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Topic: Moral Conundrum
FenemRespice's photo
Tue 01/20/09 08:28 PM

Frankly I think you are too introspective for Nineteen. Especially for posting on a dating site, but then this site is way more than just a dating site. Why not just live a little and let your more natural instincts have a chance. You might find it alot easier to make your decisions once you have experienced life a little more. Are you afraid to make a mistake? Is having committed a sin so awfully difficult to cope with that you might consider living in some kind of Shell or Bubble your whole life? Just a few questions.

Swank, questions to answer. My philosophy is, I'll have plenty of time to live life, far better than this, once I die, now I need to focus on getting tho where I want to be spiritual. And I'm so introspective because that's where my heart and mind are, and those are, what I consider, the links to God and also my communications center to Him. It helps that being introspective is how I was trained, or as some would call it, raised. The was I see it, 'living life' is what brings me a child at the age of 18 (or at a younger age) and who knows what else. So, I don't think I'll be living life just yet. And sure, perhaps doing so would make my decisions easier, but it's the aftermath I'm worried about.

And yes, I'm not a fan of failure, in fact, I fear failure, so I'm going to do everything I can to prevent failure. No, I don't consider perfection not failing. And my 'shell' has yet to fail me, only when I drop it and let emotions have a say, that is when complications arise. However, my shell doesn't extent to certain pleasures and sensual preferences such at biting, bondage, WAM and various other fetishes that you probably won't find with someone choosing to live in a bubble.

I know this is off the original topic, but I feel it's vital to the core of the problem, which I think I've gotten a hold of. Emotions. Yup, those pesky little things. I like controlling them, diverting them to other places and using them when they are necessary, or I need some energy. By control I don't mean bottle up, I just convert emotional energy to a generic energy which I can focus in other areas. So, comments and questions on that? I'd like to know what Drago01 thinks about that.

I like your post, Drago01, that's why I ask you're opinion, thank you for joining the discussion. I haven't posted here in a while so this is prety much a ranting outlet, that's the emotional energy being re-directed.

hoppytoad79's photo
Tue 02/24/09 03:29 AM

Go ahead, sin. He already died for your sins.

That's an incredibly cavalier attitude toward the sacrifice Christ made. Yes, we're forgiven all sins we have committed and ever will commit but that's not a carte blanche to go forth and do whatever we want. It's made abundantly clear in the NT that we are to refrain from and turn away from sin and resist temptation.

hoppytoad79's photo
Tue 02/24/09 03:41 AM

I was afraid of that. I don't have the best track record of trusting what's 'inside me.' even though I'm addicted to pleasure, lust and passion, I don't do emotions well. I trust my mind, which is failing me at the moment.

Lean on God, read His Word, seek Him in all things. It says in Jeremiah (forget the chapter and verse) that the heart is wicked and I know from personal experience that when there are hormones involved you aren't thinking clearly *at all*.

If you know that you tend to get in trouble in certain types of situations, avoid them. If you find yourself heading in that direction, remove yourself at the first opportunity. If it means leaving the room, leave the room. If it means changing the subject of conversation, change the subject. Do whatever you need to do and do not let anyone tell you that you're being too uptight or are a wet blanket, or anything else to make you question your decision. Flee from temptation and run straight to God. The devil will try to stop you from fleeing but don't let him. Ask God for help getting through the roadblocks and around obstructions in your way and He will, so say "No" and keep walking. Push the girl away and move across the room. It may be Very, Very Hard to resist and flee but that's what we're supposed to do.

Someone I know found himself caught up in sexual sin so he decided to take at least six months off dating to seek God and get his house in order. Easy? Not a chance. Worth it? He says when he made the decision and committed to it and sought God for the strength to see it through, God helped him and his relationship with God grew so much stronger and richer and he's a much better person for having done it. I've had to completely distance myself from things that had become idols and addictions in my life and it can be very hard at times to stay away and not slip back to what I used to enjoy so much but when I had moments when I really wanted to slip back, I prayed or put on some Christian praise music or started reading the Bible or called a Christian friend about it and God always came through with the strength to resist and hang in there until the urge passed, however long that took.

lovethelord's photo
Tue 02/24/09 05:58 AM

Honestly, and I say this with all good intentions, why in the world are you seeking advice from people who don't live their lives parallel to the book you esteem and expect answers that will make sense to you? Or are you just looking for 'permission'?

It's not that the peeps on here don't rock. They do. I've been on here a long time & love the community.

That said though, when it comes to understanding anything in my life, that I KNOW is dealt with in the Bible (and yes I am a committed Christian) I wouldn't think twice to seek 'wisdom' on those matters from friends who don't esteem the Bible as I do. You need like minds hon.

I think that's dangerous and actually is ALSO discussed in the Bible. Where you seek your 'direction' from.

Let's face it. You'll get the answers you want. That doesn't mean they are right. Period. You can't seek 'yes' answers and expect it to line up with your faith. The measuring tool is right in the Word dude. Not here.

Just sayin.


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