Topic: Is God a Product of Evolution or Creation
deke's photo
Fri 01/02/09 08:38 AM
i'd like to say that any bones in the dirt doesn't prove anything but it lived and died. there is no acurate way to determine an age of anything

i refer to the book called THE RATE PROJECT (heavy reading but informative)not a religous book either

or i can refer to you the book BONES OF CONTENTION

deke's photo
Fri 01/02/09 08:41 AM

what does it matter if GOD created us why cann't we just be thankful for life

"Deke" ...thankful to who
GOD what or whoever that may be

which means it does matter aren't you contradicting yourself by saying that it doesn't matter
it matters greatly to me because that is what i put my faith in.don't see how you'd see what i wrote as a contridiction.

"deke" I called it a contradiction because first you are preaching to everyone that it shouldn't matter and now in the same breath you are preaching that it matter to you ... I mean don't you see the contradiction because it should be as clear as your computer screen ..unless you have a bad graphic card driver

also to base anything on faith is no different than gambling doesn't exist beyond the mind
i see how you derived at that but it was more of a statement rather than speaking of my faith

Krimsa's photo
Fri 01/02/09 08:45 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Fri 01/02/09 08:46 AM
Directed at Deke

If you have indeed read any of these texts, then you should be more than capable of offering us a synopsis as I have given you Deke. I will gladly read anything you have to offer and respond accordingly.

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 08:54 AM

i see how you derived at that but it was more of a statement rather than speaking of my faith

"deke" ...but wasn't it because of your faith why you made the statement ..which means you are once again contradicting yourself

deke I see you going to need a lot of practice before you can be a good christian forum missionary

Eljay's photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:09 AM

So then the phrase "Before God" has no meaning. If your third scanario is correct - then God just is. No "before" applies.

"Eljay" you keep making the same mistake as everyone else by equating Time with Existence ...Time only applies to consciousness ..for example ..why would someone in a coma or unconscious need a "Watch" to exist ...time started for God once God said "I Am" at that point of consciousness God cease being eternal

which means there were existence before God acheived consciousness which means something beyond God had to exist in order to create God's consciousness which means God is not the creator of everything

But now you are changing the acceptable premise of the attributes of God. "Before God" is a contradictory statement to the idea of the definition of God (as it were). If this is to be established as "fact" - then you no longer have a viable argument. Therefore you can establish no conclusions. This does not prove that God is not the creator of everything - since your premise is unacceptable.

Of course there is always the fourth option. That there is no God. You omitted that from the list of options.

that's because that fourth option should never be used in a debate

it's delusional to try and prove that something doesn't I leave it up to the claimer to prove that it does exist and if they can not provide sufficient evidence to prove existence, then I probably consider them as being delusional for making such a claim

But this doesn't negate the point as an option. Since the whole OP is based on opinion and unverifyable premises anyway - there is no argument for disclaiming it as a fourth option.

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:13 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Fri 01/02/09 09:14 AM

Its probably delusional to attempt to prove that something is delusional in a theological discussion also. :tongue:

a theological discussion is the practice of exchanging delusions

LOL...Ohhhhh!!!! this is the best one yet. Delusions???? hahahahahaha

Every man is born with an INSTINCT of God.

It's much more than a delusion... hahahaha

More to the point are people who want to change God's word & His will for some feel good phoney sort of something... that does nothing for them in the long run.

That is the only thing that is made up. hehehehe Silly...

Krimsa's photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:15 AM

Its probably delusional to attempt to prove that something is delusional in a theological discussion also. :tongue:

a theological discussion is the practice of exchanging delusions

LOL...Ohhhhh!!!! this is the best one yet. Delusions???? hahahahahaha

Every man is born with an INSTINCT of God.

It's much more than a delusion... hahahaha

Clearly not your interpretation of a "godhead" however. huh

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:23 AM

But this doesn't negate the point as an option. Since the whole OP is based on opinion and unverifyable premises anyway - there is no argument for disclaiming it as a fourth option.

"Eljay" since the debate is about what existed before God ...then whether God does or does not exist is not the issue ..

so that is why there is no need to include the fourth option that God doesn't exist ..because what would be the point of the debate would end before it begin

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:28 AM

LOL...Ohhhhh!!!! this is the best one yet. Delusions???? hahahahahaha

Every man is born with an INSTINCT of God.

It's much more than a delusion... hahahaha

More to the point are people who want to change God's word & His will for some feel good phoney sort of something... that does nothing for them in the long run.

That is the only thing that is made up. hehehehe Silly...

"Quikstepper" ...those with an instinct for God is no different than those that have an instinct in the tooth fairy ...since neither can prove either's called paraniod delusion

deke's photo
Fri 01/02/09 10:56 AM

i see how you derived at that but it was more of a statement rather than speaking of my faith

"deke" ...but wasn't it because of your faith why you made the statement ..which means you are once again contradicting yourself

deke I see you going to need a lot of practice before you can be a good christian forum missionary
i'm not on here trying to win souls for CHRIST.although i should be.i do it by giving my testamony.i was a womanzing drug addict who once thought if it feels good do it.through Christs
teachings i found peace and comfort with who i am and found forgiveness for all the things that i've done.serving GOD is not something that appeals to everyone just the word serving tends to push people away i used to be the same way.i like speaking to people personally rather than this.i type 20 words a min with 30 mistakes. this place actually strentghens me in my faith because i see the way peolple think because i used to be one of you

doesn't mean i'm perfect but it makes me feel good.

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 10:57 AM

i see how you derived at that but it was more of a statement rather than speaking of my faith

"deke" ...but wasn't it because of your faith why you made the statement ..which means you are once again contradicting yourself

deke I see you going to need a lot of practice before you can be a good christian forum missionary
i'm not on here trying to win souls for CHRIST.although i should be.i do it by giving my testamony.i was a womanzing drug addict who once thought if it feels good do it.through Christs
teachings i found peace and comfort with who i am and found forgiveness for all the things that i've done.serving GOD is not something that appeals to everyone just the word serving tends to push people away i used to be the same way.i like speaking to people personally rather than this.i type 20 words a min with 30 mistakes. this place actually strentghens me in my faith because i see the way peolple think because i used to be one of you

doesn't mean i'm perfect but it makes me feel good.

If it helps you live a better life then that is all that countsdrinker

deke's photo
Fri 01/02/09 11:08 AM

Directed at Deke

If you have indeed read any of these texts, then you should be more than capable of offering us a synopsis as I have given you Deke. I will gladly read anything you have to offer and respond accordingly.

put simply :THE RATE PROJECT
more than proves that any means we have to date an item doesn't work.from carbon dating to radio metric dating.if you like to know the specific reasons as to why please read's to much for me to type on here.

BONES OF CONTENTION:assessment of the human bones found that have been dated incorrectly or just plain lied about.another good book for this is ICONS OF EVOLUTION whinch pretty much has the same conclusions

may i add one more : IN THE BEGINNING. BY WALT BROWN. i found this book answered alot of questions

deke's photo
Fri 01/02/09 11:10 AM

i see how you derived at that but it was more of a statement rather than speaking of my faith

"deke" ...but wasn't it because of your faith why you made the statement ..which means you are once again contradicting yourself

deke I see you going to need a lot of practice before you can be a good christian forum missionary
i'm not on here trying to win souls for CHRIST.although i should be.i do it by giving my testamony.i was a womanzing drug addict who once thought if it feels good do it.through Christs
teachings i found peace and comfort with who i am and found forgiveness for all the things that i've done.serving GOD is not something that appeals to everyone just the word serving tends to push people away i used to be the same way.i like speaking to people personally rather than this.i type 20 words a min with 30 mistakes. this place actually strentghens me in my faith because i see the way peolple think because i used to be one of you

doesn't mean i'm perfect but it makes me feel good.

If it helps you live a better life then that is all that countsdrinker
thank you

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 11:10 AM

i'm not on here trying to win souls for CHRIST.

I also remember Christ saying that he was not here to change the laws of Moses ...which was actually his intentions

"deke"...I see you have been following the teachings of jesus ...a class in deception 101 perhaps

skypoetone's photo
Fri 01/02/09 11:18 AM

what does it matter if GOD created us why cann't we just be thankful for life

Your mother "created" you. You should send her a card or something. If shes not alive, you can still say thank you mom.

Higher intelligent beings will know the where and the why... given that our ancestors were probably aliens and ultimately their spirituality evolved before we existed. flowerforyou :)

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 11:18 AM

i see how you derived at that but it was more of a statement rather than speaking of my faith

"deke" ...but wasn't it because of your faith why you made the statement ..which means you are once again contradicting yourself

deke I see you going to need a lot of practice before you can be a good christian forum missionary
i'm not on here trying to win souls for CHRIST.although i should be.i do it by giving my testamony.i was a womanzing drug addict who once thought if it feels good do it.through Christs
teachings i found peace and comfort with who i am and found forgiveness for all the things that i've done.serving GOD is not something that appeals to everyone just the word serving tends to push people away i used to be the same way.i like speaking to people personally rather than this.i type 20 words a min with 30 mistakes. this place actually strentghens me in my faith because i see the way peolple think because i used to be one of you

doesn't mean i'm perfect but it makes me feel good.

If it helps you live a better life then that is all that countsdrinker
thank you

"deke" you probably thought the same thing when you were a womanizing drug addict

deke's photo
Fri 01/02/09 11:18 AM

i'm not on here trying to win souls for CHRIST.

I also remember Christ saying that he was not here to change the laws of Moses ...which was actually his intentions

"deke"...I see you have been following the teachings of jesus ...a class in deception 101 perhaps

he didn't say tho shalt not steal unless you love did he.i accept it for what it is and that is what i get from doesn't mean you have to get the same thing i do.i think your only decieving yourself if you think that CHRIST was here to change the law.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 01/02/09 11:21 AM

Directed at Deke

If you have indeed read any of these texts, then you should be more than capable of offering us a synopsis as I have given you Deke. I will gladly read anything you have to offer and respond accordingly.

put simply :THE RATE PROJECT
more than proves that any means we have to date an item doesn't work.from carbon dating to radio metric dating.if you like to know the specific reasons as to why please read's to much for me to type on here.

BONES OF CONTENTION:assessment of the human bones found that have been dated incorrectly or just plain lied about.another good book for this is ICONS OF EVOLUTION whinch pretty much has the same conclusions

may i add one more : IN THE BEGINNING. BY WALT BROWN. i found this book answered alot of questions

You should be capable of offering a brief synopsis (as I did). Otherwise you are simply stating the names of books. Anyone could do that. I am asking you to demonstrate critical thinking skills here. Thank you.

no photo
Fri 01/02/09 11:52 AM

i'm not on here trying to win souls for CHRIST.

I also remember Christ saying that he was not here to change the laws of Moses ...which was actually his intentions

"deke"...I see you have been following the teachings of jesus ...a class in deception 101 perhaps

he didn't say tho shalt not steal unless you love did he.i accept it for what it is and that is what i get from doesn't mean you have to get the same thing i do.i think your only decieving yourself if you think that CHRIST was here to change the law.

"deke" if Jesus wasn't here to change the laws of Moses and change the religion there wouldn't be a need for The New Testament ...

Krimsa's photo
Fri 01/02/09 04:34 PM

LOL...Ohhhhh!!!! this is the best one yet. Delusions???? hahahahahaha

Every man is born with an INSTINCT of God.

It's much more than a delusion... hahahaha

More to the point are people who want to change God's word & His will for some feel good phoney sort of something... that does nothing for them in the long run.

That is the only thing that is made up. hehehehe Silly...

"Quikstepper" ...those with an instinct for God is no different than those that have an instinct in the tooth fairy ...since neither can prove either's called paraniod delusion

I believe in the "Lint Fairy". Instead of a dollar for your front teeth he leaves you a pile of lint because he’s a cheap bastard.