Topic: Until 60 years ago Israel did not exist! | |
You are out of touch with historical facts and reality! I would expect you to say this...given you are defending the indefensable. . |
Beyond all else this thread starts off with the facts!
If the West doesnt address this fact then we will never have peace in the ME!! |
This thread is full of the facts spidey!!
Read the truth!!!!!
Beyond all else this thread starts off with the facts! If the West doesnt address this fact then we will never have peace in the ME!! |
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The notion of a state for Jews in Israel has been in the hearts of Jews ever since the Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in around AD 70. In its modern form, the state took its first step to becoming reality in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration, in which the British Government gave its backing for the formation of a state for Jews in Israel alongside a separate state for Arabs.
After WW1 The League of Nations mandated the area that is now Israel to the UK. Jewish immigration into Israel increased, raising tensions with the Arab population. After Arab attacks on Jews in the early 1920s the Jewish immigrants lost faith with the British rulers and armed themselves in order to ensure their safety. After WW2 the British tried to restrict the huge influx of Jews who had survived the Holocaust and the armed Jewish groups in the area took to attacks on British forces to force the British to allow these refugees into the country. In 1947 the UN General Assembly passed a resolution providing for two states in British Mandated Palestine; one for Jews and one for Arabs. The Arab League rejected the plan and the British were reluctant to implement it. Again Jewish groups targeted the British to force them out. Eventually on May 14 1948 Israel declared its independence. |
Of course the fact of the state of Israel predates the notion since Israel built the First Temple for instance....
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Of course the fact of the state of Israel predates the notion since Israel built the First Temple for instance.... ![]() ![]() ![]() There you go! The root to this whole problem lies with the notion that the Jews are G-d's chosen people. The rest of us mean nothing. This is why the Jews deny the messiah and why they wanted him dead as well.Imagine G-d wanting to make a new covenant with all the people and take away that special feeling and rite that the Jews think is theirs and theirs alone! |
Of course the fact of the state of Israel predates the notion since Israel built the First Temple for instance.... ![]() ![]() ![]() There you go! The root to this whole problem lies with the notion that the Jews are G-d's chosen people. The rest of us mean nothing. This is why the Jews deny the messiah and why they wanted him dead as well.Imagine G-d wanting to make a new covenant with all the people and take away that special feeling and rite that the Jews think is theirs and theirs alone! ![]() I wasn't making a religious argument. I was just pointing out (again) that Israel is one of the oldest documented countries. Israel is one of the only places in the region where freedom of religion is actually practiced. So actually I find your attack on the religion here rather disturbing... |
Edited by
Wed 01/07/09 09:43 AM
Israel was destroyed and the Israeli's left the region in 70 AD.
That means that for almost 2000 years Israel didnt exist except in the bible and the minds of the Religious! Period! You cant claim that as a title to possession and just steal it back. Therefore Israel was founded in 1948 through the use of terrorism and its first leaders, one of which was jailed, are terrorists! In 1922 the Population of Palestine (get that Palestine) was 550,000 Arabs, 80,000 Jews, and 70,000 Christians! If it had not been for the Christians of England, and the US the Jews could never have made a return. Then when the Arabs, who saw what was happening, spoke out and the British stopped the immigration of Jews into Palestine. The Jews used terror to first run them out and then corner and cage the Palestinians into the two small strips of land they are in now! If you think this is right, and the Palestinians should be happy about it, then you are either a religious zealot, a hypocrite, or delusional! |
Israel was destroyed and the Israeli's left the region in 70 AD. That means that for almost 2000 years Israel didnt exist except in the bible and the minds of the Religious! Period! there is a continuous jewish presence actually fairly well documented if you look it up. even though the romans conquered israel the jews did not just leave. that means that for about 2000 years generations of many descendants lived in the region and others who found homes elsewhere periodically returned to live there and rebuild. israel had been in existence for about 1000 years prior to the conquest in 70 AD. they have as much a claim to the land as anyone. from c) Sari Nusseibah, the PA's former representative in Jerusalem: "I would be blind to disclaim the Jewish connection to Jerusalem." (Source: Bard, Mitchell G., Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict, American Israeli Cooperative Enterprise Inc., 2002.) 3. Some Records of Jewish Presence in Jerusalem, 705 CE to 1967 CE. 705 CE-"From the time of Caliph Abdel-Malik (d. 705) and henceforth Jews were among those who guarded the walls of the Dome of the Rock. In return, they were absolved from paying the poll tax imposed on all non-Muslims. The Jews were employed in clearing the Haram area of waste." Mujir al-din in his History of Jerusalem and Hebron. 863- This is the presumed date of the move of Yeshivat Eretz Israel from Tiberias to Jerusalem to become the central religious authority of the whole region. The last of Jerusalem's Ga'ons (sages) was Evyatar Ben Eliyahu Hacohen (1112)." Nathan Schur, History of Jerusalem. 1167-"Two hundred of those Jews dwell in one corner of the City, under the Tower of David." Benjamin of Tudela in his famous Travels. 1395-"The Jews in the Holy City live in their own special residential areas." Traveler Ogier D'Anglure in Le Saint Voyage de Jerusalem. 1499-"Among the very many Jews in Jerusalem I found several natives of Lombardy, three from Germany and two monks who had converted to Judaism." Arnold von Harff's travelogue Die Pilgerfarht 1. 1546/47-"Many Jews dwell in Jerusalem and there is a special street of the Jews." Ulrich Prefat of Slovenia in his chronicle. 1611-"And in this Land they [the Jews] live as strangers . . . open to all oppression and deprivation, which they bear with patience beyond all belief, despised and beaten. In spite of all this, I never saw a Jew with an angry face." George Sandys, son of the Archbishop of York in Travails. 1751-"As 4,000 persons arrive yearly besides as many Jews who come from all quarters of the world." Swedish traveler Frederick Hasselquist in Voyages and Travels in the Levant. 1860-First Jewish Quarter built outside the walls of Jerusalem. 1889-"Thirty thousand out of 40,000 people in Jerusalem are Jews . . . at present the Jews are coming here by the hundreds." The Pittsburgh Dispatch, July 15, 1889. |
1889-"Thirty thousand out of 40,000 people in Jerusalem are Jews . . . at present the Jews are coming here by the hundreds." The Pittsburgh Dispatch, July 15, 1889.
This is when the Zionist movement began! |
so, the real question fanta; are you an american or are you one of those people who condone using woman & children as weapons? If they feel so strongly about it, why don't they put the jackets on themselves? Cowards hiding behind the woman & children thats why.
Israel was destroyed and the Israeli's left the region in 70 AD. That means that for almost 2000 years Israel didnt exist except in the bible and the minds of the Religious! Period! there is a continuous jewish presence actually fairly well documented if you look it up. even though the romans conquered israel the jews did not just leave. that means that for about 2000 years generations of many descendants lived in the region and others who found homes elsewhere periodically returned to live there and rebuild. israel had been in existence for about 1000 years prior to the conquest in 70 AD. they have as much a claim to the land as anyone. from c) Sari Nusseibah, the PA's former representative in Jerusalem: "I would be blind to disclaim the Jewish connection to Jerusalem." (Source: Bard, Mitchell G., Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict, American Israeli Cooperative Enterprise Inc., 2002.) 3. Some Records of Jewish Presence in Jerusalem, 705 CE to 1967 CE. 705 CE-"From the time of Caliph Abdel-Malik (d. 705) and henceforth Jews were among those who guarded the walls of the Dome of the Rock. In return, they were absolved from paying the poll tax imposed on all non-Muslims. The Jews were employed in clearing the Haram area of waste." Mujir al-din in his History of Jerusalem and Hebron. 863- This is the presumed date of the move of Yeshivat Eretz Israel from Tiberias to Jerusalem to become the central religious authority of the whole region. The last of Jerusalem's Ga'ons (sages) was Evyatar Ben Eliyahu Hacohen (1112)." Nathan Schur, History of Jerusalem. 1167-"Two hundred of those Jews dwell in one corner of the City, under the Tower of David." Benjamin of Tudela in his famous Travels. 1395-"The Jews in the Holy City live in their own special residential areas." Traveler Ogier D'Anglure in Le Saint Voyage de Jerusalem. 1499-"Among the very many Jews in Jerusalem I found several natives of Lombardy, three from Germany and two monks who had converted to Judaism." Arnold von Harff's travelogue Die Pilgerfarht 1. 1546/47-"Many Jews dwell in Jerusalem and there is a special street of the Jews." Ulrich Prefat of Slovenia in his chronicle. 1611-"And in this Land they [the Jews] live as strangers . . . open to all oppression and deprivation, which they bear with patience beyond all belief, despised and beaten. In spite of all this, I never saw a Jew with an angry face." George Sandys, son of the Archbishop of York in Travails. 1751-"As 4,000 persons arrive yearly besides as many Jews who come from all quarters of the world." Swedish traveler Frederick Hasselquist in Voyages and Travels in the Levant. 1860-First Jewish Quarter built outside the walls of Jerusalem. 1889-"Thirty thousand out of 40,000 people in Jerusalem are Jews . . . at present the Jews are coming here by the hundreds." The Pittsburgh Dispatch, July 15, 1889. The Native Americans never left America. Does that mean that they should get it all back? |
The problems we see today in the ME are problems created by the western governments, esp British, forced creation of a Jewish homeland. The U.S. usually backs Israel because there are a lot of Jewish people in this country with money, and money buys influence with politicians. Oh, and they also vote. There you go. ![]() |