Topic: Carbon Credits?
Johvanni's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:04 AM
Alright this is so confusing.NOt so confusing but anywyas. I was reading my subscription of Smart Money and seen that the goverment and other nations carbon credits. Meaning they pay a certain amount to pollute...SO why the heck will they let that happen when on the news they state "we want to stop global warming"..Is there a way to petition a hell no on carbon credits..I mean who said the goverment and other nations own the air?

nogames39's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:19 AM
Nobody did, but the practicality of life is that if half of eath population is stupid and believes this crap, then you better believe it to.

Democracies give them political power.

Best thing about these credits is not to resist, but to use them. Start selling credits. Dummies will buy them. You don't need to explain how you use them, but you can if you like.

So, basically, just copy any other credit-issuing organization MO. They are all fake anyway, but they have paid the bribe to the government for their right to milk.

I know a guy who does it in Belgium. Just a private website. But they do buy em. Hey, you can't refuse to help their guiltiness!

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:38 AM
It's the same BS that is going around where the government wants the farmers to pay $150.00 per cow for a fart tax.Of course the millions these farmers would pay would not help in any way reducing or coming up with a solution to stop cows from farting.It is just another excuse to make a law to collect more money.As long as the economy is in the crapper the government is going to tax us to the gills even if it results in the tax payers going broke.

Johvanni's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:41 AM
wow are you serious about a fart tax...I wonder when they will start charging homeowners carbon taxes for emitting carbon from there heaters to warm up houses....

Johvanni's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:41 AM
hey what is this private website....

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:56 AM
Yes it's no joke!

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:00 AM

wow are you serious about a fart tax...I wonder when they will start charging homeowners carbon taxes for emitting carbon from there heaters to warm up houses....

Yes it's totally outragous.Our government isn't going to be happy until they are in total control of our life for what we eat,to what we drive,to how we live,to how we work.Not even Communism is this restrictive and it's going to get worse.

Johvanni's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:05 AM
wow this really scared now..honestly...damng we ned to wake up and smell corruption...