Topic: I'm beginning to think....
alonenotlonely's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:17 AM

I figured that out some time ago

Yeah, but you were watching football while listening to a woman: that's an advantage!

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:30 AM

I figured that out some time ago

Yeah, but you were watching football while listening to a woman: that's an advantage!

Now I just need to put that in my profilelaugh

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:50 AM

...that, judging by a lot of the posts round here lately, that women here actually HATE men.

I have seen so many " Men are Pigs " and " Why are men cheaters " type threads lately, that it's making me question whether the women here ( not all of you, but an awful lot of you ) really want to find a decent guy, or whether they just want to have some place to piss and moan about how awful we all ( men ) are.

People wonder why I am pessimistic about finding someone...'s kinda difficult to have a positive attitude when you keep getting lumped in with all the bad stuff that " men " do. The fact that a dude has a penis automatically sets him up with at least two strikes against him.

The chances of being a decent guy and finding someone who will appreciate that is pretty slim in the first place.

It's that much more difficult with all of the bitter, screwed over ladies letting everyone know how much " Men Suck ".

So much for a dating site avoiding gender bashing.

I've noticed this, & I see men posting the same kind of woman hating threads too.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:54 AM

Good point.
I think there are probably as many men out there
thinking the same thing about women, "they are cheaters," (you know the rest of the adjectives) so on.

These sites are filled with players and users looking for "belt notches" or a "one-nighter."

It does make it hard for the "real" person to find someone.

Try not to let the bashers get you down, I do believe they are the minority but probably the "loudest" and like to be in the spotlight so they keep creating the threads.

Good luck in your search.

I have to agree with Marie on this one I see the same thing all the time and it does make me wonder that if some have such issues with the opposite sex then why are they here. My self I read the ones that bash others and tend to shy away from them if there is that much hate in their life I sure don't need it in mine.noway

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:58 AM

...that, judging by a lot of the posts round here lately, that women here actually HATE men.

I have seen so many " Men are Pigs " and " Why are men cheaters " type threads lately, that it's making me question whether the women here ( not all of you, but an awful lot of you ) really want to find a decent guy, or whether they just want to have some place to piss and moan about how awful we all ( men ) are.

People wonder why I am pessimistic about finding someone...'s kinda difficult to have a positive attitude when you keep getting lumped in with all the bad stuff that " men " do. The fact that a dude has a penis automatically sets him up with at least two strikes against him.

The chances of being a decent guy and finding someone who will appreciate that is pretty slim in the first place.

It's that much more difficult with all of the bitter, screwed over ladies letting everyone know how much " Men Suck ".

So much for a dating site avoiding gender bashing.

Aren't you doing rather the same thing here? You've pretty much just stereotyped "alot of" the women on this site with this post. You can't possibly have read every single post on this site. If you had you probably would be surprised at how many women truly enjoy men and their company. I have many women friends and personally I can say that not one of them is automatically looking askew at a man simply because he possesses a penis. Wouldnt that rather be like you giving a woman two automatic strikes for having a vagina and the experience of one or two bad relationships in her life,therefore immediately putting her in the category you've defined here?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:03 AM

...that, judging by a lot of the posts round here lately, that women here actually HATE men.

I have seen so many " Men are Pigs " and " Why are men cheaters " type threads lately, that it's making me question whether the women here ( not all of you, but an awful lot of you ) really want to find a decent guy, or whether they just want to have some place to piss and moan about how awful we all ( men ) are.

People wonder why I am pessimistic about finding someone...'s kinda difficult to have a positive attitude when you keep getting lumped in with all the bad stuff that " men " do. The fact that a dude has a penis automatically sets him up with at least two strikes against him.

The chances of being a decent guy and finding someone who will appreciate that is pretty slim in the first place.

It's that much more difficult with all of the bitter, screwed over ladies letting everyone know how much " Men Suck ".

So much for a dating site avoiding gender bashing.

You don't want to be lumped in with most men, yet you're lumping most women here together and saying they hate men?

Nice. But the women I am talking about ask why " all " men are the way they are.

I have said, a couple of times in my posts here, that there are a lot of women that aren't like that. In no way do I lump ALL women into the group.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:07 AM

...that, judging by a lot of the posts round here lately, that women here actually HATE men.

I have seen so many " Men are Pigs " and " Why are men cheaters " type threads lately, that it's making me question whether the women here ( not all of you, but an awful lot of you ) really want to find a decent guy, or whether they just want to have some place to piss and moan about how awful we all ( men ) are.

People wonder why I am pessimistic about finding someone...'s kinda difficult to have a positive attitude when you keep getting lumped in with all the bad stuff that " men " do. The fact that a dude has a penis automatically sets him up with at least two strikes against him.

The chances of being a decent guy and finding someone who will appreciate that is pretty slim in the first place.

It's that much more difficult with all of the bitter, screwed over ladies letting everyone know how much " Men Suck ".

So much for a dating site avoiding gender bashing.

Aren't you doing rather the same thing here? You've pretty much just stereotyped "alot of" the women on this site with this post. You can't possibly have read every single post on this site. If you had you probably would be surprised at how many women truly enjoy men and their company. I have many women friends and personally I can say that not one of them is automatically looking askew at a man simply because he possesses a penis. Wouldnt that rather be like you giving a woman two automatic strikes for having a vagina and the experience of one or two bad relationships in her life,therefore immediately putting her in the category you've defined here?

If you had read all of my posts here, you would see that I do not talk to someone with the idea in mind that she is going to be like the other women I have had dealings with in my previous relationships.

If I was going to do that, I wouldn't be here at all. Especially considering the things I had to deal with from my last ex.

Monet09's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:13 AM

...that, judging by a lot of the posts round here lately, that women here actually HATE men.

I have seen so many " Men are Pigs " and " Why are men cheaters " type threads lately, that it's making me question whether the women here ( not all of you, but an awful lot of you ) really want to find a decent guy, or whether they just want to have some place to piss and moan about how awful we all ( men ) are.

People wonder why I am pessimistic about finding someone...'s kinda difficult to have a positive attitude when you keep getting lumped in with all the bad stuff that " men " do. The fact that a dude has a penis automatically sets him up with at least two strikes against him.

The chances of being a decent guy and finding someone who will appreciate that is pretty slim in the first place.

It's that much more difficult with all of the bitter, screwed over ladies letting everyone know how much " Men Suck ".

So much for a dating site avoiding gender bashing.

I don't understand why any woman would join a dating site and bash men. That does not make a bit of sense to me. I think the majority of women on here are looking for a man and not to bash them. If they want to bash men, this is not the place to do it. Go complain to your girlfriends.....I love men. I have had a couple of very hurtful relationships but I waited until I felt ready to get back out there before joining a dating site. I've learned by my mistakes but I am not going to judge all men just because of a couple of them. I always look for the good in people...........

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:16 AM

...that, judging by a lot of the posts round here lately, that women here actually HATE men.

I have seen so many " Men are Pigs " and " Why are men cheaters " type threads lately, that it's making me question whether the women here ( not all of you, but an awful lot of you ) really want to find a decent guy, or whether they just want to have some place to piss and moan about how awful we all ( men ) are.

People wonder why I am pessimistic about finding someone...'s kinda difficult to have a positive attitude when you keep getting lumped in with all the bad stuff that " men " do. The fact that a dude has a penis automatically sets him up with at least two strikes against him.

The chances of being a decent guy and finding someone who will appreciate that is pretty slim in the first place.

It's that much more difficult with all of the bitter, screwed over ladies letting everyone know how much " Men Suck ".

So much for a dating site avoiding gender bashing.

Aren't you doing rather the same thing here? You've pretty much just stereotyped "alot of" the women on this site with this post. You can't possibly have read every single post on this site. If you had you probably would be surprised at how many women truly enjoy men and their company. I have many women friends and personally I can say that not one of them is automatically looking askew at a man simply because he possesses a penis. Wouldnt that rather be like you giving a woman two automatic strikes for having a vagina and the experience of one or two bad relationships in her life,therefore immediately putting her in the category you've defined here?

If you had read all of my posts here, you would see that I do not talk to someone with the idea in mind that she is going to be like the other women I have had dealings with in my previous relationships.

If I was going to do that, I wouldn't be here at all. Especially considering the things I had to deal with from my last ex.

But you've just made my point. You are correct. I dont read all your posts here. Just as you dont read all the posts that women write. You might come across someone on a bad day here who is expressing her frustration one moment, only to speak of how wonderful men are the next. Yes?

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:16 AM

...that, judging by a lot of the posts round here lately, that women here actually HATE men.

I have seen so many " Men are Pigs " and " Why are men cheaters " type threads lately, that it's making me question whether the women here ( not all of you, but an awful lot of you ) really want to find a decent guy, or whether they just want to have some place to piss and moan about how awful we all ( men ) are.

People wonder why I am pessimistic about finding someone...'s kinda difficult to have a positive attitude when you keep getting lumped in with all the bad stuff that " men " do. The fact that a dude has a penis automatically sets him up with at least two strikes against him.

The chances of being a decent guy and finding someone who will appreciate that is pretty slim in the first place.

It's that much more difficult with all of the bitter, screwed over ladies letting everyone know how much " Men Suck ".

So much for a dating site avoiding gender bashing.

I cannot speak for other women here, but there are many men that I admire, go to for advice, protection, help, and emotional comfort when I need it. My relationships with them are more paternalistic or friendly and purely platonic. I have never considered them romantically, for one reason or another. Sometimes the reasons are valid, sometimes not. Many times, they see me as a purely platonic friend, as no harm done.

Sure, there are women out there and even on this site who do dislike men. I do not lump all men in these categories by far and I am certainly not a man hater. However, my trust level is not high and it has been affected not only by my formative years, but by the men who have come into my life, the traumatic experiences and losses I have endured, as well as the choices I have made (both unknowingly and knowingly) over the years. My trust level, in general, is not high for anyone and any type of relationship, but I admit that I distrust more when it comes to romantic/intimate/love relationships with males. Perhaps more importantly, I do not trust myself at this time to make the right choices.

So, I am on a hiatus from meeting an appropriate partner until I can heal myself. I'm not rejecting any particular man because of the threads and I doubt that other women are, either.

I believe that if you are really open to genuine love and if others on this site are really open to it - and you both meet, connect, and the timing is right, it will happen.

It is lame to blame your frustration on threads you perceive to be "man-hating". Your frustration is valid and so are all your feelings. However, your thinking about these threads is distorted a bit. Loosen up.

If you put your best foot forward, are genuine, have integrity and the other qualities any particular female is seeking, you may eventually find your match, either here or in real life. I said "may" because I have learned that there are no guarantees when it comes to life and love. We do not know what the future will bring and we cannot change the past. We can only live in the moment and make conscious, correct choices for us in those moments.

Those moments are what impact directly on our future; and I do believe that it can change, moment to moment, depending on the choices we make. Time is relative and only the soul knows, in my humble opinion. Your mileage may vary.

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:26 AM

These sites are filled with players and users looking for "belt notches" or a "one-nighter."

Is that so? I'm not sure I agree with that. I know there are some, perhaps many....but "filled"? No, I tend to doubt that. I personally think players/users tend to be in the minority in general, as long as you listen to your intuition and are not purposefully drawn to them for one reason or another.

Now, I can tell you about a couple of men that have actually said they enjoy being womanizers and actually have jokingly (or not) admitted to seeking one nighters, "two nighters" and "another notch", but I do not think men like them are in the majority here. I could be wrong.

Plainome's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:27 AM
There are simply some people who use the whole world as their sh*%$ing pot, why would a forum on the internet be any different.

Obviously these women have issues, and are still carrying hurt, either that or they just get a kick out of bashing men.

The thing is, either you could send an email and get to know them personally. (As I'm not sure why so many people think that what people post in a public forum is a clear indication of the totality of a person) Doing this you may make a friend, or you may realize they are bitter and allow them to be so. The only way for them to lose that is to allow themselves to realize their part in the problem, and to have "men" show them that not ALL men are the same......not that it is your responsibility.

Anyhoo, men do it too, yes. WE are all human. Some people may use this forum simply as a venting place where they go to say what no one in their REAL life wants to listen to.

Anyhoo, not all women are that way, and yes it doesn't make sense to be on a dating site looking for dates when all you do is bash men.........but maybe you're here hoping beyond hope to find one that proves you wrong??

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:27 AM

...that, judging by a lot of the posts round here lately, that women here actually HATE men.

I have seen so many " Men are Pigs " and " Why are men cheaters " type threads lately, that it's making me question whether the women here ( not all of you, but an awful lot of you ) really want to find a decent guy, or whether they just want to have some place to piss and moan about how awful we all ( men ) are.

People wonder why I am pessimistic about finding someone...'s kinda difficult to have a positive attitude when you keep getting lumped in with all the bad stuff that " men " do. The fact that a dude has a penis automatically sets him up with at least two strikes against him.

The chances of being a decent guy and finding someone who will appreciate that is pretty slim in the first place.

It's that much more difficult with all of the bitter, screwed over ladies letting everyone know how much " Men Suck ".

So much for a dating site avoiding gender bashing.

You don't want to be lumped in with most men, yet you're lumping most women here together and saying they hate men?

Nice. But the women I am talking about ask why " all " men are the way they are.

I have said, a couple of times in my posts here, that there are a lot of women that aren't like that. In no way do I lump ALL women into the group.

Men do the same things. There are tons of the same types of posts from both men and women. At least they're showing us how they are up front.

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:28 AM

men are not at fault..those at fault are boys(children) disguised as men and not worth the time but full of the charm

men, take a little looking for..their confidence is strong but subtle not flashy...sincerity, fortitude, reliability, and patience, yes..

flowerforyou flowerforyou

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:34 AM

...that, judging by a lot of the posts round here lately, that women here actually HATE men.

I have seen so many " Men are Pigs " and " Why are men cheaters " type threads lately, that it's making me question whether the women here ( not all of you, but an awful lot of you ) really want to find a decent guy, or whether they just want to have some place to piss and moan about how awful we all ( men ) are.

People wonder why I am pessimistic about finding someone...'s kinda difficult to have a positive attitude when you keep getting lumped in with all the bad stuff that " men " do. The fact that a dude has a penis automatically sets him up with at least two strikes against him.

The chances of being a decent guy and finding someone who will appreciate that is pretty slim in the first place.

It's that much more difficult with all of the bitter, screwed over ladies letting everyone know how much " Men Suck ".

So much for a dating site avoiding gender bashing.

Aren't you doing rather the same thing here? You've pretty much just stereotyped "alot of" the women on this site with this post. You can't possibly have read every single post on this site. If you had you probably would be surprised at how many women truly enjoy men and their company. I have many women friends and personally I can say that not one of them is automatically looking askew at a man simply because he possesses a penis. Wouldnt that rather be like you giving a woman two automatic strikes for having a vagina and the experience of one or two bad relationships in her life,therefore immediately putting her in the category you've defined here?

If you had read all of my posts here, you would see that I do not talk to someone with the idea in mind that she is going to be like the other women I have had dealings with in my previous relationships.

If I was going to do that, I wouldn't be here at all. Especially considering the things I had to deal with from my last ex.

But you've just made my point. You are correct. I dont read all your posts here. Just as you dont read all the posts that women write. You might come across someone on a bad day here who is expressing her frustration one moment, only to speak of how wonderful men are the next. Yes?


But keep in mind that perception is based on reality the vast majority of the time.

A woman ( OR man ) who starts the type of thread I am referring to in my opening post, regardless of how many times she/he says men/women are the most wonderful things on the planet, still gives off the impression that at the first sign of trouble, the person they are with is simply going to write them off as a " typical " man/woman and go on their merry way.

Seeing that, what would be the incentive for someone of the opposite sex to want to get involved with them?

I am not, in any way, making an attempt at woman bashing.

What I am trying to point out is that the attitude shown by someone who starts those kinds of threads are not helping them find someone decent.

If the fact that I am somewhat cynical turns someone away from wanting to get to know be it, I guess.

I love women. I am just a natural cynic.

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:35 AM

I've noticed this, & I see men posting the same kind of woman hating threads too.

Especially the threads bashing women who are not stick thin or look like models. As "if" that is the norm you will find online or off.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:36 AM

...that, judging by a lot of the posts round here lately, that women here actually HATE men.

I have seen so many " Men are Pigs " and " Why are men cheaters " type threads lately, that it's making me question whether the women here ( not all of you, but an awful lot of you ) really want to find a decent guy, or whether they just want to have some place to piss and moan about how awful we all ( men ) are.

People wonder why I am pessimistic about finding someone...'s kinda difficult to have a positive attitude when you keep getting lumped in with all the bad stuff that " men " do. The fact that a dude has a penis automatically sets him up with at least two strikes against him.

The chances of being a decent guy and finding someone who will appreciate that is pretty slim in the first place.

It's that much more difficult with all of the bitter, screwed over ladies letting everyone know how much " Men Suck ".

So much for a dating site avoiding gender bashing.

You don't want to be lumped in with most men, yet you're lumping most women here together and saying they hate men?

Nice. But the women I am talking about ask why " all " men are the way they are.

I have said, a couple of times in my posts here, that there are a lot of women that aren't like that. In no way do I lump ALL women into the group.

Men do the same things. There are tons of the same types of posts from both men and women. At least they're showing us how they are up front.

Again, I have not, at any point, thought or said that it is ONLY women who do this.

Many of you that have seen my posts know that I do not generalize women into the " all " group.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:37 AM

...that, judging by a lot of the posts round here lately, that women here actually HATE men.

I have seen so many " Men are Pigs " and " Why are men cheaters " type threads lately, that it's making me question whether the women here ( not all of you, but an awful lot of you ) really want to find a decent guy, or whether they just want to have some place to piss and moan about how awful we all ( men ) are.

People wonder why I am pessimistic about finding someone...'s kinda difficult to have a positive attitude when you keep getting lumped in with all the bad stuff that " men " do. The fact that a dude has a penis automatically sets him up with at least two strikes against him.

The chances of being a decent guy and finding someone who will appreciate that is pretty slim in the first place.

It's that much more difficult with all of the bitter, screwed over ladies letting everyone know how much " Men Suck ".

So much for a dating site avoiding gender bashing.

Aren't you doing rather the same thing here? You've pretty much just stereotyped "alot of" the women on this site with this post. You can't possibly have read every single post on this site. If you had you probably would be surprised at how many women truly enjoy men and their company. I have many women friends and personally I can say that not one of them is automatically looking askew at a man simply because he possesses a penis. Wouldnt that rather be like you giving a woman two automatic strikes for having a vagina and the experience of one or two bad relationships in her life,therefore immediately putting her in the category you've defined here?

If you had read all of my posts here, you would see that I do not talk to someone with the idea in mind that she is going to be like the other women I have had dealings with in my previous relationships.

If I was going to do that, I wouldn't be here at all. Especially considering the things I had to deal with from my last ex.

But you've just made my point. You are correct. I dont read all your posts here. Just as you dont read all the posts that women write. You might come across someone on a bad day here who is expressing her frustration one moment, only to speak of how wonderful men are the next. Yes?

I was referring to my posts in this thread only. I wasn't talking about someone reading all of my 7400+ posts.

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:37 AM

If I was going to do that, I wouldn't be here at all. Especially considering the things I had to deal with from my last ex.

What happened?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:38 AM

I've noticed this, & I see men posting the same kind of woman hating threads too.

Especially the threads bashing women who are not stick thin or look like models. As "if" that is the norm you will find online or off.

Heh. I have nothing to say about those threads.

The women here take care of that kind of guy pretty efficiently.bigsmile