Community > Posts By > Johvanni

Johvanni's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:05 AM
wow this really scared now..honestly...damng we ned to wake up and smell corruption...

Johvanni's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:41 AM
hey what is this private website....

Johvanni's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:41 AM
wow are you serious about a fart tax...I wonder when they will start charging homeowners carbon taxes for emitting carbon from there heaters to warm up houses....

Johvanni's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:10 AM
How is boxing don it has been here genrations. **** I think back when we where inventing the wheel is how far back...Its dead to you because you dont watch it or attend enough...evrytime I go the damn place is packed...

Johvanni's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:04 AM
Alright this is so confusing.NOt so confusing but anywyas. I was reading my subscription of Smart Money and seen that the goverment and other nations carbon credits. Meaning they pay a certain amount to pollute...SO why the heck will they let that happen when on the news they state "we want to stop global warming"..Is there a way to petition a hell no on carbon credits..I mean who said the goverment and other nations own the air?

Johvanni's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:30 PM
THere is A GOd and hes Father of Jesus Christ. Believe it or not. Its kind of weird that everything that is happening was prophesied and yet we are here sitting and like " O well its suppose to happen. Hey some will follow and others wont. We all have our own wills to choose what we want.