:tongue:

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 01/09/09 02:36 PM

A group of us were dagging around the front deck the other evening...talking, as we are want to do... sharing ideas... concepts... debating, etc...

And this came up...

(a little elastic thought helps...:wink:)

Approx 6.6 billion people call this space home....

Step back a little and halve the population... using the same kind of logic, halve again, and again, and again, and so on and so forth.... until you are left with that which does not halve......


Even in an over simplified way of thinking.... we all come from One....

...and then we asked... where did the One come from?

Was that one drempt, by a dreamer, who was one of 6.6 billion dreaming?

( And no illicit drug or other mind altering substances were used in this infomercial...:wink: laugh )

Any thoughts to the concept?

(preferably minus the madness train of thought, we already accept our human madness)

hmmm ...

and yet, halving the separates down to a place of one is still only one of the separates huh

...but I digress ...

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 01/09/09 03:40 PM
"I"ness, "You"ness, Maybe later on some "We"ness?:smile:

davidben1's photo
Fri 01/09/09 06:13 PM
a human is born....

moved into a realm that was already pre-existing.....

a environment already constructed, so everything known to the current "awareness" came from the present realm, and within the present realm, all things appear to start and end here.....

how then can the present mind have any "point of reference" for anything without begining and ending.......

all things seen here have a start, so the humn mind cannot comprehend not needing a starting point, but awareness does not, and is, was, and always will be, infinite, ever expanding, just as the galaxie......

there is only one thing that is one.....aware

infinite never ending awareness?

what each one was, before creating their present form, then swimming into it, and living out a fantasy, a dream, learning more, adding to, creating greater awareness....

the way awareness, that is not restricted to being any ONE particular thing, increase itself, or multiply......

awareness when free, be what it wish, whenever it wish, where ever it wish.........

Jess642's photo
Sat 01/10/09 12:55 PM
laugh Thankyou....Mirror, Miss Sherrie :heart: , and David....

The responses you gave are EXACTLY some of the responses that came up...amongst our table of minds and hearts...

It fascinates me... how we identify the ' I ' in everything as a reference point... and yet as pretty much all of you have said... separate? 'real'...' I '.

awareness..continuum awareness... no beginning, no ending, a and out of form...

I have my own 'sense' of what it is... I just wanted to share our crazy convo, and hear other's understandings, other's knowings...

s1owhand's photo
Sat 01/10/09 06:07 PM
"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them..." - J R R Tolkien

no photo
Sat 01/10/09 06:10 PM
beyound the oneness of one.....are we going all the way down to the core....

dividing to the final cell that wont ...divide??


HMontana's photo
Sat 01/10/09 06:11 PM

laugh Thankyou....Mirror, Miss Sherrie :heart: , and David....

The responses you gave are EXACTLY some of the responses that came up...amongst our table of minds and hearts...

It fascinates me... how we identify the ' I ' in everything as a reference point... and yet as pretty much all of you have said... separate? 'real'...' I '.

awareness..continuum awareness... no beginning, no ending, a and out of form...

I have my own 'sense' of what it is... I just wanted to share our crazy convo, and hear other's understandings, other's knowings...

awareness..continuum awareness... no beginning, no ending, a and out of form...

I think you nailed it, Jess. We are all so the same, despite what we CHOOSE to see as differences. It's so interesting to FEEL this and understand that we all come from the same stuff and are not so far separated. This train of thought lends itself to acceptance of ourselves and those with whom we share this ride.

Monier's photo
Sat 01/10/09 09:13 PM
It's all about how one perceives life and the many ways you experience what you perceive. By choice, ability, nature, spirituality and more.

We may appear similiar in a general sense, but in actuality we are all so incredibly different on so many levels.

Our experiences: We are molded by our interaction (or lack of it) with others and how we react to them.

DNA: Predetermined life chances, personality quirks, possibility of disease. We are products of the mixing of our ancestry. To ignore DNA in life is to ignore the sand while walking on the beach.

Choice: The driving force in our lives and in my opinion the most powerful element of our existence. Even in environments of extreme control forced on us by the will of others, we still retain our individuality and ability to choose.

The planet is wonderful, but being on the same rock does'nt make us the same, it makes us neighbors.

Trying to find the meaning of your own existence is a never ending struggle. I'd like to think that the moment of my death I will realize it and I will embrace it.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/11/09 08:19 AM
Overpopulation sadness
Everyone is pointing fingers
blaming others for their badness

Is the world of Oneness nameless?
Are the ones within it blameless?
Is their purpose justly shameless?
Or are their actions truly aimless?

Floating through the stellar space
on a speck of dust we don't embrace
tis the nature of our race
to denigrate with much disgrace

Jessie Lee and Artsy Gurl
paint the world with thoughts they hurl
posting them in cyberspace
with hopes and dreams they'll be embraced

David Ben explains a bit
the nature of Zen Buddhist wit
in hopes that it will sound legit
and those who read it, it will fit

Slowhand has a lot to say
using Tolkien's bold cliché
One ring to rule
One thought to school
One planet full of humans who are mercilessly cruel

Montana sees the unity
in the global world community
it's such an opportunity
to love with pure impunity

I am me
you are you
but together we are we
and when we see that we are we
we become as one

Together we can wear the ring
the weds humanity to thee
and recognize that what we sing
are songs of you and me


s1owhand's photo
Sun 01/11/09 09:27 AM



in the group dynamic
very familiar
pathway back

unto yourself
without question


Jess642's photo
Sun 01/11/09 11:41 AM
sad sad :heart: :heart:

I feel you both, beautiful souls.....

DonnieDarko's photo
Sun 01/11/09 11:50 AM
Edited by DonnieDarko on Sun 01/11/09 11:52 AM
the trick is knowing that you are an individual in a world of individuals. what separates you brings you together. and as long as you are that individual you will always have that oneness. that moment when it feels like you have blossemed into a beautiful flower or something else that floats your boat. i dont bloom into a flower i expand into a wonderous galaxy. hoe you see my point.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/11/09 02:18 PM

Rubik's Cube and Pentacles
Earthlings have no tentacles
Slowhand's super-lightening brain
slaps down verse to entertain

Howling wolves on a moonlit sky
Rabbit sings a sultry sigh
Lyrics written by an average guy
For the King who made the women cry

They broke the mold when he was born
and all the women came to mourn
And Jessie Lee proclaimed, "Just Be!"
and pay no mind to adultery

The universe began to change
and everyone became estranged
their egos grew to greater heights
and people lost their primal rights

Now Jessie Lee is starting threads
telling those who've lost their heads
Just be the one you were before
before you judged yourself a whore!

Amoscarine's photo
Thu 10/31/13 03:32 AM

Overpopulation sadness
Everyone is pointing fingers
blaming others for their badness

Is the world of Oneness nameless?
Are the ones within it blameless?
Is their purpose justly shameless?
Or are their actions truly aimless?

Floating through the stellar space
on a speck of dust we don't embrace
tis the nature of our race
to denigrate with much disgrace

Jessie Lee and Artsy Gurl
paint the world with thoughts they hurl
posting them in cyberspace
with hopes and dreams they'll be embraced

David Ben explains a bit
the nature of Zen Buddhist wit
in hopes that it will sound legit
and those who read it, it will fit

Slowhand has a lot to say
using Tolkien's bold cliché
One ring to rule
One thought to school
One planet full of humans who are mercilessly cruel

Montana sees the unity
in the global world community
it's such an opportunity
to love with pure impunity

I am me
you are you
but together we are we
and when we see that we are we
we become as one

Together we can wear the ring
the weds humanity to thee
and recognize that what we sing
are songs of you and me


delightful! but I don't know whether it is satire at first or not.

Amoscarine's photo
Thu 10/31/13 03:41 AM
Add time.

Well, it is a good start up, and the concept rings true, that at some point all life was one or co-descending. But that takes time, and didn't it take time for the billions of humans to get begot? And that is just the more human side. So i'd trace it back all the way through development of sprecies, back to that first successful organism to reproduce, which, vaguely put, was a single cell model. If you wanted to go further, check out panspermia, which says that oragnic pre life was placed terrestially by comets, so in a certain sense humans are aliens to the earth, put and nurtured in an environment. The only guess I have for where that one bit of predisposition to life came from was when matter started to organize into shapes and molecules that could make rough copies of themselves, and just before that some economical ordering of events of nature. But put time int the mix time.