Topic: Does age matter?
Jhavez's photo
Fri 01/02/09 02:49 PM
For a serious relationship I could go 10 years in either direction. Just to play? They need to be legal. LOL

RacerMatt's photo
Fri 01/02/09 02:50 PM
Age is only a number in relation to time. :wink:

papersmile's photo
Fri 01/02/09 02:52 PM

age only seems to matter to really young people

its all relative

I have 65 year old women that look at my profile and say "hubba hubba"

and I have 20 year old women look at my profile and say "eeeeeewwwwwwww"

and you have a 42-year-old woman who looks at your profile every day and thinks both 'hubba hubba' AND how lucky she is. smitten

fntsy6569's photo
Fri 01/02/09 03:01 PM
In my past 90% of the men I dated were older than myself by anywhere from a couple of years to 19 years older. My first husband 12 years older, second husband 14 years older. Once I start dating again I truly don't know what age I will be more attracted to, but I still love the security I felt in my marriages, which I believe comes with an older man. And just to stop some from thinking financial, that wasn't the case at all. I worked 2-3 jobs while my husbands also worked.

twofotey's photo
Fri 01/02/09 03:04 PM
When it comes to aging, the trick is to practice mind over matter. If you don't mind it wont matter.:laughing:

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 03:08 PM
The physical age doesn't matter but it's the mental age that does, but if the age difference is big at one point or another it will make a difference.

bohemianbugeater's photo
Fri 01/02/09 03:11 PM
Edited by bohemianbugeater on Fri 01/02/09 03:12 PM

Age seems to be a HUGE factor to a LOT of women on here!!!! They won't even accept email from people outside of a certain age range......

I'm outside of any age ranges I've seen on a profile yet. The system is easily defeated, although I don't do it......I look 10 years younger, and am on the "wavelength" of someone 16 years younger, but it doesn't seem to matter.

I've even seen those that say they are here for friendship ONLY....and are EMPHATIC about that.......but they restrict who can email them to a certain age range?????? What's up with that?????
and then theres meflowerforyou

thats ok bill...more for me! lol

completely smitten with both older men and younger men. ohwell HELPohwell ! attracted to the person and their "maturity" level....can they keep up with me on a serious note AND a note of fun or it something that will grow and evolve with us or will one of us:smile: leave the other behind at some pointfrown ?

chevylover1965's photo
Fri 01/02/09 03:13 PM

Age seems to be a HUGE factor to a LOT of women on here!!!! They won't even accept email from people outside of a certain age range......

I'm outside of any age ranges I've seen on a profile yet. The system is easily defeated, although I don't do it......I look 10 years younger, and am on the "wavelength" of someone 16 years younger, but it doesn't seem to matter.

I've even seen those that say they are here for friendship ONLY....and are EMPHATIC about that.......but they restrict who can email them to a certain age range?????? What's up with that?????
and then theres meflowerforyou

thats ok bill...more for me! lol

completely smitten with both older men and younger men. ohwell HELPohwell ! attracted to the person and their "maturity" level....can they keep up with me on a serious note AND a note of fun or it something that will grow and evolve with us or will one of us:smile: leave the other behind at some pointfrown ?
the real ? is can you keep up with some one like me ???????

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 03:14 PM
Ummmmmm....if she's under matters alot....LOL

my rule has always been, take my youngest childs age + 10.........

so noone under 34 for me.
Then Maturity determines the rest.

Kat_68's photo
Fri 01/02/09 03:39 PM
Edited by Kat_68 on Fri 01/02/09 03:40 PM

Yes, as mentioned it said "most" not all women think that way. Some younger women are attracted to older men, but I can say fairly confidently that most aren't.

you are correct there... my best friend likes men who are 10 or more yrs older than her... and it IS an attraction thing....

IMO... its not just an attraction thing. some of us here are looking for the elusive LTR...

If there is a large age difference, it is difficult to be on the same page (life stage wise) with someone much older or younger than you.

someone lots older has been there done that.... and someone lots younger is exited over things the will bore the older one to tears...

this IS NOT ALWAYS the case, but i have seen irritation in an older mans face at my too young suggestions, and been drivin crazy by a younger man's desire to do things new to him, yet old hat to me.

maybe i am judgemental... but its the way its happened for me...

I like to stick with a 10 yr range from 5 yrs younger to 5 older... that way we will be able to relate better.... i dont mean to offend anyone here. but this dating thing is hard and scary and can be heartbreaking. everyone needs all the advantages they can get.

Angelsing's photo
Fri 01/02/09 04:35 PM
The older I get, the more it matters.

Fade2Black's photo
Fri 01/02/09 04:57 PM

I have found few guys older than me so far, or even my age. Seems I keep attracting men in their early 40's, which I like. Older guys tend to act old sometimes. I know this is a blanket statement, but from my experience they just do.

Either that, or I'm hugely immature for my age!laugh

It's ok .. I'm immature too :banana:

My kids say I'll never grow up ohwell

Upshotguy's photo
Mon 03/09/09 04:33 PM

The older I get, the more it matters.

The older i get he more i like older weman.

Upshotguy's photo
Mon 03/09/09 05:02 PM

Are people lying about there age to go out with the age they want to date? I have seen profiles indicating an older age but there pictures shows them looking younger, would you date a person 20 years younger then you are or older then you are?

Ummmm I date guys 20 years younger than me all the time. On purpose. :wink:

Whay would you want to date a guy 20 yrs younger then you?

Upshotguy's photo
Mon 03/09/09 05:06 PM

Age seems to be a HUGE factor to a LOT of women on here!!!! They won't even accept email from people outside of a certain age range......

I'm outside of any age ranges I've seen on a profile yet. The system is easily defeated, although I don't do it......I look 10 years younger, and am on the "wavelength" of someone 16 years younger, but it doesn't seem to matter.

I've even seen those that say they are here for friendship ONLY....and are EMPHATIC about that.......but they restrict who can email them to a certain age range?????? What's up with that?????
and then theres meflowerforyou

thats ok bill...more for me! lol

completely smitten with both older men and younger men. ohwell HELPohwell ! attracted to the person and their "maturity" level....can they keep up with me on a serious note AND a note of fun or it something that will grow and evolve with us or will one of us:smile: leave the other behind at some pointfrown ?

what would you like me to keep up with you?

davidben1's photo
Mon 03/09/09 05:12 PM
pull back the shade, look into space, brain's match to like brain's, magnet's doing an energized dance, caught in a matching trance.

Adamal29's photo
Mon 03/09/09 09:35 PM
I find that women that are ten or more years older than me really like me for some reason. The problem is though, that I like younger women. I still feel like I am 20. Actually I don't look a whole lot different than when I was 20. But definitely most young women want a guy there same age or younger, until they turn about 25-26, then that starts to change. I would go for some of these older women, but the vast majority seem to let themselves go after about 30. Harsh statement I know, but thats just how I feel.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Mon 03/09/09 09:44 PM

Are people lying about there age to go out with the age they want to date? I have seen profiles indicating an older age but there pictures shows them looking younger, would you date a person 20 years younger then you are or older then you are?

I'm only 26. I'd date a gal five years either way but that's my limit I think. The gal I'm with is five years older & I must say, I'm liking it! :tongue:

Upshotguy's photo
Tue 03/10/09 05:47 PM

The older I get, the more it matters.

You are my kind of girl! Wanna chat?

ashinaustin's photo
Tue 03/10/09 06:22 PM
I am more physically attracted to men 10-15 years than me, but the maturity level does have a lot to do with it. I don't put a restriction on how "young" I go but typically don't date under 26, just how it has worked out the last few years. I like men that are taking care of their responsibilities, know who they are and where they are going. Most (definitely not all, but most) guys my age are still in college, mooching off of mom and dad and haven't quite figured out the 'real world' yet. Just my two cents! I love a man when he is just starting to gray mmmmm.....