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Topic: Evolution Is it Compatible With THE BIBLE?
feralcatlady's photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:39 AM
Again time and time again....people have taken scripture out of context and read what they wanted into it. On many occasions I have taken what they considered contradictory scriptures and proved them wrong. There are no contradictions either of God or in the Book that He inspired.

Only a fundamentalist mind is compatible with the Bible; nothing else.

Not even scriptures agree with other scriptures, not even people agree with all scriptures or each other about scripture and history offers no validation of an overall compatibility.

Therefore, it is the simple construct in a mind that requires an absolute difinitive concept of the separateness from all the unknown and unknowable universal laws of nature that is compatible with the Bible.

no photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:39 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 02/02/09 10:44 AM

Exactly and no where ever has it said that God, Christ or the Bible are a theory.....thank you very much.

No where has God and Christ been declared to be facts (or proven to be) facts either (except in faith based religion.)

However, if you claim they ARE facts, then you must be prepared to Prove it.

If you are not, then you cannot make that claim and be taken seriously.

One does not ASSUME God exists just because a lot of people would like to believe that he does, or because a lot of people say that he does.

Therefore it is not up to any atheist to prove that God (of the Bible or any other 'deity') does not exist. God has not yet shown himself nor has anyone ever proven his existence as a spiritual being, entity, or as a man.

I seem to be having the same problem with the galaxy aliens, so don't feel bad. laugh laugh

TBRich's photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:42 AM
I never picked up a philosophy of life from evolution. This sounds like the question I asked before, which does really confuse me, ie- am I not trying to be an instigator.

If faith is belief in things unseen, etc. and some Xians feel that their religion is absolutely true. Then does that not imply, by definition, that they really do not have faith? Perhaps, I should reread the Bishop John Selby Spong. Once I test my faith that this table will bear my weight, than I no longer have faith, I believe it will bear my weight. Now the librarian is yelling at me to get off the tables. What a tight A$$, you could shove a lump of coal up her A$$ and in three days, she would crap you out a diamond.

no photo
Mon 02/02/09 03:33 PM

Well see there ya go....some say apes some say chimps so maybe you guys need to get it straight before you preach it. And/or the branch of either. And please don't assume I know nothing of evolution because that is just not true.

Evolution is a gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals.

Now within a species I would totally agree.....but if you people are saying that one species turned into a complete other one or even a branch that is utter crap....and not once have I seen an answer that backs this up. It's not that I am not open to it...I just haven't seen an answer that is anything but laughable. I think the alien stories are more credible.

We have always been man imo and if I say we all evolved from 1 man....does that mean that we haven't evolved. Well of course not. I think eventually we will have no little toe either, but I am not going to see a human being anything other then a human being. I have enough proof but hey bring it on and we will take it from there...but then remember that works both ways...to really understand where I am coming from and the evidence I also have. Darwin's theory of evolution is what we are taught. How pathetic is that....that school systems would just let it be and teach kids this insane theory...And sorry but this is what most people will go by because that is what has been taught. And just FYI they have blown this out of the water 10 days to Sunday. And again don't assume that I fail to understand anything.....Who died and left you MR. IQ anyway. And again FYI I did understand it.

So again there is no way that I believe any of the theories that you people are feeding others.
No we don't need to get it straight, you need to go get educated.

Nuff said.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 02/02/09 03:39 PM
There are enough witnesses to Jesus dying and raising from the dead....That Jesus lived is not an issue that has been proven and if so then so would God be so and so would the Bible...Also exact historical events, and people so that is all I need. But then again not one person has shown me the evolution has occurred. And God showed himself to many as well as Jesus and the Holy Spirit shows people daily....And the blessing and the healing and the gifts of today show beyond a shadow of doubt that he is real. And even for me...I don't say what I do because I was brought up this way...I was raised with an athiest father and mother that had no religion. So where I come from is because "I" have been shown....So honestly for me what more proof do I need.

Exactly and no where ever has it said that God, Christ or the Bible are a theory.....thank you very much.

No where has God and Christ been declared to be facts (or proven to be) facts either (except in faith based religion.)

However, if you claim they ARE facts, then you must be prepared to Prove it.

If you are not, then you cannot make that claim and be taken seriously.

One does not ASSUME God exists just because a lot of people would like to believe that he does, or because a lot of people say that he does.

Therefore it is not up to any atheist to prove that God (of the Bible or any other 'deity') does not exist. God has not yet shown himself nor has anyone ever proven his existence as a spiritual being, entity, or as a man.

I seem to be having the same problem with the galaxy aliens, so don't feel bad. laugh laugh

Inkracer's photo
Mon 02/02/09 03:44 PM
Edited by Inkracer on Mon 02/02/09 04:03 PM

There are enough witnesses to Jesus dying and raising from the dead....That Jesus lived is not an issue that has been proven and if so then so would God be so and so would the Bible...

A book, with the characters, as well as authors passing long before you came to exist is not a witness to anything.

But then again not one person has shown me the evolution has occurred.

Here ya go: MRSA:MRSA infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria — often called "staph." MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It's a strain of staph that's resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it. MRSA can be fatal.

There have been plenty of other examples given, you have refused to open your eyes, and see, because it doesn't jive with your delusion.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:01 PM
Yea ok I will remember that next time I want to get educated on theories........please that is laughable.

Well see there ya go....some say apes some say chimps so maybe you guys need to get it straight before you preach it. And/or the branch of either. And please don't assume I know nothing of evolution because that is just not true.

Evolution is a gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals.

Now within a species I would totally agree.....but if you people are saying that one species turned into a complete other one or even a branch that is utter crap....and not once have I seen an answer that backs this up. It's not that I am not open to it...I just haven't seen an answer that is anything but laughable. I think the alien stories are more credible.

We have always been man imo and if I say we all evolved from 1 man....does that mean that we haven't evolved. Well of course not. I think eventually we will have no little toe either, but I am not going to see a human being anything other then a human being. I have enough proof but hey bring it on and we will take it from there...but then remember that works both ways...to really understand where I am coming from and the evidence I also have. Darwin's theory of evolution is what we are taught. How pathetic is that....that school systems would just let it be and teach kids this insane theory...And sorry but this is what most people will go by because that is what has been taught. And just FYI they have blown this out of the water 10 days to Sunday. And again don't assume that I fail to understand anything.....Who died and left you MR. IQ anyway. And again FYI I did understand it.

So again there is no way that I believe any of the theories that you people are feeding others.
No we don't need to get it straight, you need to go get educated.

Nuff said.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:09 PM
but it's still a strain of staph so nope sorry point not proven try again. It is still within what it originally was just a variation and I believe I said that is possible and right....hmmmmm yes I did. So please Pontius IP so

And FYI enough people were "There" to witness all that happen to Christ even Pontius Pilate Greek: Πόντιος Πιλᾶτος) was the Prefect of the Roman Judaea province from the year AD 26 until AD 36. He is typically known as the sixth Procurator of Judea, He is best known as the man who was the judge at the trial of Jesus and ordered his crucifixion.



There are enough witnesses to Jesus dying and raising from the dead....That Jesus lived is not an issue that has been proven and if so then so would God be so and so would the Bible...

A book, with the characters, as well as authors passing long before you came to exist is not a witness to anything.

But then again not one person has shown me the evolution has occurred.

Here ya go: MRSA:MRSA infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria — often called "staph." MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It's a strain of staph that's resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it. MRSA can be fatal.

There have been plenty of other examples given, you have refused to open your eyes, and see, because it doesn't jive with your delusion.

no photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:15 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 02/02/09 06:20 PM

There are enough witnesses to Jesus dying and raising from the dead....That Jesus lived is not an issue that has been proven and if so then so would God be so and so would the Bible...Also exact historical events, and people so that is all I need. But then again not one person has shown me the evolution has occurred. And God showed himself to many as well as Jesus and the Holy Spirit shows people daily....And the blessing and the healing and the gifts of today show beyond a shadow of doubt that he is real. And even for me...I don't say what I do because I was brought up this way...I was raised with an athiest father and mother that had no religion. So where I come from is because "I" have been shown....So honestly for me what more proof do I need.

Sorry, but NO there are no witnesses. They are all dead or they are fictional characters who never existed in the first place. Fictional witnesses and dead witnesses don't count and they don't prove anything.

That Jesus lived IS too an issue. There are no witnesses! and it has not been proven. If it had been, there would be no question that he existed and no arguments about it....and he would actually be in historical records. He is not. He is only in the New Testament, which is a fictional or forged scripture.

I am sure many have had spiritual visions and experiences but that is not proof of the Biblical version of God. In fact all so-called visions and miracles can be explained with the holographic model of reality.

There are no witnesses.

waving flowerforyou

Seamonster's photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:28 PM

Again talk the mighty talk but show me one species that has gone from one species to another separate and complete species....Not going to happen because it just is not so. If we evolved from chimps or apes or whatever they would no longer be here.....Otherwise what would be the purpose of evolving into a sub species....Sorry but just to many holes in this theory folks.

It is what it is.....and so take it or leave it.....there is much more evidence of Christ and all that took place in the bible then the precious evolution you hold onto for dear life...

And again I ask all that read....1 thing that has evolved just one in the last ok I will give you even 500 years....I have still to wait for this one to be answered...
Everything has evolved. What a . . err wonderful question.

You have evolved from our previous generation. I have evolved, no one stops evolving. Now I know what you mean, all creationist have the same old tired arguments.

This dance goes like this.

You say , "show me a new species that has evolved". Then you will only accept YOUR own definition of what a species is . . . .

I can show MANY MANY new species, its pathetically easy to do, any high school evolution class has many such examples.

I have done so on these very forums on different threads.


If you didn't read it before let me say that I will be posting a complete Guide to evolution which will cover this with videos and text analysis in the coming weeks. If you are truly interested in understanding how humans can to be what we are today then you will likely be very interested regardless of your beliefs.

you obviously do not understand what evolution is or how it works.
It is much easer to just believe something with no evidence then it is to actually pick up a book (other that the bible) and study something.
We did not evolve for apes.
And no-one that has any understanding of evolution will tell you that.
I don't know how I can make that any clearer.
And we do have transitional fossels to show an evolutionary process.

Inkracer's photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:32 PM

You do.

Going back to my MRSA example, yes it is still staph, but MRSA is a strain of Staph that evolved over time to be resistant to the original treatment.

And, so 1 person in the bible we know actually lived. Ever hear of Fan Fiction? Real people in Fake Stories. . .

Now, open your eyes.

MahanMahan's photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:00 PM
Edited by MahanMahan on Tue 02/03/09 05:02 PM
You guys still arguing this? Comparing the Bible to Evolution is like comparing apples to oranges!

One is a fictional book, written by some men 2,000 years ago with no formal education. The other is scientific fact based on hard evidence and proven theories. While in high school, I got a job at Bookstar, (a bookstore chain) and got fired after removing all the Bibles, Torahs, and Qurans from the religious secion and putting them in fiction! That's where they belong.

Inkracer's photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:08 PM

You guys still arguing this? Comparing the Bible to Evolution is like comparing apples to oranges!

One is a fictional book, written by some men 2,000 years ago with no formal education. The other is scientific fact based on hard evidence and proven theories. While in high school, I got a job at Bookstar, (a bookstore chain) and got fired after removing all the Bibles, Torahs, and Qurans from the religious secion and putting them in fiction! That's where they belong.

Wow, you got fired for that, and the Fiction section is where they put those books now! laugh

MahanMahan's photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:13 PM

You guys still arguing this? Comparing the Bible to Evolution is like comparing apples to oranges!

One is a fictional book, written by some men 2,000 years ago with no formal education. The other is scientific fact based on hard evidence and proven theories. While in high school, I got a job at Bookstar, (a bookstore chain) and got fired after removing all the Bibles, Torahs, and Qurans from the religious secion and putting them in fiction! That's where they belong.

Wow, you got fired for that, and the Fiction section is where they put those books now! laugh

Haha! Do they, really? This happened in 1989! It was a long time ago, I'm old.

So, we HAVE made some progress. Too bad we're still in the minority!

Inkracer's photo
Tue 02/03/09 06:25 PM

You guys still arguing this? Comparing the Bible to Evolution is like comparing apples to oranges!

One is a fictional book, written by some men 2,000 years ago with no formal education. The other is scientific fact based on hard evidence and proven theories. While in high school, I got a job at Bookstar, (a bookstore chain) and got fired after removing all the Bibles, Torahs, and Qurans from the religious secion and putting them in fiction! That's where they belong.

Wow, you got fired for that, and the Fiction section is where they put those books now! laugh

Haha! Do they, really? This happened in 1989! It was a long time ago, I'm old.

So, we HAVE made some progress. Too bad we're still in the minority!

here is the evidence for ya:

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 09:42 PM
Great picture lol.

FCL You should check out my new post on evolution in the science forum. It will explain why evolution is real, and explains EVERYTHING we have found in biology.


feralcatlady's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:21 AM
Edited by feralcatlady on Wed 02/04/09 06:25 AM

Great picture lol.

FCL You should check out my new post on evolution in the science forum. It will explain why evolution is real, and explains EVERYTHING we have found in biology.


I will check it out. You should go back in the archives and look at all that I have done on this before...It proves that God, his Son Jesus Christ and The Bible are of God who is truth and nothing but.....and thats the way it is......

I could come up with just as much proving that the Bible and creation and Jesus Christ are historically real....and places were real.....

no photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:28 AM

Great picture lol.

FCL You should check out my new post on evolution in the science forum. It will explain why evolution is real, and explains EVERYTHING we have found in biology.


I will check it out. You should go back in the archives and look at all that I have done on this before...It proves that God, his Son Jesus Christ and The Bible are of God who is truth and nothing but.....and thats the way it is......

I could come up with just as much proving that the Bible and creation and Jesus Christ are historically real....and places were real.....

Proof to you maybe. But not real proof.

markecephus's photo
Wed 02/04/09 03:01 PM

Hi folks,

A couple of points here,

We have removed a few posts from this thread, actually, after reading, i am inclined to lock it, but i will let it slide.

Please do not post offensive images, this includes images with offensive language in the captions, the rule still applies. This is an admin/mod decision, and we will deal with this subjectively.

Secondly, we realize that religion is a touchy subject, however, it is never acceptable to attack/insult others for their opinions. Please don't do this, folks, no need for it, and we just aren't going to allow it on these boards.

Please be careful in your posting,

Thank you for your time, and cooperation


feralcatlady's photo
Wed 02/04/09 05:13 PM
The "proof" for the existence of Christ can be found in three main sources. The argument for the existence of Jesus is strengthened because the person of Jesus Christ is mentioned by independent Christian, Jewish, and Roman sources. Obviously the person of Jesus is mentioned quite thoroughly in the New Testament and other early Christian writings but Jesus is also mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus. The fact that Josephus, a practicing Jew and a man who was not actively involved Christian circles and not part of the early church mentions the existence of Jesus of Nazareth in his writings definitely gives credence to the argument for the existence of Jesus Christ. In turn, another of the most credible arguments for the existence of Jesus Christ are the writings of the Roman historian Tacitus. Tacitus was a Roman historian who also mentioned the existence of the crucifixion of Jesus in his writings. In turn, the writings of Tacitus are viewed by historians as crucial to not only understanding early Middle Eastern history but also what we know of early Germanic tribes in Europe. The historical community is quite sure that a person named Jesus did live in the Middle East two thousand years ago and can look to independent historical sources to strengthen their argument.

There are enough witnesses to Jesus dying and raising from the dead....That Jesus lived is not an issue that has been proven and if so then so would God be so and so would the Bible...Also exact historical events, and people so that is all I need. But then again not one person has shown me the evolution has occurred. And God showed himself to many as well as Jesus and the Holy Spirit shows people daily....And the blessing and the healing and the gifts of today show beyond a shadow of doubt that he is real. And even for me...I don't say what I do because I was brought up this way...I was raised with an athiest father and mother that had no religion. So where I come from is because "I" have been shown....So honestly for me what more proof do I need.

Sorry, but NO there are no witnesses. They are all dead or they are fictional characters who never existed in the first place. Fictional witnesses and dead witnesses don't count and they don't prove anything.

That Jesus lived IS too an issue. There are no witnesses! and it has not been proven. If it had been, there would be no question that he existed and no arguments about it....and he would actually be in historical records. He is not. He is only in the New Testament, which is a fictional or forged scripture.

I am sure many have had spiritual visions and experiences but that is not proof of the Biblical version of God. In fact all so-called visions and miracles can be explained with the holographic model of reality.

There are no witnesses.

waving flowerforyou

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